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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Splitvisage - 11-01-2019

  /slight tw: reference to impalement in paragraph 2

  Darksouls had awaited this day. He knew war was inglorious, destructive, horrific even, but they were fighting for the best cause he could think of today. The Pitt had withheld freedom from too many creatures for too long. He would fight to the death to ensure the slaves were freed.

  As he sauntered up alongside Goldenluxury, Darksouls fixed his eyes on the jaguar- Kydobi- as he spoke. Harming children? Who did he think they were? As Kydobi landed his gaze on Idyllfields, his voice clearly threatening, Darksouls strode forward to stand in front of his crewmate. Scraping the ground with one hoof, he lowered his head and glared directly at Kydobi. If Kydobi so much as laid a claw on Idyll, Darksouls knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from goring the jaguar on his antlers.

  Feeling a pair of webbed feet touch down on his head, and hearing Inkquill quack above him, Darksouls maintained his stance. Goldenluxury had expressed that the Pitt would make the first move, and he would honor his captain's words.

  attacking: no one

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-01-2019


[OOC: ]

He stared at Goldenluxury, his expression nor his stance flickered as she snarled. Keep calm, but he allowed a little anger to spark. Slowly allow the fires to build and do not lose control.

It may seem common sense but Kydobi did not really know nor did he trust the others, “Forgive me if I have trouble believing you, but you have proven in the past you have no issue going against your word.”

Like Fourth, the greatest thing that irked him was the amount of folks here against them. The cowardice in calling for every help there was and cornering then. But the Pitt wouldn’t give up, this he knew. This everyone knew, so their demands for surrender went up into the air. Sure they had the numbers but the Pittians has everything to lose, the home advantage, and the fierce savagery if loose morals. There was fathers, mothers. People with everything to lose and one thing much more dangerous. People with nothing. People who would give it their all.

”Destroying us is exactly what you came here to do tigress. It’s what you’ve vowed to do from the start, why else set fire to our lands? Go behind on a alliance? And make sure you greatly outnumbered us?”, he took a step back as he heard others arrive. A fox would take their place by his side, however  the jaguar didn’t recognize it. But he smelled the familiarity... fourth? The mottled pelt, especially the eyes. It was them. Funny, he had never seen such a form until now. It bothered him that they were no longer in their strong hellhound shape but perhaps Glitch could make up for it.

He didn’t follow them as they went off to look for Jervis. After she promised him the first blow he had to smirk. Interesting but a trap nonetheless. When playing games like chess, he often preferred to act after the other. First moves were dangerous.

No thank you Goldie, he would think. Opening his maw to speak he would be over talk by a familiar boom. Bai Shi. His heart skipped a beat and for a moment his heart wavered. A happy smile on his face, they were here- no... they had left. His smile faltered as they continued to speak. Neutrality was declared and Kydobi’s fears were realized. He really had lost them. Then the god’s sister were come forward. Hope? It hurt him, that she was on the opposing side. Although he had had intentions to throw blows to Bai in his rage, the last thing he wished to do was hurt their kin. Besides he hadn’t seen her in so long, it would be rude to have their first interaction in an awful long time be a swipe to the throat.

But it seemed someone else had other ideas, a winged creature landed in front of him. Drawing his attention from Bai at the immediate sound of wings and landing. As he turned he caught a raised paw in his peripheral. Quickly snapped his neck in the direction to face it. He would put all his weight on his hind paws to slant backwards. raising his own right paw he would move with snake like precision to slap it down not trying to injure them yet

A chuckled would escape and he took a look at the vicious brute. Noting their quick reaction, it would be the lion’s folly. He snarled after, saying nothing to Wormwood. Let them fall in their hubris. Underestimate them, that was fine.

“Once again Goldie, you have gone against you word. First blow was thrown but not by us, but unlike yours... we will stand out ground and wait for our leader. No wounds will be created till he speaks. Unless defense is required. You will find our soldiers, warriors, and heathens are quite a force to reckon with.”, he flicked his fiery eyes to Wormwood, “Why else would you need so much help?”

That was all the promise in the Pitt’s strength that he would give them. No more words just action after that. He felt the wind stirring and looked at [member=4836]gael[/member] . An idea in his mind. He would walk backwards till he was beside the two foxes, not taking his eyes off the enemies.

He lowered his voice to the quietest whisper, “is Aine safe? Hello Emery, good to see you.”


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - aine. - 11-01-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
All the little fox knew for sure was the scary golden tigress stood at the head of this.  As the surrounding jungle grew surrounded with unfamiliar faces, the fae scuttled away from her garden and practically barreled into her father.  A rather unhappy looking father.  Then again last time so many unfamiliar, unfriendly looking faces showed up around their camp...

Aine shuffled her paws beneath her, ears flattening sharply against her skull.  Her usually bright and curious eyes darted around like a nervous flame.  The tigress' presence always meant trouble.  Beneath her it seemed the ground itself trembled a little.  Little pebbles cracked and split in two.

She craned her head upwards, towards those closest.  Her da.  Mr. Embry.  Mr. Kydobi now too.  Each of them were tough and smart.  Were they going to get the scary tigress and her friends to leave?  "Da? Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?"
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - fulzanin - 11-01-2019

<the fiercest storm only hardened my resolve>
So no fighting had broken out yet. There were offensive lines, yes, that he could easily see. He could easily associate them with other sights he had seen back in his home land (or era, more like). He and his fellow pterosaurs would sit upon mighty and sheer cliffs and watch the squabbles of 'lesser' and wingless beings below. Except now? This time? He was intervening. It wasn't really intervention, more like participation. The pterosaur didn't truly care for the specifics of that train of thought. He had a bracelet around his tail, and now the colorful cloth to differentiate him from the 'vile Pittians' that stood on the other side of the three bound groups.

Yes, he could hear the talking. These stupid sensitive senses that he had aquired allowed for him to hear with ease. Lightning in the air to a creature that flew all the time - and was currently doing such a thing? It scared him. It rattled him, twisting back in the air and craning his head as if he would somehow be able to move away from the strikes of lightning. Although he wasn't that high into the air, more so hopping and flapping rapidly. They were still talking, weren't they? He clicked his beak. Tanteri wouldn't consider himself impatient, but being on the ground was far from his favorite even with how hazardous the air was. He beat his wings and flung himself into the air with one hearty downstroke. More smaller flaps followed, before he then dove, snagging some poor Pittian NPC to only shoot right back up into the air again. Then it was a simple drop, releasing the hold while his wings spread catch the air and keep himself airborne. There. It was simple! He banked and turned to not watch how the body would smack harshly into the ground by gravity's claws, quickly lowering back from the air. Getting struck by lightning or tossed by the rampant winds were not any better than where he had been impatiently on the ground prior.

TAGS 9/27/19:

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - lavi s. - 11-01-2019

Lavi belonged someplace quiet and peaceful, not on the frontlines of what looked to be a future battleground.  Yet the young andean mountain cat stood beside his friend, Tena.  True to his word, he planned on watching her back, even if she threw herself right into the middle of a fight.  A Jedi's sworn duty was to protect.

He sighed softly, eyes narrowed as he spotted something fast-moving in the sky.  Soon an unsuspecting Pittian fell from above.  Kriffing hell.  That wasn't the plan.  Hadn't Goldie given the command to wait?  The Pitt could make the first move, or surrender.

Lavi felt his muscles tense and he turned silently to Tena.  Silently, he rose his eyebrows, wary.  He truly desired a peaceful solution, but that would be hard if they were already landing blows on their side.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - conrí - 11-01-2019

CONRÍ Ó FAOLÁIN - male - dire wolf - tags - penned by pluto
[Image: YHeUkLr.png]
The youth approached the battlefield with his fellow Elysites.  The boy playing soldier would finally see his first real fight.  Of course, he understood a fight was the last option.  They were trying to convince the Pitt to surrender first.  Strategically, the Pitt's best move would be to surrender.  As outnumbered as they were, the bloodshed would simply be an unnecessary delay of their defeat.

The wolf huffed quietly as he stood strong and patient.  Only his ears flicked back as twice, aggressive moves were made.  One in retribution towards a worded threat and the other an attack from the sky.  Both belonged to the allied's side.  Damn it.

So much for being true to their word, huh.  He grit his teeth and squared his shoulders.

Attacking: no one

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Tanga - 11-01-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Ah yes, this is what he had been waiting for. Craving. Revenge. Although the blows to his pride had happened ages ago, he hadn’t let go of the things that had occurred on the border.

Ultimately he had chosen the right side. The side that would undeniably win. Which was exactly what one could expect from a beast of his prowess. A cocky figure would walk, chin tilted up and chest puffed out. He would make his place past Tena to stand beside the much more exotic tigress.

He loved her tenacity and action for vengeance. Tonight, he would impress her. A smug look on his face as he stared at the jaguar. He wasn’t small in the least, about as large as a smaller male lion but he had no chance to compare to beast like him and Kade... even Goldie with her wings.

A snort would come as he watched a Pittian drop. A deep chuckle would come out “Well done bird! Get some more!”, he wanted the jaguar most of all. Eyeing the chocolatey shit.

He also would love to get his jaws around the fox’s neck. Snap it and assume the throne.

He was here to do damage. But powers were at play and those he had not, caution would be exercised.


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - beatae - 11-01-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
"where do you think you're going?" one of the pittians spat as august retreated into kydobi's loft. the terrier felt his body freeze as he was addressed, heart beating fast. what? what was that supposed to mean...?

he wasn't going to fight- this wasn't his battle! they were here to save him, and he would wait for them. all nice and tucked away in the safety of kydobi's pelts while he tried to ignore the screams of carnage while reading pretty woman.

"c'mon, mutt. if kydobi wants you treated as us, then you're gonna be just like us." he couldn't say much as he was lifted from the scruff and dragged onto the field, left their practically trebling. he couldn't fight-

"HOLY SHIT SHE'S HUGE!" august sputtered, seeing goldenluxury for... for the first time. wow. she was much mightier in person.

a shame auggie didn't hold the appearance of a slave much anymore; he seemed well fed and pampered now that he was under the marauders protection... he was a target. fuck. he was practically trembling as vox came beside him, pressing himself into the goatbat's fur. "c'mon, vox. you can't let them get me i- they pushed me in. i can't fight i can't fight." he sniffled, holding himself closely to his friend.

i'm the prize

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - teef - 11-01-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


reaching their neck out, the drsgon rumbled in greeting to their younger sister, blue eyes sparking with warm welcome, "Jiějiě piào jià rúhé?", they greeted her in a deep rumble, happy.

they weren't happy that war was knocking on the doorstep, but they were not to meddle with the combst aside from preventing unnecessary deaths. "come to my side, hope, do not bloody your claws tonight in the name of a war that has nothing to do with our family. mother did not die for us to kill ourselves in battle to join him.", they growled softly, grief rippling through their voice and dragging their shoulders down.

"i will not fight unless it is to keep a head from falling from its shoulders. i do not wish to see our family falling like sheep at the slaughter, nor do I wish to see my friends fall without grace. losing asteri was bad enough, I cannot lose anybody else." they breathed deeply. speaking of the dead brought back hard memories to swallow. voice catching, they thundered softly, "the only blood i will spill willingly and happily, is the one that took mother's head." they murmur softly to her, touching noses and moving their tail to the side to pull her close in comfort.

they closed their eyes upon hearing the quiet murmur from idyll, wanting nothing more than to find the coyote that they found themselves seeking the company of near constantly. they felt empty without their friend at their side, especially at this time, aching to have the coyote beside them, at a distance that they could protect. but they had to settle with the knowledge that idyll was safe under goldenluxury's watch, safe from those that bai had thought were their friends at one time.

they had to settle for this, watching kydobi with a painful longing, exhaling as they curled their lip with a soft growl, watching in pain. they were going to loose so many people here .... they didnt even want to think about how much they would lose from either side if war was to commence. opening their eyes, they saw a flash of black fur and teal eyes, their head chasing the apparition that only they could see, a keen coming from their throat at the gentle form of their lost mate, watching the apparition fade into the beings about to start this fight, their eyes growing dark with extreme grief.

their gaze turned at the crack of thunder, wind buffeting the dragon's mane as they brought the air surrounding them in a way of cushioning, climbing to their feet. their dragon's body would be of no aid here. golden body shrinking in size, the drsgon assumed their jaguar body, black and white pelt clashing with the dull silver scales showing where their scars laid, protected even with silvery ichor oozing from recently opened wounds, the scales not quite hard enough yet.

inhaling as they watched the npc's body fall, they felt their fur rise and ripple, the beast turning to hope with a look of question. war called in their bones, and for their own sanity, they relied upon their sister's presence to keep them still. their heart ached at the ghost brushing past them, their mind supplying the feel of the spirit of their mate pressing to their flank and twining against them, telling them to give in to the rage that rocked through the ancient being's body, their claws kneading the ground beneath their paws, tail flicking. they could not afford to fight or listen to the ghost, they could not give in to themselves, "asteri, forgive me, but I shall not join you today.", they rasped, pushing their muzzle through the apparition, tail curling over their back as they forced themselves to sit at hope's side once more.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-01-2019


[OOC: mentions August ]

He would see Aine and he would see August and he would see the pittian fall with a terrible snap and a cry. His heart called out to them, to check on them and make sure that if there was no use in help that they were sent away properly and not alone in agony. But the moment would not allow that. Instead anger fumed. That was an injustice. No pittians had attempted and attack yet and they had already had two offenses on their half.

Fuck Jervis, if he wasn’t here yet. If he abandoned his people... no. Jervis wouldn’t do that. He would lose his throne like nothing. But he still wasn’t here and they were already down one. It seemed Golden had no intention to controlling her people.

He looked Fourthwall ([member=5081]Crackers[/member] ), searching for agreement on advancing. His tail was rippling so gently that one could barely tell. But it was held out straight and horizontally, prepared to signal.

Ears pinned against his head as he thought of the fiery lion farther ahead. Control them? Take charge of their flames? Was that possible? But Ky was  taking time. Allow the rage to feed your fury. Do not be afraid to ignite when you need to. Build it up so it will be glorious and frightening.

But not too soon. Save it and they all would burn. None would see it coming neither and very pittians knew of it as well.

He heard the panic of August, claiming someone had forced him to come. Who? Kydobi wanted to know instantly and punish them for adding another person to worry for... what to do what to do. He felt obligated to protect the foxes, his dear friend August, and Vox. So many people and only one of him.

His heart was speeding up in panic, “August... remember what we did that day? Where we looked? Dirt. Dark? Damp? All else fails, all goes badly go there my friend.”, he called softly, hoping the dog would understand he spoke of the tunnels.

He would not be mad if the dog surrendered, the whole idea was to keep August safe in this moment. It was the very reason the dog rejected his offer out of slavery and into normalcy. But not, he had given his friend the best of both worth. Protection without responsibility. The life had treated them both well, the comfort of the dog in his den made him feel a little safer and not quite so alone. Even warmer in the nights.

But now he wasn’t quite sure what to do.

Just don’t run to me, he would think. Out of them all, he had quite a massive target apart from Jervis. Especially after speaking towards Idyll.

God. There was so much at stake.

And there was no chance of surrendering. No one wanted to quit, because what they knew was bad but what would happen was unknown and that was the scariest of all. Not truly out of pride either, if everyone else decided to simply give up then he would be forced to fall in line.

The pitch beast decided he wouldn’t spend his time defending Jervis instead he would focus on keeping Aine and August safe. Especially from the damn dinosaur.
