Beasts of Beyond
watch the hospital that's just across the street ━ sick - Printable Version

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Re: watch the hospital that's just across the street ━ sick - wormwood. - 07-30-2019

Wormwood opened his mouth again to continue his questioning to perhaps help diagnose her somehow – if she wasn't fighting, maybe she had tripped and hid something, or accidentally torn something? However, his questioning was cut off by her beginning to speak to her friends in the group, and he fell silent, watching curiously. Surely Selby would be able to make sure everything was alright with her- oh. His eyes went wide as soon as hers closed, and he felt a soft pained noise leave him, something akin to a warning. It was already too late though, and she was gone. He was left in stunned silence for a moment, just staring at the scene and slowly digging his thick claws into the earth. She had just... died. Died without even that much fuss, and now Selby was upset, and so was Red, and so was probably everyone else in this new group.

Swallowing thickly, the lion looked around slowly, feeling an unhealthy weight settle in his chest, right around his heart. He looked around at faces and postures, judging reactions and trying to keep himself calm. He looked down for a moment before mumbling roughly, closing his eyes for a brief moment, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I'm... I'm sorry for your loss. If you need assistance with the body later, I will... I will make sure to handle it delicately.[/glow]" He couldn't think of what else to say, and he knew he couldn't stay here, with the dead body in front of him and the horrified loved ones around him, so he slowly turned and walked away to go find Poetking and tell him what happened, not wanting him to be in the dark for long.

Re: watch the hospital that's just across the street ━ sick - DELILAH. - 07-30-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie


Re: watch the hospital that's just across the street ━ sick - deimos - 07-30-2019

Sam froze in shock when she came onto the scene. Her eyes stared at the corpse as people milled about, ridden in shock, grief- sadness. Terror struck her heart. Arrow was a good person. Is, was? Sam's ears flattened and she took a step back, her body shaking suddenly. She couldn't bear to face the situation, not here, not now- not right now. Sam turned tail, the white of the tail flashing as she took off.

// out to the typhoon for like, a night or two lmao



Re: watch the hospital that's just across the street ━ sick - Perseus - 07-30-2019

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#6D6D6D,2,300]Ω —[/glow] The vibe of the area was eerie and unsettling as Perseus wandered over. What was once a lively area was now the scene of Thanatos' crimes. Dead at their paws was a familiar Tanglewood member, one that many could call their friend. Perseus, though, had only met them in passing. While his loss was rather minimal, the others in the area were mourning a fantastic colleague of theirs. He could only stand in silence, allowing them to grieve. 

If there was any cleanup needed, Perseus would assist. He had grown too used to watching acquaintances bleed out throughout his years. In the meantime, he just remained still.

Re: watch the hospital that's just across the street ━ sick - toboggan - 07-31-2019

Bitter contempt rattled his bones as a reaction to Red’s arrival. The vague creature brought with him caustic presentiments, worsening the ordeal’s current environment. If it weren’t for his on-the-spot diagnosis, which subdued all disdain felt by the hound, there was a good chance that Leroy would have cracked.

Internal bleeding.

Amalgams of disbelief and malaise bombarded his very soul like artillery fire. The blood pumping through his veins seemingly ceased operation, rendering him anemic. His train of thought suffered a total engine failure as he struggled to comprehend the facts before him. Internal bleeding? What had caused it? How long ago had Arrow gotten sick, and why had she refrained from making mention of her condition to anybody?

The canine flinched as his helpless captain upchucks another shipment of stomach goo, making notice of the blood present in the expunged bodily fluids. He yearns to place a paw on her shoulder to comfort not only her, but himself as well. He desisted from doing so, however; if the presence of Selby - who brought medicinal herbs - couldn’t grant even the slightest sense of relief, then nothing would.

Arrow spoke, Selby spoke, Wormwood spoke - it was all a blur. Due to a lack of any forewarning, there wasn’t any time to mentally prepare himself for what was to come. His maw automatically went agape, preparing itself to offer a few soothing utterances, though he halted his breath. The sickened feline had something else to say.

She first turned to Selby. Leroy sharply inhaled, eyes widening whilst Arrow conveyed a final message of sorts. "Oh my - no..." he murmurs. Breathing became a trying task for the the male. His lungs’ respiration pattern went choppy, solely consisting of wheezes and gasps from there on in, with low whines intermittently escaping his throat. Leroy’s perception of time must have gone wonky as well, as the amount of time it took for Arrow’s glance to shift into him felt like millennia. And she spoke.

The corners of his eye sockets ran wet with soppy moisture. He had not experienced sentiments such as these in nearly a year. He had not shed a tear inside Tanglewood’s boggy borders up to this point. Her green hues tantalized the guardsman with images of the jukebox-related memory that she recited, the memory in particular which he had totally forgotten about until now. That was how many months ago? Six? Man, she had been with him for a really long while, hadn’t she. The more he dwelled on the fact, the more it pained him to see her like this, in such a state.

Her eyes fell shut.

"Whaddya mean bedtime?" the mongrel exclaims, growing more restless by the moment, "C'mon!".

No response. Gone.

He had to get away. She wouldn’t have wanted him to see her like that.

In a similar fashion to Samantha, Leroy takes his leave. Stumbling over his own trembling limbs, he makes for his home.