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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - hushsound. - 11-05-2019

SHIT. The cuss exploded through Hush's mind as soon as Noa dodged his attack, but at the very least it seemed as though his blade had nicked the Pittian, the fur over their neck and shoulder being stained red with the blood that dripped out of the shallow wound. He felt a grin spread over his face around his sword, but then Noa bolted forward at him, their equally sized forms clashing together in a tangle of limbs. A yowl left the feline as his sword went clattering to the side, and hissed angrily as he thrashed, "Bastard!" His voice was rough and furious, his throat scratched up and rusty from disuse. Still, it didn't stop him from fighting back, even with his blade several feet away. Snarling angrily, the golden tabby yanked his legs back, slamming his feet with their claws out into Noa's stomach, hoping to get them off of him. If he succeeded, he would launch himself forward to dig his teeth into their cheek, his front paws flailing as he tried to hook his claws into the wound he had already inflicted and tear it open further.

Attacking: [member=7727]N O A .[/member]
Stamina: 80%
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - selby roux ! - 11-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The sight of flashing, gnashing teeth was never a pleasant one, especially not on an enemy. He made an attempt to wriggle away from his attacker, but the Pittian was too strong and the teeth fastened hard and fast into the meat of his shoulder. Don’t struggle, it’ll make it messier. He couldn’t stop the yelp of pain that escaped him involuntarily as the teeth took a chunk out of him.

The yelp turned to a coarse yell as fire was added to the mix, the pain excruciating compared to before. He started to thrash a little, but the searing pain in his shoulder but a significant damper on his efforts. Even after he stopped yelling, he was breathing hard and fast, unsure of what he could do to free himself.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - trojan g. - 11-05-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Anger bubbled within Roman, mad at the fact that the feline below him was doing nothing to fight back any longer, simply sitting there after the yelp left his maw. Why would he come here, a place of battle with the group that was attacking and simply not attack? It was frustrating, and pathetic and weak. Words swirled within Roman's mind as he heard the heavy breathing of Selby, and as he became more angry with what was going on, the earth below the male began to fell odd and frozen spikes made of earth and ice began to slowly rise from the ground underneath Selby where he was pinned down, in an attempt to spike their way through his skin and tear into him.

Roman did not like fighting. It was fact. But Trojan did, and with the adrenaline and the battle raging on around them, Trojan was starting to rear his head.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - DELILAH. - 11-06-2019

"The Gods have forsaken us."
"Oh shit, oh shit-"

The high pitched squeaks of Lilith's voice rang out as the woman raced after the noises of war. Of pain, misery- her head pounded with emotions, Delilah's inward call for help to her making her head ache. Of course, the dragoness wasn't big- merely four feet tall and five feet long in length. What she lacked in size she made up for in wits.

The Pitt had wronged her. Even if it was Stryker at the time, the others were just as guilty. They kidnapped the ones she loved. They hurt them.

He was hurting him. He was hurting Selby.

The sight had Delilah scratching up to the surface, only to be shoved down by the demoness that possessed her.

"Hey, douchebag! Duck!" Came the loud, shrill laugh from the woman as she flicked her tail, activating her earth elemental and sending a pile of hard dirt and rocks towards [member=5538]romanempire[/member]  in an attempt to get him off of [member=2072]selby roux ![/member]. Tanglewood's previous medic wasn't exactly happy that the male had targetted their current Sawbone, but she supposed she could show him some mercy.


Large wings began to expand, the dragoness trying to appear bigger, much larger. Teeth bared, loud, vicious snarls leaving her jaws. A warning.

//Physically hard in long-distance battles, medium in physical fights. She's open to minor injuries and pretty bad scars.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - beatae - 11-06-2019

it basked in its success with a glorious laugh, getting ready to rear up its forepaws to slash its claws over hush's face when its stomach suddenly lurched. the force of the impact from the tabby's kick send noa breathless, tipping it back several inches away with a gasp. before the mutant could even react, the cat was on it once more.

this felt all too familiar... the cuts from jervis' attack reopened, stinging furiously. noa felt a searing pain in its neck as hush clawed into it. it screamed, wriggling beneath the pirate. their eyes searched wildly, realizing they couldn't do this alone.

their eyes landed on... no one other than romanempire. dealing with his own ordeal of attack. it couldn't find kydobi in the string of bodies surrounding them... it could barely breathe through the pain.

"ROMAN!" noa shouted, squirming underneath hush and trying to swipe at his face.

template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Crackers - 11-07-2019

Ooc- I'm super sick but I will be replying later this afternoon with fourth/glitch

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - selby roux ! - 11-07-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The burn screamed in agony, stealing his attention away from everything else. The fiery ache of it was hard to turn his back on. His attempts to break away had slowed significantly. Keep it clean, keep it neat. It’ll heal faster. The mantra flashed through his head, though the thoughts were far from comforting.

And then, there were icy cold pinpricks on his back, pushing up and into him. They kept going after they had pierced his flesh, and panic gripped him once more. It hurt, and the pain seemed to grow exponentially the further they grew into his back. Not clean. Not clean. Not clean. Finding his words again, he gritted out through the chill: “Sto-op! I’m a med-medic. Didn’t come... come to fight.” And then- a chance. A yell, and Roman’s attention was off him.

He took his chance, tearing himself away from the spikes (shredding himself up more in the process) and hobbling away as quickly as he could manage it. His bag lay forgotten in the cleft he’d been cornered in.

// out

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - trojan g. - 11-07-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Further, further, kill him. Words echoed in Roman's mind as Trojan grew stronger and stronger, powers beginning to gain traction and control, and then Selby spoke, and it all shattered. Roman became outraged at himself and stole complete control from Trojan, and his ears pinned to the back of his head. He's a medic? He's here simply to watch and heal, and not to fight? Why didn't Roman see that earlier? Why didn't he recognize the bag at the feline's side and the heavy stench of herbs clouding him? He didn't have much time to think about it, for soon enough he hears his groupmate's call, and he heard the sound of Delilah yelling for him to duck - something he would not have given someone warning for - and in front of Roman a large wall of water shot out in front of him, in an attempt to shield himself from the rocks and dirt that came his way. Though it blocked some of them, it wasn't all, and he was showered in rocks - and now mud - just enough for him to regain movement, and run.

He was ashamed, and he was scared, and he no longer wanted to be here, for the fear of Trojan gaining full control in this fight. So he ran away, deciding that he needed to go somewhere else, somewhere out of the Pitt. Once again, Roman was running away from his troubles instead of facing them head-on.


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - hushsound. - 11-07-2019

Hush couldn't help the grin that spread over his face as he landed the attack on Noa, blood splattering over his paws and claws and flicking against his chest. However, his goal in coming to this battle had not been to kill anybody. The pirate wasn't some rotten Pittian, he didn't just murder people he didn't like because they were on the opposite side from him. He watched the pain explode on Noa's face, and then he watched them struggle and wheeze, screaming for Roman as he dug his claws into their flesh. When they lashed out at his face, he snarled as he felt claws rake across his cheek. Yanking his head back and letting out a hiss of pain, the golden feline snarled and moved to lash his claws right across Noa's face, trying to hit them in the eyes. While Noa's attention was on Roman and whether he would help them, Hush darted out and grabbed his sword in his jaws, aiming to slam his sword into the ground beside Noa's head, he then spat, glancing over at Roman bolting from the battlefield, "Looks like nobody is coming to your aid... do you surrender? If you give up and run off this battlefield to protect the children, I won't kill you. I don't want to kill you." He meant his words, his sword beside Noa's head in a silent threat of death if they refused to surrender and run off.

Attacking: [member=7727]N O A .[/member]
Stamina: 70%
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Tanga - 11-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

He would be lectured for whatever reason. As if he was the one killing before commanded. That was fine, it was hard not to notice a man of his stature.

He was demanded he to step back from Goldie. A snort would be forced out as he obliged. Whatever.

Then the other tigress would appear and he would smirk. Ears perking at his “treat”

“I bet she’d be quite delicious sweetheart.”, he cooed as he happily obeyed. A big smile was on his maw when it all broke loose. He wanted that damn jaguar to just shut up already. There was nothing the idiot could say to convince this force otherwise.

What did he expect? Them to nod okay and walk away? He was a greater fool than Kanga had initially thought.

Eyes would linger on the jaguar when it all happened. Him greedily watching the ebony cat take on the lion and undeniably have his ass handed to him. The Goliath had wanted to join in and help the winged lion but he saw the fire at play and decided he would rather not get burned. Besides, the jaguar would flee to attack a lioness. A coward.

“A slippery bastard”, he would mutter under his breath.

He would walk around. Tail whipping as his tongue bounced, drool dripping in battle hunger. So much blood, he wanted to join in.

Suddenly a NPC Pittian would be running from one of his comrades. A dark look took over as he chased, laughing at the coyotes terror. There was no chance the smaller canine could escape him. He slapped their hind leg, tripping them over. Elation filled him as they stumbled and tripped over their paws.

Immediately he was on them, mauling and clawing the poor creature. His cowardly companions wouldn’t save his hide. And as the dog begged for their life, that they surrendered, he ignored. Many of the folks on the tigers side had morals to stop them. “Don’t want to be like the pittians” they would claim. But Kanga didn’t give to shits. The dog would cry out again begging and it annoyed him.

He said nothing as he forced all his weight down, immobilizing the Pittian before clenching his powerful jaws around their throat, blood flooding his mouth. A wonderful feeling as he tasted it. Been so long since he hunted.

A bubbly choked cry would be all their last words. The tiger didn’t let go until he felt them go limp. He would raise his head, smeared in crimson and a coppery scent. Who was next?

Blood stained his white maw. It was good.

Eyes would hop from person to person. All engaged. He had half a mind to join in. But he wanted someone for all himself, to kill, to harm, and to dominate.

He looked for Kydobi, but he couldn’t find them in the midst of it all. Anger was bubbling, he just wanted to kill!
