Beasts of Beyond
[ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Printable Version

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Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - deimos - 07-31-2019

Sam rolled her eyes. Not here to attack anyone? Sure as hell seemed like someone had a different tone, and Worm was scared to bits. The doecat chuckled to herself, perking her ears and donning a shit-eating grin. She offered a nod towards Delilah. "You can if you want."

Her gaze shifted back towards the angry lioness. "You won't be allowed to stay if you keep actin' like that. Sure, might be your kids but, they ain't your slaves. Poetking is fine, healthy. N' they're being treated probably better then you ever treat them."

Sam wasn't here for this. Any of this, infact. So lets add fuel to the fire.

// mobile



Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Wormwood winced as soon as his mother began talking in that shrill voice of hers, and he stayed hidden behind Vathmos, grateful for his new group mates for helping him. He found himself also wishing Draekon was here, faintly, but then he thought about it a bit more, and decided he didn't. Draekon probably wouldn't ask any questions and would just kill her immediately. Which... he wasn't entirely opposed to, but he doubted that it wouldn't be frowned upon. Still, it seemed like some of the members of the group were getting pretty close to just taking matters into their own paws, given how his Mother hadn't changed her screaming.

Looking over at Sam, he made a soft grateful noise at her words, and pushed himself just abit farther upward, trying to give off a more intimidating vibe despite the shakes that still wracked his body, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Poetking is fine. He's happy here, just like I am. And nobody was taken. He left on his own! This place is happy, and these people are more like a family than we ever were! Please just leave!"[/glow] His ears were pinned down low to his head as he growled, grateful that his brother wasn't around to see this. Most of the time Poetking was pretty intelligent, but he was the one always lauded over by their mother, and he would probably insist she wasn't here to do any harm.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - gregory - 07-31-2019

she narrowed her eyes, shaking her head. “take me to your brother, wormwood.” she wasn’t yelling, her voice was steady, but she still looked angry. “forgive me if i don’t trust you’re judgement, considering what you did.” yes, the ‘what you did’ card. a sure fire way to find her youngest, beloved son. “and forgive me if i don’t trust complete strangers with my very ill son who was taken from the pride he lead. you know he wouldn’t just leave, wormwood. the elders looked all too pleased that he was gone. sounds fishy, doesn’t it?

"somethings you can’t tell your brother" —-- judith / tanglewood / misc. / @ gregory

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Worm felt a sort of dizziness seize him as Judith continued talking, and his heart dropped into his stomach when she mentioned the past events with Poet. He lowered his head down for a brief moment submissively, tears crowding his usually calm blue eyes. It took him several seconds, but eventually he rose his head again, his eyes trailing over all of the other group members there who were, in their own ways, defending him and Poet. Sam, Ubbe, Vathmos, Delilah, Moth... all of them cared enough to give their two cents on the matter, even beyond just because Judith could be a threat to the group. It honestly felt... amazing. It felt amazing to finally had others who, even if they were only just beginning to, actually cared about him, unlike Judith had done ever since Worm was barely old enough to walk.

Gritting his fangs, Worm curled his claws into the soft dirt below him before snapping angrily, his lips peeling back at his mother, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"NO! I won't take you to him. Because he doesn't deserve your nonsense any more than I do! If all you're gonna do while you're here is shout and threaten me, and accuse the fine members of Tanglewood of kidnapping Poetking, then you can just leave! Poet left of his own free will, because he didn't want to be in the pride anymore, and I don't blame him! What I might've done in the past was awful, but at least I regret it and I actually apologized! Where is my apology for the years of you telling me that I was lesser than him? Where's any of the love I should've gotten from my own fucking Mother?"[/glow]

He was trembling by the end of his rant, and his legs felt like they were going to give out any moment, so he stepped back into security behind Vathmos and Samantha and everyone else. He growled weakly as he slowly sank down to the ground, feeling absolutely sick, and so, so suddenly tired, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I won't make you leave, because I don't have the power here to do that, but I'm not bringing you to Poetking. And I'm not letting you keep shrieking and insisting that my new friends are kidnappers. If he wants to see you, he can come himself."[/glow]

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - deimos - 07-31-2019

Sam glanced towards Wormwood. She offered that same, wide grin- with a bit more warmness in her eyes- before looking back towards their mother. Ugh, were they really all like that? Bitchy and whiney? Sam rolled her eyes again- again?- before raising her voice, and alongside that, her paw to stop Judith. That's where she was going to draw the line. She wasn't letting this crazy motherfuckin' lionness onto Crow's territory without Crow's permission- and Poet's, for that matter. She let Poet step back with a twinkle of admiration in her eye before she spoke up.

"Someone get me Crow." Sam finally announced, with a hard voice. "Step the fuck off, lady. You aren't going anywhere until you get permission from Crow herself. Stop trying to rag your fuckin' son into this shit, aye?" Sam's hair was on end, a snarl written into her features and anger flaring up in her eyes. Being off of her cigs REALLY wasn't going to do anyone good. Sparks lit at Sam's paws. She was pissed, and for Wormwood alone. And Poet too, she guessed.


Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Crow Roux - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Ma'am, please shut up. You're hurtin' my ears," the feline grunted with a bored expression on his face. Someone had come to alert him of an altercation at the edges of the territory, and he looked less than pleased to be there. His fur was ruffled, a tell-tale sign he had been asleep a short while before he was summoned to handle a dispute. "Take me to your brother!" he jeered in a shrill voice. "Look, if your son wants to see you, I don't have an issue," Crow explained unenthusiastically, blinking sleepily. "but Worm over here is lookin' like he saw a spectre 'cause of ya. I'm not allowin' ya to come stompin' around here scarin' folks."

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - gregory - 07-31-2019

she felt an eye begin to twitch, one of those little invisible twitches that weren't really visible to anyone but you. she hated those. "he's looking like her 'saw a spectre' because he tried to kill poetking and he knows i haven't forgiven him." she stated. glaring at wormwood and then all the others. "poet wouldn't just leave his pride, considering the state it was in when he disappeared. if he was leaving on his own, he would've said goodbye, so i want to see my son, because i am worried. im sure if any of you had any children you would understand that if your child was taken from you, youd be angry and worried, yes?"

"somethings you can’t tell your brother" —-- judith / tanglewood / misc. / @ gregory

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Vathmos - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]"By Lamastu, will you just leave?"  Vathmos took a step forward, deciding to finally speak up. They didn't have a good relationship with their mother, it seemed. She wondered where Poetking was, maybe he could help sort this out.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - DELILAH. - 08-01-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Delilah lowered her head, small flowers sprouting around her paws as she felt irritation bubble up inside of her. Grass pulled at her paws, as if reminding her just how calm she needed to be. But Delilah wasn't one to just sit there and take things like this- not when her mother was the same way with her.

"You heard the bossman, woman." Was it Delilah that just spoke? Definitely not, but Lilith wasn't going to just let the others know she was active just yet. Nobody had really seen the two switch, especially with Delilah normally being the Host. "Get fuckin' bent, will you? You're so fuckin' loud, whining about your sons. They're not kids anymore." Lilith snapped, the flowers that were originally blooming around her feet dying and falling to the ground.

Lilith idly rolled her shoulders, blind pink eyes moving to glance over to where Crow stood, waiting for a command- any command, really.