Beasts of Beyond
patient is the night | group of joiners - Printable Version

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Re: patient is the night | group of joiners - deimos - 04-15-2020

Her eyes shifted towards Beck. The tears running from his eyes made her pause, for a just a moment. The peregrine's beak clicked, gently, as she turned her head away, letting her siblings address their crying brother. It wasn't Bridget's place, of all people, to try and comfort the very person that they had abandoned as well. The very person that she abhorred, for tearing the family apart. A sharp inhale caused the peregrine's feathers to lay flat, addressing Aurum now, instead of Snarl. That was a battle for another time.

"For.. all intents and purposes, I hope you'll understand the indecisiveness of my siblings and I." She spoke softly at first, her wings twitching. Because she did indeed care for the group behind her, some of which had split off to approach Selby and Beck. It was far from a surprise that Beck had found other family, built other relationships. She knew, after living on the streets like that, he had at least that much, right? Her wings shifted a tiny bit, looking back towards Aurum. "You also must understand.. some of us will likely stay, whilst others may take off."

There was hardly doubt in her mind, seeing as Margery was shuffling behind her, and the pain in Beck's sniffles and sobs, that some of them may take off. She exhaled softly. "I, myself, will be staying for quite a while. It is.. after all.. a lovely place you have here. I'm curious as to.. what plants and herbs grow in this area, considering that heavy taste in the air." Her head tilted a bit, almost in the direction of the crater. She felt it heavy in her bones, that it wasn't quite normal in this place.

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