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true lovers - Printable Version

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Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 11-17-2020

The tribe of Ma'atichi has existed for a very long time. Far away and not within reach of any groups that live within the lands of where most of the commotion happens. It is a group that flourishes with the land itself but also faces deep deep hardships that exist because of other tribes as well as the natural elements. They are also known to others as the Croc Tribe for various reasons that will be discussed later on in the other sections. They live within vast humid jungles and scorching deserts, nomadic in nature they often move with the herds of prey they chase down. Or when the land needs to replenish they will move to their next location. Primarily formed of cheetahs the tribe does not often let in other animals.
The tribe is nomadic. They moved with the seasons as well as they moved with their prey and when the land demanded it. They are a tight knit group fostering that the young should grow up ever ready for anything. Because their lands were hight worn torn and they faught with other tribes and even sometimes dragons they teach their young to fight and some to hunt/gather. Some became Warriors while some deviated to paths like that of the Farseer to learn to heal and meditation, to see what laid beyond. Celebrations and Rituals. The Wild Mane provided leadership and decision. Proceeding over First Hunts and Coming of Ages. Everyone had their role to fill and to keep everyone strong. Even Elders pitched in with watching the younger individuals to keep them out of trouble.

VERNACULAR - Because of their isolation from others besides other warring tribes they do not speak with the same tongue as others. Most Ma'atichi  tribe members speak in a third person tone. Referring to others as This one, or he, or she. As well as themselves in this manner. They will rarely use I or even you. Asking questions usually begins with a statement before asking the word yes or no to the end of it.
PIERCINGS - Piercings are important within her tribe as they are normally gained through milestone like achievements. Through their first successful hunt, their first victory in battle, becoming a warrior, marriage etc. The place where the piercing goes is usually up to the member to have more significance. These piercings are primarily made out of the bones of the creatures they killed.

WEAPONRY - While most of the tribe is taught from an early age to be able to fight with their natural weapons, there are those that learn how to craft from their bonesmith daggers and needles. These daggers are primarily crafted from the thigh bones of both enemies and prey animals a like with intricate patterns and designs.

COMING OF AGE - The coming of age is important, those ready will begin their first hunt and their trials. They will be blindfolded and led through the jungle before being released on their own. Ever watched they are to bring back either their first kill, or their first rare herbal plant. Or if they are feeling that Cipactli is with them they can challenge a crocodile to claim the skull and the flesh in her name.

PAINTS - Paints are important to the Ma'atichi tribe as they have varying meanings to them. Each color represents something to them. Some tribe members wear the paint during every day going ons. But red is only worn during war times and battles or by both the Farseer and the Wild Mane. Herbalist and leader respectfully.

RELIGION - In her culture her tribe worshipped a crocodile god name Cipactli,  some saw it as female, some saw it as male and some saw it as neither. She believes that the god/goddess is all but her siblings can believe whichever they choose to. With any kill that they make they leave a piece for Cipactli as worship and for their share. The god is seen as ever hungry, a monstrous being with many mouths, birther of all crocodiles and reptilian like beasts. Resembling power, viciousness, ferocity, bloodlust and savagery of the wilds. Protector of jungles and marshlands. Having the skull of a crocodile was seen as a blessing from the god for killing one was no easy feat and lives were easily lost to the massive water dwellers. Those sacrificed to Cipactli are seen to be forever doomed to the Void that exists in the deity's stomach. Darkness infinite.
This is for the adoption of two of Elsweyr's siblings to come to Tanglewood. To experience something different with her and expand their knowledge of other creatures from the norm that they knew.

1. I reserve the right to rehome these siblings should they fall inactive for more than two weeks.
2. They must stay in Tanglewood for at the minimum of 2 months before moving then somewhere else as I would like for them to continue their bond with their sister.
3. The choosing date is not set but I made be slightly quick to pick based on reading over forms.
4. Naming theme is tribal names, you can even choose names from Elder Scrolls and the Khajiit format if you wish.
5. Please be patient as I may take a bit to look these over.
6. If there are any questions please dm [member=47]rhosmari[/member]
Elswyer does not have any current relations to any animals within these lands. She is considered a second generation character though from her mother and father who can be found in her tags.
There will only be two slots



Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 11-21-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 11-23-2020

text here

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 11-27-2020

Text here

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 12-05-2020

There is a group that dwells within the bellow of the mountains. Dangerous and hearty, they live by fire and earth. The Iron Forged believe that respect is given through strength and camaraderie. Since it's birth the group has been strongly made up of bears and large wild cats, they have kept to themselves and treat any outsiders and even those seeking to join their stone halls with great distrust and suspicion. Though they have come to realize that times are changing, that perhaps they need to come to the light and see the world on the outside of the mountain but they still retain their brazen views. Most animals will be welcomed but can they bare the challenges of the land and the dragons that claim the skies and earth. Fire and earth elementals are very plentiful here within the group.
creation credit: rhosmari, orion, axiom, astral, andy
A vast structure of wild and untamed mountain range that stretches from one sea to the other. It is vastly dangerous as the lands it heralds from are constantly being shaped and reshaped by three rather active volcanoes. Most dare not tread here as lava is certainly dangerous to be around.  The craggy peaks offer little in the way of viable prey and even green foliage. Sometimes one might find vultures, stray goats and other scavengers searching the desolate black rocks and molten magma for prey. To those that live here it is easy to see that something lives here, just beneath the surface.
      At the base of the largest mountain, the one that stands proudly in the middle, is a large and imposing iron gate. For the most part these iron gates are almost indistinguishable from the mountain itself. Only when one is up close to it can they see the intricate design of twin dragons coiled around one another. One manipulating fire and the other shaking the earth with jagged cracks at his feet. These gates normally remain shut for the protection of those that can not protect themselves. But anyone is allowed to come and go from the main entrance as they please.
      The entrance into the mountain is a glorious sight to behold as well as imposing. There are massive stone pillars that seemed to stretch up to hold the very ceiling. The chamber echoes with many pawsteps as those who are new and old enter their abode. Lining the walls as if watching each generation that comes and goes are statues of previous Dragon King's and when one leaves their visage will be carved from stone and added to the procession. This tells of their might, of how strong and sturdy the group is as they honor those that have come before them and show their respect for their ancestors no matter if they were great or terrible leaders. The past must never be forgotten.
      After the Hall of Kings comes what gives the impression of a sprawling city. Carved and shaped from the rock and stone itself the Sanctuary has three different floors, each with their own particular functions. The area is normally lit up with hanging lanterns that are attached to thick metal chains. These lanterns are refueled each day and dimmed at night to keep the cycle of day and night ever present when inside of the mountain. There are outside viewing windows but most Ironfolk tend to have a good sense of the day cycle. Each floor can be reached by large stone spiral stairs, equipped with thick railings so individuals do not fall off. The first floor is where much of the Ironclad live, their homes carved from the walls like how homes would be built on the outside. Most decorate them with furs they get from kills or even their kills of their enemies. Most are equipped with fireplaces in order to keep individuals warm. The second floor is where much of the high ranking members live, their homes fashioned to be a bit more elaborate and grand. And the third floor belongs to the Dragon King where he and his family live and often take audiences as well as where meetings are held between the high positions before news is given to the public.
    - WYRM PIT
      Resting on the first floor of the Sanctuary, in the middle, is a pit that goes deeper into the ground. This pit is often where disputes between the Ironfolk are figured out but it is also where blood sports can occur. Sometimes enemies are captured and thrown into the bloodstained Wyrm Pit for entertainment either against another captured individual or a dragon is released into the pit to devour them. They must put on a show so sometimes rickety equipment is often thrown down to them to give them some semblance of hope that they may survive.
      Located on the second floor of the Sanctuary the Forge is an imposing room that has been positioned at the back of the mountain. The platform shows it's majesty as spiraling stairs lead down into the bowels of the forgery. The Forge is powered by the very lava that spews forth from the caverns, a large lake of lava. It is here that much of their weapons are created and sharpened with the intent of being used for battles and for practice. Much of the Ironfolk are master craftsmen and know how to make their own weapons, often getting lessons from their parents about how to work the lava and the ore that they find.
      It is here that they house their weapons, located also on the first floor in the eastern zone the large room had been shaped with intricate carvings of fercious dragons on the walls. The room is decorated with hanging weapons that anyone could think of. Warhammers, axes, maces, swords, daggers, greatswords, arrows, morning stars, sledgehammers etc. All using iron, steel, obsidian, bronze, silver and other materials stored and ready for use should anyone be so foolish as to siege them.
      The storage is a hollowed out cave of a less than spectacular look. But it is more for use than to look pretty. Here is where much of their food is stored along with herbal provision and can be located on the first floor near the western size and through the throng of the Ironfolk. Although normally the Alchemist will keep herbs and other medicinal and poisonous thing in their place of residence it is here that back up is normally kept in case things can not be gotten so easily because of the weather and other such deterrents.
This is a place of desolation but also life as lava continues to spew forth from the ground in bubbling pools. It stretches from the base of the mountain till it hits the Thorn Jungle, it's opposite. The rough ground has started to grow what appears to be grass. Some birds venture here, to peck among the seeds that are helping life to grow here. But make no mistake that one wrong step could send one to a very painful burning death. Some lava pools appears as though they are solid ground until the surface is broken to reveal the burning bright molten rock. It is also here that a river of lava flows between the land from the main mountain, curving through the constantly being created land. Often times visitors need to be guided to the mountain sanctuary by one of the Ironfolk.
    Following the river of lava along it's path across the plains one will come to an steep drop off near the coastline. The river of lava drains into the ocean causing a rather volatile reaction when it meets the water. The molten rock bursts and steams heartily as it cools rapidly against the beating waves of the ocean, spaying up small bits of stone and rock constantly giving it it's names for the falls.
      These caverns are rather easy access and the entrance can be located just outside of the Iron Gate. It is often here where an apprentice and their teachers go to collect the materials and taught to make their first swords or daggers. Though obsidian is a brittle stone it does well for weaponary and can be molded accordingly. These caverns are black as midnight and filled with the material from lava that had long since rapidly cooled.
Stretching and reach towards the sky, towering over even the largest trees in existence, the Thorn Jungle is comprised of trees such as birches, oaks, and maples, a temperate forest. It is the first thing that most see when approaching the Iron Forged border. Sometimes the lush jungle can give quite the wrong impression when it comes to the group as a whole. But what makes it astounding is the size and growth of these trees as well as the massive thorn wielding branches and vines that accompany them. It is a place of great fauna and herbal foliage if one is careful enough. Such large thorns are not that much of a danger to smaller creatures who can very easily weave in and out of them. It is also here that many dragons have made their home under the watchful gaze of the Wyvern Obelisk. Rivers run together here, crisscrossing over the land before draining into the nearby oceans.
      In the middle of the thorn jungle is an oasis type area, seemingly untouched by the harshness of the land itself. Lush trees and vegetation seem to thrive here all year long and in the middle of this is a pool of water. It is dyed a bronze coloration, light reflecting off of it and giving it an almost metallic look. It is here that a large stone structure seems to be rising from the waters, wings outstretched and ink black in color. It resembles the visage of a wyvern but crudely carved with broken and jagged ends. The structure seems to possess a calming effect on the mind for both sentient and feral beast alike, allowing bonds to be formed and created.
      Located on the western size of the Thorn Jungle where it meets the sea, the nesting grounds is a place that most Ironfolk know to tread with care. This place is a massive cove where fishing is a great resource of food for the dragons that come here to nest during the spring and fall seasons. It is a sight to see the gathering of dragons here as they bring in their new fledglings even some with their companions at their side. Some dragons nest on the sandy beaches while others tend to enjoy nesting in the craggy walls or leaning trees.
In the eastern half of the Thorn Jungle because of the constant churning of lava underneath the surface of the crust there is a place where the pressure if often released. It is here that hot springs can be found, a really nice place for the Ironfolk to go and take bathes or soak their troubles away. Most like to gather here for fun and games, to talk and greet one another after the day of work is over. But beware as well as there are several geyser that are also located here and that is where the pressure is released. Large pillars of heated water shooting many feet into the air and the resulting mist can create rainbows within the sky. When the geysers are docile the water is shockingly clear and has a strange rainbow effect at the bottom of the water.
The war drums are two very massive drums on each side of the Sanctuary. They were crafted from elephant hide stretched across these hollow instruments. Because of their massive size their sound can travel for miles. These drums are only used when it is a time for war, when a raid is about to be launched to boast the excitement and morale of the army. When one hears these deep baritone sounds at the edged of the Iron Forged territory they better run.

These swords are crafted and only given to those promoted. Each rank has a specialized mineral or gem that is used to create a fine blade by way of the Forge. The ceremony is not elaborate but the meaning behind it goes beyond words. These swords are just as sharp any sword that is crafted and can be used as powerful weapons. But some may also hang them up for decoration or continue to carry them down the line as family heirlooms.

Dragons are abundant within the territory of the Iron Forged. They are a protected species and seen as sacred and powerful beings. It is a crime to kill these beasts unless they are from an enemy group and threatens the Iron Forged. The Dragon Tamer Rite can be done at any time. An ironclad can choose to attempt to befriend and seek a mutual companionship with a wyvern, wyrm, drake, western, or eastern dragon. It is a trial by fire as none really know how these dragons pick and choose their companions. Some are massive in size while others are smaller than a paw. The lustrous creatures accompany their companions into battle as well as mounts to carry mineral loads. The chose place is to meditate near the Wyvern Obelisk.

The hunt is begun with the call of the Dragonhorn, a sacred large twisted but hollowed out instrument made from the First Dragon. It signifies the time to begin their ruthless conquering. Every other month a Hunt is called and for up to three weeks a group is pinpointed and is the focal point of their pillaging, thievery, ransacking, and destructing.

On the day of the longest year is when the longest night is held. Called so because it is always held on the longest night of the year. This is the night where both old and young are gathered together in the Sanctuary and a large fire from the lava pits is created. Here they think about everything that they have gone through during the year, good and bad. All those that they have lost and those they have gained. It is a time for celebration to bring in the new year and to continue their strides forward with music and song and feasting. Normally held on the Winter Solstice.
Even though the Ironfolk are a warbound group by nature it is not a lawless land. There are rules that need to be followed. Guidelines so to speak to keep the group from falling into chaos.

-- The Dragon King's word is absolute and there is no room for error. Any violation if the law will be met with strict punishment from the Dragon or his Stonebreaker.
-- Any type of murder or torture is allowed. The group does not morally care about the feelings of others. They live as they see fit and so shall the Ironfolk.
-- The Ironfolk do not often seek out beneficial relationships but that does not mean it can not happen. They seek a showing of strength in assurance of an alliance.
-- Dragons, even the smallest, are never to be killed by an Ironfolk unless the beast is traitorous and from an outside source not residing in their territory.
-- Any fights or disputes will be settled within the Wyrm Pit and the Dragon King will decide a victor.
The Iron Forged is a strong and ruthlessly warbound group. They pride themselves on their savagery upon the battlefield and thus they also measure other's by their strength. If they don't see that a group measures up to their own or if a group has the audacity to think themselves higher or better than they are then the Ironfolk will deem them nothing but the maggots that they are. They have no issues with greeting and meeting other's in a sort of peace but they will not halt attacks until some treaty comes about.

Allies Currently none
Neutrals Currently none
Enemies Everyone not listed
DRAGON KING - The one and true ruler in the Mountains. The Dragon King is as ruthless to his enemies as he is kind and generous to his own people. The King stands above all and is the sole one who leads. They are often responsible for the well being of the group, providing meetings and promotions/demotions as well as helping to form raiding parties and special ceremonies that may occur when needed. Through their hard work they have achieved the respect that is necessary to lead and their prowess in combat is unrivaled. The Dragon's rule is law.
BRYMSTONE roleplayed by rhosmari

STONEBREAKER - Considered the deputy in all certain terms they are and will always be the Dragon's right hand. With the means to do what the Dragon does should they not be present. They are the pillar that holds up the united front of the Ironfolk, able to call forth meetings with the Steelclaws, lead raids as well as suggest promotions and demotions and hold events. They keep things flowing within their molten home and will step up to be the next Dragon King when the time arises.

STEELCLAWS - Equivalent to what is considered the assistant deputies. They are law enforcement and they look to make sure that peace is kept within the mountains. They also are allowed to hand out jobs and to make sure that the borders are patrolled and hunting parties are sent out. Food storages must be kept up as they have a harder time with keeping these supplies because of the nature of their territory. Those given this rank have proved that they are capable and adaptive members of the Ironfolk.

ALCHEMIST - Ever crafty and with a keen mind for things that others can not seem to understand. The alchemist dances with life and death. Considered the wielder of both they have intensive knowledge of both life saving herbs and concoctions as well as those that can steal it away just as quickly. They tend to the wounded and are even sometimes dispatched to deal an underhanded blow through poisonous assassination.

FIRESPOUT - Those that are training to become Alchemists. Showing that their mind is fit to hold all the knowledge that is to come with training under one that is as crafty as them. They are willing and can be young or old, deemed rather respected as well for their new endeavors which maybe a dangerous journey all on it's own.

IRON GUARD - A stepping stone rank that allows one of the clad to move forth into the guard. They are seen as more competent, having a grasp on their fighting skills to specialize it. They are often seen as promising for their skill as well as those that have been noticed by the King for their constant work and dedication. Often these animals are used as guards for visitations to other places as well as to help their younger individuals train for when they become part of the clad.

IRONCLAD - Those that make up the general populous of the Iron Forged. They are hardworking individuals who know their way around the lands that they live in. Focusing on their kinship with one another as well as their fighting and craftmanship of weapons from a variety of substances that they often mine within the underground mines. They are a fearsome folk who shouldn't be trifled with.

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 12-09-2020


Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 12-15-2020

text here
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 01-01-2021

- warmonger
- guildedthrone
- vivian
- viktorya
- dovah
- babybreath
- stainedglass
- sevenswords
- barrenwaste
- redvelvet
- whitesatin
- chardonnay
- lingerie
- heartstopper
- chasity

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 01-05-2021

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet. Erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at. Ut tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse. "Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut placerat orci. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo. Facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus." Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut. Morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas. Nibh tortor id aliquet lectus proin. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in. Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in.

Viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus. Non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam. Sit amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim. Ornare massa eget egestas purus viverra. Elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas. Tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor. Augue mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum et. Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin. Donec adipiscing tristique risus nec feugiat in fermentum posuere. Dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae. Ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in. "Fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque." Phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate. Sem viverra aliquet eget sit amet. Ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est lorem. Proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra.

Re: true lovers - rhosmari - 01-08-2021

Text here