Beasts of Beyond
My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - Printable Version

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Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

Harrison made his way over and looked around, staring at the strangers with wide eyes. People from a different clan... How odd. He wasn't sure how to feel, but yet again, he hardly ever knew how to feel. His mind was all over the place. "What's p... plato... platonic..?" The black tom cat asked Jacob, a bit embarrassed for not knowing. It was a fancy word.. Surely it meant something important?
i couldn't even keep you

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - →AUGUST← - 05-01-2018


August wandered over to the first person he'd spotted; this was, of course, Argus, as she was bright and large and the first form his hazy eyes landed on once he'd turned. The deer wasn't too sure what Argus.. Was, but he was in no state to judge considering the fact that he shouldn't even be awake. He couldn't tell whether she was upset or just trying to relax; she had brought out alcohol, and in his life he'd grown to associate alcohol with partying and trying to let loose steam, so perhaps she really was just trying to enjoy this.

He stared intensely at her for nearly a minute, taking in every detail of her. He wondered where those wounds had come from, why she didn't make an attempt to cover them up like he knew Jacob did. "Hello. I am August. You are very large." He stared at her for a few more moments. He didn't recognise the scent of wherever she'd come from. "Are you one of these.." The deer paused for a moment, let out a large huff of air.

"One of these.. Typhoon members? I think Jacob mentioned that. Maybe you can tell me about it."

i wasnt sure if u were waiting for someone specific to respond so im sorry if u were


Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - Keona. - 05-01-2018

✯ — female. beta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
Keona had practically begged to come along, prodding at both her father, [member=267]Kian.[/member] and her newfound uncle, Seamus.  She wanted to go beyond the Typhoon's territory and she knew that her father especially would never allow it on normal circumstances, but this was an event between two groups, so that made it okay.

She had never been underground before, and the concept was strange.  She had spent all her early life either on the deck of a ship, or in the Typhoon's jungle and beach.  All that ground, dirt and rock above their heads... Strange, but she was not overly concerned. Her sightless sea-green eyes gleamed luminously in the dimmer surroundings, unfocused straight forward. The petite beta kept her ears perked, and remained firmly on the ground, determined to navigate on her own, although all the new scents were rather confusing; too many new people and new drinks and foods.  Not to mention sound; music and new voices all washing over her ears.

Keona bites her lip, but makes a show of looking somewhat confident.  Truth be told, she was quite the introvert and did not particularly yearn for immediate social interaction, but she was rather friendly as well, and the result was most often simple confusion.  She shifted paws.  She did not want her father to be forced to linger at her side all night when he could otherwise participate in the social activities, besides, she did not appreciate the helicopter parenting anyway.

Her ears pick up another of smaller size, though he was taller than her - most cats were, after all.  Sounded like someone around her age, so she migrated towards the sound, determined to show her father she was interested in doing her own thing tonight.  Once she reached [member=569]harrison.[/member], she inclined her head towards Jacob.  Keona did not know the word platonic either, however she did know what romantic was.  Or she thought she did... "Platonic is... Not... Ro-man-tic? 'an romantic is... Love, like... Love-love... Not family love." Despite her lack of certainty, she put some strength into her tone; she would, at the very least, sound like she had an idea of some sort.
code by spacexual

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - Luciferr - 05-01-2018

Hymn of Ruin
/@ me for interaction please c:

oh well here came the biggest member to grace the forming party - the dark shadow unfolding across the landscape before those great wings carried him down to outside the area where the party was held before he made his way over to the gathering group.

A heavy exhale through black and crimson marred teeth as the dark god settled in amongst the group - one eye on Keona and Lily, watching out for the two Typhoonians was second nature to him and one eye out for his erstwhile daughter in law whom had seemed rather off lately.

Lucifer could relate - he was hardly a bastion for good mental health all things considered.

the livid red scarring of runes - courtesy of dear old dad - pulsed slightly with a dim glow as the thought crossed his mind before he shook it to rid himself of the lingering strain - he nodded over to Jacob before taking a piece of paper and carefully for one of his size scrawling his name and his chosen choice.

Lucifer Grimm - Platonic.

he wasn't looking for romance, not for a long while at least - the pain of the loss of his last wife still buried it's slow dulling knives where his black heart might be - for now, the behemoth merely watched the others with an air of quiet calm, if someone wished to talk, they were free to approach him but he had no compulsion to seek out anyone just yet this early into the proceedings.


Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

He blinked and looked at [member=265]Keona.[/member] and offered her a small smile. He listened to her and considered what she had said. The kit also knew what romance was, though he had just recently grasped the basic concept of it. He was still quite young, after all. "Like.. Like friends?" He said, tilting his head to the side. Why give friendship a whole new word? Was it so that people could feel fancier about their friends? Was that how it worked? He just confused himself, oh no.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - ARGUS - 05-01-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]
//Nope! Open for interactions! No worries ^^//

Argus was aware that what she was, all that she was- was not wrong. To be herself and honest was key, not only within her clan but with their allies. But argus had come here from the break in honesty, running away from the past she was not ready to accept- and now it was t e a r i n g through her skin. She felt it thrum with every callous heartbeat. Her ear's picking up every heady thrum of other's nearby. To much- toomuch-

Iron claws digging through flesh. Death exhaled as she watched eyes white out and r o t her muzzle caked in blood- jaws snapping close around a still beating heart. popping the organ with a powerful crunch and the feeling- essence flowing through her throat empowering her - fueling her--

But being honest did not mean she had to revert. Going back in time. To a time that Argus was nothing and she lived in tunnels like these. Where she spent each day a hulking beast. Argus was better than her others- even in  a setting like this she would not let her past or her instincts rule her. She shook her head. Dull red eyes bouncing across the cavern as she raised the flask to her own maw. Letting the horrid taste dribble down her thorat and chase away the phantom joy she rarely indulged anymore.

She was aware of eyes on her self. But in a party where she was trying to smear in the shadows of the wall (ha, she couldn't do that. She was white now. bright, light). It wasn't until August spoke to her that she jumped. Wings flaring at her sides. Ruby eyes glanced over towards the rotting corpse animated and she cracked a slightly amused smile. Well, there was a thing to say about the dead attracted to her. Shinigami, Zactov, bloodclanner or no. The dead was always around, weren't they? At least this time she didn't have to worry about getting odd glances.

"Thanks? For a deer you're very small." Argus' voice was slightly questioning, but mellowed out near the end of her first sentence. Ruby eyes watching the other and slowly uncoiling from where she had settled. " Names Argus, and yeah- I'm from the typhoon. Nice place. Open air good views. Crabby, but good intentioned crewmates too. Like a big, messed up family. Just watch out for the jungle juice." She chuckled a little, an inside joke of the clan that they lived in- for sure. The traditions were odd, and argus was too busy partaking in them to worry about the implications.

"How about the snowbound? Anything interesting to do around here?"

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - →AUGUST← - 05-01-2018


He stared blankly off to the side for a few seconds after she spoke, squinting slightly. His ears swivelled to face her completely and he seemed to be listening to her speaking with full attention. August couldn't remember ever having to try so hard just to pay attention to the words someone was saying. Perhaps that meant he truly was dumb now.

Huh. He hadn't ever thought he was small for a deer before. But, then again, he'd not met any other deer besides his parents and the few deer who'd lived in their small herd. "I think I am just below average for my.. Specific species? Yes."

Her next words had him pretty confused. "Jungle.. Juice? So your group lives in a jungle? It must be much warmer than here." He was almost jealous; although he'd be numb regardless of whether it was cold or not, he thought it'd be nice to see some strong, warm sunlight. It'd be nice to see all the foliage lit up by the sun. Or, just to see a lot of foliage in general.

"I do not know much of this group yet. I joined very recently, after I.. Woke back up. We had a meeting. Is that just a group thing? I have also seen the others playing games sometimes." August took a moment to take some breaths, although it was ultimately pointless as his body didn't really do anything with the air.

"Our leader spoke of a festival. That will be exciting."


Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - PINCHER - 05-02-2018

Surprisingly, Pincher did not paritcularily wanted to be here. It was a shocker really that someone like himself (a lover for parties and fun celebrations) was struggling to convince himself to actually come to the blind dating event that had been created for the two groups. It was rather odd how different they were in reality. A snowy landscape combining forces with one that lived on an islad that was usually always covered in warm sun rays. He didn't enjoy traveling so far especially when he could be spending time with his crewmates in doing their own thing, their own wacky odd traditions. He wanted to remain at first but after hearing who was going to be leading the event and making sure it ran smoothly, an inner spark of curiosity burned inside his chest. He was not sure what the hell the feeling was nor why he felt it towards the Snowbounder but no matter how much he tried to think of it, he could never place his paw on what it was. Nervousness? For what exactly? Pincher didn't do nervousness. It wasn't like him and he didn't understand why it held him back and why he had tried to make it an excuse to staying behind while some of his members had decided to travel to the event. His mind stormed and echoed the question over and over, playing like a broken record until the pirate could no longer take it. He ended up preparing for the event, his appearance slowly molding into one of the more attractive versions of Pincher. And with that, the tall canine stalked after his crewmates with his arctic blue eyes locked forward onto the path. Might as well have fun when he got there.

As he slowly arrived at the ongoing voices and conversations that were tossed into the cold air, his velvety pointed ears pricking as he picked up his pace, his coffee brown splattered paws trying to avoid sinking into the snow too much. Tiny silver snowflakes outlined the lean figure of the captain as he stepped into the main tunnel where everyone was mingling, his vibrant sapphire blue eyes flickering around with a faint expression of surprise at how the event looked. Cozy yet classy, something around his taste and it caused a faint suave smirk to lace his jaws as he stepped in, halting for a moment to give his short obsidian pelt a light shake. He looked quite the same, nothing extraordinary but around his neck hung a glossy skinny tie that was a striking shade of electric blue, matching his eye color. The scarred doberman carried the scent of sea salt and coconut, a mixture that was somewhat accidental and somewhat on purpose as he walked calmly into the crowd of socialization. He was glancing around, a bit distracted as he searched for someone in particular but noticed London for a split second. She was quite cute, someone he certainly wouldn't mind charming. He bit softly against the matchstick that hung from his lips, humming softly as he simply kept listening to the various social comments that were being made. The most recent one seemed to come from a Snowbounder he did not recognize and was speaking to his Officer. He tipped his head ever so slightly as the obsidian male halted beside Argus, glancing towards her with a sly knowing grin at her statement of "jungle juice". The lovely reference that only the Typhoon crewmates were able to either laugh or growl at. "Yeah we live in a jungle. Well technically some members do, most live on the bay area of Paradis Island. It's hot as fuck there, that's all you gotta know. Names Pinch-" Before he was able to finish, his wandering luminous gaze locked onto the figure that he had been searching for. The soft fur and the sweater snatched his attention and forgetting what he was saying, the lean Romanian walked off towards the direction of the newly appointed Chief of the tribe.

The sound of his footsteps began to become softer as he grew near, drowned by the various voices that bounced against the tunnel walls as he crept behind Jacob. His casual cocky smirk turned to one of devilish mischief as he crept a little closer, his sleek muscular form in a prowling stalking position though he hesitated for a bit when he realized that Jacob had been asking if he would becoming to the event to Lilyspoise. Yet, not wanting to miss the opportunity of having a little fun, Pincher finally reached a good distant behind Jacob and suddenly rushed forward to bump playfully against the other canine, his shoulder aiming to press against the one of Jacob's. "You really think I'd miss this? I don't think so, mate. Besides, I've been meaning to find myself a good girl to have fun with." Pincher stated lightly, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat as the doberman smirked lightly, enjoying the feeling of the wolfdog before stepping back a bit to not push Jacob too hard. The playful side of Pincher slowly ebbed away as he turned his full attention towards Jacob, a surprisingly warm grin touching his muzzle as he locked his oceanic blue eyes with Jacob's. Surprisingly the nervousness he felt was now coming differently. He felt as if a swarm of butterflies were trapped inside his chest and stomach and not wanting to look like a fool just standing and staring there, Pincher forced himself to tear his gaze away and question "So where do I sign up? I'm looking for a...romantic relationship." His deep voice carried a small trace of hesitation yet he simply decided to glance towards London though he wasn't entirely sure if he even wanted to anymore. Play it cool, play it fucking cool. The sharp voice of his father crackled inside his mind and it forced Pincher to stand a little straighter, his excited expression now becoming one of cool suave behavior. Play it cool.

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - jacob w.c. - 05-02-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob looked down at Harrison and smiled, preparing to answer his son's question when someone else answered for him and he nodded in agreement. "Yes, a platonic date means that ya' jus' wanna' find a friend," he confirmed only moments before he felt a much larger being bump against his shoulder. The familiar scent of the sea washed over him and an uncontainable smile spread across his maw as he looked towards the doberman. He listened as he spoke about the event, yet his heart twisted at the mention of looking for a girl. Why would Pinch be looking for a girl? What did he need a girl for? That was a stupid question, Jacob knew why Pincher wanted a girl. It was the same reason that Jersey always wanted a girl around. He wasn't sure why that truth hurt him. What did he care if Pincher wanted to spend the night with some girl he met here? It wasn't any of Jacob's business. Still, Jacob somehow managed to maintain his smile, likely from the simple joy that was brought to him when he was around the Typhoon captain. "Well, 'm glad ya' decided ta' come by," there was a brief pause until he finished the statement, "'N I hope ya' enjoy you're evenin', whoever it's with." Could there be a trace of disappointment in his voice? No, why would he be disappointed? "Oh, I can jus' fill out a card. I was 'bout ta' pull 'em all out anyway," he answered, retrieving a slip of paper and writing Pinch's name and romantic, along with a preference for women before dropping it in the box. "Well, I'll see ya' later to- I mean I'll jus'... I'll see ya' in a bit. I gotta' pull these out, gimme a second." With that, he went to all the boxes and began to pull out different names and stacking the papers in pairs.

When he finished, he called out to the crowd once again, "'Scuse me, please give me your attention! I got everyone all paired off so ya' can feel free ta' go ta' your rooms as soon as they're ready. Alright, so I had ta' move one ah' ya' ta' platonic 'cause no one else that matched your preference signed up so... jus' keep that in mind I guess. Anyway, we have the platonic groups, which are [member=218]ARGUS[/member] 'n Killua, [member=124]pierce[/member] n' [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member], [member=265]Keona.[/member] n' August, [member=569]harrison.[/member] n' @izuku. Then we only got one romantic pairin' which is..." there was just a moment of hesitation, "It's [member=452]lilyspoise[/member] and [member=66]PINCHER[/member]. Now, I'm gonna' get all ah' your rooms ready n' call when 'm ready. Thank you all so much for comin' n' I hope ya' have a nice night. You're welcome ta' stay in the main hall for as long as ya' like. If ya' still wanna' sign up, jus' lemme know because we do have extra members that could be paired together." With that, the husky left quickly to go prepare the rooms. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - melantha - 05-03-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]The arrival of so many people make Melantha uncomfortable, which is made obvious by how she so visibly clams up. The girl is grateful for both pierce and Jacob's kind words and offers to help, but she only manages an awkward smile in response. She can feel everyone's eyes on her. Her ear's twitch, hyper-aware of everyone's breathing. All the strange sights and smells... Her heart thunders in her chest. She feels like running. Despite how overwhelmed she feels, Mel is aware when Killua approaches her. In a normal situation, his familiar presence would calm her. But this is not a normal situation. This is a blind dating event. And, for some reason, she feels even more embarrassed when he approaches her. Mel laughs awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, I don't do well in crowds," like it isn't already obvious? "But I know this is important to Jacob so showing up is the least I can do. It won't kill me...I think." When Killua is distracted by London, Melantha feels a little annoyed. Not a lot, just a small amount. But it is enough to catch her attention. She is confused by the reaction, but writes it off as her latching onto him for moral support.

Being illiterate is frustrating, especially when she so desperately wants to know what Killua put on his card. She hopes they can get paired together so she doesn't have to meet someone strange and new. Yeah...that's why. Melantha only realizes that she has spaced out after Jacob announces the pairs. Dammit! She can't believe that she wasn't paying attention. Now she has to go up to Jacob all by herself and pray to the Maker that there is someone left to pair her with. In all honesty, it would not surprise her if she was the odd man out. "Jake?" she calls out in a soft voice, low enough so that only he can hear her as she nervously approaches. "R--Uh--Either is fine with me, if I can still participate." If it were physically possible for her to sweat, Mel would be drenched. She almost slipped and said "romantic," but she caught herself. It is what she wants, but she is far too uncomfortable to come outright and say it. She has always been a bit of a romantic, but she would rather die than to admit it.