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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - beatae - 11-01-2019

noa held a more relaxed form as it approached the ever growing crowd of soldiers against soldiers. the mutated bush dog couldn't help but flinch seeing the fossil dive down toward their own, fur bristling as a shiver skittered down its back. so they really weren't playing around this time... noa's ego was still bruised from jervis' minor attack. shoulders now scabbed over from the claws that had dug into it's skin.

it would still defend the pitt, though. az and envy were still here somewhere, and they needed to be safe. noa also considered kydobi and vox rather decent acquaintances. it would be a shame to lose them so soon.

the mutant slinks slowly next to kydobi, looking across the three clans aligned against them. "don't worry, ky. if jervis doesn't show up to his own birthday party, at least you got me!" it joked, knowing the immense size and power difference between itself and their common enemies. a shame. but they wouldn't at least try to watch his back.

template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Eclipse - 11-02-2019

Eclipse had been told by her Papa to stay back and hide but she had heard the lightning too and she was curious. Sneakily following Bai Shi eclipse had found a perch in some rubble a small distance away from the temple. She had watched everything so far and when the focused had shifted from Bai shi she had begun sneaking her way down the rubble and towards the allies. Kydobi wanted to hurt Idyll and she wouldn't let him, she never liked her Papa's special friend anyways.

Once she had neared the Allied battle lines she began to dash through the legs of the assembled soldiers, her size as a small runty child being an advantage in this situation. Snaking her way between the legs she made her way to Idyll, having to hop onto an NPC's back and using other NPC's backs to hop between when the legs got too dense. Once she had made her way to Idyll the tiny fox kit hopped onto their back and from their onto their head, growling as ferociously as she could at Kydobi as she stood unsteadily on Idyll's head.
"I WONT LET YOU HURT PAPA'S FRIEND YOU BIG FAT POOPY FACE!"She yelled out at Kydobi, Her fox skin melting away and shifting to become a Tiny Sapphire Dragon.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Vovk Strilka - 11-02-2019

Vovk had been watching from afar for the majority of the current interaction and had stalked up and lay'ed down a short distance from Bai Shi, opposite of where Eclipse had hidden herself. He wasn't too familiar with anyone here as he had been keeping his distance from the majority of people but he recognized Bai shi and had had a few interaction with their family so he chose to join their neutral side, having not noticed the small kit until she had stood on what looked to be the head of the Allies medic and childishly yelled at one of the pitt's soldiers.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - teef - 11-02-2019

steps following after playerone, the blacksmith's striped pelt stinging with old scars and misgivings about this situation. breathing in her girlfriend's scent, the tigress ran her head along player's hip, smearing her scent across her fur, content to be beside her. she did not wear the fabric of elysium upon her body, wearing her own bandana tied about her tail, smeared by soot and dirt.

touching noses with player, purring softly to her, the tigress made her way uo beside tena, rin and kanga, snarling softly at the tiger, "get your ass back into line, kanga, or do you want a swiped nose? its bad enough that we already have blood on our paws. don't encourage death before we have given them a chance." she snarled, moving to cut off his path forward as she raised her head. growling at the brute, she flicked her tail, speaking lower so that he would hear, "kanga, wait a bit longer before you hurl yourself into battle." she rumbled, "patience brings you better rewards, kanga. let the smaller prey bring the larger prey to you. war is a form of art, and you want it to show in the most impressive way. do well, and you might get a treat." she rumbled as she slid towards the shadows, ears twitching.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-02-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Jervis - 11-02-2019

The crackle of lighting was rather unwelcome. It’s familiar flare signaled that there was a demigoddess upon their land, ready to liberate The Pitt’s slaves. Goldenluxury thought she was on some type of moral high ground, thinking that helping them would soothe their past demise. Fear not though. Damage had already been dearly done to these disgraceful plebeians. Surely they would rise to The Pitt’s side to fight.... Right? After all, the majority of the slaves thought their masters were oh-so godly. Brainwashed and beaten, Jervis hoped that his slaves would join him in battle. [member=7526]ROY[/member] , a loyal weaponized tiger, may even show his face and betray his former clan.

Saying his arrival was late was an understatement, but at least he arrived before the real battle began. Unkempt as always, the sly fox sauntered his way over. He remained behind his warriors. A single golden eye glared at Goldenluxury from across the field, but wandered away soon enough. He had yet to spot many others. Notably, [member=1477]crow roux[/member]  . The Tanglewood leader surely would have to show their face too. After all, they were all in this together... or was the emphatic tabby too afraid to see his fellow Tanglewoodians die in his paws? The thought merely made him snicker. Pitiful.

Despite his untimely arrival, Jervis knew that his presence was in the spotlight. The glorious attention was truly what he wanted... even if it was for him being infamous amongst everyone here. With a cocky smirk, he looked around one last time to admire those that gathered around him and at the border. Only seconds later did his mischievous gaze land on the leader.

Goldenluxury spoke of many things. Surrender. Jervis' lies. The deal. Notably, she was growing impatient. Jervis admired her restraint. Honorably, she offered for them to lay down their weapons and move along. Unfortunately, she was asking for a costly bargain. The ardent would not give up his beloved power so easily, even at his grave. Needless to say, their submission was not an option.

Jervis merely stared at her with a thousand yards glare. From the back of The Pitt's line, a shout arose. "You know I can't do that," he rumbled deeply. The Pitt had achieved too much... He had done too much. To say that they gave up their power in exchange for nothing would be disgraceful and embarrassing. The notable vulpine would never allow it. Their offer of solidarity and peace was an uneasy predicament. In truth, Jervis thought it should be the other way around. The Pitt should be sparing the other three group's loved ones in turn for their demise. Regrettably, it did not work out that way.

Hell, the ardent was all about self-preservation. The Pitt was his shield and his marauder were the best knights in the kingdom. They were all pawns that he would throw aside if it meant his survival. From Fourthwall to the lowest of the low, like August, all of them would be first on the chopping block before he ever would be. Truthfully, Jervis never considered their loss. Without a second thought, a shrill screech passed throughout the battlefield.


And just like that, the pinned dropped. As Tanteri's first body rained down from the sky and Wormwood's swipe slashed at his beloved advisor, the war started. The surge of movement from all sides was sudden. All four groups with their claws extended and teeth bared moved towards one another, ready to obliterate one another. Adrenaline and maddening emotions filled the area. From regret to frustration, the watchers could see it all. Yet that was not the worst of the battle yet. Crimson was soon going to be painting the floor and guts would string throughout the area if all went right. Jervis hoped so at least.

As whirring Pittians flew past him, Jervis remained in the back lines. With the size and power difference compared to Goldenluxury, he was at a definite loss. Thankfully, there were others here to defend him. For now, he strategically remained in the back and awaited for someone to make a move on him. Perhaps he'd even have someone take the hit for him. How cowardly.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Hope Arcanium - 11-02-2019

A purr escaped my jaws as my girlfriend brushed her fur to mine in greeting, and I watched as she too joined the frontlines. I would soon follow, looking for an open Pittian to attack.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Cosmic - 11-02-2019

A shrill sound would be heard as the thunderbird unleashed a strong lightning bolt at a random Pittian, hoping to deal a good amount of damage. Jervis did say for his pawns to attack, so now was the time to retaliate.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-02-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 11-02-2019

And there it was, finally. The call for attack, vicious and screamed from the back, a sign even now of Jervis's cowardice. As soon as he heard the fox he wanted to dive over the crowd, and dig his flaming claws into the other creature, giving him payback for the wounds that he had inflicted upon Worm months ago. He wanted revenge, for everything that The Pitt had done to Tanglewood. However, he held himself back, seeing the way that Goldie targeted the male. After all, Jervis was hiding in the back, and there were more urgent threats to worry about than a cowardly leader, hiding behind all those foolish enough to follow him. A snarl left the lion's throat as he glanced around, taking in everyone that was currently engaged in the war between the three large groups. It stung, the fact that he could see no other tanglers in the sea of faces yet, but he figured that perhaps he just couldn't see them because they were hidden amongst all the fighting. Besides, he preferred not having any sort of partner with him – he would be far too frightened for their safety to focus entirely on the war in front of him. Before he truly threw himself into the battle, however, he focused his attention on Bai Shi, the dragon's appearance before him, proclaiming peace and neutrality, was enough to run his blood hot as lava, his voice roaring across the open battlefield as he addressed the scaled being directly, "BAI SHI! Hide behind your neutrality all you want, but know right now that no matter what you say, you cannot hide away from your sins. You claim this war has nothing to do with you, but you are wrong. You are a scum of the Earth Pittian, and a Pittian you will stay, no matter what you claim. My God is looking down upon me fondly, but know that he will not look down upon you so lovingly." His words were dark and murderous, determined to continue to get revenge for Red, and what Bai Shi had done to him. Another roar leaving him, the guardsman of Tanglewood gathered flames into his mouth with his fire elementals, shooting a massive fire ball at the dragon, aiming for his chest and face.

His jaws snapped shut once he was done addressing and attacking the former Pittian, and refocused his attention on Kydobi, wanting the Pittian to further back up and away from Idyll. A low snarl left him, and flames enveloped his front half, his eye seeming to light up in a rage as he charged forward, his wings flying open as he tried to grab onto Kydobi's front half, aiming to slam the jaguar into the ground and dig his claws into his shoulders, his flaming jaws trying to clamp down aggressively on Kydobi's ear, trying to rip it off. He wouldn't kill Kydobi, since the male was the father of Indie's children, but he would definitely just injure him and force him to move back and away from Idyll and the others – that was, of course, as long as Kydobi didn't hurt anyone that Wormwood cared about. That would be what would truly shove the guardsman over the edge, and he probably wouldn't have even been able to control himself or his flames from attempting to murder the marauder. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though any of his beloved family was here yet, which meant that Kydobi couldn't possibly hurt any of them. That was... at least until any of them showed up, as they inevitably would.

currently attacking: [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] [member=4490]Kydobi[/member]
powers: 85%
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]