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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - selby roux ! - 11-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Oh jeez. It appeared that Selby had gotten a little used to a slow lifestyle once more and was running late to the raid. He trotted onto the scene, lugging his bag along with him and setting up shop in an area between two rocks. Not too hidden, but definitely a little out of the way. Hopefully that’d give him all the protection he needed, since the sawbone wasn’t expecting to fight.

Across the battlefield, he spotted someone he’d never seen but definitely heard of. Jervis. The ardent was unmistakable. Anger flooded him and threatened to swallow him, and he looked away before it got to be too much. This was the person who’d killed his sister. Though Selby was not typically inclined to revenge, he knew that the fox had done the same to many others. He sincerely hoped that Jervis would get what he deserved today.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - hushsound. - 11-02-2019

When the screech of the Pitt's leader echoed through the crowd, it was if there was a sudden burst of energy in the crowd, and everyone charged forward, like rubber bands having been held back for ages now. As soon as Goldie retaliated, Hush went charging forward into the fray, his blade held tightly in his jaws as he searched out a target. Soon enough he saw Noa, the Pittian standing side by aide with Kydobi, who had his own shit to deal with at the moment. Eyes narrowing, the small feline darted fluidly through through throngs of people, his claws digging into the earth and throwing him forward with as much speed as he could manage. He moved swiftly and with determination, not only wanting to make Goldie proud, but the entire Typhoon proud as well. He and Noa were roughly the same size, with Noa maybe being a bit larger than he, but that didn't mean he couldn't put up a good fight, especially with his speed and the advantage of surprise. Using all the might of his medium sized body, the crew mate threw himself forward, swinging his blade firmly to the side to try and dig it into the junction between Noa's neck and shoulder, digging the blade in as far as he could if he succeeded. It was a rather vicious attack, but... The Pitt was a rather vicious group, and it seemed as though Noa was treating this all as if it was some big huge joke.

attacking: noa
stamina: 90%
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - redvox. - 11-03-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-03-2019


[OOC: don’t want him to get struck by lightning just yet XD  ]

Nos would come to his side, offering a lighthearted joke into the heavy air. Greatly appreciated.

He would move to speak to his smaller friend until Eclipse made an appearance. She clearly seemed lost, not understanding that she was a Pittian as well... the fact she defended Idyll hurt more than anything. Her names were childish and far from sharp but the pure intent behind them was enough to cause the jaguar to cringe. His heart would ache for a moment as he looked down. Fighting his black tears.

Thankfully, or not, Jervis arrived.

Screeching that they attack. Nothing more. But enough to distract the Marauder. His heart didn’t have time to sink. Immediately chaos broke out, lightning from multiple beings occurred. He couldn’t deal with that if he wanted to. His plan was to go invisible.

Protect Noa! But Auggie! His head turned to see the dog terrified only to be protect by Vox. Then his attention was snapped back when someone addressed Bai. Not the fucking lion. His plan to go unseen was thrown out and stomped on.

Kydobi snarled as he watched them gather flames... and burp them out. Fire? That he knew. That he could handle. He would look at Gael, still standing near the brutes side. Nervous with anticipation his tail was waving and whirling for the inevitable. Goldie may think Kydobi had the power to save them from this. But he couldn’t, it wasn’t his place and few would listen. It wasn’t about slavery either, no one gave a rats ass about it. Majority despised it from what the brute had seen. It was about protecting home. Protecting what you knew and found comfort it. So anger would spark in Ky when Wormwood threatened the only being Kydobi ever loved. A vicious and liwb snarl would rumble out.

Having already backed up previously, before Jervis made an appearance, he had been about 10 feet farther away from the lion. Kydobi watched as the lion’s attention focused onto him, that was expected. But he would refuse to let those flames get anywhere near Aine.

To keep the fiery beast away from his friends he would trot forward a little meeting Aurum. Although the fire made his heart jump, he knew the flames couldn’t hurt him, but the fangs could. The teeth could. Any other type of heat not from fire could burn him.

But Aurum had no way of knowing Kydobi too had the same element in his possession. Which was more than fine, Kydobi wanted the lion to bust out all his tricks and literally burn out before Kydobi allowed his to shine.

Kydobi stop his journey to meet the lion so he could build tension in his powerful quarters. their claws would rale his shoulders causing a hit sting as blood immediately swelled in the wounds. But Kydobi would not let them beat him down, once he felt the force of the claws he immediately surged up, countering their attempts to pin him by trying to knock them off balance with the sudden force.

He would stare them in the eyes, his own glowing like hot coals. The only sign apart from the heat radiating off his body, that he too had fire within.

but oh god he hated this. He was trained for this, he could go for miles. Even without his elementals he had been dangerous. But he never wanted to fight.
Attacking: [member=6881]aurum.[/member]

Powers: 100%


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Crackers - 11-03-2019



Fourthwall did not stand alone for long. Glitchhop, his sister, was soon to arrive. While she had made herself scarce for quite a few weeks trying to figure things out for herself, the hellhound wouldn't be kept from a battle like this. Not when her brothers life was on the line and the clan that had taken her in was about to be destroyed. Even if the odds were full against them there was no way she was going to just bail on the clan that had given her so much.

"Brother!" she called as she spotted him, swiftly padding over to stand on his other side. His wine-red gaze would shift to land on her, and the pair would exchange a glance that spoke more than words could. This may be the last time either of them stood side-to-side again.

"Give them everything you've got, Glitch." the fox would say, and his hellhound sibling would nod in understanding, the fur along her shoulders bristling as her amber eyes were set against the masses.

Unlike the majority of those gathered, Glitch hereself had never been wronged by either of the three clans suurrounding them now. She had joined long after the turmoils between their groups began and thus she harbored no personal ill will toward them, but she would still fight, and she would rip apart anyone who stood in her way.

Fourthwall knew she was ready, and as he watched her set her gaze on the enemies, he would find himself spotting the familiar red fur of Jervis. With a last look toward his self-proclaimed sibling, the large black and gold fox would make his way over to [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] to stand along side them. All around them Pittians surged forward to meet their enemies with teeth and claws bared, and among them he spotted Glitch. But he held himself back, waiting. Soon enough the enemies would come to Jervis, and by default to him as well.

Not even a minute had gone by, and [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] was flying toward them, a massive ball of lightening shooting from her jaws toward the red fox ardent. With a snarl Fourthwall would use his earth elementals to pull a thick slab of rock up in between Jervis and the oncoming attack, hoping the ball of energy would strike that instead of the fox. With a lash of his tail he'd aim to send another chunk of earth upward as well, this one a large spike pillar that aimed to smash into one of [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] s wings in hope of sending her toward the ground.



Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - trojan g. - 11-03-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Roman didn't participate in fights unless he had to. He never went to another group to attack them, and he never wanted to have someone come to his home to attack where he lived, for he knew that would be a time when he would have to fight. Although he was good at it, the three-legged feline disliked doing it for his own personal reasons and past, though if he wnated to be able to stay where he was, safe and comfortable, he knew that he would always have to attack those that came into his territory and attacked it - whether or not they had a good reason to do so.

At the sound of the commotion, the feline would pad out from the cave systems that the Pitt called part of their home, ears pricked as he looked over everyone there, ears soon packing themselves down to the back of his head as he did so. There were a lot of groups here, and they all mingled together in an allied manner, unafriad of each other, and seemingly having a bunch of different bandanas on. Was that just a coincidence, or was it some way to recognize who was who here? He didn't know, nor did he really care at this point in time.

Eyes flashed around as he looked through those there, taking note of another animal about the same size as himself. He didn't know that the member he was about to go after was someone that had no real fighting experience for the most part, didn't know that it was someone that best knew how to heal - something that Roman would take pride in if he still practiced it himself, being a healer rather than a fighter was noble in his eyes. Locking onto [member=2072]selby roux ![/member] the male would quickly make his way over there, ears pinned to his head as he aimed to smash his paw against the ground once close enough, sending a rippling wave of the earth shattering towards the male to try and catch him off guard in the hopes that he would lose his balance, before Roman lunged, aiming to tackle Selby to the ground.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 11-03-2019

Unaware of the fact that Kydobi also possessed fire elementals, Worm let out a victorious snarl as he came down upon the Pittian, his powerful hind legs heaving him forward to meet the other male in battle. He was very pleased when he landed his blow on Kydobi's shoulders, but suddenly the marauder was shoving back against him, knocking him off balance. The guardsman fell to the ground with a grunt of pain, his head bouncing off the ground and making him dizzy. He slowly heaved himself back up, his one remaining eye darting around the battlefield as he got his bearings. When he saw Roman rushing towards Selby, his eyes widened, and he roared, desperate to protect the medic but knowing he had his own battle to worry about, "Selby! Watch out!" The call was as much attention as he could spare on something other than the battle, and he then refocused on his opponent, Kydobi. His body ached viciously from being thrown over by the maurader, but that didn't mean he wasn't about to fight back. He noticed the glow to the other's eyes, and it made his suspicions spike, but he wasn't about to give up with his fire just yet.

Letting out a snarl, the lion charged forward again, this time attempting to use on of his wings to hit Kydobi in the face, hopefully catching him off guard. Whether or not he was successful, he would aim to dive into Kydobi's side, trying to bowl the jaguar over onto his back and start taking at the marauder's with his flaming claws. If he could get Kydobi to back off of the battle, then he could go after Roman and protect Selby. He had no idea how much battle training the medic had, and he wasn't about to let Selby be maimed or killed in the heat of the raid. He couldn't even begin to think of what state Crow would be in if he lost his son, and there was no way that the guardsman was about to find out.

Attacking: [member=4490]Kydobi[/member]
Powers: 80%
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Warringkingdoms - 11-03-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The tension rose further and further as Jervis took longer and longer to show up, but finally, the fox showed his pathetic face. Yet, even upon making his presence clear, he seemed content to remain at the back. If the coward hoped to save his own skin, he was in for quite a shock.

  In one moment- Jervis yelling out the battle cry, Tanteri and Wormwood attacking too early- the tension broke, and war broke out. This was what they'd trained for. Staying close by the other Elysites to keep tabs on them, lest the Pittians try to dogpile one of them, Rin stalked forward and swept her gaze over the battlefield. Goldenluxury was taking on Jervis, Wormwood had Kydobi and Bai taken care of, one of the Typhoon crew members had Noa... there was a hybrid creature there, but he was occupied with one of the kids.

  Her gaze finally landed on someone attacking a creature- who she was pretty sure was Tanglewood's medic- and her eyes widened. She'd seen that three-legged Russian Blue before- Roman, of all creatures? Why? Gritting her teeth, Rin surged forward and flung an arrow at Roman's side. Even if it didn't hit, she could at least take his attention off the medic. Rushing forward, she would then attempt to tackle Roman out of the air and hold him down.

  They may have been clanmates once upon a time, but Rin had no tolerance for traitors. There was no point in keeping them alive.

  attacking: [member=5538]romanempire[/member]
  power reserves: 95%
  arrows left: 5/6

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - aine. - 11-03-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
One second, it was only tension.  Apprehension in the air nearly too thick to breathe.  Threatening tones and tense bodies.  Next second, it was complete chaos.  Eruption. 

It's the fire that freezes the child solid. Smoke.  Flames.  Biting embers.  Everything burns.  A fire tore her home down.  A fire ripped away her brother.  They couldn't play together anymore.  Not the way they used to.

Her blood is ice in comparison.  Holding her small body rigid, still as close to her father as possible.  Protection.  Kydobi was meeting the fire in the middle.  Creating distance. 

Her fear drove the earth beneath her paws, trembling.  A jungle was a lush place, full of life.  Green.  The jungle was her home and it was under attack.  Again.  The same scary faces.  Again.  Why don't they leave us alone?

Large, hazel hues, golden, locked on the flame-barer.  Again.  Her teeth ground.  "Allez-vous-en!" Frightened and desperate to protect Kydobi, Aine began to rapture the ground beneath the lion's paws, attempting to unbalance him as he rushed for the jaguar.
[Image: HfnJZUK.png]
attacking: [member=6881]aurum.[/member]
power reserves: 95% 」
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-03-2019


[OOC: mobile ]

It seemed Hell had a lot more to give as even more enemy faces came along with familiar allies. It brought relief to see he was able to knock the brute over, as the lion gathered himself Kydobi would gather his senses. Literally. The roar of the chaos was deafening and it was something that had been drowned out by his heartbeat. However now that he had time to pause while his opponent addressed someone, the noise came rushing back. Thankfully for Aurum, Kydobi believed in nobility. He would not do dirty tricks while they were turned. Besides he had other things to handle.

The screams and yells and wails and snarls of everyone exploded around him, causing his ears to ring. A piercing noise that, despite his best efforts... he had to wince. A painful wail would escape him, it felt like a hot needle was being driven into his head through his ears. Agony.

This was something that never happened. This overload. But in the heat of the battle he had forgotten to keep his advanced senses in check. A hoarse cry would escape him and he nearly doubled over. He worked on his breathing, focused on his heart, focused on the now. It felt like forever but he slowly regained control.

Yet just when he gathered himself, a wing would knock him. The blow would’ve got him either way, he had learned people often used wings for distractions so don’t pay too much attention, but it seemed Aurum was the exception.

Kydobi was flung onto his side, eyes wide with shock. That snapped him back into it, he wouldn’t try to move to soften the fall. Instead he would immediately try to regather himself one he stopped sliding.

The lion was on him before he could fully get to his feet. The onyx brute would have to fight from low ground, which was not good when facing an opponent larger than himself, not by too much but the wings... Kydobi couldn’t make up for those.

He braced himself, the idea to go intangibile was far from his mind. Considering he hadn’t been formally trained with it, it’s use wasn’t an option till he realized.

Suddenly the ground began to quake shortly after little Aine yelled something in a language unknown. He would briefly look at her seeing her focus, pride swelled in him. She was far more powerful than he could ever wish to be. She quite possibly saved his life. But he had to make sure the lion wouldn’t retaliate on the poor little girl.

In an attempt to keep [member=6881]aurum.[/member] ’s attention on him, Kydobi would snarl loudly, allowing himself to very briefly go invisible. In this period he would attempt to get on all fours again, then he would flicker. Almost taunting the lion before allowing himself to be seen fully. however his balance was off and his stance far from stable.

So far he was being purely defensive and that was not enough. He needed to engage the brute. Attack. Soon. And if Aurum thought Kydobi was going to back off he was far from wrong. Sure this was a formidable opponent but Kydobi took security in knowing they were not running about to harm whoever they pleaded. Instead they were engaged in him and planned to keep it that way for as along as possible.

Attacking: [member=6881]aurum.[/member]

Powers: 100%
Stamina: 90%
