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so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Printable Version

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Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - T. ROUX - 05-11-2021

"And what if I broke your leg and ripped off your tail just as I did with the last guy that had that same mindset of hurting or killing a child? Walking over did the draconic jaguar make his way over with his gaze fixated onto Dante and his pupils were narrowed into dangerous slits. "I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate that," Trygve lashed his tail to the sides looking at Fragglerock as he came to stand beside Aine, his ears twitched lightly for a moment only for him to sit down slowly curling his tail around his forepaws watching everything around him with a half closed gaze "Please pay no heed to Dante, he's the fuckin idiot that has been getting us into shit as of late. He's a fucking joke if anything," He shook himself out with a low breath leaving him.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - gael - 05-11-2021

The Golden Eye -- the vulpine inclined his head in acknowledgement and respect.  He had never heard the name before now, although he would have preferred to learn of them in a different way.

As for Dante, the faerie turned back to him with ice in his gaze.  To hear Fragglerock's specifications on the course of events further displeased him -- nodding in approval as Sweeny struck.  However, it was clear the hybrid continued to ignore the obvious.  "'Defending' the border is a pathetic excuse to attack a child who recognized their mistake."

Gael released a breath, patience dissipating.  "Since you are incapable of recognizing when to stand down," continuing to insult a child from a foreign party did him more harm than good but what else could the ardent expect?  "You are stripped of your blooded status.  If any here wish to pay back your unnecessary harm to the child, they may do so as they see fit."

"I will not offer you any more leniency, Northwest," he added sharply.  "You boast loyalty but fail to listen to your clanmates.  You won't receive another warning."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
"Jormungand is a grown ass man, I don't have to watch over him." Dante growled back at Kold, facing her with a sharp gaze. Not to mention that the guy had his kids around all the time and quite frankly, Dante didn't want to deal with Jor's kids. Trygve finally decided to show his face after, what, a couple of months - threatening to tear Dante's tail off just as he had done Caesar's. "Why don't you fuckin' try?" Dante shot back, baring his fangs at the Roux. Just because he was drunk didn't mean he couldn't fight.

Now onto Gael, who was increasingly loosing patience with Dante. It wasn't hard to tell and truth be told, Dante was curious how long it would last until the guy snapped. But half the time, Dante didn't do shit to purposely get on his nerves. Maybe sometimes, but not most of the time. "Threaten all you wish, Gael." He replied, his long tail flicking behind him in a frustrated manner. Clearly, the hybrid was not happy with his Blooded status being stripped from him. "I have loyalty to The Pitt." Nobody seemed to have gotten this yet, or at least no one voiced it out loud. It was about damn time Dante did himself. "I have no loyalty to you or your pansy-ass followers. You have yet to earn my loyalty."

With a satisfied snort, Dante turned to start walking away.

//feel free to stop him ![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DAMION MAVERICK - 05-11-2021



hearing an uproar of commotion made the male halt his footsteps and turn back slightly. this jormungand seemed interesting enough, but dante- dante was the big star, wasn't he? gael the leader offered for anyone to attack him and the hybrid turned to leave. "northwest," came the bark from the hellhound. "though i have no particular care for the child you still attacked one of ours. and believe me when i say that i really, really want to join the jaguar there in ripping your flesh off. but i won't, despite the kind offer from your leader. because i have morals and do not want unnecessary bloodshed."



Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - rhosmari - 05-11-2021

Well, weren't things getting spicy, and also very tiring. Everyone seemed to he trying to get across where their morals laid. Someone thinking that kids should he held away from violence and danger. Well, well. There were kids who killed and thought it was a fun endeavor. He knew, or at least he thought he knew. He tried not to ghost back into his younger months and instead he looked between the two groups before he sighed. It would always be the same thing,  he knew that. Then there would be some who threatened to try and make themselves seem scary. Some who had outrage. He could feel a nap coming on really. He didn't take any side in this. Just wanting to leave and he glanced after Dante who was already taking his leave before he decided also leave. They had their kid back so there was no point in hanging around.

Gael had made his decree and the world would move on. So went the show. A smile pulled at his muzzle before he dipped his head to the company of animals. "Well, it's been a long day. Time to part. Hopefully you all have a safe trip back home." With a wave of his paw he turned and left the scene himself, bumbling a bit on the sand.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante halted at the bark of the Golden Eye hellhound, ear flicking dismissively at his words. "Good for you." Was the hybrid's only response, facing back towards the direction of camp - once again planning on leaving, especially given how Valhalla was saying farewell to the group. They had no reason to linger here now, after all, since they had their piss-baby back.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Kold - 05-12-2021

Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HOLDS HER!
Kold's lip twitched. Anger. Dante inadvertently gave the Marauder a challenge, and she wasn't about to let it slip by. For a moment she didn't move a muscle, eyes staring ahead, past the Golden Eye group. And as soon as Dante turned back, She turned like a white blur, attempting to clamp her jaws around his thigh with near bone-crushing force. Her eyes were wide, like inky black discs as she stared at the hybrid. The black fur that covered her left paw crept up her leg, gaining a purple hue.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-12-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Just as he began to walk off back towards camp, Dante let out a snarl of shock and pain as he felt teeth grip into his thigh, teeth tearing into his skin. "Bitch!" The hybrid snarled in a sharp manner, as if mimicking a roar, twisting his upper body as much as he could to try and lash out at KOLD's face with a paw, claws unsheathed of course.

At least he had a reason to draw blood this time.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - T. ROUX - 05-12-2021

Oh for fucks sake.

He caught the moment within the corner of his eye and immediately shifted into his draconic form with a snarl, he lifted talons forward in attempt to block Dante's attack towards Kold if he succeeded would he attempt to grab both Dante and Kold within his talons as a snarl slipped from his jaws "CAN THE TWO OF YOU STOP IT? IS IT NOT EMBARRASSING ENOUGH THAT THIS STONER PIECE OF SHIT LIVES HERE AND DISRESPECTS GAEL IN FRONT OF OUR GUESTS? AND YOU, KOLD... YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER." God, it was like he was dealing with children but the draconic beast held them there as he cast an apologetic look over to Gael and the visitors from the Golden Eye. "You should know better," Growled Trygve one last time.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Kold - 05-12-2021

Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HOLDS HER!
The Marauder released her grip and veered back as Dante tried to swipe, one of his claws catching the flesh on her nose. There was no word uttered, just a silent stare that she kept on Dante even when Trygve separated her from Dante and held the two. She just stared at Dante, quiet. After a moment, she looked away, but was still quiet. Not that she didn't agree with Ry, that she should know better.