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IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - Printable Version

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Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - Morgan - 11-02-2018

For once, Morgan felt lucky that his vocabulary was still imperfect. Out of the attempt at an insult his adversary made, he only understood the word 'piece'. The aggression was still clear as day, however, as the helpfully traitorous Pittian was knocked aside. The General's spear attack struck true, but it did not seem to be enough to incapacitate his enemy. He readied himself for his next move; there was not enough available water to work with other than his armor, so he would have to improvise.

The samoyed was not quick enough with such a short distraction to work with. He was hit head-on by the lion's rushing maneuver, landing on the ground and shattering part of the armor on his back. The other leader's strikes landed just where they intended to - however, the thick layer of icy armor was able to absorb the blows until it began to crack apart.

What kind of a place was the Pitt, really? All Morgan thought he knew was that they kept slaves, kidnapped his comrades repeatedly, and betrayed each other at every turn. If they were not completely lawless, they were still quite pitiful in the samoyed's inexperienced eyes. For that, he thought they deserved all the damage he could muster for the sake of Tanglewood.

Morgan growled out as his armor was broken into pieces, but all was not yet lost. The second attack by his new ally gave the canine enough time to breathe, which was all he required. Beneath his remaining mask, he summoned a cold tone to briefly speak his mind before his next move.
"The Pitt... You stand for nothing."

Taking a breath inward just as he would to summon his water, the Tangler closed his eyes and opened up his senses to feel the auras and elements around him.
His breath flowed outward next; a wide blast of blazing fire erupted from his mouth to match his deep breath, attempting to burn the larger attacker from directly below him.
If his unlikely comrade was lucky enough, he could use the flames as another diversion for himself.

The force of the fire pushed the samoyed downward; rather than resisting it, he let himself sink straight into the earth and out of the lion's grip as if the ground were a simple pool of water. His armor remained in pieces on the ground where he once was, his abandoned mask beginning to melt in its relatively unbroken state. Unarmored and with little air left underground, the General would need to act fast to figure out what to do or where to go next. He kept his eyes closed to monitor the auras and elements nearby, hoping they would guide him.


Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - ninazu - 11-02-2018

© lexasperated
Ninazu prepared for a second lightning strike – right as her redirected lightning slammed back into her body. Toes and tails curling, the sand cat heard her teeth snap together as her muscles quivered uncontrollably by the pure energy that overloaded her. Her shoulder burned where the lightning collided with her body, but she stood her ground and focused with the concentration born from desperate rage.

When Morgan slipped into the earth, she saw her chance to strike when the only one that could deal with her lightning exited the field.

A scream flung from her throat as she raised a paw, golden arcs of lightning flickering over her puffed-out fur. She never held this much lightning in her body before in her life. She didn’t even know how such a small form could hold so much raw power, but she just needed to direct it. And long distance strikes were her specialty.

Two forks of lightning snapped out of her paw, diving towards [member=2582]A. ROZOVSKY[/member] and [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] – simultaneously, one drifting towards Kiira before her intentions waved just enough to alter its course towards Vigenere. After the rush of energy left her body, she collapsed onto the sandy ground of the cave; her muscles continued to spasm and twitch, as extra jolts of lightning continued to spark over her now-burned paw.

Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - ; albion - 11-02-2018

"y'all'd've might'a just stayed the fuck home." benny grumbled bitterly, analyzing the battleground and what it was for. all he saw were a few hicks and a traitor... nice. the marauder would assume rozovsky was taken care of, considering two of their baddies were going after the fucker. what a shame; he figured something like this would happen after his little outburst during delilah's torture. how unfortunate too, he would've made a decent pittian had he had the stomach for it.

beyond that they had the little scuffle between leopard and arrow going on, which seemed to be going... not so good. benny took the advantage of distraction, coming up from [member=1828]Kiira[/member] 's blindside. the fox shot a wink toward the serval fighting vigenere and aimed to headbutt her flank, driving her away from leopard and vigenere's scuffle if successful. he would them try to push her down with a harsh shove of his shoulder, and stomp both his front paws down on her chest if achieved.

Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - Stryker - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Nothing was everything. The Pitt had infinite possibilites of what they could do with their legacy, but yet Tanglewood though they were enemies without any unity. To Stryker, the Pitt was unified by their common goal. They all wanted to do what they wanted most and get high off the thrill of life because of that. Even throwing in a little revenge and justice seeking while they were at it. Truly, the ardent was adamant on that point. If the rest of his group hadn't gotten that message by now and were here for mindless violence, they have found the wrong place for the time being. In the meantime, they would focus on that one goal. That meant dealing with the sinners in front of them. They were taking what was now rightfully theirs and The Pitt ultimately wanted to protect their prize. Though, he wouldn't mind exchanging it for something bigger...

Distracted in the comments and frustrated with Rovosky, Stryker eventually managed to come back to reality and focus down onto Morgan once again. He had caused significant damage apparently. Defenseless, the other leader remained vulnerable, but not for long. Flames busted outwards. The lion jolted backwards, attempting to avoid his face being scorched by the fire. Nevertheless, he couldn't avoid the damage. Flames licked at the tips of his mane. In a panic, he shook out his mane and batted at it with a paw, removing the fire as quickly as he could. Burned and furious, the ardent rose back to attention. Taking a breath of fresh air, he began to regain his previous stance and began to scope out Morgan from the minor smoke trails left behind. Finding his target, he locked on.

But there was nothing to do. The leader had succumbed underground, enveloped by the sand. Stryker had no elementals, nor powers, that could cause him to reach Morgan. Unsure, he looked for a new opponent... The pussy was hiding underground for fucks sake!


Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - Dragon- - 11-03-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate — 。+゚.[/glow]
Leo would snarl as the mask of [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] impacted his forehead. The savannah would stumble back for a moment, narrowly avoiding [member=1828]Kiira[/member] . He'd smirk slightly and wink back at Benny before aiming to use brute force and slam onto Vingenere's head, using his full weight and the momentum of a jump to hopefully either knock him out or concuss him.
/crappy short post, sorry

Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - arrow - 11-04-2018

// wow late smh smh smh smh s-

Everything was moving too fast, the jarring combination of everyone's battle cries was throwing her off guard and when Leopard came in for an attack, she was nowhere near ready. Something came in contact with her for a brief moment, knocking her off her own paws as she hit the ground shoulder first. It was only by the interception of Vigenere that she wasn't thrown into a fight, and once she gathered her thoughts together she realized she owed him an apology for being so slow and out of touch.

Right, she needed to get her job done here. Was it allowed to up and run, as long as she had Delilah? "Thanks, V! Kick his ass!" Arrow made a mental note to pay more attention in this shit show, concerned by the idea that Stryker was now on his own and there was no possible way he was just going to waddle on off the field.

Bouncing back onto her paws, Arrow slid up to Delilah's side and nudged her with a shoulder, ready to support her weight to grab her and run. She noticed the wounds she must've sustained on her little 'vacation' here, and flinched at the sight. "Aight, flower girl, we've gotta get out of here."


Re: IS IT ALL OR NOTHING | o, rescue raid - DELILAH. - 11-04-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
19 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah felt pressure against her side, inhaling her friends scent momentarily before she began to weakly stagger alongside Arrow, allowing the girl to lead her out. Pale eyes seemed to stare lifelessly ahead of her as she raced away from the fight, her tail resting over her friend's back as she tried to quell the anxiety rising in her head.


[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]