Beasts of Beyond
see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Printable Version

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Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - COSMIIX - 12-03-2020

Paintbrush couldn't help but feel his blood beginning to boil, he could recall that Roan's mother told them to high alert yet it looked like the enemy had caught them by surprise anyways by coming from the ground. That was unexpected but the liger would take in a deep breath as he walked forward with both ears perked forward, his eyes surveying the area to try and spot an opponent around his size or less to fight.  The sound of someone's roar echoing throughout the area made his body grow tense as he glanced over in the direction of the volcano, a dragon was up there and it honestly felt like they were putting up a show until a large wad of molten lava was thrown into the direction of the ocean and another on the beaches which caused the ground to shake. The liger grimaced as a few NPCs got caught in it, he could hear their shrieks of pain and it made him frustrated.

Maybe if he went up there and used his powers on the beast it would stop shooting out molten lava like fucking projectiles. "Holy fucking shit..." The striped wildcat would mumble under his breath seeing several of his new crewmates fighting with those who had invaded him, his pupils narrowing as he tried to see who needed the most help. Paintbrush stayed back for a moment as he made sure there wasn't children on the battlefield and his gaze wandered trying to find a certain zombified feline, he hoped that the other was safe as he began to walk forward into the battlefield feeling his lips peel back as a snarl left his maw.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - sykes - 12-03-2020

Like Aveline, Ylva was not particularly good at listening. They had followed behind their mother and sister slowly, ears pricked as sounds of a scuffle had drawn nearer and nearer, and when mother and Aveline had split up it had been a picky decision as to which of them they would follow.

Eventually, as they watched their mothers clash with a large, horned lion they would follow after Aveline, narrowly avoiding being trampled in the process by a brown and white cat that had veered off towards the aforementioned fight.

They had seen Aveline clamber into a hole in a tree and quickly rushed to follow, their small frame making it a struggle to reach. Eventually they managed to gain some footing and, without a warning, plunged themselves into the hole with Aveline and- Torsten!? They hadn't seen their brother climb into the tree, but then again, they had only just arrived and perhaps he had come with mom.

They said nothing in an attempt to not be heard, only shuffled off to the right and turned so as to watch the fight from a safe distance within the tree. The presence of their siblings was a comfort that calmed their racing heart, and they pressed subconsciously against Torsten's side.
are never loyal

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ARGUS - 12-03-2020

All good things come to an end eventually.

It was a glorious end, Argus saw it as a honor to befall her first true home of the isles. This place deserved rot, deserved it's own ruin: who better to befall that then the very enemies it had created? than the monster's it had made? Argus' form was an eclipse of the sun: the shade coveted the isle as she swooped closer, blinding white form so dissimilar to their father- the protector of the isles was gone and in it's wake the monster's crept from underground. Delicious.

The Elysium, the Tanglewood, and finally the Typhoon. all will fall to the wake of their hunger, their drive. The dragon's gnarled form landed upon the temple with a crash, and the once clear skies had started to darken with the promise of a storm. Argus let out an earth shattering roar, an echo of the lava dragon under the kingpin's control. She was free- she done this freely and would enjoy the scorch marks along the earth of this place.

"oh, think of the children, won't you Roux?" The dragon muttered from atop the temple, their voice of wolfish delight. Ten eyes swirled between little character's. Finally settling on [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] with a grin. "Think of them won't you, fellow quartermaster?" With a crooked grin the painted white dragon launched themselves down towards the other. Thunder racing across their form condensing inside their mouth as a plasma breath. Aiming, even in a failed attempt to strike them, the ricocheting static should be enough to cause a mild stun. At worse, complete paralysis, for quite a while.

Another bellowing laugh broke from the dragon as they prowled closer to the hopefully downed quartermaster. THe sound of it sending a wave of mental attack to those weak to it. submit, and you may life till tomarrow, lay down your thoughts of fight and you're family may survive us

// Aiming huge lightening attack towards Roxxane, and smaller scale mental attack towards the few children still on the battlefield.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ROSEMARY - 12-03-2020

[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
For all her powers, Rosemary never understood combat. Fighting required moving in strange ways, all these odd muscle memories, and a violent hunger. Rosemary hated the process. But she was a medic first and always, anyway. People never expected medics to know how to fight.

So she stayed on the sidelines, lurking in the trees near where Diya and Roxxie’s litter hid. She spotted a raider heading through the bush, the elk’s antlers caught on the foliage and making quite a racket. Rosemary froze and narrowed her four eyes, focusing on the attacker before he saw her—or the children—and hurled a thought virus at his brain.

Only cowards avoid fighting at its thickest.

The raider shook out his head and turned around, jumping back into the fray. She exhaled a long sigh, but her breathing quickly turned shallow and nervous again.
roleplayed by axiom + template © star

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ninazu - 12-03-2020

// note -- ninazu is in her winged serval body in this thread

Power thrummed in Ninazu’s muscles, purring and coiled tight around her heart. Her magic joined her bloodstream as she added her might to their army of mindfucked fools. The Typhoon’s territory would be theirs. Or she would break their island to dust and watch the ocean swallow the pirates whole.

No sooner than the raid’s start did Stryker find himself the target of their remaining enemies—no shit, everyone wanted her Kingslayer dead, didn’t they? Her green flames licked down her neck, burning and gleaming, illuminating her slender body. Her fangs gleamed in their glow, and her golden eyes flicked between the two.

Ah, lovers versus lovers? Give or take the strays that slipped into their battle.

Ninazu manipulated a chonk of a rock with her elemental magic, and attempted to shoot it at Diya’s open maw. Broken teeth were a bitch to deal with. Even the taste of dirt and choking on it in one’s throat was a horrific distraction.

[member=1149]Diya F.M.[/member]

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - roan ; - 12-03-2020

The ground was trembling. Shaking almost as badly as it had when the meteors had struck the ground. Roan had been within the temple, his blue eyes narrowed as he shifted throughout the various cubbies that held his herbs. His jaw was clenched, a full sense of anxiety running through him as he searched for things that would be of use to him. He had no way of knowing when the attack would finally arrive, and he needed to be ready to treat any wounds that came as a result of the oncoming battle. Unfortunately, it seemed as though he had no more time to prepare. There was an aggressive shaking of the earth beneath him, and it wasn't long before Stryker's call reached him. His ears pinned down briefly against his skull, and he found himself muttering to himself, "God, what a fucking prick." The soothsayer then shook his head vigorously from side to side, grabbing a last few pawfuls of herbs and shoving them into his satchel. He threw the bag over his shoulder as it usually was, slipping out of the temple and looking around to survey what was going on. Sure enough, the land had already erupted into the utter chaos of battle.

Long strides brought the medic out into the field, his gaze searching around to see if he could find anyone away from the fight who needed treatment. He kept his head down, not really wanting to have to deal with someone attacking with him. He was fairly sure he could hold his own, considering he had some decent fighting skills and electrical elementals on his side. Despite this, he knew he wouldn't last long against most of the fighters out here who far outweighed and outskilled him. However, Roan's attention would not be on healing for long – instead, his entire mind was torn away once he spotted Paintbrush. He froze upon seeing the other on the battlefield, anxiety and annoyance rushing through him as he bolted over as fast as his body could carry him. He nearly collided with the other's side as he shouted, his voice a hiss from the back of his throat, "Paintbrush, what the fuck are you doing out here? You... you're not supposed to be here! You should be back protecting the kids, or just staying safe! You're not supposed to be out here!" His voice was stubborn and surprisingly emotional, despite his best efforts to keep himself in line. He wasn't supposed to be like this.

Taking a deep and shaky breath inward, Roan made his way to Paintbrush's front, his smaller paws resting against the other's chest. His voice softened as he tried to push the other back, using his back legs for leverage, "You can't go out there, because you're going to get yourself hurt. I can't... I can't let you get hurt, okay? Cause I don't wanna have to heal your wounds, idiot..." He looked down briefly, his face burning as he refused to look Paint in the eyes, "I care... I care about you too much to deal with that. Hell, given a bit of time I could even... even maybe love you, alright? So don't go out there, please." Every instinct was telling him to pull away. Turn back, and shut his heart away so that he wouldn't lose anybody else. However, he couldn't do that. Not until he knew that Paintbrush was safe.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, Michael had been trying to prepare for a fight as well. Instead of gathering herbs, the dealer had been training some NPCs, attempting to get them ready for the fight against the Coalition that was coming. When the ground began to shake, the thief felt his stomach plummet, nausea and anxiety passing over him. He wasn't going to run away, however. He couldn't just abandon The Typhoon when he was needed the most, and now was certainly one of these moments. So, even though he knew he was outmatched, the dealer turned towards the battlefield, rushing out with his ears pinned back and his one sight able eye trained forward. He snuck through most of those that were already fighting, knowing full well that he had little chance against them. Really, he wasn't battle capable at all. The only thing he had on his side was his earth elementals, but everything else was stacked against him. His small size, his blindness and deafness on one side, and his general lack of traditional fight training. There was a reason why he was a spy, and not a straight-up fighter. He preferred taking out enemies when they didn't know he was coming, instead of when they were on more even footing. It was an underhanded way of doing things, but that was essentially how the bobcat had lived his entire life.

The roar that echoed across the territory caused Michael's mismatched gaze to latch into the volcano, his heart sinking when he spotted the beast that stood there. At first glance, it was a creature of pure chaos and fury, but when one looked closer... Michael knew that beast. He knew those horns, and those scales, and the flames and lava that licked and poured forth from him. It was the same lava that had stained the ground when the fugitive's birthday gift had been left behind. If that really was Trygve... why was he fighting them? Why was he fighting his own family? Michael knew that Ry had been angry at him, but the other still cared. He wasn't heartless. Which meant that something was most definitely wrong. As the dealer stood there, paralyzed on the spot, he found himself muttering in a breathless and devastated voice, "No... kid... please." He knew his words had no chance of reaching Trygve, but he needed to say something. Something to ease the furious and depressed energy that was building in his chest, threatening to shatter his usually well hidden heart. He knew that he needed to do something, even if he really didn't want to.

Thankfully, one thing that was nice about Michael's small size was that he was able to sneak past others fairly easily, since he wasn't very noticeable. At least, not at first glance. So, after taking a steadying breath inwards, the thief darted across the battlefield, keeping his body low to the ground as he grew nearer to the volcano. Once he was close enough that he could practically feel the heat coming off of Ry in waves, he knew what he needed to do. Raising a paw, the dealer's mismatched eyes began to glow faintly, power beginning to thrum steadily throughout his body. He knew it would exhaust him, but he needed to do it. Concentrating as much as he could, Michael rose an entire legion of stones up from the crumbling volcano, the rocks trembling with power as they floated in the air. To his own surprise, the thief felt tears staining his dark fur, his voice shaking as he called into the air, "I... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Trygve... son. This is for your own good." He then clenched his jaw, lashing his paw forward as he moved to try and send the stones wildly in the direction of [member=12555]T. ROUX[/member] , trying to aim them at the most vulnerable parts of Trygve's scale covered body. The rocks were like tiny bullets, lashing forward extremely quickly as a result of Michael's elementals. Of course, in retaliation for using such force, the dealer could already feel blood beginning to dribble from his nose.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ROXANNE R. - 12-04-2020

A small feline had decided to attack her while she was trying to tear into Stryker, it made the tigress angry as she immediately used the wings on her back to attempt to hit [member=961]LOEY.[/member] to briefly stun him if that worked, she would shake him off and before he could realize what was going on she had already lunged forward with a roar with an outstretched paw, she aimed to smack him across the face and press his skull into the sand holding that position until she could hear the cracking of bones. Now, she was fucking angry as she snarled into the small cats face "Instead of trying to intervene and die out here... Take your cowardly Elysite ass elsewhere, bitchass." Roxanne could easily kill him there in now but chose to lift her paw from his face and in a powerful movement would attempt to smash some of his ribs with a large paw. She stepped away with one last growl and snort but then she had been electrocuted by Argus, it was enough to stun her and fuck up her shapeshifting as she fell onto the sand as a tiny feline once more. She gritted her teeth as she glared at Argus, she shakily rose to her tiny paws as the small draconic feline flattened her ears against her skull.

Argus was not only threatening her but her family and the shaking Quartermaster would feel the fur rising on her spine "I am thinking about them." The mental attack shoved away as a new emotion would wave through Roxanne as she took a shaky step forward in the direction of the dragon before her "But I'm more set on killing you, you piece of shit." Within that moment, her bones began to snap and Roxanne shifted once more but she was much larger now. A large elephant sized dragoness as she spread out her wings slowly as her eyes locked onto Argus with a new ferocity coursing throughout her entire body, she let out a monstrous roar before digging her talons into the ground aiming to send jagged pieces of earth in the direction of [member=218]ARGUS[/member] in an attempt to impale her, if that worked, Roxanne charged forward attempting to headbutt into the other and slash her claws against the other's scales. Just enough to keep her down.

But the dragoness didn't end her reign of terror there as she noticed Ninazu going for Diya, her lips peeled back as a hiss slithered from her throat. She had just about had it with all the bullshit that the Coalition had brought upon all the groups, Stryker had taken away her niece and Roxanne would take something away from him or rather someone. With a brief flap of her large wings, Roxanne was already upon the lioness and lunged forward attempting to slam down the smaller creature underneath her talons before opening her jaws wide as she aimed to bite off half of [member=2040]ninazu[/member] 's body until the sound of bones cracking and muscles being torn was the only thing heard from where she stood. If she had succeeded in this attack, the large draconid beast would lift her head and spat out whatever half she had torn from Ninazu's body. Another low growl left her maw as she turned to face Stryker once more "Now, it's your turn." The large reptile hissed in a venomous voice.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - SirDio - 12-05-2020


She wasn't there to fight. She had to make a scene. After 'chasing' some younger typhoon members to where they could hopefully be safe, letting out a howl of victory as they ran, she heard a scream.

Turning her body and running toward the scream, her body stumbled and faltered. Anaconda markings... a long.. winding body... no.

She screamed. Xho had managed to get off Elsweyr, but he wore burns along most of his body and he laid on his side, body heaving. Fire, blue and white and hot, formed around her legs. Hot rage surged on her.

Even with her crippled legs she ran at Elsweyr, body exploding into flames as she leapt, aiming to land on the cheetah's back and claw viciously at her. All this time her eyes set on Xhocoatl. It made her fire grow hotter and larger.


[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— MEDUSA

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - rhosmari - 12-05-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Her scream, her pained cry after the one whom dared to attack her had fallen was what gave her away. The demonic flaming monster twisted her head and her body next as she pulled her shifting and burning ears forward. Someone else that dared to stand in Stryker's way. If one attacked her then they were nothing more than an enemy to be snuffed out. Her flaming body twisted and coiled for the challenge, her jaws parting and she bellowed out a cruel and twisted sound. Flames burning higher, deadlier. They were like a ravenous animal ready to consume and devour anyone that tried to attack her. It was as if two suns collided with one another. A heat wave searing the area as her attacker dragged claws against her form and spilled heated liquid to the ground. Harshly she moved, white and blue, mixing with white and gold fire. They danced and twined together

Her jaws snapped sharply,  aiming for the back of the woman's neck. Claws flashing and flaring with flamed to try and slap her against the face and shove her head harshly against the ground. She would not be beaten. She would not be stopped. This was Stryker's victory and only his victory. They would all fall before the King and he would make sure they stayed in line. Fire gushed from her parted jaws into empty air setting trees on fire before she aimed it down directly towards [member=16168]Medusa[/member] face from close proximity.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - APOSTLE - 12-05-2020

[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
He's late to arrive, but what does it matter if he gets to tear into Typhoon flesh. Most everybody is already locked in battle, he notices as he comes onto the battlefield, and he's vaguely disappointed at the lack of opportunity for him although he doesn't let it show aside from an annoyed twitch of his ear.

He snorts as he watches Roxanne tear into the only Elysite on the field and winces almost sympathetically as she stamps him into the ground repeatedly, though he watches keenly as she turns from a tiger into a dragon- a little much, he thinks, to be fighting just a domestic cat, though he realizes what's happening moments later as she flings rocks at Argus.

He springs into action only moments later when suddenly, Roxanne isn't fighting Argus anymore, but Ninazu. A terrible snarl rips from deep within his chest and suddenly he's tearing across the battlefield at full speed, his claws ripping up earth around him behind the force of his paws as he pushes off. He dives for [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member], attempting to slam his body onto her shoulder with his entire weight behind him and grip onto her shoulder-blade with his teeth, and if successful he would shake his head back and forth aggressively, attempting to rip out chunks of the muscle.
tags + roleplayed by wag + template © star