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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-03-2019

The long sleek Walnut Lioness had been watching from afar. She had woken in the sand warm and clumsy. Her fore and hind paws felt strange to her. having gotten accustomed to her new form she had wandered and eventually come across the tensions rising between two factions. She had recognised her sibling across the large soon to be battlefield from her and watched the tensions continue to rise.

Her eyes had watched Jervis join the tensions, the one that she truly wanted dead of all the people here. Hearing his cry for the pittians to attack she had used the distraction to attempt to rush into the fray to get to him. Her view of the fox was lost in the confusion of battle but her eyes quickly saw Kydobi being attacked before two NPC's obstructed her view as they clashed once more. Racing to Kydobi She launched herself at [member=6881]aurum.[/member]  s  side, attempting to rake her claws against their hide and dig her teeth into their shoulder before backing off to be at a 90 degree angle from Kydobi

"Where is Jervis Kydobi"She growled out at him, ready to once more launch herself at Aurum if needed or to sprint away to where [member=4490]Kydobi[/member] told her.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 11-03-2019

Aine. Although Aurum had never met the young fox personally, he knew of her, having heard about her and what she looked like from back when he was dating Draekon. Drae had been quite willing to talk about his clanmates back then, even if the mostly feral Pittian had only been able to describe others in very, very short and brief sentences. Still, before Draekon had abandoned both Aurum and the Pitt, he had told the guardsman about Aine. The lion had been quite pleased with himself, having been able to get the jaguar onto his back and get at his belly. Sure, it wasn't the most honorable way to knock the Pittian over, whacking him while he was struggling with his super senses, but Aurum found that he didn't give much a shit – after all, Pittians hadn't been honorable when they had captured Sam and Beck, or when they had taken Red during the rescue raid, or when that goddamn bastard Jervis had killed Pastel. Just the thought filled him with rage, and his mouth filled with flames. Just as he was about to clamp his jaws down on Kydobi's shoulder, however, the ground beneath him began to shift and crack apart, making him yank his head back. He was just about to swipe at Kydobi again before the earth could open up underneath him, but he was then attacked by Usagi, her claws ripping into his pelt and leaving long claw marks in his side, the guardsman only just able to dodge out of the way before she could sink her teeth into him
Snarling in frustration, the lion whipped around, aiming to rake a fiery paw over her face before she could back up. He then let out a grunt of frustration as he launched himself up into the air, flapping his wings strongly so that he could take flight. His eyes darted around, looking for the source of the earth shifting, before he eventually found the source of the yelling – Aine. As soon as he saw her, he frowned, shaking his head and roaring at the child, "Aine! This is not your fight, child! Leave here, now!" He did not attack at her at all, never wanting to hurt a child, especially when she was just trying to protect her friends – she simply didn't understand the situation entirely.

Staying in the sky to – hopefully – ignore Aine's influence on the battle, Aurum glanced around, catching site of Kydobi as he stumbled up to his paws, flickering in and out of sight. Growling angrily, Aurum gathered flames in his mouth once again, spitting out a giant ball of flame at the jaguar from the sky. Even if the ball of flames didn't land, Aurum let his claws slip out quickly, roaring furiously at the maurader before he dove downward, attempting to grab Kydobi with his claws, trying to dig them deeply into the male's sides and lift him up. If he succeeded, he would flap up into the air just a bit, using all of his strength to chuck Kydobi forward, trying to slam the marauder into the ground some feet away. It was a vicious attack, but probably wouldn't be enough to kill Kydobi if it succeeded. At worst, it would just maybe break one of the Pittian's legs, crippling him temporarily so that he couldn't attack anyone else. That was, of course, only if Aurum actually succeeded with this odd divebombing attack. His body was beginning to ache, and he was starting to feel exhausted from using his powers, but that didn't mean he was about to give up and duck out – he wouldn't do that until he was literally unable to do anything else.

Attacking: [member=2826]Usagi Smallpaw[/member] [member=4490]Kydobi[/member]
Power: 55%
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-03-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-03-2019

Usagi had managed to back away just in time so as the avoid the majority of the intensity in the strike, Recieving long shallow scratches across her face, extremely lucky that the damage wasn't worse. Twisting to avoid the fireball her coat is singed and is forced to back away slightly from the duel. Seeing Goldenluxury in the sky attacking the earth below and seeing attacks returned she sprints off in that direction. She had seen Goldenluxury giving the commands before the entire battle had started and could only assume that the leader of the allied clans was attacking the leader of the pitt. Dashing off she did her best to weave through the fight, getting scratched every now and then but largely able to avoid any major contact. When she was in range Usagi attempted to transform one of the shock bubbles into a spear of ice, aimed to slam into Jervis before she rushes in and attmpts to get her Jaws around his neck, also attempting to rake her claws across his spine

Attacking: Jervis
Power: 90%

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - selby roux ! - 11-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It was not long before Selby heard someone calling his name- Aurum, someone he had come to trust. He looked around, but had trouble identifying a threat. Watch out? There’s nothing- and then the earth seemed to shake out from beneath him, and the sawbone stumbled hard. Before he knew it, he was being tackled.

Selby was breathing hard at this point, and fear held his limbs hostage. He was stock still as Roman held him into the ground, and he couldn’t make himself move. Calm down. Fight back. Easier said than done. He attempted to kick up against his attacker weakly, hoping to knock the Pittian off of himself. This attack would more than likely be unsuccessful in his frightened state, but it was worth a shot in any case.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Jervis - 11-03-2019

The bright orange glow from Goldenluxury's markings met Jervis' eyes. She was powering up. It seemed as if she couldn't get through the pack just yet, then her killer lightning would subdue him. As a powerless, small creature, he truly looked past these things in the moment. Jervis tried to shift away from the bolt. Nevertheless, it seemed as if he wouldn't be fast enough. With his remaining eye, he squinted.


Shattered pieces of rock flew past Jervis. Fourthwall, as promised, seemed to have his back and was on the attack already. Not wasting another moment, the other vulpine followed in suit with ivory teeth bared. From afar, he could spot Goldenluxury summoning her next attack. Soon enough, they were flying his way. Jervis stumbled to the side, knowing she would aim for a direct hit. Electrified bullets grazed past him, electrifying and scraping at his side. In the meantime, Usagi's ice spear had also missed. Smirking, he rushed forward. Not before dealing with one more problem though.

The shuffle of a wolf's paws whirred in his ears, causing his head to turn rapidly to face Usagi. In no time, the wolf's jaws had managed to take hold of his neck. It was not long before he escaped the former Pittian's grip. As he fell back to the floor, Usagi's paw flew past him. Thankfully, they missed by a hair. In retaliation, Jervis attempted to swipe back at Usagi's shins and then swipe at his side. With him hopefully distracted, the vulpine slickly escaped and proceeded towards his primary target.

Razor-sharp claws reached out towards Goldenluxury's face as he pounced forward. They aimed to scratch at her eyes, disabling her momentarily. Whether or not he was successful, he'd use his small size to slide underneath her and rake his claws across her ribcage. Coming out from underneath her backside, he let out a sly hiss. "This doesn't seem like a fair fight." Thankfully, he had backup. As long as Fourthwall and the rest of The Pitt remained by his side, Jervis would be impenetrable... or so he thought.

[member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=2826]Usagi Smallpaw[/member]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - fulzanin - 11-03-2019

we'll see the sun come up again, we'll climb higher than we've been
There was chaos ensuing. Absolute complete and utter chaos. He wasn't sure what to make of it all. He had only come over and sat down, and now there was more fire in the air. Astiar barely even comprehended fire. He barely understood lightning strikes and how deadly they were. The heat both caused was something instinct feared. He had never seen either of those before - or, at least, used in such an openly offensive mannerism. The cicada shuffled on his feet, watching, not sure what he was to do. His mandibles clicked together once, twice, a third, a fourth, wings buzzing to voice his distress. He couldn't keep track of what was happening.

His head swung from side to side, looking for people that were familiar. He couldn't really see them amidst the absolute crowd of battle that surged and flowed. Another buzz sounded as he hobbled back from a tussle between two NPC's. The massive dragon wasn't getting involved, and just stood there amidst the catastrophe. The noise spooked him - that was why his wings were buzzing loudly. Kydobi he could barely see, and had begun shuffling forward upon recognition being made. He couldn't get over there. The cicada was too worried about stepping on someone. There were a lot of people present, and the cicada certainly didn't want to stomp them. He was mighty big, after all, and took a pace back. It was no giant loss for him, not being able to get over the the one that, if he were able, deem his friend. His attention was swiftly turned to watching how.. well, he couldn't count, but there was a lot of people charging at some fox that Astiar had only seen once before. The concept of battle was foreign to him, and Astiar elected to try shuffling off to the side of the fierce raid as best he could.
TAGS 9/4/19:
we've got a fire that burns within, we are the dragon hearted

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - trojan g. - 11-04-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]If Roman had known that there would still be former groupmates running around that would recognize him, he might not have shown up, considering the effects that could happen if he had to end up facing them head on. He never meant to hurt those around him when he lived near them, fear of hurting them had caused the male to simply run and head towards the Pitt, telling him that if he happened to hurt someone due to the souls within him, it would be better if he was somewhere like the Pitt, where those that had done so much wrong in the world would be the ones getting hurt. Of course, this hadn't worked out - Trojan was a suckup and wanted to get on Jervis's good side this whole time - but Ro didn't know that at this point in time.

But when he heard the whoosh of an arrow zoom past him, the male stopped in his tracks for a second, ears pinned to his head for only but a moment as he looked around and towards Rin, watching as the other decided to make a run for him. Filled with guilt for leaving the group that Rin resided in without explaining why, Roman could only simply dodge and make his way over to his previous target, tripping for a moment on the way before he finally struck.

Now on top of [member=2072]selby roux ![/member] the male would simply let out a small huff of air as paws connected under his stomach, the expectation of more to the attack throwing him off guard. Why was this cat that couldn't fight here instead of somewhere off where he couldn't be seen? This was odd, something Roman didn't like. But he was already this far, so he'd have to keep going, keep fighting, try to protect his home. Keep others safe by harming those who dared to get rid of his only safety from the outside world. So, head lunging down, Roman would attempt to bite onto Selby's shoulder, hard, and then attempt to rip a chunk out of it, before burning fire erupted from his mouth in an attempt to immediately burn the wound.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - beatae - 11-04-2019

noa wasn't exactly sure what to expect here. the battle had been more talked about than anything in the pitt these past few months. preparations. trainings. spars. anything anyone could do. the mutant felt everything move in slow motion as the call sounded off. bodies racing toward them. kydobi had disappeared off into the fight, distantly hearing his voice above the enemy's. its gaze focused on hushsound who began to creep closer and closer... oh, he was going to fight noa, wasn't he.

he managed to just dodge the deadliest part of the attack, but with its stalled reaction, had to endure the hot pain of its skin opening from the blade. the fur around the side of its neck began to darken as a shallow wound bled through.

noa breathed through the stinging pain before running to barrel over hush, trying to disarm him of the sword.

template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-05-2019


[OOC: ]

Kydobi was unsure of who the lioness was. However she addressed him as if she knew him, which led him to believe she must be a Pittian. He would open his maw to speak but before he could manage to tell her, she ran off.

Meanwhile it seemed his opponent was telling Aine to leave. Something Kydobi agreed with wholeheartedly despite her saving his life.

Then there was a fire from the heavens. Barely missed him but the ground beside him was hit hard. He crouched down at the impact looking up he would see Aurum diving down. Kydobi would turn to run, however not fast enough. The lions claws sank deeply into his haunches. A cry of pain escaped before being cut short in terror as he realized his hind quarters were being lifted.

Ghost! Ghost! He would scream in his mind to himself. Immediately Kydobi’s body flickered, his body was transparent as if not all there. Causing his haunches to slide through the lions grasp like a cloud, dodging the full attack..

Blood had run down his shoulders, steaming like water on a hot pan but not before slicking the dark fur against his chest. Now it began to slowly trickle from his thighs. A dull pain would make an appearance every time he stretch the skin to walk.

Kydobi would snarl at the lion, his mouth beginning to glow inside from the fire growing. The brute would look briefly to see the lioness attacking Jervis. Then he would see Noa in terrible shape, or at least what he perceived as such. He would give one last snarl to the lion before going completely invisible and running in the direction of [member=3615]JERVIS[/member]  and [member=2826]Usagi Smallpaw[/member]

He would leave the winged lion alone, Aine was fine and that was more than okay. But he would have to spread himself. Besides, there were more pressing matters. Should Aurum continue to pursue Kydobi would meet him. But for now he would leave them alone to protect his leader. Eyes would look at August, worry on the feline’s face for his friend.

There was a million things he could do. So many pittians who needed his help. But here he was... defending Jervis. For a moment he stopped. The fox was the last person who deserved it. Really. He should go help Gael, definitely protect Redvox and a Auggie... but no. He continued to run despite his heart telling him otherwise.

Because he was a naive beast of loyalty, Kydobi would run to be the two foxes’ aid.

Bursting forward at full speed the jaguar would launch himself onto the lioness’s back. Allowing himself to become visible once midair.

He would then attempt to latch on, sibling his claws around her shoulders for a grip while his hind would try to grapple on whatever flesh possible. He would turn his head and try to sink his mouth deep into the scruff of her neck.

If successful he would succeed in making her fall under the sudden impact of the brute as well as allow him to gain control momentarily.

Attacking: [member=2826]Usagi Smallpaw[/member]
Powers: 100%
Wounds: deep shoulder wounds, claw punctures and extended tears on his hackles and thighs
