Beasts of Beyond
DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - Printable Version

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Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Bruce Walker
AGE. Physically and mentally 9 years
— Birthdate: May 15 (Taurus)
GENDER. Male (he/him)
GROUP & RANK. Loner, no group
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Panromantic, pansexual. Open to relationships.

FAMILY. Bruce is the head of the Walker family, and is the son of two NPCs. He is adoptive father of Pisces.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Underwater Panther (Reference/Art)
— Description: Bruce is a large, amber-colored Underwater Panther, a type of mythical creature, with brown eyes; his right eye is blind. Two grey horns sprout from his head, and he has gills on his neck that allow him to breathe underwater. He also has spikes going from his neck to his grey fish-like tail. He has a long scar on the left side of his face, beginning at his forehead, going over his right eye, and ends at his neck.
— Current injuries: None



INTERACTIONS. Physically medium, mentally easy. Bruce is a fighter and taught himself how to fight, though his mental abilities lack in comparison. Bruce is known for using his tail as a weapon, usually slapping people with it or trying to trip them over. He is vulnerable on his right side due to being blind and this is a huge weakness for him. Friendly powerplayed allowed. Tag his account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Bruce is a gruff character, preferring to be brutally honest with others rather than sugarcoat lies. He can be off-putting at first due to his harsh personality but he warms up to others pretty easily. Bruce is confident but humble and would lay his life down for those he cares about. He has a way of "tough love" but in the end, he does truly love those he is close to and wants the best for them. The best way to describe Bruce is ENTJ-A.
— Disorders: Possibly may have an addictive disorder

BELIEFS. Bruce believes in Greek Mythology, though he doesn't actively practice the religion. He understands that not everyone believes in the same Gods as he does and respects that, and doesn't appreciate when others try to force their beliefs on each other. He also is a very firm believer of "an eye for an eye" and thinks that those who do wrong should get what's coming to them.

BEHAVIOR. Bruce is a very determined and hard worker, but he tends to tire out very easily. He typically doesn't like to be bothered when working on something and can come off as cold-hearted, but typically doesn't really mean to be that way on purpose. He is a debater type of person and likes hearing peoples' opinions and will consider them when making a decision.
HISTORY (Updated 02/06/2021)
Bruce was a fairly normal child and had three other siblings, he was the only male child in the family and was expected to do a lot of work whenever he became 6 months old. Eventually, he moved away from his parents and lived on his own for a while, before his home island became under attack; Bruce fled, swimming to the island known as the Beyond. He took refuge in the longer lands and took in anyone who didn't have a safe place to stay and took care of them if they were injured; one such creature was a shark-cat hybrid named Dante.

Bruce was rather amused by Dante and was charmed by the larger cat, finding it funny how Dante seemed convinced he was a hybrid. However, to Bruce's dismay, Dante departed on his own and Bruce felt a longing to be with the hybrid; but alas, not everything worked out, and Bruce knew this...
That is, until Dante came back months later. He begged to stay with Bruce again and of course, the panther agreed and soon the two became close to one another - soon dating once Dante asked Bruce out. It didn't take long for the hybrid to betray Bruce, revealing that he had only gotten close to Bruce again for safety and drinks. Bruce attacked Dante out of anger and hurt, where Dante blinded him and left him for dead.

This will be updated as events happen.
- Has an Australian accent.
- Can breathe underwater thanks to his gills.
"I had to take leave of my senses to draw my own conclusion!
Had to swing for the fences to find my own solution!
In a world gone mad, it's all so sad,
Look what we've become!
Welcome to the age of the new evolution!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021


[Image: image.png]
Art by Gekkozilla on YouTube! ^

[Image: BruceAF.png]
Art by Tabanoffi on Art Fight! ^

[Image: image0.png]
Art by me with Vigenere! ^

[Image: maple_comm.png]
Art by @/BossTaurus! ^

[Image: image0.png]
Art by me! ^

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021

NAME. Pisces Walker
AGE. Physically and mentally 5 years
— Birthdate: March 5 (Pisces)
GENDER. Male (he/him)
GROUP & RANK. Loner, no group
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, bisexual. Open to relationships

FAMILY. Pisces is apart of the Walker family, due to being the adoptive son of BRUCE WALKER. He is the biological son of two NPCs.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Underwater Panther (Reference/Art)
— Description: Pisces is an amber-colored Underwater Panther, a mythical creature. He has small, grey horns, blue eyes, and gills that enable him to breathe underwater. He also has spikes going from his neck to his grey fish-like tail. On his face, Pisces sports a white spot above his nose, white around his eyes, and three white spots just beside his eyes, a signature trait of any body he shifts into. Any body that Pisces has tends to have the smell of the ocean.
— Current injuries: None

Saber-Toothed Tiger: (Reference) Sandy-colored Saber-Toothed Tiger with brown spots, a brown mane, and blue eyes. Pisces has the white markings on his face, and this is his birth body (though he rarely uses it).

ACCESSORIES. Wears a chain necklace with a Pisces charm.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Pisces is not much of a fighter and would prefer to flee the scene rather than fight. He has very little combat training and is very clumsy when he fights; he has no mental training and can easily be targeted in the mind. Peaceful powerplay is allowed. Tag his account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: Shapeshifting
PERSONALITY. Pisces is an extremely emotional individual and is driven by how he feels towards situations. He is highly empathetic and understanding, always willing to lend an ear to those who need it. He is compassionate and easygoing, creative and a daydreamer. The best way to describe Pisces is INFP-T.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Pisces doesn't have any particular belief, though he will not judge those who do. He cares for others' feelings and their own beliefs and will try to respect them as much as possible. He doesn't believe that people are inherently bad or evil, rather misguided and misjudged - but they do need to get what they deserve.

BEHAVIOR. Pisces is very compassionate and hard-working towards things he loves and is interested in, but for things that he dislikes, he can be described as incredibly lazy. He will avoid doing something just because he doesn't like it or isn't comfortable with it, usually without explanation unless prompted.
HISTORY (Updated 02/06/2021)
Pisces claims he was born from another planet and came to the Beyond when his home planet was raided. His parents were your average citizens and weren't anyone important, but they were killed whenever their home planet got invaded. Their last wish was for Pisces to survive and they sent him off towards Earth - where Bruce found him and raised him as his own. As such, Pisces tends to take the form of a young underwater panther most often.

This will be updated as events happen.
- Tends to shift into different bodies, usually based on how he is feeling in that moment.
- Usually isn't in his birth body and is very insecure about the body he was born in.
"Bury all the records in the backyard,
When you're not looking I'll go dig them back up!
You can bury my body in the backyard,
When you're not looking I'll go dig myself up!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021


[Image: image.png]
Art by CrunchyCrowe on YouTube! ^

[Image: pisces.png]
Art by @/teef. !^

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021

NAME. Foxgaze
AGE. Physically and mentally 5 years old
— Birthdate: October 16 (Libra)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Common Folk of Emerald Isles, Crewmate of The Typhoon
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, bisexual. Open to relationships.

FAMILY. Foxgaze is the daughter of two NPCs and is the sister of two other felines, though she doesn't know them.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Siamese Cat (Reference/Art)
— Description: Foxgaze is a lanky, flame-point Siamese with blue eyes. Her face has small tabby markings, and she has a scar on her nose and three scars on her chest. Her left ear is torn. Any body she has possess a smell of smog.
— Current injuries: Nona


ACCESSORIES. Wears a gold collar.

INTERACTIONS. Physically medium, mentally easy. Due to her past in the alleyways, Foxgaze does know how to fight and defend herself in combat, but she does not know how to defend herself from mental attacks. Peaceful powerplayed is allowed. Tag her account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Foxgaze's personality will develop during roleplay, but she is a strong-willed individual and will fight for what she believes in. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and will stand up for herself if need be. The best way to describe Foxgaze is ESTJ-A.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Foxgaze's beliefs will develop during roleplay, though she is not a religious person. Whatever she finds herself believing in morally-wise, she is very passionate about it and isn't afraid to fight for it - even if it means hurting another person. She is a firm believer in an "eye for an eye" mentality and is smug and snobby.

BEHAVIOR. Foxgaze's behavior will develop during roleplay.
HISTORY (Updated 05/15/2021)
Foxgaze is the daughter of two Siamese pets - she wasn't a planned litter, unfortunately. She has two littermates, though she has no idea what their names are or what happened to them - she assumes they were sold, just as she was after she was weaned. Foxgaze doesn't know much about her parents, and her pet name was Foxy. Although pampered and loved by her owners, they eventually sold their home and left Foxy behind - leaving her to fend for herself on the streets. She often fought with other alleyway cats and strays, getting into nasty fights over food and territory. While living among the streets, Foxy changed her name to Foxgaze after hearing other cats' names - many of them being compound words, combining two words into one. Eventually, Foxgaze found herself apart of one of the local gangs around the city, becoming almost a second-in-command to the leader. When he was killed in cold blood by one of the rivaling gangs, Foxgaze fled from the city and into the world of the Beyond.

On February 13, 2021, she joined The Emerald Isles and soon, went house searching. On May 15, 2021, Foxgaze went to The Typhoon to request a dual alliance, in which she was accepted.

This will be updated as events happen.
"As a child you would wait, and watch from far away,
But you always knew that you'd be the one,
That work while they all play."

"Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021


[Image: FoxyArt.png]
Art by @/BossTaurus! ^

[Image: FoxyAF.png]
Art by LordChair on ArtFight! ^

[Image: watermark_foxgaze.png]
Art by @/Quietly [woof]! ^

[Image: image0.png]
Art by me! ^

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021

NAME. Ace Nobel
AGE. Physically and mentally 5 years old
— Birthdate: April 29 (Taurus)
GENDER. Male (he/him)
GROUP & RANK. Lord of Houses of Halcyone
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, bisexual. Open to relationships.

FAMILY. Ace is the son of two NPCs and is the sole member of the Nobel family.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: German Shepherd (Reference/Art)
— Description: Ace is a tan-and-black German Shepherd with brown eyes and a white, diamond-shaped marking on his chest.
— Current injuries: None



INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Ace doesn't have any combat or mental training and thus, can easily be taken down in a fight. Peaceful powerplay is allowed. Tag his account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Ace is a devoted, caring individual and naturally cares very strongly for his clanmates. He is cowardly, however, and prefers not to fight even if confronted. Although not a shy person, Ace doesn't like the spotlight and prefers to just be an 'average' person. The best way to describe him is INFJ-A.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Ace's beliefs will develop during roleplay. He is somewhat of a religious sort, though he understands that not everyone believes in the same thing he does. Since he is a caring person, he doesn't like to see anyone harmed, but does think that those who do evil acts need to be punished.

BEHAVIOR. Ace's behavior will develop during roleplay. He is a hard-working person and will do as much as he can to get his tasks done.
HISTORY (Updated 05/21/2021)
Ace is the son of a former King and Queen of a faraway land, and was their only son. His parents were poisoned whenever he was a year old, and he was forced into becoming King - however, Ace quickly ran away from the kingdom whenever threats got too high for him. He was afraid of letting down his people and his parents, and instead chose to run away from the kingdom and sailed to the island of the Beyond.

This will be updated as events happen.
- Has a red cape with his family's sigil on it in his room.
"Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you!
Run boy run! They're dying to stop you!
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy!
Run boy run! Break out from society!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021


[Image: maple3.png]
Art by @/Reggan! ^

[Image: image0.jpg]
Art by MidnightEmber on Instagram! ^

[Image: 185e11b7-0dbb-4563-b33c-18f37adb862f.png]
Art by @/mediisi.! ^

[Image: image0.png]
Art by me! ^

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021

NAME. Cleopatra Thema
AGE. Physically and mentally 6 years
— Birthdate: November 15 (Scorpio)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Talonguard [sHP] of The Golden Eye
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Homoromantic, homosexual. Open to relationships.

FAMILY. Cleopatra is apart of the Thema family and is the daughter of two NPCs and is the sole member of her family name.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Sphynx Cat (Reference/Art)
— Description: Cleopatra is a blue-point Sphynx with blue eyes and large ears. Any body she has tends to smell like palm trees.
— Current injuries: None


ACCESSORIES. Wears a gold necklace studded with blue jewels. Cleo also wears two sets of earrings: black studded earrings and black hoop earrings. On her left ear, she wears a gold Ankh earring. On her hind leg leg, Cleo wears a gold snake bracelet. At night and during cold weather, Cleopatra wears a black, furred cloak or a lynx pelt that was given to her by Sojourn of the Coalition.

INTERACTIONS. Physically medium, mentally medium. Because she had to raise herself, Cleo had trained to protect herself, both mentally and physically. Peaceful powerplay is allowed. Tag her account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Cleopatra is known for being cold and calculating. She has a motherly, nurturing nature but can also be manipulative if the need arises for it. She is extremely religious and will not hesitate to educate others about her god when given the chance. Her personality will develop more during roleplay. The best way to describe them is ESTJ-A.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Cleo believes in a ruthless creature known as The Maroon God. She is extremely religious and devotes her life to this god, and is not above torturing and sacrificing other animals (both intelligent and not) for this being.

BEHAVIOR. Cleo's behavior will develop during roleplay. She prefers to work by herself rather than with others.
HISTORY (Updated 05/15/2021)
Cleopatra was born to two NPCs in the Loner Lands, living in the dessert. Her family claims to have been descended from royalty, hence the jewelry that has been passed down to Cleo. Her parents quickly abandoned her once she was old enough to take care of herself and as such, Cleo had to teach herself how to survive.

On March 9, 2021, Cleopatra joined The Golden Eye and was promoted to Talonguard on March 27, 2021. That night, she performed her first sacrifice. On May 15, 2021, Sojourn gave her a lynx pelt coat as a gift when she visited the Coalition.

This will be updated as events happen.
- Keeps her black cloak & lynx fur cloak in her room when she is not wearing it.
- Has a mask for The Maroon God in her home.
"I can be your heavenly or I can be your hell.
I can say a prayer for you or I can cast a spell.
I push you to the darkness just to pull you to the light,
Cause I can take away your breath or I can bring you back to life."

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-07-2021


[Image: image0.png]
Art by Crimson-Breeze on ArtFight! ^

[Image: CleoComm.png]
Art by @/paroxysm! ^

Eye Strain:
Art by @/BossTaurus! ^ (with Kliment)

Art by me! ^

[Image: image0.png]
Art by me!^

Art by me!^