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Set on lock - Storage - Printable Version

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Re: Set on lock - Storage - Brutei Tsune - 02-15-2022

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: #addaeb; margin-top: -16px;"]Brutei !
full name. Brutei Zemexis Tsune
nicknames. Brute

sex. Male
gender. MtNB Transgender

physical age. 4 years
mental age. 4 years
spiritual age. 4 years

group. Coalition
rank. None
titles. TBA

species. Ice Demon Oriental Shorthair Cat
appearance. slim and delicately framed, with icy blue fur and maroon eyes, and white ribbed ram horns on their head. Unnaturally long tail with icy spikes on it.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. None

discovered powers. Water Elemental, Mental manip, Air Elemental
mastered powers. Water Elemental, Air Elemental
future powers. Unknown

deep inside.
personality type. answer
positive traits. Loyal. Honest. Approachable (debating).
neutral traits. Quiet. Reserved. Apathetic
negative traits. Easy to anger. Harsh. Malicious.
personality description. Brutei is a being who is, metaphorically and maybe literally, a cold son of a bitch. They are calm and collected, save for the rare time they show emotion in their voice that isn't malice, indignation, or boredom. Sometimes they are sarcastic or mocking, though this is light toward the Coalition and more intense with outsiders and enemies.

mental disorders. Unknown
emotional disorders. Unknown
quirks. Unknown

goals/dreams. Climbing the ranks in the coalition, living a good life, having a family
fears. Dying again, failing, losing all their friends

history. Had been a second borne child in a secluded group, his father the Rex/ Leading man of the group, and his brother the heir to said position. Driven by jealousy, Brutei, who had the name of Ezrakel at the time, killed his brother. Out of fear, he ran away until he was swept away by a storm, ending up on coalition shores. he became Espionage, and after a while was again confronted by his brother, who had been haunting him. he killed his brother again, taking on the name of Brutei. During the raid against the coalition he died, having to relive his life from a distance, watching his world. An unknown force pulled him back, granting him a new body and new powers for him to use.

After disappearing from CoTC for two years, They have resurfaced with a feminine body and is currently pregnant with 4 kittens.

generation. 1st
parents. Ezra and Galia Tsune
siblings. Ezekiel (deceased)

romantic orientation. Demiromantic
sexual orientation. Pansexual
crushes. None
love interests. None

romantic partner. None
children. 4 unborn Children
best friend. None
mentor. Ezra Tsune
apprentice. None
enemies. Unknown

song name by artist name
song name by artist name

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Brutei Tsune - 02-15-2022


Re: Set on lock - Storage - Kold - 02-18-2022


Re: Set on lock - Storage - Kold - 02-18-2022

[glow=#000,2,300]KOLD — FEMALE — WOLF/ROTTWEILER — THE PITT — [glow=#000,2,300]TAGS[/glow]

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Kold - 02-19-2022

Name Kold Darcia Ní Broin
-Nicknames none

Born female Considering She/They pronouns
Age 3 years 8 months

The Pitt Pittian/Newblood

Orientation Bisexual and Biromantic, single and not looking

Family Kold is the daughter of two NPCs and the adopted daughter of Gael Ó Broin, adopted sister of Aine.
Current body Kold's body is that of a rotting wolf/rottweiler mix. Her fur is white with cream/peach rottweiler markings on her muzzle, chest, and all four paws. Her left paw is black. She has two large, torn and burning bat wings dark grey in color. A large gash lays in her chest, and some of her ribs on her right side are exposed. The right part of her upper lip is torn away, revealing bone. Her golden horns are broken, and she has deep black eyes.

Ailments/Illnesses Aside from being undead, she has no ailments or illnesses.

Accessories None

Physically difficult Despite her thin frame, Kold is still rather strong and has both fire and electricity elements at her disposal. Tag for attacks
Personality As of right now, Kold's true personality is hidden under a thick blanket of rage and ferocity, recovering from 2 years of death. Her personality has been warped, making her cold and harsh toward anyone who tries to get close. It's her coping mechanism for having lost her family twice now. She is an angry woman, and is dead set on getting stronger. She has nothing to lose, not even a soul, and that makes her a deadly opponent.

Mentally difficult Kold's mind is currently a fortress of rage, a perpetual storm that not many can get through.

Beliefs TBA
- Has Fire, Air, and Electricity Elementals, as well as shapeshifting
I'm uncontrollable, emotional
Chaotically proportional
I'm visceral, reloadable
(I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy)

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Ares - 02-23-2022


Re: Set on lock - Storage - SirDio - 02-24-2022

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]DAVID RAYS !
full name. David Jonothan Rays
nicknames. Davy Jones, Davey

sex. Male
gender. Male, He/Him

physical age. 4 years
mental age. thousands of years
spiritual age. thousands of years

group. The Typhoon
rank. Crewmate
titles. N/A

species. Bengal Tiger/Saltwater Crocodile hybrid
appearance. Reference. David's body is mainly that of a Bengal tiger, with deep sea green fur as a base, lighter tones on his underside, and even darker tones for his tiger stripes. Most of his face looks like a bengal tiger, but fur fades away to scales and his muzzle looks to be crocodilian, with teeth poking out. around his head, where it connects to his neck, a circle of octopus-like tentacles sit, around the same length as his neck, though they're often scrunched up or curled around one another.

His back is covered in crocodilian scales, sea green in color with splashes of lighter colors on them. His tail is that of a saltwater crocodile, with the same color scheme as his back. His hind feet are scaled and clawed. His eyes are orange in color, and his pupils are slit. Around his neck are several necklaces, holding charms made of beads and leather (not featured in his reference), and a white diamond necklace known as the Heart of The Sea.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. none

discovered powers. none
mastered powers. none
future powers. Water Manipulation and Air Manipulation

deep inside.
personality type. TBA
positive traits. Jovial, Hardworking, Social
neutral traits. Secretive, Aloof
negative traits. Easily angered, Melancholic
personality description. David Rays has lived a long time, he's seen war, peace, love, hate, life, death, all that jazz. He's seen it all, making him numb to most things. However, he can be rather sociable, and can often be seen singing shanties in his accented voice.

mental disorders. Unknown
emotional disorders. Unknown
quirks. Unknown

goals/dreams. Rise in the ranks of The Typhoon, get stronger
fears. Dying (again), falling in love

history. Nothing much is known, but he often says he sailed around a lot, but landed on the island of the beyond. Deciding to stay, he decided to make a name for himself. This may or may not be true.

generation. 1st
parents. NPC xx NPC
siblings. Unknown

romantic orientation. Homoromantic
sexual orientation. Homosexual
crushes. None
love interests. None

romantic partner. None
children. None
best friend. None
mentor. Unknown
apprentice. None
enemies. Unknown

song name by artist name
song name by artist name

Re: Set on lock - Storage - SirDio - 02-24-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]ψ — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.ψ

Re: Set on lock - Storage - Scyllios - 02-26-2022


Re: Set on lock - Storage - SirDio - 02-28-2022

✧ Serket | no current nicknames
✧ physically 4 months, mentally months | November 17 | Scorpio
✧ amad Cismale | He/Him
✧ Typhoon | Beta | titles (optional)
Found in a little box in the sand

✧ Toyger (ref. (DIGITAL SOON)) | health: 100% | birth/current body?
— Serket is a small toyger kitten with teal and light blue fur and dark blue stripes. His tail is that of a shark, also teal and light blue with dark blue stripes. His ear tips are magenta, and the inside of his ears are hot pink. His eyes are bright yellow with lime green irises. He also has mutations causing slick fur and gills on his neck.
— blood/tears/sweat color are naturally colored
— no accesories
— no current injuries

✧ Outgoing, social
✧ hardheaded, has no filter
✧ Stubborn, impatient
— Serket, though just a child, is already very outgoing and adventurous, but that could get him in deep trouble. The boy has no filter and will say whatever he wants and whatever he hears (leading to accidental cursing). He is also quite stubborn and will do almost anything to get his way.

✧ NPC xx NPC | Parents are presumed dead
adopted by none as of yet
✧ No family name
✧ too young for romantic or sexual orientations | single/not looking | shipname
✧ friends | best friends | extra info

✧ physically Easy | mentally easy | no powers | no weapons
✧ will end fights, hard provoke | will not kill
✧ mentor | apprentice | how skilled are they in fighting?
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded text | mention @/account when attacking

✧ extra info here, such as face claims, voice claims, bits of their history, links, etc.
— specifics right here