Beasts of Beyond
RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES // rescue - Printable Version

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Re: RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES // rescue - teef - 08-24-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


(sorry it took so long,,, things have been tumultuous over here) //

jaws spreading in a roar of defiance, their maw spread wide, their blinded eyes somehow tracking their would be attacker. monkey, a creature with hand-like paws. well, not quite so much anymore, more of a demonic-like monkey. that fact was a little humorous to the dragon, their body coiling as he flung himself at them, weaving their weight to the side.

he might not have caught them, but his blade knicked them deep enough for a bright shiny silver ichor to seep from the wound, the scales around the wound torn and jagged, weak from an old wound. twisting their body weight around, the dragon would aim to hit red with their tail, aiming to knock him away from aine and gael.

they had long ago learned that their face coming into range of blades was far from comfortable. right now, their goal was to get the demon away from aine so they could fight without dragging the girl into combat. "focus on something other than a little child, demon." they would snarl, if they were successful in knocking him away from the family, they would attempt to pin him under a paw, lips curled back to show their teeth bared in disgust. they could appreciate him trying to get aine away from the battle, they understood that desire to free the child from the darkness here, but they were enraged by the attack on their home.

Re: RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES // rescue - beatae - 08-27-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
auggie feels a weight of relief lift from his shoulders after leroy successfully finds him. the terrier jumped straight to aiding the tangler to finding his lost friends, new bursting energy at his heels. seeing beck and sam's state had made him feel utterly... foolish. foolish for feeling any hope like he had before about being liberated from the pitt.

for now he focused on getting the prisoners free, though. watching as leroy gathered his friends and made an exit, he saluted the cur before exiting a different direction, hurrying toward the battlefield. he couldn't help but visibly flinch seeing the tyrant hounded on. he swallowed hard and continued on through, ducking his head low as he came closer to jervis.

"the prisoners! they've escaped, sir. i-ah, fell asleep and they were gone when i woke up." now, he hadn't been assigned on watch-duty or anything, but it was no secret most of the slaves made their homes within the same dungeons prisoners were kept. the terrier turned his head to see red, eye's wide. "sir should... should we retreat?"

i'm the prize