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an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Printable Version

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Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - merlin - 05-24-2022

embrace my lungs -
Anger and horror seemed to be the mood that everyone wore here. She couldn't blame them. Nor could she blame them for the vocalizations of their frustrations. She listened now silently and calmly, her face a mask of complete peace. She was not going to be the one to poke the bear more than she already had. She didn't want to. Closing her eyes as she listened, feeling a burning heat at her core, ears flicking silently, a momentary bystander before inhaling and exhaling.

Romulus' and Agrimony's arrivals did not phase her, her face only twitching slightly in recognition of the Kingpin. His words washed over her ears and she had to bite her tongue to keep from a haughty response. Tail tip flicking side to side, the only thing to bely her thinning patience for the situation, calming herself deep at heart. At some point, she found the words that she prayed were correct, "Tanglewood's reputation is our own matter, Romulus, ser. If we did not come to right this wrong, would we have been any better than the tales told of the old?", she shook her head quietly, "Then, I request to attend the decided punishment. This is not my group, and I do thank you for the past in which you healed my wounds and let me stay, but I am the one to be in lead of this patrol. I will either return once the punishment is decided, or I will remain to be a constant force for them to remember what they've done until that time.", she flicked an ear as her gaze changed to the stallion before to Kiara, subtly stepping forward before her as she heard her groupmate's snarl. Bloodshed was not the immediate goal.

Her gaze carried on to cover Byriath and Plexus, ears flicking back and forth at Plexus' words, prompting a pained expression at the mention of 'Cipher'. Shaking her head lightly, "I did not know Ximen long, or well. But if it was a border skirmish, he was protecting his homeland from a potential threat. His body was beyond mangled.", a flinch, as if feeling the wounds on her own body, eyes growing faint for a moment. "Ximen was a dedicated member of Tanglewood. It's bad enough that you killed one of ours, but you killed one of our Reapers, Agrimony. You killed a man who had a family. You do not have the right to be angry with us, when the blood of the deceased is on your hooves and the paws of Inferno, and we've come to seek our justice. If you believe you have truly been wronged, than please, challenge me to a duel. We can let our weapons do the talking at that point.", her voice was steady, only growing more solemn as she spoke of a challenge.

Turning her head back to Plexus and Byriath, nodding to the current and former Guru respectfully. "I thank you for your honesty. It means something to me at the least. As I hope it means something to the wronged living.", she murmured softly before finally turning her gaze back to Romulus, answering his earlier offer, "A word shared between the both of us would be great. As for his family? I doubt they would be willing to have anything handed over, but I would request on their behalf that a grave marker is made. He will be laid to rest by our own, you need not dirty your paws in that affair. At most, if you would offer us anymore, it would not bode well. We will only take what was taken.", she bowed her head to the Kingpin, standing herself upright before looking to her groupmates for their input, "I do hope that the next time we cross borders, or meet upon them, it is not for reason of murder either in the right or wrong justice, but for more civil and peaceable ways."
- your breath i keep


Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Romulus - 05-30-2022

Eyes like daggers shifted and chiseled features whipped around as Agrimony approached with their defense. Romulus' ears swiveled upward in interest and listened intensely, only to be disappointed. A low growl rumbled out. Claws caressed at the soft dirt below his feet in contemplation. Force or negotiation? Romulus knew both would work, but ultimately chose the option that reduced any gripes. Paws shifted forward one by one as he grew closer. He raised his head and straightened out his posture, looking up at the other as he paused in his movements. Periwinkle orbs looked up at the other dully. Unamused, the lion started to speak. "Your reason for killing an innocent man is a pathetic," he bluntly asserted.

His unwavering gaze continued to stare up at the other. Slitted eyes watched carefully, awaiting any fidget or finnicky movement that would come. "Let's reassess." A multicolored tail flicked backwards at Plexus and Byriath, subtly thanking them for their information and loyalty before he continued. "Inferno and you set out on a romantic escapade to Tanglewood's borders for... something." A walk? A hookup? Whatever it may be, the kingpin would only scoff at their feeble excuse. "An unfamiliar face approaches you. One you do not know, obviously, and accuses you rightfully of trespassing, I assume?" His head started to crane to the side, questioning the other's stance. "Knowing Inferno's sharp tongue and your false superiority, I bet you both shot back snarky comments until it exceeded into a skirmish." He'd nod to himself. That sounded about right to him, even if it was an assumption. "So, a fight breaks out within Ximen's home and he defends it, only to die at 'your' paws." He had his doubts about Agrimony being the only one to throw a killing blow, especially with Inferno's previous violent behavior. Nevertheless, she was not here. That could be dealt with later.

"Your plea for innocence is that you trespassed into another territory, one I would like to align with, after I announced peacetime." A ragged snarl began to rise from the back of throat and out towards Agrimony, viciously making his point. "You then engaged with one of their members who chose to justly defend their territory, rather than let two delinquents pass their borders who were only there to fuck around." Romulus' gaze narrowed. "And then you two slaughtered him for that." Unsheathed claws dug into the floor, letting his intellect take it's hold before moving on to harsher methods. "Right? Is that what I'm hearing?"

Shaky breathes echoed out as he let go of his stagnant presence over the other. His attention veered towards Merlin. "You may stay," he reassured. "The punishment will not be light and-" He looked up at Agrimony momentarily. "-they will be apprehended." If they chose to ditch their punishment, exile with the threat of slaughter on sight would be suitable. Romulus hoped he would not have to deal with that, but with two exiles in his lifetime already, he knew they always had a moment of cowardice eventually. He'd keep his eyes peeled.

"The offer extends to you both also. We will offer suitable housing and whatever you need during your stay," the lion continued with a gesture towards Kiara and Corrupttimelines. They were all welcome to watch him work on the gravestone also, as it would be more peaceful than the punishment lined up for the two criminals.

With his spiel finished, the lion turned back to Agrimony one last time and violently shifted his paws across the rigid floor. Romulus attempted to use his earth manipulation on the ground below the horse, only to have it rise upwards and encase their legs in stone to keep them from moving any further. His current approach was merciful. Any resistance would be detrimental to everyone present.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-31-2022

As they dared insinuate Ximen had done something to deserve this, Corrupttimelines felt his blood boil. He was going to rip their throats out. Less than graciously, his claws dug into the ground and he barely refrained from a loud snarl. Instead, his piercing gaze fell upon Agrimony and he stared deeply into their eyes. “I dare you to lie to my face again,” he said, voice unwavering and eerily calm. Agrimony deserved to be mangled worse than Ximen. Taking deep breaths, Corrupttimelines turned his head away, and sat in silence furthermore. At this point, the pacifist was just behind upset and venom threatened to slip off his tongue at the former. Luckily, Romulus spoke up again in response to them, defending Ximen’s honor.

As he spoke of punishment, Corrupttimelines then allowed his gaze to shift back. The only punishment they deserved would be a slow, painful death at his paws. The offer was too good to resist, and he was sure his son would be fine with those left at camp. “I’ll be staying.
code by spacexual

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Byriath - 05-31-2022

The god held his head unusually high, stepping back as Romulus laid out what everyone believed to had happened. His muscled twitched, and thorny vines broke the earth around his paws, replacing the thin ones and clinging to his fur almost painfully. He remained stoic throughout the situation, but the slightest of grins left him at the thought of punishment.

Turning his gaze to the horse, and seeing that Romulus was trying to do, he, too, attempted to lock the horse in his place, trying to bring thorned vines to wrap around his legs. Their grip would be tight, but all the thorns would be pointed outward, away from his skin. There was always a chance that Byriath could shift the vines, after all. 
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-31-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

kiara had no abilities to manipulate the elements nor did she see the need to have one. her fangs and talons could do enough damage, the female recogned. cory seemed exceptionally upset at the horse, almost amusingly so. she took a deep breath, noting merlin stepping in front of her subtly. to hinder her from attacking? how laughable. if kiara was stupid enough she would attack, like both agrimony and inferno. scum.

but she wasn't stupid, no. greedy, yes, idiotic, no. she wouldn't attack, a mere chuckle slipped from her maw as romulus extended the invitation for them all to stay. "gladly. thank you, kingpin." she'd love to see the damage done to them both.