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loving all the apps! we will be closing this up on 7th!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Orion - 10-06-2020

Ooo I’m excited for tomorrow then! Can’t wait. <3

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - april . - 10-06-2020

eeeiiiii! can't wait! :") good luck to everyone!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 10-06-2020

im loving all the bbies

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Grimm - 10-07-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( dilute tortie ; three months ; typhoon kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Name — Darcy
    - of Irish and Gaelic origin, means dark
    - after coming out changes his name to Bastion

Nicknames — Dae, Cici
    - not overly comfortable with nicknames
    - after his name change typically uses Bas

Age — unborn
    - real time aging, starts at three months
Date of birth — unknown
    - created 23rd of September

Sex — female
Identity — trans masc
    - begins to figure things out early apprenticeship
    - comes out late apprenticeship after speaking with Diya

Pronouns — he / him

Allegiance — the typhoon
    - born and raised
Rank — kitten
    - no real ambition to climb the ranks
Division — grim rays

Chocolate and cream tortie point
( aabbcscbddllssww )

From his first moments it grows apparent this specific child takes quite a bit from his mother. Often known for being tall and slender this is exchanged for a short, stocky build that may be present because of the munchkin genes present, though they are diluted to a point his height is cut down only slightly and he has no higher chances of developing leg and back issues. Further accented his more hefty body for this, though he often fluctuates in terms of weight as his diet has restrictions and needs he may not fill all the time his chest is wide and deep. More compact the hips they flow into, somewhat more lower than his front half, it seems his back legs lack a bit in comparison to the front

Over it all his coat is fine and rather thick, as with both parents it exhibits a good length and thus is prone to tangling, working poorly with his hatred of being cleaned and poor job of doing it himself. This has given him an insulating undercoat, and he is rather well equipped to handle water for this as it retains warmth in lower temperatures, but also makes the heat of the archipelago somewhat unbearable. The downside present in this is the constant shedding, at the least it is not as bad in the cooler months

Longest is his fur along tail, feathered in a fashion that often leaves it seemingly bushed up, further feathering decorating his paws, especially about the back, ears adorned in short little tufts. At times necessary trimming simply to keep him from overheating, though even such is a hassle and so rarely done unless truly needed for particularly bad summers

His colouration is unique, unknown the true origin point. As with all points he was born as nothing more than a solid white, the pairing of the typical baby blue eyes lending to the idea he may be a dom white. But time proves to change this, around his third month colour begins to grow present on his legs, face, and tail, not fully developing until he is about five months. The colour is a mottled chocolate and cream, in here Roxanne once more showing but the other is not entirely easy to pinpoint, the dilute shade bearing markings where the chocolate does not making him a solid

Like many before him adorning tiny head, between ears with weak cartilage until what once stood tall once lays over itself, slowly grow in horns. Yet these are not apparent from birth, rather, alike his markings, they begin around his third or fourth month and grow rather slowly, their colouration a similar mottled chocolate and cream. With final growth they will sweep back from the head, two pairs of tines alongside the upward curled ending point finishing them, blunt and more for show than they may act as useful offensive weapons. Unlike many of his family lacking is he within terms of wings, even time does not make them apparent and so it is deemed he simply does not have them, a factor he does not fret over though in childhood rankles somewhat

The enthusiast
( the busy, fun-loving type )

Will update this later

— Imaginative, social butterfly, optimistic
— Spontaneous, encouraging, good humoured
— Scattered, stretched thin, prone to over thinking

— Deaf from birth
it becomes rather apparent as Bastion grows and does not learn to speak, nor vocalised in a similar fashion to the rest of the litter, that he is struggling with something. It is during his third month it becomes clear his hearing is not as he should be, though he can hear muffled sounds but it is to a degree he is more aptly deemed deaf over hard of hearing. At first this news hits somewhat hard and the transition period of learning to handle it does offer roadblocks but the support of mothers and siblings alike makes it somewhat smooth and he begins to learn sign during his fourth month once he has had time to get used to his situation and understand it a bit better

— Vampirism
a supposedly recessive gene it grows clear such is not the case as, with the growth of his teeth, his incisors are elongated but it is the position of the jaw and how it causes an underbite that brings this to light. A mere cosmetic aspect it is relatively quickly just deemed a thing all its own as Bastion continues to be capable of sustaining a regular diet, the fluctuation in his weight and the ravenous appetite developing over his apprenticeship only cements things. Unlike most he is capable of consuming a regular diet, and can stave off the need for fresh blood with raw meat if the kill is fresh, but the downside of this may become clear with time

— Knight in shining armour
worried his disability may led to issues where it comes to acting as a capable combatent issues begin to crop up during his apprenticeship, many over exertion as he trains alone in the night and various injuries as he tries to tackle things he simply is not capable of. In time he will learn new techniques that he is capable of, and do make him a rather formidable foe, but for the start doubt eats at him

— Earth elementals
not set on but a possibility is later developing earth elementals, as he lacks his hearing and vision can be limited the vibrations in the earth assist in both daily life and on the field, may later span into having somewhat of a green thumb
code by Reggan


after some thinking, we decided to pick early and get the thread up soon but the ones who got a kitten were Penny, Orion, Fenway! thank you everyone for applying for this litter and i'll post the thread in a bit though might take me some time as im currently but hopefully, it's enough time for profile preparation <3

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - Orion - 10-07-2020

Ah thank you so much! I’m honored to have a child. Can’t wait to post <333

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 10-07-2020

and tikki!! andy accidentally skipped ya in their message!

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - april . - 10-07-2020

ahhh!! thank you so so much guys Confusedob: i can't wait to post with finn! i'm looking forward to roleplaying with the fam <33 congrats to everyone else as well! Big Grin

Re: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE — LOVE LITTER - tikki - 10-07-2020

TYSM, and congrats to the others who got a kitten as well!