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looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Printable Version

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Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - gael - 10-09-2020

The vulpine kept his cool -- calm gaze level even as order continued to fail.  This chaos was unprofessional.  Disappointing at it's very core.

Gael focused on Vale, brows creased; the most disappointing of the argument as a whole. "Do you only listen to half of my words, Aston?"  His ear twitched dismissively, shaking his head.  Zey were too stubborn to see it was a compromise, if taken in steps.  "I will not see lives lost to your shortsightedness."

The Pitt hardly needed another struggle for power; much less in front of a stranger.  Gael possessed no intentions of being a tyrant, but he would not fight for some arrogant lion's amusement.  In truth, if the Pitt demanded a new leader, he'd give it one, but not in this reckless, foolish, discourse -- nor would he trust it in the claws of someone like Vale.

Both Trygve and Sweeny presented more cause to show restraint, impressing the Ardent, though his attention soon shifted; fixed on the simple fact Stryker had been the culprit to Trygve's dramatic injuries.  Ice cold rage built in his eyes. What fool thought they could request aid after harming a member of the group they sought aid from?

"Now this is enough.  We can discuss our policies at a later time, in full," he announced with cold finality, stepping besides Jack.  The Marauder spoke true -- a poor job of it. "But I have no intentions of aiding someone who has assaulted one of our own.  You have overstayed your welcome, Stryker."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-09-2020


A deep bellow rumbled from the beast after she listened to Ry. Rage flickered in the way she breathed as she sent a cold stare to Stryker. Now she truly knew where to place her words. At first, she let her emotions stain them. Now, her emotions drenched the words she growled.

"I agree with Gael. Maybe if our little guest hadn't attacked Trygve, as Trygve said, I could give it a chance. But hearing the wounded lad, I know where my words matter." She lowered her head to meet Stryker at eye level. Her only acknowledgement to Vale was an irritated flick of her tail. She was done trying to reason with vem for today.

"Given the words, I will not hesitate, white lion." She added smoothly, her pose rippling with a burning rage. She stayed back, only moving to stand behind Jack and Gael. For now, she held no intention to fight. Not unless Gael gave her the words, which she doubted would happen.

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-09-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ jaguar
Really?” The jaguar’s eyebrows arch, and a smirk stretches over vis muzzle. “I appreciate the knowledge—” Vale’s red eyes flash at Trygve, and a frown crosses vis face. “—though isn’t it obvious I’d win? That I’m better suited for a position whose very meaning translates to fervent passion?”

Vale sneers at Gael, lips curling into a rictus. “This is all wrong, you’re so soft it sickens me. Your kindness is weakness, when you show it to our enemies!” The jaguar growls, red eyes locked on Gael, vis jaw moving left to right pop pop pop. “You’re softer than the Typhoon! Even their healer’s better at vengeance than you, hahaha, isn’t that so sad, Leader Man?”

Every tooth except the prominent canines falls out of vis grey gums, replaced by serrated shark teeth growing in their place. Vale stands up straighter, shoulders rotating back, left then right, pop pop pop. Vis tail lashes, crack, and falls to the sand. Sludgy black flesh bleeds off the lost appendage’s white bone, oozing into the sand and stinking of carrion.

“A leader of the Pitt doesn’t dismiss a guilty party. I will show you what real revenge looks like!”

Vale shoots forward, spine twisting like a snake as ve spins with pinpoint accuracy. In one step, Vale twists away from Gael and accelerates towards Stryker. It doesn’t matter if Stryker attacks or defends; Vale wouldn’t dodge or veer away. The momentum carries vem all the way, and the monochromatic blur slams into the white lion.

Jaws wrapping around one of the lion’s horns, Vale torques Stryker’s face into the ground. Two shark teeth shatter on impact. Vale doesn’t care. One paw holds the lion’s head in place and the other braces most of Vale’s weight on the lion’s shoulder. The growl rumbling in Vale’s throat is palpable, rolling through the air like crashing thunder.


Vale stands up, the growl fading to a low warble. One of Stryker’s longest horns hangs from vis maw, and Vale spits it to the ground. Ve draws the back of a paw over vis muzzle, wiping away the blood from the broken shark teeth. Then the paw rests over the stolen horn, one claw tapping it, claiming it as Vale’s newest fidget toy.

“There. A pound of flesh for a pound of flesh.” Vale’s red eyes sweep from Stryker to the Pittians, the growl fading from vis voice. “He’s learned his lesson, hasn’t he? Now, can we return to the very interesting matter of resources and fucking over the Typhoon with one single campaign?”

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - aine. - 10-09-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Though the support of Trygve and Sweeny encouraged the Fleshweaver, her muscles remained tense.  Prepared for a fight regardless.  To defend her family.  She wasn't going to lose anyone.  Not today.  Not again.  And if she had to defend them from her own clanmates, fine.

Zey really believed, zey would be a good Ardent?  If not for everything that had already happened, Aine may have laughed.  As bitter and frantic as her emotions were running she felt ready to snap.  Her hazel hues flared.  Her defensive rage easily switching targets.  "You will never be an Ardent to me."  Defiant.

"Da thinks.  He considers the variables to keep us safe.  You don' want to protect us.  You only care about yourself -- about- about what amuses you.  You're no leader.And you won't be.  Aine wouldn't let zem.

The snap of Stryker's horn sounds too familiar.  Like the splintering of wood.  Smoke.  She pushes her hooves deeper into the sand, curling the earth around herself.

"No."  She snapped without hesitation.  Learned his lessonNo deal.  "Not with him."

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-09-2020

There he was. Tygrve himself. The little bitch didn't stand a chance, yet he decided to throw his paws up and beg for a fight. Pathetic. Stryker sneered, a mischievous glint appearing within his eye. Now he wasn't going to let one miniscule Roux play him, especially one within The Pitt. These pussies didn't know what a true Pittian was. Ruthless and calculated, not this cowardly garbage that refused the better offer... because why? They're afraid to lose an immanent battle? Or because he hurt one lousy member? The Roux should have stood his ground with honor instead of succumbing like a fool. "I don't I owe you anything, kid," he shot back. "You threatened me, went after me, and I retaliated. What did you expect?" The lion's brow furrowed. His head craned to the side awaiting an answer. Whether Tygrve chose to spoke or not, he attempted to cut them off. "Peace? As a former Pittian, I should know your outsiders do not expect peace from your group." A dastardly cackle left him. That was the truth. "Is it wrong to take your aggression as a sign of disdain? Should I be friends with a motherfucker who calls me a 'stupid sack of shit?'" He clicked his split tongue in disappointment, shaking his head in succession. If Tygrave had only been polite. Calling someone a 'creepy ass motherfucker' wasn't very friendly, now was it?

Even so, Gael wasn't pleased. Stryker merely shrugged his shoulders, eyeing the group that gathered and noting those that worked in his favor. It appeared it was time to leave now, especially with the chaos that ensued in his favor. Vale didn't seem like agreeing with zir leader's policies anytime soon anyways. With that, he began to turn away, but not before the yelling from the melanistic beast ravaged the area once again. The Kingpin wanted to laugh. Needless to say, he liked this one. They knew where their heart lied and was willing to stand up to what's right. Oh, if Gael was only the same. Maybe then he'd have Stryker's support. For now, he was disappointed by his successor.

But the next moment came as quick as the last. The wildcard darted towards him instantly, slamming him into the floor. A thud erupts from the floor. Claws unsheathed from their sockets, attempting to swipe at Vale's face. If successful, his strike would lacerate behind zir eyesocket and pull their eye forward. The optic nerve would wrap around his claw like a ring while the eye dangled, swaying elegantly as he was pushed into the floor. A vicious grow left the Kingpin. Their paw laid on his head now and next thing you know: CRACK! Pain convulsed down his temple and through his spine. Stryker felt Vale's release not long after, signaling for him to quickly get to his feet. His teeth were bared, ready to attack again... but ze had a plan. A smirk appeared on his lips. If losing a horn was what it took to get an alliance, then so be it. He'd have a wonderful story to tell Ninazu later too.

The lion was not bothered enough to check the damage. They were in the middle of something important. Either this divides The Pitt or they allow the Coalition to coincide with The Pitt. Up to them. Nevertheless, he kept his cool and let out a snort. "That does sound fair, yes," the Kingpin reasoned. "Now, can we talk like true Pittians and wager the benefits?" Even if they had to backstab one another in the future.

His eyes shifted to Gael. "Unless you'd like to continue pushing off the challenge for leadership and forming a proper alliance to benefit your dying group, rather than stepping up to the plate." Despite looking at the current ardent, his mental manipulation attempted to breach Vale's mind to send a message. 'You have my support. Talk to me later.'


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-09-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead jaguar
Vale’s remaining eye watched the swinging eye from Stryker’s claws, squinting in confusion. Vis paw rose to vis face, pawing at the oozing flesh. Skin and muscle sloughed away from even the gentlest touch. The skull gleamed, exposed, as only a single red eye and grey tongue distinguished the head as a living creature.

“Hehe. Safety. You think safety is more important than freedom?” Ve chuckled, vis tongue drawing across vis long fangs. “Your Da’s a strange one. How did you grow up so fast, yet so sheltered? There is no safety in this world, when there is always someone stronger waiting to exert their positive liberties over your negative liberties. If you and your Da want safety, go crawl to the Elysium, they’re so safe and snug as a bug in a rug, hiding from this world’s carnage.”

Red eye sliding to Stryker, the shapeshifter nodded, as though agreeing with the white lion’s words—though intending to communicate ve’d received the message. “Even this one agrees with me, after I shoved his face in the dirt!”

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Atticus Roux - 10-10-2020

His jaw clenched. The world around him devolved into yelling, insults, and threats. A rolling growl began to rumble from the back of his throat. His claws sank further into the ground, repressed rage rising from the depths of his mind. Atticus' heart pounded with rhythmic thuds and the fur on his scruff pointed to the sky as he shook in place. They were cowards. All of them. They were afraid of the truth. Were they going to stand back and watch their family fall due to their ignorance? 'No. Not again.'

Reality around him descended into a blur. One thing awoke him from his trance, the sound of Tygrve's accusations. He watched as his fellow Roux, one he barely knew, wandered up to turn the situation around. At first, he went after the Kingpin. Not long after, he had the audacity to turn towards Atticus. His blood boiled upon the boy's words and Atticus darted forward on impulse. The tabby attempted to jump on the jaguar's back, making sure to drag his claws on the way up. Once on top, he'd attempt to grab the feline's ears with his claws and rake backwards with his claws, possibly ripping off chunks of Tygrve's ear along the way. Whether or not he was successful, he'd try to remain on Tygrve's back with claws presumably locking in his position. If not, he'd roll to the floor and try to scramble towards Vale.


Wide eyes shot over towards the commotion. A shiver ran through him and his heart sunk into his chest. The sound was too similar to his mother's ribs succumbing under the weight of his home. Atticus merely froze in shock. There was nothing more for him to say.


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-10-2020


Narrowed yellow eyes watched the chaos unfold, mouth stretched thin in a frown as she became a sentry. Atticus' outburst was put on the back burner as the sickening crack of Stryker's horn breaking under Vale's strength caused the sentry to move, if only to furl her wings in. Teeth showed in a snarling grin toward the group, annoyed at their antics. Talons dug into the sands as she kept herself there, hoping to whatever was watching that the chaos would stop.

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - T. ROUX - 10-10-2020

"Threatened you? You're the creepy ass motherfucker who was lurking around in the dark while I was having a moment. Did I hurt your feelings? Ha, fucking bitch." Trygve would immediately speak with a snarl, he took a step forward despite his current injuries, he wasn't a coward and would disregard his injuries completely if it meant that he could set Stryker aflame with his fire. "Friends, huh? I wouldn't ever dream of it especially with such a creep like you." The draconic boy continued with a lash of his mottled tail as he raised an eyebrow at the bigger feline noticing how the other was trying to turn things on him. Make him look like the culprit. Not too stupid, that's a first thought the boy as his tongue swiped across his lips remembering how Caesar had underestimated him and well, the stupid son of a bitch had gotten a broken leg and missing tail because of it. "Now, instead of running your mouth... What about you either tail it back home or I'll make sure this time, you'll be the one dragging their own sorry ass back to the shithole you came from." His muzzle wrinkled as he took a few more steps and the flames that churned from within now danced around his jaws.

He was not impressed by the fact that Vale had taken one of Stryker's horns and was more unimpressed as the stupid shapeshifter lost an eye because of his recklessness. "That ain't a pound of flesh, dipshit. Good job on losing an eye though, I'll give you props for that." He turned his gaze back to Stryker watching him through narrowed pupils "As far as I know, your opinion or input doesn't really matter here. Several have spoken and you have overstayed your visit so fuckin scram." The mottled boy would've continued or made an attack towards Stryker if it hadn't been for a certain someone who had jumped onto his back causing the draconic boy to twitch his tufted ears. Ah, it was Atticus. "Really?" He mumbled in a barely audible voice only to spare Sweeney an apologetic look though it shifted to a scowl when the other boy began to claw at his ears. "Alright, you wanna act like tough shit? I'll show you." Growled Trygve through gritted teeth feeling blood beginning to slither down the side of his face.

With Atticus still locked onto his back with his claws, Trygve immediately rose to his hind legs trying his best to ignore the pain that pulsated at the sudden movement. If Atticus didn't want to fight fair, that was fine, Ry had been taught how to fight dirty by Michael. And frankly, Trygve didn't feel like fucking around anymore, his patience already running thin. Without a word or letting Atticus realize what he was about to do, Ry lifted himself slightly into the air with a flap of his powerful wings and with back facing the ground did he let himself fall aiming to crush Atticus under his weight and possibly knock him out. If he succeeded, he would roll off the other with a huff before shaking himself from the sand that he had collected from that impact. He spat out a bit of blood and tucked his wings neatly against his sides ignoring the pain that was going throughout his entire body "Now, I'm really pissed off. This is your last fucking warning." A few embers from his flames dropped onto his legs, burning away at some fur and revealing obsidian hued scales.


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-11-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead jaguar
The jaguar slowly stepped in between Tyvre and where Atticus’s body laid, as though the shapeshifter simply strolled there for no particular reason. The red eye flicked between Stryker and Tyvre as ve moved. Vale couldn’t stomach looking at the broken body of a single skin who'd supported vem. Not when the fight came as a result of Vale’s own chaos.

Vis grey tongue lolled out of the pristine skull, splitting in half, imitating Stryker’s own. A chuckle burned in vis throat.

“Which eye did he take, again?” Vale purred. The flesh on their shoulders rippled and spasmed. Eyelids opened, one by one, atop the muscle. One, two, ten, twenty. The wide red eyes stared vacantly into space. Then they zeroed in on Tyvre as one. “Which one did he take? Moreso, you single skin, do you think I fucking care about one eye? I eat my own for dessert!” The purr became a cackle, and Vale sighed into the back of a paw.

The twenty eyes slid to Stryker, and Vale laughed, laughed, laughed. "Take another! I'm so tired of seeing all this pathetic bullshit? Leave, they plead, the emasculated fools! As if they shouldn't act like the animals they are!" Then the twenty eyes slid back to Tyvre, and the jaguar's neck lolled so far, the skull nearly toppled off vis neck.

“If you’re so unsatisfied by my punishment, go ahead and attack him, Tyvre. Or are you too scared, even with all these Pittians around you?” Vale’s teeth clicked together, chattering like a broken birdsong. The bonehead tilted vis neck, to and from, waving a paw in front of vis face. Claws sheathed and unsheathed, popping in and out. An eye opened on the back of the paw, red and crying. “Do you need me to hold him down again? You want your own pound of flesh, your own trophy, is that it? Why the hell not?”