Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Valerius - 02-16-2023

As the feline was being shaken between his teeth, tearing and ripping at flesh, the courageous cat struck back. Claws latched onto throat and tugged. Flesh came with Sorbet's claws, causing blood to run down his neck. His jaws unhinged in surprise as a result, dropping them to the ground. As the lion recovered, distance was successfully put between them. Valerius felt a growl echo out from within his throat, bubbling up in the back of his throat and popping in a fit of rage. He had not expected that.

He sneered. "You better RUN, kitty cat," he snarled. With a mad cackle, the muscular lion trailed forward in an instant with his tail high and head in the skies. With a cocky paw raised up, he attempted to slam Sorbet down into the ground by pushing down on the other's scruff, potentially breaking any bones in the process.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - merlin - 02-16-2023

The arrival of another to the scene was not one that she had missed, the creature that had slipped away earlier showing up again at the sight of their fallen leader. The sound of the air being sliced at caught her attention more than his presence had, purple and orange eyes grasping onto the sight of a horse's head and the horn that protruded from their forehead, eyes narrowing as the blade came towards her, not bothering to dodge away from the blade's edge as it cut into flesh. The pain that came with it was delayed, only something she felt after a few seconds had passed, by the time that the lioness threw herself towards the other individual bearing the symbol of a unicorn.

Something inside the flaming lioness had snapped, to see Romulus fall and to be presented with the perfect target to unleash her fury on. Raising up as she moved, lunging in the direction of the former unicorn knight, though she had no knowledge of who he was, just that he was an enemy impersonating her symbol. Jaws spread in a roar of wordless fury, aiming a heavy swipe at the armored head of the other, snarling out a loud [color=#A87F8A]"YOU!"
as she fell into battle, feeling the stinging of her injuries in the back of her mind, filled with muddled memories. Surely she'd heard about her predecessor? The former Unicorn?[/td][/tr][/table]
@ teef

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Morana - 02-16-2023

Morana gasped as her paw collided with his helm, sending him to the side and setting the Helm askew. Glaring, he set it back into place and tilted his head. "What did Gawain say to sell you into his Knights? What did he promise, hm?" He inquired, tail lashing. Moving to the side, he risked a look around. "Is he here? I'd love to skewer the two of you alive." He snarled, looking back at the angry woman.

His rapier moved through the air again, this time aiming for Merlin's face and neck to try and leave some deep cuts. He was really just trying to make her angrier, to see if she'd really do something drastic or out of line for a knight. And he hoped, if Gawain was somewhere nearby, that He'd see it happen.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - SHERBET - 02-17-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
Sherbet, cursed himself for forgetting the monthly meeting in between all the current Tanglewood drama, and his own fears. His short legs carrying him as fast as he could to the meeting place, only to gag at the scent of blood, burnt flesh, 'is that a dead body?'. His pastel green orbs frantically darted at all the action, catching his brother, the Typhoon Quartermaster, being attacked.

Growling, the Captain of the Typhoon jumped into action, regretfully wishing he took up fighting more often to be useful, useful, 'I'm dead weight.'. A powerful rumble left Sherbet's chest as he yowled, darting by Sorbet's side to offer assistance in anyway he could, "WHAT THE BLEEDING HELL YOU LOT GOT YOURSELVES INTO?"

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Casphian - 02-17-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
Before Sorbet Even got the chance to respond his body was once again pinned to the ground. A gasp of pain slipped past his maw when he feel the snapping of his ribs and a shoulder blade under the pressure of the giant paw under him. He tried to push himself up but the second he moved a soft whimper of pain slid out.

It was then the familiar scent of Sherbet drifted across his path. Sorbet looked up to see his brother coming closer and this would cause him to wiggle under Val’s paw. “No Sherbet stay!” He cried out. “Go! Go to the Typhoon, they need you I’ll be fine!” Sorbet couldn’t risk his brother dying and he wasn’t sure what this lion’s intentions were. One leader had already died today they didn’t need another death. Plus someone had to run the Typhoon and sherbet had a family who would miss him. So he wouldn’t risk it, he wouldn’t take that chance that the attacker could turn on Sherbet.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy


Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
The serval watched silently as all hell broke loose -- simply standing as Seven started to back away into the fighting crowd. Dodging and weaving, pushing others into the dirt and keeping her wounded face away from it. Red both loved and hated this -- her loyalty to Tanglewood and her respect for the pirates conflicted.

"Captain." she boomed, taking a clawed paw and tearing her bandages away -- bloody as they fell to the floor to be trampled into mud, leaving her nasty, ghoulish wound revealed. She bounded for Sherbert, not wanting to barrel into him but just close enough for her voice to carry. "Get out, Captain."

Turning her gaze to Sorbet, to Valerious, she snarled. "Come on, mangy shit-head. Try it." she narrowed her only good eye. Would she be called a traitor? Did it matter?

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - METEOR - 02-17-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
Meteor stalked on the periphery of the chaos. With all the violence, he smelled nothing but blood and, in response, his heart pumped adrenaline through his veins. There were few things he enjoyed more than the fight pits, but a real battlefield crowned the list.

In the crowd, Val played with his food. Literally; the little feline looked like ice cream. Meteor licked his lips, jealously thought of stealing Sorbet from under his father’s nose.

Then Sherbet ran into the battlefield. Meteor’s feet instantly moved him towards the ice cream cat, weaving between fleeing animals and fights.

Meteor leaped, his claws unsheathed and reaching for Sherbet. If he was successful at pouncing on Sherbet, Meteor would attempt to pin the captain and take a bite out of his thigh.


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - SHERBET - 02-21-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
The Captain snarled in response, backing up in fear of the larger, an almost wounded glance at his brother before he was bowled over by another large feline (way bigger than himself, oh what has he gotten himself into!). His eyes pinpricks as he felt teeth sink into his thigh, a ghastly howl leaving his maw as he thrashed. Sherbet lashed his claws out against Meteor, attempting go do something, anything to get free. He could feel the blood gushing from between the larger's teeth, his leg oh god, my skin, my flesh, my blood, why am I bleeding!? was in agony, his thoughts will narrowed down on pure survival.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - METEOR - 02-21-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
The instant his teeth sank into the tabby’s flesh, the cold temperature and smooth texture confused him. Three flavors—that certainly weren’t meat!—danced on his tongue, sweet and tart in a way the carnivore had never tasted. His chin ran rainbow with strawberry, orange and lime.

As he savored the flavor, tiny claws scratched his cheek. Growling, he yanked his head up to keep the fresh taste untainted by blood.

“Your thrashing is ruining my vibe.” Meteor allowed a smidgen more of his weight to lean on his front legs, attempting to squish Sherbet only enough as a warning. He swiped his tongue over his chin and delighted in the sugar.

“Hmm, because I’m so generous, I’ll strike you a deal. As long as you don’t thrash and nobody attacks me, I won’t take another bite out of your flesh.”

Meteor did not bother to wait for a response or to clarify. He simply attempted to lick the wound. Could this ice cream cat be harvested like licking the sap off weeping maple trees? Or was he only delicious when consumed like any other slab of meat?

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - SHERBET - 02-28-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
The ice cream tabby froze as he was pressed to the ground, his thigh screaming at him as it poured blood, the tongue of his attacker taking a swipe of his wound as his breath stuttered.

Pulling his paws closer to his body, claws still extended, Sherbet began, "Wh-What are y-you-?" His words stuttering as his pupils shook, his words stuck in his throat from pain and fear.