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say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Printable Version

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Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - rhosmari - 11-02-2020

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - wormwood. - 11-04-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Ninazu was tough. That alone was easy to see, from the way that she shrugged off the rough hit of the stones, and the way that she gripped onto him. He let out a roar as her teeth sunk into his flesh, drawing blood and making him seethe with a need for vengeance. Her strategy to use the roots wasn't bad, but Aurum was lucky enough that he didn't have just one, but two elemental powers. He took a deep breath in, pushing through the pain as he used his fire elements to let flames crawl up, burning the roots to ash. He knew that he would soon be exhausted – felt it deep in his bones – but he couldn't give up. Not when Ninazu had threatened his sister. So, with his jaw clenched and his teeth grit, he tried to teleport out from beneath Ninazu, leaving the lioness to collapse to the ground without anything to hold onto. If he was successful, he would be a few feet away, his breath coming out in heavy gasps. She might not have been willing to let go, but he could still give her nothing to hold on to. If he had been successful with his first maneuver, he would then attempt to charge forward and slam a paw on Ninazu's back, trying to dig his teeth into her spine, or at least take a chunk out of her side. He could feel the exhaustion running though him, and knew he wouldn't be able to fight much longer. After all, using his powers took a toll.

( he'll be passing out / ending up in the bunker after this post! ) — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Stryker - 11-04-2020

Tender flesh tore open, causing the lion to jolt upwards. His skin peeled wide and crimson began to flow from his stomach, pain inhibiting his movement momentarily as he braced himself. Stryker's head whipped aside in that moment. Her claws breezed past his face as a result. Neon eyes narrowed as they swooped past. A wild hiss left Stryker and he revolted instantly, attempting to viciously streak his claws across her sides. He'd attempt to shift over afterwards, now turning his head towards her own. His weight would attempt to continuously press against her, keeping her pinned.

Despite the results, Stryker would use his claws to grab her by the neck and aim to dig his teeth into her neck. His jaw unhinged from its place and he attempted to wrap his mouth around her throat, digging his canines into her jugular. If successful, his venomous fangs would inject Elsweyr with a dose of venom that would eventually paralyze or kill her, making her unable to continue the fight.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 11-05-2020

Eternalknight felt teeth pierce scale, a small victory but one nonetheless, it would serve as the distraction he wished for. He would cling on harder as he felt something batter against his mind, pushing back with as much mental force as he could. He'd manage to block out most of her mental attack, though a sliver of her attack made its way through the cracks in his mentality. He would fall with a breathless scream as his mind shut down, short circuiting as he tried to allow instinct to take over. It wasn't until he felt a jolt on his body that it all clicked back into place. He would scramble upwards, looking at his younger cousin and giving a pained chuckle. "Uzually, ja, put not ven it coffers your allies pack" he wheezes with a cough, shaking his head as he looked over the battle field.

It seemed while there were many players on the field, only two battles continued to rage on. A snarl escapes the feline as he presses close to his cousin. Something thick settled in his chest as he watched Stryker pin down the king cheetah, as he watched Aurum begin to sway. A realization, then, as he turned his head away, pressed it against Sophiea's side. "I'm zorry, Zobhiea, I'm sorry," he murmured softly into her side, moving to rest his head on hers. "I prought vu here to brotect vu und I failed," he adds as he takes a deep breath, taking a step back and looking over the battle field once more. His head dropped, eyes squeezing shut as he accepted the loss of this battle. What could a few house cats, a lion, and a cheetah do against a fleet of big cats, a snake like beast, and a dragon? There was no hope for this battle, and his stomach curled at the thought. "If vu make it out of zis, ko und zee zee vorld, eh?" he hums to Sophiea quietly, trying to hide the way his voice cracks. 

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - S. PENDRAGON - 11-05-2020

Everything was falling apart, they were losing.

Sophiea's thoughts buzzing in her mind but she was pulled away from them when she heard the voice of her cousin beginning to speak to her, it was enough to keep her grounded only for her to scowl lightly "Don't be an idiot..." She said with a low hiss noticing how everyone was beginning to get exhausted yet Sophie still had plenty of energy... Maybe if she could throw one last fleet of arrows at her enemies... Maybe it would be enough to get them all out. Her throat tightened a bit as Eternalknight continued to speak to her, her ears pressing flat against her skull as she would say with a shake of her head "You did enough... Besides, I don't always need protection... Especially not with what I'm about to do." The last part was a mumble as she stood there digging her claws into the soil underneath her as she began to use her telekinesis to lift any stray arrows as they levitated above her form.

"You go and see the world." She said finally to him as she moved him away from the battlefield only to lift into the air with a flap of her wings, she glanced over towards her three main targets... Thankfully for her, they were rather large and hard to miss. She moved her wings in order to build up a good gust of wind as the arrows swayed slightly then with a quick yet powerful movement of her wings, Sophiea sent another fleet of arrows in an attempt to hit [member=1738]Stryker[/member] , [member=2040]ninazu[/member] , [member=218]ARGUS[/member] . She didn't care if they hit, she just wanted them to let go of all her friends. With gritted teeth as she grew tired from exerting herself, Sophiea decided that she would try something risky yet stupid. She had to hit the ringleader of this whole operation so, without a second thought, she dove forward with an arrow in her maw and twisted her body a bit shifting all her weight to where she dove aiming to hit Stryker head on and stab the arrow into his muzzle in an attempt to get him away from Elsweyr. If she managed that much with unsheathed claws, she would attempt to claw at his face.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ARGUS - 11-05-2020

War, held such promise. A victory on the horizon of their presence alone. Around them a battle waged, and as the small feline fell to the earth, the sound of an arrow hitting true. Scant inches of their eye, Argus heard the fine picked bolt lodge into their mask, fell to recoil away from it as if their eye were the one hit.

Its promise whispered at the edge of their attention, and Argus felt an emotion tumble out of them, looking down where the albino tom lay, his voice was shaken and words clearly meant for another. Argus felt their mind blank, static their only inner voice as they raised a talon hand. Wing's extending to touch the ground and lift them higher up. Argus moved to grasp her prisoner [member=16111]ETERNALKNIGHT.[/member] with one claw, and with the propelling of their back legs- leap out and grasp [member=16079]S. PENDRAGON[/member] with the other.

Argus let out a snarl at the sight of the battle, voiceless for once on the edge of battle.

Her mask was already cracked, crumbling enough to see the gruesome maw that hid behind it. Curling down savagely. Argus aimed to fling both of their prisoner's to the ground harsly. Such a force enough to stun, if not put them out of the fight entirely.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ninazu - 11-06-2020

The flesh beneath her paws disappeared, and Ninazu dropped to the dirt. She stood up, looking around and lashing her fire-tipped tail, furious that the damned opponent teleported out of her grasp. Before she could spot him, however, his paw slammed into her back and his teeth ripped into her side. She ripped herself out of his grasp, hissing and pissed, and her flames pulsed.

Ninazu whirled around—avoiding the arrow by dumb luck and Sophia’s lack of proper aiming—and attempted to thwack a flaming paw at Aurum’s blind eye. The flames burned down her side and trickled into her muscles, cauterizing the puncture wounds with minimal damage to the skin.


Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - Ayla - 11-06-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Although still young, she refused to go quietly. Alarmed by the intruders and their takeover, her first instinct was to look for any children in harm's way. Specifically, she was worried about her younger siblings, such as Salvia. Once she determined that there was no one young enough to fight in danger, she turned her attention to her father. Two against one? That hardly seemed fair, although she didn't doubt Aurum's capabilities. The ti-tigon charged forward, aiming to bite Ninazu's tail and yank her away from Aurum. She was being a little careless, considering the lioness had fire powers. If her fur got burned in the battle, it would surely inhibit her ability to photosynthesize.


Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - wormwood. - 11-07-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Tired. He was so... tired. Using his powers had taken an enormous amount out of him, and even as he felt the satisfaction of his teeth sinking into Ninazu's flesh, he knew it wouldn't last. He let out a harsh snarl as he was hit in the missing eye, claws catching on the edge of his eye socket as he stumbling backwards. His legs were trembling beneath him, and it wasn't long before they let out, and he collapsed to the ground. A pained grunt left him, and he could feel his eyelids beginning to fall closed, unable to stay open. His blue gaze was focused upwards as Ayla came charging forward, and he managed to grit out as loudly as he could, "Ayla... no... run. Please..." As soon as the words slipped free from his muzzle, he found himself drifting into unconsciousness, far too weary to stay awake.

( collapsed / out ) — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: say my name - [TAKEOVER RAID] - ninazu - 11-08-2020

Ninazu smirked in satisfaction as her adversary collapsed. Her fire flared green, licking down her neck and pulsing in her paw. Aurum’s blood dripped from her claws; she licked blood off the back of her paw. “Finally,” she growled. She was tired of conserving her energy in this raid.

She tracked the lion’s gaze to the ti-tigon child, and her upper lip curled in distaste. However, she didn’t move her tail; in fact, she smirked.

Lightning violently exploded from Ninazu’s tail, as the lioness attempted to shock the child with a powerful blast of electricity. “What are you, a cub? This isn’t a nursery play fight.”
