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I turned on my paws, hearing a small voice from a little ways ahead. It was young, and it sounded like she needed help. I whipped side to side on my paws, trying to spot her. I instead followed the voice, slinking down below the smoke as much as possible. I had to get as many as possible out of here alive. Then treat them for burns and smokr inhalation.

Thea. It was Thea that called for help. She appeared weak, and could use some of my strength to move. "Hey, kid," I turned toward her, leaning just slightly in hopes she would get the message to lean on me.

"I'm getting you out of here. Keep your head down, stay calm and lean on me. Ready?"


A nod, to show that she heard, and bit back something along the lines of, "I can do it myself!". Thea resisted the urge, something that was a part of her to never accept help, enough to almost cause her physical pain, if possible. If she was busy being dead, she couldn't grow stronger. That's what she kept repeating to herself, but it sounded hollow, even in her head.

"I can walk by myself." The Fireball insisted, forcing herself to move, and began following Playerone. It wasn't because she didn't like the hybrid, if anything, she had begun to respect them after the white hellhound attacked. And how they held their own against multiple opponents. It was due to her belief that if she was weak, she didn't deserve help. That it would only burden others and put them at risk, and that she was plenty strong. She wasn't sure she could handle the pain of having to be supported by others. She had never even considered ever having to.


✯ — The marten furrowed her brow, breath coming in wheezing gasps.  "S-shine," stop being such an idiot, she grit her teeth, aiming to push just a little harder, her paws slipping.  Just a little.  "Sh-shine, w-we'll die." Lessa was not entirely sure who he meant; she knew there were others; she'd caught glimpses and faded sounds of others calling, getting help, but this far down, she was sure it was just them.  There was nothing but flames ahead.  "L-let me sa-save you."

If he kept fighting her, she knew she wouldn't win.  Not now.  Not in this state.  Neither were at their full strength.  Even then, without the Force at her side, Lessa was a lot less tough.  For the first time she was actually angry her connection was so weakened.  It hadn't bothered her at first; for it made no difference to the emptiness she already felt to lose that sixth sense, but at least when she'd been able to use it, she could've done something.  Pushed him harder than what her own physical strength allowed.  Still.

She couldn't fail.  Not Shine.  He was the only thing in this strange new place she knew, even if he was different.  It made her stomach twist in knots, the thought of being left alone here, about failing to push him back to safety.  She was scared.  Truly frightened.  "W-we can't sa-save anyone if w-we're d-dead, Shine," her voice cracked.  And the flames would surely kill them.  "H-have to g-go."

Please Shine, I'm scared.
code by spacexual

Re: STEER CLEAR OF THE SUN | OBSERVATORY EVACUATION - kinglykingstone - 07-22-2018

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The smell of smoke reached Cooper first but he had simply shrugged it off, assuming Roy or Bastilleprisioner had a mishap with their powers. But, when smoke began to creep and coil from under his door, the canine grew increasingly worried. That's when the alarm began to go off and the canine found panic now rising in his chest.

He attempted to stagger to his paws, smoke filling his already struggling lungs. The ill canine let out a small whine has his vision blurred and his head began to swim. He stumbled, nearly falling. Energy had abandoned the canine and he was already prepared to give up. "perhaps I'll see you soon, Harry.' he thought to himself, stumbling once more.

His ears perked slightly at the call of his name. "Sue-Suiteheart?" called out the canine with a cough. He pressed a paw against his door, testing it for warmth. It wasn't warm enough to have fire directly on the other side so he would attempt to open the door, a whine leaving him.


Alexander's voice reached her through the haze. The poor child almost ran into her. She stared at him for a few second, vision blurred. For the quickest of moments, the wolf cub in front of her was a seal mink kitten. Jacky's name was on the tip of her tongue, and she was about to call out to her long gone son. However, the fog in her mind cleared enough to recognize who was actually in front of her.

"Xander?" she coughed, shaking her head. She couldn't allow him to follow her. It was too dangerous, too reckless. Alexander was a Dwarf Star, a cub, a kid. Suite wouldn't forgive herself if something happened to him. "You - you gotta get out of here, okay? It's not safe. I have to look for others. You need to go where it's safe, you -"


That was Cooper. A new fear birthed itself inside of her. The white feline (who now appeared grayish with all the soot in the air), turned towards the call. She had to get her friend. She refused to leave him. But she couldn't leave Alexander either. "Hold your breath," she instructed the wolf cub, before attempting to pick him up by his scruff. Suiteheart kept low to the ground, away from most of the smoke, and dashed towards Cooper's room. It took mere seconds.

The feline opened the door Cooper had been trying so desperately to open himself. She placed Alexander inside the room, shutting the door behind her. While the smoke was slowly seeping inside of this place, it wasn't nearly as bad as the hallway.

The Ecliptic Admiral moved towards a bottle of water she had brought Cooper earlier in the day, grabbing three cloths from her friend's room along the way. As quickly as she could, she poured the water on the fabric, drenching the material. Returning to Alexander and Cooper, she said, "Tie these over your mouth and nose. It'll help with breathing through all this shit." She placed the wet cloth over her face and then waited to help the canines in front of her, if they needed it.

Once everyone had done that, she took a deep breath. "Xander, you stay at my side. Keep low to the ground. Move quickly. We'll be okay." Though most of her expression was hidden by the fabric, her eyes gave way to her true emotions: fear, concern, panic. The fae threw the door open. "C'mon, Cooper, Alexander. Let's move," she instructed, attempting to place herself underneath one of Cooper's front legs in an effort to half carry him. Slowly but surely, the group would aim to make their way out of the room and away from the looming threat.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI


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His friend pushed back harder. Shine did not have the physical energy to continue resisting like this. His brain sent no adrenaline, no sense of urgency, even as the fires grew closer, inch by inch. He stared into the dancing flames. Why did he have to be so powerless? Now, of all times? He could have once easily doused the fire, suppressed it, manipulate it in such a way to save everyone without breaking a single sweat. He had power unimaginable, capable of conquering entire groups on his own. He could do almost anything.

But that power frightened him.

Shine stumbled backwards a bit, as Lessa kept pushing. Her words barely seemed to reach his mind, the emotion lost in the confusing smoke and haze. But something seemed to click. Her last desperate cry, spoken not by mouth, but from the soul. It traveled across the invisible thread that bonded them together, reaching him loud and clear. His eyes widened, the realization settling on the feline as he peered into Lessa's eyes.

I'm scared too. Let's go.

Shine ducked his head below the majority of the smoke, turning and limping back towards the stairs, making sure Lessa was right there beside him, or in front. Not left behind. Not again.