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Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - Printable Version

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Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

i should have gone myself, this is on me.

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

— TEXT HERE - title
TEXT HERE - info
code by spacexual

[div style="background-color: #6974ED;font-family: fontname;font-size: 20px;color: #hexcode;line-height: 100%;text-align: justify;margin-top:15px;"]— TEXT HERE - title
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: fontname;font-size: 14px;color: #hexcode;line-height: 100%;text-align: justify;"]TEXT HERE - info[/div][/div]

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

Elysium is located in a mountainous region that often experiences cold temperatures, although they do have all four seasons despite this.  Winter tends to be a bit longer and more harsh and extreme conditions may occur in spring when all the snow begins to melt.  Their summers are relatively mild and fall is rather short.  Their land is incredibly fertile and lush, as they aren't so high up on the mountain that they're near the permanently snow-covered peaks (although more adventurous members may venture there if they choose to do so).  All primary locations are connected via a suspended scaffolding pulley system that helps members travel through the mountainous region quickly without having to actually climb the rough landscape.
The Peak  A winding staircase leads all the way from the town up the mountains to the highest point in all of Sunhaven's territory, the only mountain to ever be capped with snow: the peak.  Here, where they are closest to the sun, is a pyre where ceremonial burnings are held so that the smoke may reach the heavens.

The Orchard  Deep within the mountains is an abandoned orchard, whose buildings are decrepit and overgrown but whose array of fruit-bearing trees continue to grow produce each year.  Additionally, its nearby fields grow berries and flowers (see the Flower Fields).

The Flower Fields
Nestled beside the Orchard is a large field of wildflowers that grow in the early spring, ending midsummer.  Coming here is the perfect place for new couples to hold dates or gather bouquets for each other in secret.  Games of tag and hide-and-seek can be held between children in the expanse of flowers.  It's also the perfect place for aspiring artists to be inspired.

The Starpool
A familiar landmark for those who resided in Ascendants prior to Elysium's formation.  Between the flower fields and the ruins of the observatory there is a large, unusually clear lake.  Fairly shallow, the deepest area about seven feet deep, the water is dotted with sandbanks and small grassy islands.  This lake is perfect for swimming, and fishing on the sandbanks is popular.  One of the grassy islands is popular for the ancient oak that's perched on it.  Where the lake gets its source of water is unknown- but it's believed that it's fed by an underground spring and river.  The water's surface reflects the night sky almost perfectly, hence its name

The Fjord 
Flowing in from the sea is a river which cuts through the mountains to form a deep inlet of cliffs, creating a fjord.  Along this waterway is an overlook formed naturally by rocks, allowing Elysites to get a lay of the ravine below.

The Lake 
In the very heart of Elysium's mountains lies a lake into which the fjord flows, down over a waterfall.  Here the water is tranquil and serene considering the thinness of the waterfall, but it's deep enough to get non-swimmers in trouble should they decide to take a dip; the particularly brave of heart have even been known to cannonball off the cliffside above.
Elysium's central camp is located behind a myriad of tunnels in a mountain. These trails are confusing enough to ward off any unwanted outsiders but easy enough for new members to remember after traversing several times. Once you get past the tunnels, you'll reach the main camp, which is an open air area in the mountain. Here they've carved out small caves and shelters for themselves within the naturally occurring formations. There's one large cavern near the back of the camp, away from where members initially come out from the tunnels, where meetings and large events may be held or where temporary shelter may be taken in times of crisis.

Floating Sea Town
Now serving the primary base for community, the floating sea town is a wide array of little, buoyant houses and shops connected by a vast stretch of boardwalk.  The merchants' shops are located here and most large social events, such as festivals, are held here.
Where the mountains meet the sea lies the beach.  Here there are many caves and coves, rife with mystery for the curious explorer.  Landmarks on the beach include the warship, the greenhouse, and the grotto.

The Warship 
Just beyond the pier is a beached warship.  The vessel is somewhat sunken, with one end submerged below the water, but most of the interior is still accessible.  Some sections are rusted and the ship itself no longer functions.  This used to serve as the headquarters for the warfare guild of Sunhaven.

The Greenhouse 
Situated on the beach but still a safe distance from the shore to not be washed away is the greenhouse.  Inside there are raised beds, pots, and hanging plants aplenty.  Many are herbs or other useful plants, but others just exist to look pretty.  In the back is a small closet filled with gardening supplies, and attached at the ocean is a floating gardenThis used to serve as the headquarters for the medicine guild of Sunhaven.

The Grotto 
At one of the furthest edges of the beach along the tree-line lies a natural grotto with multiple openings to a pool below.  It's not a long drop and much of the water below is shallow, but smaller members be warned that it can prove difficult to escape!
code by spacexual

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

Elysium is a balance-orientated community with a firm beliefs in justice. To be a true member, you must promise to protect this community with all of your strength, to trust your fellow members enough to ask for help when necessary, and, most importantly, to never forget yourself and your well-being while still contributing to Elysium to the best of your ability. Do you swear to uphold the values of both community and justice in equal portions? If so, welcome to Elysium.

I. Introduction [ you are here ]
II. Territory + Landmarks
III. Ranks + politics
IV. Titles + Traditions
code by spacexual

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

Astral Seraph
The Astral Seraph is Elysium's leader.  This means that they announce all new alliances or declarations of war, raids, and trainings, as well as announce all titles, hold events, and help regulate the merchant and shop system.  They also grant newcomers permission to stay on Elysium's territory before they officially join. They wear a cloak to protect against the cold clasped by a sun and moon shaped broach, cast in gold.
    → Hani and Alani, played by RexAraneo 

Ecliptic Admiral
The Ecliptic Admiral is Elysium's deputy-equivalent, the Astral Seraph's second in command and closest adviser.  While they oversee all aspects of Elysium, they may not declare new alliances, or war. They can also welcome newcomers onto the territory. If something happens to the Astral Seraph, they step up in their place. They wear a cloak to protect against the cold clasped by a moon and sun shaped broach, cast in silver.
    → TBA, played by TBA

The Moonray is the head of one of the two guilds that make up Elysium, Selene's Healers. The Moonray acts as the primary healer of the group, as well as acting as the diplomats in internal affairs, and settling arguments within the group. They oversee the training and organization of Selene's Healers. They wear a cloak to protect against the cold clasped by a moonshaped broach, cast in gold.
    → TBA, played by TBA

The Sunbearer is the head of one of the two guilds that make up Elysium, Helios' Guards. The Sunbear acts as the general of the group's fighting force, as well as acting as maintaining alliances, and being on the frontline in case of war. They oversee the training and organization of Helios' Guards. They wear a cloak to protect against the cold clasped by a sunshaped broach, cast in gold.
    → TBA, played by TBA

Dwarf Stars
These are normal members of Elysium that have been accepted as official members through their first meeting and choose between one of the two guilds. They may hold events with the permission of the leader, start their own shops, and visit allies. A singular member is a Dwarf Star.

These are the trainees of the group, working under the dwarf stars of their chosen guild.

These are the children of the group, any member below 6 months old.

These are members that have been accepted past Elysium's border, but have not been sworn in yet as full members.

These are individuals either awaiting trial by the Astral Seraph or have been sentenced to prison time. They are held beneath the observatory.

Elysium is a neutral group and makes allies and enemies not based on their own political stance, but instead on their interactions with them.  However, they also have a strong sense of justice and morality so it's much harder for them to side with clans that do not fit those standards of justice. The primary way Elysium interacts with their allies and neutrals is through their ambassador and shop systems.

allies: none
neutrals: anyone not listed
enemies: none
code by spacexual

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

[color=#F3F6F6]Helios' Guards
Helios' Guards are the fighters and the protectors, those dedicated to keeping the Elysium safe and prepared for anything. Lead by the Sunbearer, they spend many hours training in combat tactics, as well as patroling the border. This is not the only thing they do, though. They are in charge of maintaining the shop systems as well as hosting events with their allies and neighbors. As the guilds are recent additions, their duties are still basic. All members wear a cloak to protect against the cold clasped by a sunshaped broach, cast in silver.

Selene's Healers
Selene's Healers are the healers and the diplomats, dedicated to maintaining balance and order within the Elysium, as well as keeping up morale. Lead by the Moonray, every member has some level of knowledge on healing, some specializing in more therapeutic routes. As well as this, they often host events and parties within the group, sometimes going as far as to prepare feasts. As the guilds are recent additions, their duties are still basic. All members wear a cloak to protect against the cold clasped by a moonshaped broach, cast in silver.
Protectors - (Earns Title: "Protector of Elysium")
Skilled combatants, war-like, active training and battle participants.  These members may be short-tempered and quicker to pick a fight with their fists rather than their words, but they might also just be highly skilled in battle.  Alternatively, these members have shown to be great protectors and defendants of their family and of Elysium, either through physical combat, or other means.  They do everything in their power to ensure the safety of others. This title earns a red bead.

Guides - (Earns Title: "Guide of Elysium")
Socialites and greeters.  These members are quick to greet all newcomers, show them around, and are friendly and welcoming from the get-go, often found socializing with others.  They are not only rather social internally, but they like to visit allies and get involved with joint events.  This title earns a yellow bead.

Advisor - (Earns Title: "Advisor of Elysium")
Clever analytics and strategists.  These members are smart, but not just smart -- they are schemers who always have a plan, track details, and like to be prepared.  In addition to their wits, their insight and advice is well respected and heeded.  This title earns a blue bead.

Cleric - (Earns Title: "Caretaker of Elysium")
These members have a working knowledge of healing and medicine, and can help in the middle of battle or crisis.  They are always willing to help their clanmates with medical issues, and have shown to be trustworthy in difficult situations.  This title earns a green bead.

Historian - (Earns Title: "Historian of Elysium")
Bookworms, intellects, historians.  These members are smart in the bookish sense, coming equipped with their libraries, notes, and interest in history or other sorts of Humanities.  Not only do they have a love of bookish knowledge, but they perhaps have also shown an interest in keeping and maintaining Elysium history alive and well through culture, ceremony participation, and more.  This title earns a white bead.
One of the most important traditions in Elysium is the use of necklaces to represent what titles have been earned.  Each necklace has a special, engraved bead specific to the character, and then also holds the beads that represent their respective titles.

Shop System
This is yet another important aspect of Elysium's culture.  Members can create their own shops creating and selling various items on the floating sea town.  They can also go and purchase things from other shops.  The main goal of this merchant system, however, is to visit neutrals and allies in order to not only have their wares purchased, but also to gather supplies that Elysium may need or want from other territories.  This is also another way that Elysium connects to other groups. This particular tradition is primarily guided by the Ecliptic Admiral.

Stellar Collision Festival
This is a festival that occurs every year during the month of February to celebrate when Ascendants and Sun Haven came together to become Elysium.  There are a variety of events and all allies and neutrals are invited to come and celebrate the new bond made between the two groups, now formed to one. It's generally about a week-long celebration.
code by spacexual

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

F U L L  N A M E
[color=#hexcode]    Name Meaning — Info info info
Age — Info info info
Group — Info info info
    Rank — Info info info
Gender — Info info info
Sex —Info info info

Current Apprentice —Info info info
    Past Apprentice —Info info info
Mentor/Past Mentor — Info info info[/color]
[color=#hexcode]INTP-Thing The Title — trait. trait. trait. trait. trait.
Behaviors — trait. trait. trait. trait. trait.
Description — muse about their personality here
[color=#hexcode]PRIMARY BODY ref.
Species — Info info info
Breed — Info info info
Build — Info info info
Fur — Color Info info info
    Fur Length — Info info info
    Fur Type — Info info info
    Eye Color — Info info info
Scars — Info info info
    Ailments — Info info info
    Accesories — Info info info[/color]
[color=#hexcode]Maternal Grandparents MotherName's Side
    Grandmother — Info info info
    Grandfather — Info info info
Paternal Grandparents FatherName's Side
    Grandmother — Info info info
    Grandfather — Info info info

Mother — Info info info
Father — Info info info
Brother(s) — Info info info
Sister(s) — Info info info

Children — Info info info[/color]
[color=#hexcode]Partner Info info info
    Past Partners — Info info info
Sexual Orientation — Info info info
    Romantic Orientation — Info info info
Looking For — Info info info
    Preferable Traits — Info info info

Friends — Info info info
Enemies — Info info info[/color]
[color=#hexcode]Hobbies — info info info
Music — info info info
Powers — info info info
Future Plots  — info info info[/color]
code by spacexual

[div style="background-color: #hexcode;font-family: fontname;font-size: 20px;color: #hexcode;line-height: 100%;text-align: justify;margin-top:15px;"]— TEXT HERE - title
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: fontname;font-size: 14px;color: #F3F6F6;line-height: 100%;text-align: justify;"][color=#hexcode]TEXT HERE - info[/color][/div][/div]

[b]PRIMARY BODY[/b] [url]ref.[/url]
[i][b]Species[/b][/i] — Info info info
[i][b]Breed[/b][/i] — Info info info
[i][b]Build[/b][/i] — Info info info
[i][b]Fur[/b][/i] — Color Info info info
     [b][i]Fur Length[/i][/b] — Info info info
     [b][i]Fur Type[/i][/b] — Info info info
     [b][i]Eye Color[/i][/b] — Info info info
[i][b]Scars[/b][/i] — Info info info
     [i][b]Ailments[/b][/i] — Info info info
     [i][b]Accesories[/b][/i] — Info info info


Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

[div style="background: ; font-family: arial;"]percy - he/him - characters - the middlest brother

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 09-22-2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur."

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 625px; height: auto; text-align: justify;"][div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 100%, 100% 0); shape-outside: polygon(0 0, 100% 100%, 100% 0); margin-left: 5px;"][/div][div style="margin: auto; background-color: #EEEEDC; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: #0F1145; padding: 5%; line-height: 17px; min-height: 300px;"] TEXTHERE.[/div][/div]