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trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Printable Version

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Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-17-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken could hear the sound of the Captain yelling orders, he could hear the sounds of fighting going on around him. But they were all muddled by the sound of blood rushing to his ears.

Blood pooled into his mouth and the stent h filling his nose.He was immediately thrown back into old memories, the war from his childhood flashing across his eyes. He was partially snapped out of the forsaken memories by teeth digging into his shoulder. His jaw would let go of the scruff as he leapt backwards, ripping his shoulder from the jaws.

He lowered his body as he circled Sherbet, black tears flowing heavier from his eyes as blood dripped from his teeth. Glowing pink orbs stared at the feline through the holes of the skull that was sat atop his head.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Kiara Kokytos - 01-17-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

everything was so amusing. the fear on the captain's daughter's face, the panic in the captain's optics. it seemed that lucinder had abandoned his original idea of kidnapping loki and instead lunged at captain morrison for insulting his mother. she laughed, a bright sound, before falling silent and zeroing in her gaze on loki instead. if he wouldn't do it because he got distracted flashing his flames over there, she'd do it instead. running her tongue around her jaws the coyote let out a shrill cackle before sprinting towards the child.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Scyllios - 01-17-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── It was happening way too fast -- the talking lasted seconds, it seemed, before hell broke loose. Scyllios could only stand and watch as Morrison got tag teamed and Juniper went for some big teal beast, and she saw solsken. An old friend. Even if he was attacking vis captain, ve couldnt stand to attck him. Thank god Kiara was there, trying to nab the child.

The maned wolf tried to barrel into Kiara's side, sticky tail attempting to wrap around her hind legs and drag her down. "Not on my watch." was all ve could muster, pearly eyes glaring down at the coyote.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Kiara Kokytos - 01-17-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she could see the whites of the child's eyes and very nearly touched her fur with an outstretched claw when someone rammed into her side and something sticky wrapped around her legs. she collapsed to the floor with a huffed snarl, barking out a laugh. "never," she began, batting at the tail. "ever do that again. do you know how weird that feels?" she lifted a brow, glaring back at vem. having grown up under weird siblings there were often times you missed the usage of a limb because somebody was clambering on to your body, and this felt basically no different, just... slimier. "i don't mind you attacking me but that's kinda ew." she snapped, pushing herself up to her front paws and slowly pushing apart her hind legs, optics watching every move.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Morrison - 01-17-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
As the first flash of claws appeared before Morrison, the canine smirked in the face of the leader. "So, they have made their choice," he affirmed. Reveling in his own superiority, the former captain stepped back. His head swiveled backwards and stared down his comrades as claws unsheathed, teeth started to bare, and growls rumbled. They were doing this, weren't they? Morrison, in realization, continued his previous action of lowering to the ground. Cracked claws dug into the sand beneath his paws in anticipation, waiting for someone to strike. The first attack would not be his. His goal was to fight defensively, rolling and ripping through the area swiftly to keep them on their toes.

Orange orbs caught a bellowing fool staggering towards him. The female's blackened claws reached out towards his sharp features, causing his head to turn in response. Sharp daggers flew past, lightly scraping at his cheeks and drawing blood, but not enough for the hardened captain to flinch. In response, as she jostled past, the canine attempted to jolt forward and snap at their backside, aiming for their tail. If successful, he would pull her back into his realm to try and continue the fight. (Maybe even ripping it off in response due to it's small size.)

Lucinder had surprised him though. As his head was turned, the other dove. Their weight caused him to collapse onto the ground with a thud! Morrison's eyes widened and turned up to his attacker. Seeing talons flashing in the reflective sunlight, he turned and rolled out from underneath the other's weight. As he slid onto his paws and rose to his full stature again, the wolf snarled. "Ye can do better than that, mama's little man." In one swift movement, he attempted to lash out with his left paw and swipe at the other's shins in an attempt to temporarily render their back legs useless until the pain subsided.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SETHIRAM - 01-17-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
The serval managed to hit her target slightly, even if it was barely a few scratches. It was enough to satisfy her, right up until she felt her tail get clamped down into the vice of canid teeth and her entire body get forced backwards. Through shocked eyes she caught a glimpse of Lucinder's giant form, and then she felt her tail start to rip. For a second, it felt so slow. Then as she hit the ground, skidding onto the sands, the pain seared for a moment. Red grit her teeth. Damn.

Adrenaline had kicked in at that moment, dulling her pain and overriding her senses with some sort of primal joy. She looked to the chunk of her tail -- a good half of it, two-thirds, perhaps, that lay on the sands near Morrison. Then her gaze fell back on the wolf, and she held no pause. Back into the action.

With a low laugh, she rushed toward him, leaping in an attempt to land onto his side or back, trying to throw him even slightly off balance. Hopefully it was enough to give Lucinder a chance to make his next move.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SirDio - 01-17-2023

All that talk for nothing, it seemed. Liquoer noticed Solsken and the serval take action and he started to move, only to be stopped by a older looking lioness. It was ever so cute, how she seemed to care for him. The bite onto the underside of his neck? Not so much. He rumbled in aggravation, not pain, and stumbled back. The fat that had made him so damn slow was playing into his defenses, it seemed. Her bites barely did anything.

"Is this supposed to hurt?" He asked for a second, before using his right paw to dislodge her jaw and toss her down. Lidless eyes staring down at her, he then attempted to bite down on her hind leg and drag her. Maybe he would have some fun after all.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Scyllios - 01-17-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Kiara's humor was lost on the maned wolf, an eyebrow lifting in question at her laugh. In response to her smacking vis tail, ve slowly tried to tighten the grip. "Keep struggling, you will lose all function of your legs." They hushed, gritting their teeth as she tried to free herself. Some people didn't learn.

The maned wolf tried to bite down on her scruff and yank her down, using vis tail to try and drag Kiara from Loki. "Child. Get out." Ve jerked their head toward Loki, urging the child to leave. "Hide." Turning to face Kiara, vis pearly eyes bored into her own, lips peeled back in a snarl.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-17-2023

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 01-17-2023

She could hear the chaos unfold, and the only reason she was on the boat was because she couldn't see it happening. If she had her sight, if she had what she had all those years ago, she could have been down there. Seven could only hope that her group had the sense to get close to the ship she was on if they were injured. She guessed she was going to have to hold down the fort.

She had a hard enough time telling friend from foe without them jumping onto her back, though. Sharp claws latched onto her skin, and then fangs pierced her neck, and all she could do was let out a confused and panicked yowl. Blind eyes widened and she thrashed wildly, trying to get Alexandre off. Jaws snapped in either direction, also trying to grab the feline and drag them away. All that was going through her head was [i]get off get off get off get off.