Beasts of Beyond
trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Printable Version

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Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Kiara Kokytos - 01-09-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

lordy. a battle. the reaper hopped off the ship seven had left, barely leaving any imprints in the sand. she padded up after aesior, an amused smile flickering as lucinder's antics. she was sure elsweyr's son could do damage, and the captain's daughter did seem fun to attack. she looked cute and just as colorful as the captain himself - she shot him a flirty smile, the golden canine tapping her paws against the floor. oh how her brothers would have a field day at this scenario, she thought to herself with a giggle.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - aesior - 01-17-2023

there was the nearly silent sound of buzzing ringing about his head, the sound slowly getting louder and twice as aggravating as he watched Sherbet, the smaller male reading the scroll he had brought. something was pressing on his mind, some memory, some taste he couldn't name, some word that was on the tip of his tongue. he hated it. he fucking hated it.

running his tongue over teeth primed for ripping muscle and crushing bone, his ears pressed forwards as he stared down at the Typhoon's Captain with a fixation that was sending thrills down his spine as the tips of his claws began to peek from their sheaths. how would this mortal look, bleeding and battered? whispered a sickly sweet in the back of his mind, ear twitching as if it had spoken in his ear itself, his breathing slowing as he watched with thin slit eyes. the rational part of the Luminary's mind was saying that it was wrong to be staring down at the Captain like he was a fresh piece of meat (he couldn't help swallowing as he thought that). blinking and inhaling as he drew his attention back, sheathing the claws that had been making their way out, a deep bellow of laughter swelling in his chest, "You take and keep what you want? Sounds like my kind of people!", he laughed for a bit, deep heavy roaring laughter that left his chest aching from the lack of air. His eyes narrowed as he stared down at Sherbet before turning his head to face Morrison with a twinkle in his eyes, "I'd say to blame your own running mouths for this, Morrison. Tanglewood would have been here if we'd had boats any earlier, and if our former Luminaries had had the spine to go out on the open sea and explore. I've simply taken the chance to expand our home base, regardless of if some other opportunists have seen fit to try and set up camp here." he rumbled.

His gaze roved over the younger bodies in the crowd and over the older members, a toothy grin taking his face as a snicker left him, "Tanglewood's grown a spine, Typhoon. I do appreciate the boats, that was done in fair trade, after all, seen as they were made with majorly our lumber and our nails. But you see, Tanglewood is in need of a bigger territory and we aren't afraid to reclaim this land, and take new land. We're the outcasts of society after all, I'd dare say that we're a good match for a crew of pirates.", he took a breath, smiling, "Two can play at the game of finder's keepers. Give up the island and keep your lives, perhaps even if I'm feeling kindly enough, trade rights to what's on this island. I wanted to handle this diplomatically when we set out, but ya see, there's an issue there. I'm tired of keeping the peace, of being the good guy. I'm tired of seeing my people being pushed around and giving in to demands from other greedy fuckers. It's a new era for Tanglewood, Morrison. Pull back now if you don't want to be the first to feel our claws." Man, he was so tired of playing nice and good.

Looking at Lucinder, he couldn't help the wild grin that spread the lion's maw under his veil, "Keep the claws sheathed until the first blow is made. Leave the kids be, they should be captured only if they don't run away, and don't draw blood.", he murmured, cracking his neck as he waited for Morrison's response, unable to wipe the grin from his veiled face. Shit, something about this whole situation felt good, in a way nothing had in a long time. The rational part of the Luminary's mind screamed that it wasn't right to be so willing to go to war, but he was sick and tired of being pushed around. There more than a million memories he could recall of biting his tongue and bending his head, of letting things happen without standing up or biting back. Perhaps he'd been a ticking time bomb the whole damn time. Some unholy part of him wanted to rip into the first creature to try and go up against him, itched to be released from shackles he had imposed ages ago when he'd watched the execution of his own life partner. The rage that had burned for ages against the Gods and all they stood for was breaking the edges of his patience, soon to snap the last final thread of peace in him. He could already feel the sand parting under his paws as plants that had no business growing in the sand began to burst through and climb the Grim's legs, blossoms of tansy and briar gnarling up his legs and through his mane, heads of yellow roses exploding into life amongst the other few flowers as he struggled inside of himself to keep his temper and the consuming urge to give the command to fall into battle. He had to keep his head here, if there was still some diplomatic route.

Fuck it.

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - LUCINDER XIU - 01-17-2023


he nodded as aesior addressed him, barely acknowledging his otherwise insane behavior and instead keeping his gaze trained on the enemy. he was curious about this new territory, it was about time for tanglewood to explore some new places! spice up their territory a bit, eh? he chuckled, shaking his mane out, and his optics glowed with a bloodthirsty gleam that promised nothing good. aesior told him claws in, he knew that. rules of self-defense, after all. "will do, boss. claws in unless they attack first." an ugly smirk formed on the lion's maw as a thin strip of flame slowly grew along his back, wreathing him in fire.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Morrison - 01-17-2023

[div style="margin: auto; float: left; padding: 4px;"][Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 450px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 19px;"] A delightful hum exited Morrison's maw at Juniper's proclamation. So be it. The ship captain felt worried for everyone's wellbeing, but if they wished to fight, then so be it. He stood tall in their presence, confident and ready to strike. Tanglewood was the least of his worries. Stronger enemies had come and gone, defeated by The Typhoon's own. He attempted to lean into Juniper's softly, reassuring himself of his internal monologue's point, but would it be enough?

As he remained in place, webbed ears pointed upwards. They shifted towards Lucinder's outburst first. In response, Morrison could only let out a deep-hearty laugh. 'Old man.' That was an original. Catching his breath, the male managed to stab back. "Sit down, kiddo," he chided. "The adults are talking." For a moment, orange eyes narrowed. "What you speak of, this 'leverage,' is something ya don't even have." A paw jolted out from underneath his chest and pointed out at the captain's daughter. It encircled her silhouette for a moment before returning to the ground with a thump, causing the older canine to snort. What a ridiculous attempt at a threat. In the meantime, his gaze attempted to meet Loki's for a brief moment. "Don't let the short dickhead get to ya, 'kay?"

His attention redirected onto Aesior. The luminary held more sway than their subjects and spoke with a purpose, but their reasoning was one that had no morality behind it. A 'fair trade' for wartime was not such.  "Yer former leaders weren't explorers, nor were they the sharpest tack in the drawer. We can agree there," he pointed out, "But that doesn't change the fact that yers truly found the land yer sittin' ya fluffy ass on." His gaze shifted downwards and then back up, offering a cheeky smile in response.

The leader went on to threaten them. Morrison took a deep breath in, releasing it moments later in a large, dramatic sigh as if Aesior had a point, but his dramatics, as always, continued for the fun of it. A paw raised up to his chin. Claws scratched at his chin. His lips pursed momentarily and hummed in thought. "MMmmmmMmM, I don't think we'll do that." His gaze quickly shifted to Sherbet, hoping they'd agree. "Ya talk about greedy, but here ye are taking what we own and have for months." Captain Morrison saw right through the irony.

Pulling away from Juniper, he continued to pace forward again. His head lowered down and his chest started to fall to the floor, ready to strike. "Be my guest. Consider your choices and lay down the law if you wish." His head tilted in an attempt to question Aesior. "Their blood will be on yer hands, ya knob." Lips pulled back, exposing yellowed teeth. "Or ye can walk and be a happy-go-lucky lying lion in the depths of your muddled waters."

Challenging their newfound enemy, the canine aimed to get up in the other's face as he finished in his stride. Orange eyes attempted to connect with their own, locking their gaze. In a whisper, he leaned in. "Are ya really going to risk the lives of yer people for some measly island, ya sick cunt?" 

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-17-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken was tired of all their yapping, he was tired of trying to take the easy way out. His body was itching for a fight and his tears ready to draw blood. He was definitely going to get help for this later and he he’d have to hear the never ending lecture from his adoptive father. But fuck it.

His body tensed, head lowering to the ground as a low growl Erfurter from his throat. His gaze locked onto his closest target, Sherbet. Without hesitation the Hellhound lunged.

He aimed to land on top of Sherbet, jaws aiming to clamp around the back of the Captain’s neck. If he was successful he would clamp down to the point of breaking skin and if not he would jump off to the side.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SETHIRAM - 01-17-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
She'd been listening since the boats hit the shore, head leaning out over the railing and watching with godlike interest. "Cast the net. Get me down there." she hushed to her crew and they worked with surprising efficiency. And once the net was cast into the sands, she scaled it quietly. Ears caught spots of the conversation, and her green eyes stared over the gathered mass. Claws in? Fuck that.

Morrison's challenge had been taken as a threat, his group wanted to start shit. She knew that. Aesior, Lucinder, they all knew. Who was going to spark the fire, that was the question. Black claws dug into the sand as she walked, already with her target in sight. Old bastard. And then her walk became a sprint.

With a fierce scream, she leapt and tried to latch onto Morrison's face, claws trying to score along anything she could grasp -- eyes, nose, anything. "COME HERE, YOU OLD HAG!" she screeched.

Green eyes caught a glimpse of Solsken going after the captain, and she couldn't help but grin wildly. This was Tanglewood grounds. By all her Gods, she was going to make sure it stayed that way.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - LOKI FLÓKI - 01-17-2023

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

her fur bristled in the face of lucinder's threat, but she took morrison's word for it. he was just a big dumb brute who knew no better than just to fight and kill. and she just happened to be in the killing arena today. how unfortunate. of her. her ears flattened as she tried to give morrison a reassuring smile, but she faltered under the hungry glare from the enemy. she heard aesior speak, not to hurt or kidnap children if they don't run, and then morrison ran his mouth and insulted lucinder. she could see a change happen in the other, and then all hell broke loose.


Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - LUCINDER XIU - 01-17-2023


the adults were talking? he should sit down? no. morrison was not his mother. "if the adults really are talking, then shut up and listen, fool." he spat back. "and i know i may not have the leverage, yet," he began, flames bursting along his back as he started pacing ever so slowly, "but soon your captain will be crying when his precious daughter goes missing and ends up a bloody pile on your boat-step." he mocked. he'd take loki or juniper, the latter seemed to be closer to morrison anyways. or both. tear both their hearts out and devour them in front of the beast.

morrison, stupidly, then proceeded to insult his mother. elsweyr, the great leader. sure she might've made mistakes as others would admit, but she was his mother after all, and a great luminary. lucinder bared his fangs, body growing hot as he lashed his tail furiously. sparks landed in the sand around aesior's paws and he laughed, a dark sound. "i'll take insults to me to my face, but talk about my mother like that? for that you'll pay." lucinder had a death wish and knew it was him or morrison and scowled in annoyance when red begun by going after his target. so the lion leapt, fire dancing in his eyes as he charged straight at morrison head-on. it was one or the other. red would be collateral, but he didn't care. all he focused on was this old bastard. upon arriving to the tangling pair - how ironic - he went low, aiming to ram enough of his weight into morrison's legs to either do damage or let the other fall over, then would try and get some foothold on him and begin digging in with teeth and talons.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SHERBET - 01-17-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
(everything is underwater, I can't hear you, where is everyone, why do you all sound muffled, so far away, did we all get washed away, who's dead and gone, who's alive and well, ignore ignore ignore the panic I feel welling inside me, hold my breath, where is my brother, where are my children, where is my husband, please I don't want to fight, I want to live, I CAN'T BREATH, we just made this our home, there are lives being made here, you aren't welcome to trample on those homes, YOU AREN'T WELCOME)

Sherbet gasped as if he had just surfaced from water (when did I go swimming?), weakly cackling as he ignored the warning Tanglewood gave as he seen a hellhound break rank and dive for him. His pupils were tiny slits as he felt all the panic (fear) and anger (fear) bleed out of him at the declarations from everyone around him. He refused to let his people uproot themselves, he refused to get back on that ship and sail home so soon. Sherbet felt like he could hardly breath, but he felt so strangely free as he roared, "STAND YOUR GROUND AND FIGHT, LADS. NO CAPTURE OR KILLING."

The taller hound finally made it on the Captain as he snarled, almost immediately being pinned to the ground, jaws on his scruff. A viscous substance, not unlike syrup, dripped from the wound made by the hound's fangs, a shrill sound of pain rang in his ears (is that my voice?). Claws dug into the ground as Sherbet attempted to reach around and bite onto any part of Solsken that he could within reach, the feline hardly fights, so there was a possibly it wouldn't connect.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-17-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Juniper was slightly startled when the hound leapt at her Captain, her gaze instantly drawing towards Morrison as a smaller creature lunged at him. She didn’t let the expression show on her face, her gaze neutral. She had been about to step in and help Morrison when another joined in, a low growl slipped past her muzzle as the lioness turned her gaze towards the lumbering creature that had been staring them down earlier.

Juni new Morri could handle himself and she would return to his side the second he needed it. But she couldn’t risk the giant creature partaking in the fight. So the lioness charged at Liqueor.

She let out a roar as she attempted to lung at the underside of Liqueor’s neck. If she succeeded she would clamp her jaws down on the area, aiming to force him down but not kill.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy