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Set on lock - Storage - Printable Version

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Re: Set on lock - Storage - Byriath - 03-02-2022

. general .
name;; Byriath
-nicknames ; Byr, Riath, Wrath, Wraith, Lost God

physical age;; Unknown, appears 4 years old
ageing scheme;; Writer's discretion

sex;; Male
preferred gender;; he/him
sexuality;; Asexual and Omniromantic

powers;; Mental Manipulation and Communication, Earth Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Possession

child to;;
-NONE ; gen 1

father to;;
-adopted;; — Zuriela, Solsken
ally to;; COALITION OF THE CONDEMNED [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-Generally closed off, but can open up.
[color=transparent][you are amazing]
Xenosmilus male with robust silhouette. Dark grey fur, almost black, with neon purple markings on his back and face. Face is heavily scarred, and eyes are a violent glowing purple. Horns are black with glowing purple ridges on them. Tusks jut out from his lower jaw as his saber fangs jut from his upper, creating a deadly vice. Blood is a deep purple with red undertones, tears and saliva are natural in coloration.

accessories;; Battle ax affixed to his side via holsters, fur cloak.
[you are amazing]
+ | Committed. Loyal. Protective
0 | Apathetic. Observant.
- | Cruel. Violent. Malicious intent.

tv tropes // YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY  Mad God Parental Betrayal//

sentient and violent - prone to provocative attacks - will act. attack in red Saturn xx Byriath ship ;; Married to Saturn as of 7/12/22
[you are amazing][table][tr][td][/td][td]

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Byriath - 03-02-2022

ROLEPLAY TEXT GOES HERE "Speech" 'Telepathy'
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Melachi - 03-04-2022

☠THIS IS WHAT I SHOULDN'T BE☠ text here  [abbr=Mutated Black Panther, Male, 2 years 5 months, Loner]☠THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO BE!☠

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Melachi - 03-04-2022

. general .
name;; Melachi
-nicknames ; Mela, Mel

physical age;; 3-4 years
ageing scheme;; writer's discretion

sex;; Male
preferred gender;; Male
sexuality;; Homosexual

powers;; Planned powers are Shapeshifitng, Fire Elemental, Water Elemental

child to;;
-NO PARENTS ; gen 1

father to;;
ally to;; None at the moment; a wandering loner [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-Dark and Brooding, closed off
[you are amazing]
I'm a little dysfunctional / You're the problem, please don't awaken me . physical
Melachi is a Lean-shouldered black panther with brown fur, with lighter brown on his paws and muzzle, and white on his tail tip. His left eye is sealed shut with a scar over it, and his right eye is a bright red. He has large wings with dark brown, pale maroon, and white feathers. Reference

accessories;; He has a large sword, cold and foreboding, with an eye on its pommel.
[you are amazing]
And I'm that way 'cause back in the day / Most have forsaken me . mental
He's, in all forms of the word, a reclusive man. He often can be possessive over the sword he bears. Melachi seems to constantly drown in the past, his gloomy gaze and soft, sad voice can often be drowned out of a joyous day. There are none who have wormed their way into his safe-spot and see him smile.

Could Potentially have PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

tv tropes // TROPE //

[you are amazing][table][tr][td]
aha fuca u / navigation, tags, ect here

Re: Set on lock - Storage - SirDio - 03-07-2022

Hidden deep within the northern mountain ranges in the Neutral lands, the Legion of The Stars is emerging. Hardened by the bitter cold that lives alongside them almost year-round, this group is not to be seen as weak or a pushover. While they're open to religion, the group's focus on the stars is life-long, spurred into life by ancient elders lost to madness. With the rise of a new Legiant, Legiant Sylvest Halstorn, the group plans to extend it's reach into the lands below the mountains.

"Will you, dear stranger, help us on this journey?"
The Legion's territory spans from the mountains to the abandoned farm fields to the south. The CAMP is rather sizable, hidden among the mountains with a waterfall and pond at the center, and the Territory has several old driving trails from humans long past, as well as dangerous pitfalls and undiscovered caves, so watch your step! Waterfall and Behind the water fall!

The pond feeds into a river that flows into our first landmark, The Hidden Lake. It is a large lake hidden under the rock and dirt of the territory. Legion members often fish here, and it is the gathering place for our Summer's Celebration. A wooden walkway lines the edge of the lake, and an opening above allows light and rain to enter. Lake image!

Our second landmark is Wing Rock, toward the northern part of the territory. Surrounded by flat rocks, this rock is shaped like a wing splayed out. This landmark is a gathering spot for people to sunbathe, and is the celebration spot for Family Day. It is a rather steep drop down, so it is heavily advised not to go too close to the edge.

Our third and final landmark (until further notice) is The Sacred Tree. Within the farm fields stands a massive oak tree with unlit lanterns scattered across it's branches. Flowers of varying colors and shapes decorate it's roots, as it is the ceremonial burial tree.

Housing - While the group lives primarily in the mountains, wooden cabins and cottages are scattered across the range, but there are also caves nearby the waterfall that many Legion Members make their homes. Behind the waterfall there is a large space, with caves etched in for High-Ranking Housing. The Legiant's home is a large cave behind the waterfall, decorated with home-made paint.
The Legion of The Stars holds four celebrations: Summer's Celebration, The Longest Night, The Silver Minnow Ceremony, and Family Day. The Legion also has a few traditions surrounding Winter's Arrival, Burials, and Marriages.

Summer's Celebration
- This takes place of the day and night of the summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year. All of the group congregates at the hidden lake for festivities starting mid-morning, allowing allies who have been invited to arrive at the territory as well. The celebration marks the start of the summer for the Legion, as well as celebrating the litters brought to the group during the winter and spring.
Mini events - Capture the flag, gem collector, sparring
-- Capture the Flag - two teams, two flags, the entire southern shore of the hidden lake. Don't hurt anyone too bad! The winning team recognizes the most active/aggressive flag catcher as the Retriever, who gets the title and a silver bracelet.
-- Gem Collector - Gems are hidden in the sand of the southern shore! Get as many as you can! Winner receives the Excavator title and a golden bracelet. Everyone who participates keeps their gems.
-- Sparring - Keep your skills sharpened by sparring against a group mate or ally! Winner gets the bragging rights!

Winter's Arrival
- This takes place the first day of Winter usually, but could also take place the day the first significant temperature shift happens. The days leading up and following this event are full of stockpiling for the coming winter, as well as some decoration and preparation of fire pits scattered around the territory. There are no awards or mini events during this.

The Longest Night
-  As the event's name states, this event takes place on the night of the winter solstice. In the farm fields a great bonfire is built, and food and drink is provided for everyone, including allies. Depending on the snowfall on the days leading up to this event, mini events may be held.
Mini Events - Snowball fight, Snow castle competition, fireside sparring.
-- Snowball fight! - Throw snowballs at your friends! Be reckless, but don't get too hurt!
-- Snow Castle Competition! - Try to build the best snow castle with a friend!
-- Fireside Sparring! - Spar in the fire light! Don't knock your opponent into the fire, please.

Silver Minnow Ceremony
- This takes place as an initiation for newcomers and youth ready to become apprentices. The aim is to catch a single silver minnow from the camp's waterfall/pond, declare what you wish to accomplish within The Legion, and then release it. Catching and keeping any silver minnow to eat or simply keep is forbidden - newcomers who do this will be denied membership until the next meeting, and youth who do this will be denied apprenticeship until next meeting.

Family Day
- Held to celebrate both mother's and father's day, usually to the end of June, beginning of July. Wing Rock is the gathering place for families on this day, and children are encouraged to give gifts to their family, blood related or not. Many families adopt children on this day.

- Burials are seen as sacred to the group, and thus all burials are beneath the sacred tree. Lanterns are hung during burials and will continue giving light until they die out.

- Marriages were implemented by Lorelei, seeing that they weren't touched up on in the past. The Location of a marriage is decided by the spouses, and the entire group is encouraged to attend the marriage.
- Leigant's word is law
- The Legiant must converse with the Reaver and Chiefs before making any potentially group-changing decisions.
- All Legiants must recite Lorelei's Promise before taking up the mantle of Legiant
- If a Legiant dies, a new Legiant must step up before the next Bi-Monthly meeting
- All youth must be welcome, from enemy or not, and if they are from a group, they must be returned by the end of the week.
- Only Raiders, Rioters, Reavers, and The Legiant themselves may lead Raids.
- The Silver Minnows are sacred and must not be eaten or killed. Killing and/or eating them may result in harsh punishment depending on your rank.

- All BoB rules apply
The Legion of The Stars is a Neutral-Aggressive group, not aligning with pacifist yet not with Warbound. Under Sylvest's reign the group is starting to branch out and make allies with neighboring groups.

Allies: None
Neutral: all Unlisted
Enemies: None
LEGIANT - Leader, oversees all of the Legion and has sworn to protect the group with their life by word of "Lorelei's promise", leads trading and raids.
Slyvest Halstron - Played by Dio

REAVER - Deputy, leads trading and raids when the legiant is absent.
None, Played by None

CHIEF - healer, can have up to 3 at a time. They help set up the ceremonies of the group.
None, Played by None

LEGION - The whole of the group, earliest they can be considered fully part of the Legion is 12 months.

TRAINEES - From 6 months to 12 months, apprentices are trained in both medicine and combat/hunting, as well as spiritual.
Lorelei's Reign
Sylvest's Reign

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Kold - 03-14-2022

. general .
name;; Kold Darcia Ní Broin
-nicknames ; None

physical age;; 3 years 4 months
ageing scheme;; Writers Discretion

sex;; Female
preferred gender;; Female, She/Her pronouns
sexuality;; Bisexual and Biromantic

powers;; Air Element, Fire Element, Shapeshifting, and Electricity Element

child to;;
-NPCx NPC ; gen 1

Mother to to;;
ally to;; The Pitt [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
[you are amazing]
Kold's body is that of a rotting wolf/rottweiler mix. Her fur is white with cream/peach rottweiler markings on her muzzle, chest, and all four paws. Her left paw is black. She has two large, torn and burning bat wings dark grey in color. A large gash lays in her chest, and some of her ribs on her right side are exposed. The right part of her upper lip is torn away, revealing bone. Her golden horns are broken, and she has deep black eyes.

[you are amazing]
+ | Loyal, Headstrong, Determined
0 | Easily angered, stubborn
- | Twisted, Violent

tv tropes // TROPE //

Prone to seizures, has around 45% Demonic blood in her from her mother's side.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td]
aha fuca u / navigation, tags, ect here

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Ares - 03-15-2022


Re: Set on lock - Storage - SETHIRAM - 03-17-2022

❝ I'll wreck this if I have to ❞


Name: Sethiram Zyro Akumhet
  — Nicknames/Aliases: Seth (by friends)

Gender: Male
  — Sex: Male
  — Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 2 years 11 months
  — Birth Date: Unknown, ages monthly
  — Creation Date: April of 2021

Rank: Tangler of Tanglewood
  — Former Allegiances: The Golden Eye

Titles: None
  — Former Titles: none

Romantic and Sexual Orientation: Biromantic, Bisexual
  — Status: Single
  — Previous Relationships: None
  — Crushes: None
  — Monogamous/Polygamous: Monogamous

Known Languages: none


MBTI Type: Beep

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Mental Health: 80/100

Positive Traits: Caring, Motivated, Protective, Determined
Neutral Traits: Often aloof, nervous
Negative Traits: Secretive, quiet

Disorders: PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  — Quirks/Habits: Pacing when stressed
  — Addictions: here

Likes: The night, starlight, flying, flowers, Drawing, writing

Dislikes: bright light, deep water, forgetting

Strengths: Selflessness, hardiness
  — Talents: Flying, climbing to hard-to-reach areas

Weaknesses: Forgetfulness, Paranoia
  — Phobias: Thalassophobia and Heliophobia (Fear of deep water and fear of bright light)

Fears: Failure to protect his close friends

Aspirations: To become stronger, to conquer his fears

Description: Sethiram is a nervous wreck, to put it simply. He can't keep still; he has to keep moving, and this often leads to sleepless nights or bouts of panic. However, he tries his best to be brave when it counts, even if the threat he faces is something he is absolutely terrified of. He longs to fight for what he thinks is right, but often is too scared to do so. He has memory issues, and thus is always trying to make sure he has some way to remember those he meets.


[color-=white]Reference(s):[/color] Here

Species: Domestic Feline
  — Breed: Shorthair tabby

Physical Health: 100/100

Build: Broad shouldered, Muscled
  — Height: 30 cm
  — Weight: 15 lbs

Exterior Type: Fur, with patches of dragon-like scales
  — Color/Markings: Predominantly white and silver, with grey tabby markings. Black scales with variation in hue, making them look similar to an oil spill

Eye Color: A mixture of blues and greens

Scars/Marks/Tattoos: Three long scars across his belly, and a scar in the shape of the sun with a pupil within it on his right shoulder
  — Mutations: Dragon-like scales on his legs, part of his face (right side), and wings
  — Artificial Enhancements: here

Accent: North American
  — Manner of Speech: Informal

Disorders: unknown
  — Permanent Injuries: none
  — Disabilities: none

Possessions and Accessories: leather-bound notebook and a satchel holding rudimentary writing supplies.

Description: Sethiram holds a large and imposing figure, with a square jaw and a sort of 'roman nose', paired with his broad shoulders and powerful musculature. This makes him a rather intimidating man at first glance, but the more someone looks at him, the more they can see a nervous expression on him at almost all times.


history and relations.
Parents: NPC x NPC
  — Generation: 1
  — Siblings: None onsite
  — Place of Origin: Unknown, but determined to be the same place his mother figure, Starmap, originates from

Children: none

Notable Relatives: none

Loyalty to Individuals vs. Groups: While loyal to a group as a whole, his strongest bond to select few within the group can overpower his decisions

Friends: Aesior, Starmap
  — Best Friend: Starmap

Apprentice(s): None
  — Mentor: None

Rivals: None

Feared Individuals: Sol (offsite)

History: Joined The Golden Eye in 2021, but when the group went silent he wandered the island for two years before coming across Tanglewood


Physical Level: Average

Mental Level: Average

Battle Dynamics: Uses brute force and has no set strategy

Powers (mastery level x/5): none atm

Overall Skill Rating (x/10): 6/10
  — Strength: 7/10
  — Speed: 5/10
  — Agility: 5/10
  — Intelligence: 4/10
  — Endurance: 4/10
  — Perception: 5/10
  — Magical Ability: 0/10

Rules for maim/kill/capture: Open for Capture and Maiming
  — Rules for nonviolent/peaceful interactions: Open for Nonviolent/peaceful interactions

Social Difficulty: Nervous no matter who he's talking to
  — Platonic Relationships: Does his hardest to make friends and to keep them
  — Romantic/Sexual Relationships: Can't flirt worth a shit, too nervous to attempt anything
  — Rivalries: prefers to avoid any rivalries


❝ Tell me, what good would that do? ❞

Re: Set on lock - Storage - SETHIRAM - 03-17-2022

[/td][td][div style="margin-top: -6px; margin-left: 5px; height: 75px; max-width: 250px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8px;"]Sethiram is a male domestic feline with he/him pronouns. He is a Tangler of Tanglewood and is 35 months old. He is physically average and mentally average. attack in #e3256b. played by DIO.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: Set on lock - Storage - SETHIRAM - 03-18-2022

TEXT HERE "Speech" Attack