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COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - Printable Version

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Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - sephiroth - 10-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The new leader had hung back for a bit and allowed his other Rosebloods to go ahead of him, allowing himself to gather his nerves together before entering the scene.  He was representing his group here, one of his first big duties as a leader, to make himself known.  The pale lion would take a deep breath before he caught up with his members, allowing any concern to be swept away by a wave of confidence that ebbed from his body.

His eyes settled on all the animals before him, acknowledging them with his piercing eyes as he moved to stand by his other Rosebloods.  ”I am Sephiroth.”  The silver maned lion would introduce himself with his deep, smooth voice.  ”Pharaoh of the Rosebloods, the new leader.”  He was in a position of influence now over his group and among the other leaders, he needed to keep up appearances with his group.  Sephiroth was going to lead them to greatness and might, and he almost wanted the others to know it.  Not to mention to his knowledge the past two leaders didn’t do much in terms of politics, and he was going to have to pick it up from there.

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-11-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
"Just the usual." Atbash chirped in response to Nui's question, briefly looking at the rabbit before her gaze turned towards the first visitor: Miranda of Sunhaven. Atbash had no doubt the Helion would be attending, mostly due to the fact that Sunhaven seemed to take their alliance seriously. "Not at all." The she-cat purred at the Sunhaven leader, dipping her head to her as a greeting. Though her cheerful gaze was a bit short-lived as she heard the voice of Wendell.

Atbash frowned, staring at the wolverine that had ran off during the time that The Pitt took over Snowbound. At first, Atbash thought he had been going to seek help but ultimately, that never came. At least not in the sense of allies; Snowbound themselves fought back and won, but Atbash couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed by the wolverine in front of her. "I am." The Hailcaller's voice was soft as ever, though didn't really reveal how she felt. In truth, Atbash herself wasn't entirely sure how she felt about Wendell. She definitely didn't see him as a coward, but she did feel betrayed by him. But it is good to see he's somewhere safe. Atbash thought to herself, a small rush of relief coming over her as this thought came to her mind. Wendell wasn't killed by The Pitt and that was all that mattered. "And how are you, Wendell?" She asked, allowing a warm gaze and smile to cross her features once more.

The next to arrive was a male of The Ascendants. Atbash's ears pricked at the sight of Titan, slightly interested in the sight of him. The Ascendants was Snowbound's ally, but Atbash couldn't recall the last time they properly visited her home. Sure, she and Nui have visited them multiple times, but when did they return the favor? That wasn't something to worry about now, however - and besides, even if they weren't allies, The Ascendants would still be invited. A Mass Gathering was intended for everyone, granted they weren't enemies of Snowbound.

Next up was Morgan, the new Tanglewood leader. Her visit to Tanglewood to invite them to this event was... interesting to say the least but Atbash worried about Vigenere. Morgan was his boyfriend, and therefore had to deal with him. While Vigenere wasn't as bad as Caesar whenever he was mad, he definitely was terrifying when angered and Atbash wondered if Morgan was afraid of him. It didn't seem like it whenever she visited, but she didn't know what happened behind closed doors. Regardless, Atbash continued to have her usual smile on her face as she spoke to the General. "I'm glad to start these up again." She admitted. Her gaze briefly flickered to Leroy as he came over and one of her ears flicked at his question. It was a rude inquiry, but something she wasn't going to answer right now. Typically this event was to tell stories and such and spread rumors about the things that could potentially be in Snowbound's lakes, but there were more pressing matters at hand right now. This would be one of the few serious Mass Gatherings.

The last visitors to arrive were three members of The Rosebloods - with Sephiroth declaring that he was their leader - and Delilah of Tanglewood. Atbash dipped her head in greeting to the four of them, her gaze lingering on Sephiroth for a few moments. "Congratulations on your leadership." She chirped. She knew that the lion hadn't been the leader whenever she visited, and she briefly wondered if something happened to the last one. Then again, it didn't really matter, did it? Especially considering The Rosebloods weren't allies - and if something did happen to their previous leader, saying it here might give enemies some insight into what was going on inside the clan, and that was something Atbash didn't want to risk.

"Welcome all to Snowbound's Mass Gathering!" Atbash called out, addressing the crowd as a whole now. "This is a time for peace, to mingle and talk about things among others." She explained, knowing that some of the groups invited were warbound - Tanglewood and The Rosebloods included. The Typhoon likely wasn't going to show up, but honestly, Atbash wasn't going to complain. "However, before I let you all do whatever, there is something grave going on that I must bring up." Honestly, she wasn't sure if all groups were being affected, but it didn't hurt to say something and give some sort of warning.

"Morgan - the leader of Tanglewood - and I have noticed spirits wandering about our camps." Atbash went on quickly, her smile falling into a frown. She was quite surprised none of showed up to the gathering itself but she definitely wasn't going to complain about this either. If they stayed in camp, that was somewhat of a relief. "We... don't know where they came from, nor how to get rid of them or why they are here. Has anybody else experienced this?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - sephiroth - 10-11-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth would mildly dip his head in response to the acknowledgment he received from Atbash, not feeling up to starting long conversation with ones they didn’t have ties too.  This leader seemed friendly enough, greeting most everybody that had arrived at the gathering.  It was all new names and ranks to the newly promoted leader, but most of these groups didn’t have connections to his.  And that was how he liked it honestly.  He sized up some of the other creatures with his intense as Atbash started speaking of other business.

The mention of the ghosts made him pause and his prick up his ears however, shifting his great platinum framed face towards Atbash as he decided to speak up with the information he had.  ”I do not where the spirits originated and we have not had much interaction with them in our own land.  So far there has only been one encounter in the Rosebloods territory.”  Sephiroth rumbled his reply.  His eyes shifted down slightly to look at Jiyu with prompting in his gaze.  ”One went after my Vizier with a vengeance.  Jiyu, do you have any more information to share about the spirits?”

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-11-2018

Jiyu settled down beside the large lion, figuring the best place would be next to the pharaoh for the events of this evening. Hopefully? This gathering would not be an all night ordeal, she didn't really like those, not that she liked anything since she felt nothing, ever. Nothing about tonight was going to be easy, she would never be permitted the role of wallflower while she held the rank he had given her. What in the world possessed him into thinking that any cat who rarely even spoke could give great advice to him? Sure she was far older, but he didn't exactly know that, he just knew that she was a run longing member of the group and he couldn't even be sure of that before their exchange over her latest meal. Oh, even coming to this night's proceedings was just one giant mistake she should not have made. Saying someone in power needed to hold down the fort? May very well had gotten her out of this, if she had been able to speak in the first place.

At least the most important ones were the leaders, meaning she wouldn't have to speak in front of everyone. How incapable she was of her rank? Could wait in being shown, it would not make her group look bad at this meeting, Sep would find out within their own territory one of these days. Of course, nothing was ever that easy on the tall calico, ears twitching when the ghosts became a conversation. Blue optics looked down at her, empty voids staring back up at him as the words processed. He wanted her to tell the entire gathering about Painted?! Sep was unique sometimes, but he could not honestly expect that of her, he had heard her voice break back than hadn't he. The spotted female was not something she could just open up to a crowd of strangers about. Oh he was so set on finding out information he had no rights to that he was willing to put her on the spot in order to do it. Hella leader he was shaping up to be, the silver lion was abusing his rank because he disliked her secrets, which were rightfully hers to keep!

He had no place in her head, he had no plac- She wasn't in the gathering anymore. Several moments into her thinking and staring back up at Sep with endless gaze, she had teleported, back to their territory. Oh shit, that would certainly make the group look bad! She could control it now that she'd used it once, right? Hopefully, set on not ending up making the pharaoh or anyone else look bad, she attempted. Luckily, Jiyu was able to reappear beside the lion quickly enough, only being missing for about five seconds. Curse him, that was his fault, somehow.

"I don't really know that much." she looked away from him, curse that man, he had no right to anything she was going to say, but he would get it simply because she needed to make up for teleporting out. "The ghost was able to fight solid creatures. Apart form that, she was over a decade old, so the ghosts that have emerged can safely be assumed to not be limited to recent deaths. Also something could be twisting them, I'm not sure, she could have twisted in the afterlife, but I know she was not vengeful when she died, that was new, but she definitely wanted me dead, drown to be exact she didn't want it any other way, which means she also had an interest in tormenting me and making it slow." she couldn't swim, painted had known that, but things had seemed like more in the moment, even further now that she reflected. "Eventually she was exorcised or sent back. We haven't had any really serious sightings of ghosts since." she may had heard a few members talking about final words with departed loved ones, or white figures in the forest, but nothing that raised alarm or was even all that unusual especially with the scare Painted had caused.

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-12-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Of course Atbash would greet everyone she possibly could as they arrived; she was, after all, their host. Atbash looked over at Sephiroth as he spoke, basically confirming her suspensions that this was happening to the other groups as well. Although of course, she didn't exactly have proof of that, but it did happen to three of the seven groups. The new leader of The Rosebloods explained that he, personally, hadn't had much of an interaction from the spirits but that Jiyu did. Atbash's gaze quickly flickered over to the other female, raising her invisible eyebrows whenever Jiyu suddenly disappeared and then reappeared at her leaders side. Clearly, the girl didn't want to leave that up to questioning and started speaking, clearly wanting to make-up for that sudden teleportation.

Atbash frowned at Jiyu's words, mostly in concern for her health, though also in thought. Drowning definitely wasn't something Atbash would ever want anybody to experience - mostly due to her own experience with it. It was good to know, however, that these ghosts could attack others, even though they didn't appear to be physical. But the even better news about them was the fact that they could be sent away - through exorcism. The mention of that made Atbash shuffle a bit, uncomfortable with that idea. "The spirits that appeared in our camp appear to be peaceful," The she-cat spoke, her words drawn out as if she was trying to figure out what she wanted to say. " [member=155]Morgan[/member] , did they attack you in Tanglewood?" She asked next, her one-eyed gaze flickering over to the General.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - DELILAH. - 10-13-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah stepped forward, her tone soft yet still audible. She had her ways of speaking to crowds, but speaking to women was so much easier than speaking to men. "Yes, they have.. Uh, we found that.. Sage, Salt crystals, and salt water wards them off.." Delilah spoke up for Morgan, finding that the male would still be too shaken up by the spirits attack on him to go much into detail about it. "They swarmed our town, took over our library. I suggest to line all corners and entryways of your houses with salt if you want them to stay out.." Delilah meowed, the faerie feeling vines crawl up her wings from the nervousness she felt.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-17-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
As Delilah stepped forward, Atbash quickly looked over at the Tangler, listening carefully to the she-cat's words. At the mention of sage, the Hailcaller's front paws shuffled uncomfortably but luckily Delilah had some other suggestions as well. Salt crystals and salt water... That could possibility be arranged. "Thank you, Delilah." Atbash spoke, dipping her head. "We'll definitely be trying that out." Anything to possibly prevent an infestation of the spirits.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi