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CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Printable Version

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Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Orion - 04-16-2018

Wandering over, Flaw's eyes first laid upon the caracal with a neutral expression. Her actions were homely, but that was not a good thing for his case, so he remained silent and kept to himself. Guru's actions of abuse towards London and Jacob, from what he had observed from the conversation's undertones, had been scarring and had caused Snowbound to react angrily. Though, it was odd to see her supposed 'friends' here. Did they support her actions? The panther's head craned off to the side, his tail swishing from side to side slowly. It was going to be quite the shit-show.

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - ARGUS - 04-16-2018

Argus reamined silent when the arrived, even as Guru stepped up, quick to snap at her past captive. Honnestly, Argus wasn't fully aware how hollow breained someone could be in a situation like this. Maybe it was the fact that Guru had captured someone from a clan that Argus considered an ally- at least from her perspective. The serval wasn't winning herself any favors by playing up the tourture that she had done. It did not win her any points here, in the border.

By the time she had phased out of her thoughts, there already was a crowd growing from the other side of the border. Her dull red eyes catching Killua's dull blue before flickering towards the small kid discussing her assault with Guru. London? She couldn't remember the name and wasn't surprised if Killua had offered one when he came dropping the striker off. Argus does have a memory of the other one getting hurt, however. Seeing the small leopard talk about her own assault as if it were nothing though... "Hey, kid." The beast moved, aiming to sidestep guru to get eye level with the kid. "Ya gotta be careful when your not where anyone else can watch you. Even in your borders. Dangerous people lurk about. Hn?" Maybe it was the Striker's own experience with it. Having someone captured, or beaten by a stranger. Kanato snatched from their own borders and killed because they weren't even capable of keeping an eye on him.... "Sometimes people don't know how to control themselves sometimes." A two barbed insult towards guru. And when she raised her head her eyes immediately flocked to her crewmate with a less than pleasant glare.

Dark red eyes watched the exchange of guru's final quip a little too late to react. But as soon as she registered who she was talking to, a low growl sprouted from her maw. A threatening step towards her own crew mate. "Ay! Hush your trap Guru. Before I make you. Ne?" THe wolf bellowed hotter air- a warning. She would glandly make an example out of the striker. While they were on equal footing in the clan- they wern't by a longshot in a battle. Argus had too much experience, and the serval would fall quite easily if Argus saw reason.

Her eyes passed by leigh to Jacob. Offering the current 'captive' a small smile. "No, It'd be easy for a group such as ours to draw someone with so little control. New clan, easy to press and try to see how far we can push each other, hmm" She let the hypotheticals drop for the moment. Settling back to Jacob's side. Keeping Guru from him and to keep him from running towards the tribe's land as quick as he could.

"Nah, We're here to talk mostly. As much as Guru would love it, war is not on our current agenda. You think there'd only be three of us here if that were true?" Argus applied a bit of logic as she relaxed where she sat.
if you find this u are awesome

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-16-2018

Pride. One would usually associate the means of pride with someone that was older and had a lot more to lose when it came to their reputation. Killua on the other had may have a little bit too much pride for the size of the current body that he had. The assassin had a lot of reasons to be prideful, but most of that was being the fact that he was strong, and had always been storng when he was younger. Some could even associate him with the term brat because he was brought up being considered the best of the best of the family even at his young age. They had told him that he was going to be the best assassin that had ever existed in the family and finally be the one that was going to end up surpassing his father. Having someone tell him that when he was just a kitten was a huge boost to his ego, which meant that he was going to eventually start throwing his weight around knowing that he could take on most of his siblings except for maybe one. Which was his older brother obviously, and he wanted to avoid the other as much as possible. The assassin had great strength, and he had even used that advantage when it came to the clans. If someone had a complaint about him, most didn't associate that complaint with being met with a fight. It had happened quite a lot in the first clan that he was in, and he would practically beg the other clanners to try and come toward him and beg him for a fight so that he could just beat the shit out of them to teach them a lesson on where they stood when it came to their own strength. Maybe if they had trained instead of constantly sitting around playing their dumb games then they would have been capbale of getting stronger, but they didn't bother to train and just hoped in the spur of a moment that they would a fight. Killua had often times held sparring sessions just to see where other's were when it came to being capable agianst the likes of him. In short, he had won ever single sparring match. There had been one where it had taken him off guard with a power that he had no information on, but he was quick to recover and evaluate his next attack from there. The other's were lucky that he hadn't decided to attack any of them seriously during their sparring sessions, because if he had done so it probably would have ended a lot differently. That would have ended up getting him kicked out of the clans and he couldn't have that. He had fought agianst someone that had badmouthed him the entire time that he was in a clan. An adult from what he could remember and someone that held himself high despite never being able to accomplish anything while he was sitting in the clans. It had been the same male that Killua had dropped a book on several months ago as a sort of prank to get some sort of reaction out of the other. Then the other began to scream and spit at him for doing something so horrible. Ultimately, the other had accepted his sparring invitation, and Killua had wiped the floor with him.

He had almost ended up ripping off the domestic cat's tail before deciding not to because he knew that the other could bleed out to death when they didn't have the likes of a healer. He had sparred the other out of consideration that it would be troublesome if the other died in a clan that he had a rank in. The only spar that he had done against someone that resulted in blood had been against his mentor figure Circusclown, and it had actually been the first time that they had met each other. Killua had been bored at the previous clan and had wanted something to do, so in the end, he had gone toward another clan to see what they were about. It was there that Killua sparred with the anti-clan leader, blows matched for blows, powers used back and forth, blood dripping onto the ground. It was fun to the assassin at the time because he wasn't trying to kill the older male, but it was obvious that the other was experience and knew where to target. He had to give the other props because Killua didn't specifically win that match, instead, it was more of a draw when Circusclown had called it off before any of them could get seriously injured. Killua had always often considered him to be strong against those that he didn't really know because if they were in a clan, their potential usually paled in comparison to his own. They were lazy and didn't think about strengthening more than just their minds all the time. Sure, Snowbound wasn't exactly the group that was going to end up starting fights, but if it did in the future they were going to at least need to be able to prepare for what is to come. The quickest way to piss the like of the assassin off is to look at him as if he isn't strong enough to do something, or that he doesn't stand a chance against someone that has less experience than he does just because he's a kid. He could just easily shout that he had been killing animals since he was a kitten and assassinating high-level figures, but he wasn't that desperate for others to know that he was strong. His claws were sometimes just enough to get the point across for others not to try and mess with him when he had knives for paws. So when it came to his interaction with Guru, the other made him absolutely livid with rage, despite it not being evident on his face. At least, not the type of rage that someone would think. Killua had noticed that Jacob had yet to step over the border, which meant that they were just going to end up using the other male for their own means. Which pissed him off even more as he lashed his tail once behind him, but gave no more indication of his anger. His ears angled backwards when he heard someone walking toward him. Familiar pawsteps. Without even looking behind him, he was able to tell that it was London, having interacted with her plenty of times now to know the way that she carried herself. Killua didn't take his eyes off of the Typhoon members as London did approach, and this made the situation even more precarious. Because if London got hurt, it would just mean that she could bleed to death again, and what if he wasn't quick enough?

When the other greeted them, Killua kept himself from clenching his jaw. However, when she APOLOGIZED to the one that attacked her, a shocked look spread across his facial features as his head turned to look at the albino clouded leopard. WHAT? Why the hell was she apologizing? It made absolutely no sense to the wildcat. "W-What? London she attacked you, for the fun of it. It wouldn't have mattered who it could have been. You don't need to apologize to scum like her that get off torturing those for the fun of it all." Maybe his language was a little bit crude, but he didn't give a damn right now. His temper was soaring and it was only going to get even worse as more and more animals were bound to make their approach. His tone wasn't calm when he spoke, instead it was stern and filled with remorse for the Typhoon member that had attacked her. He should have just killed her, and none of this would have happened and it would have been over and done with. He should have just killed her. When Jacob started speaking, his attention was drawn back toward the canine. The other said he was fine, but he really did doubt that as his eyes glanced over the other's figure as if trying to find something that was out of the ordinary. Did the Typhoon make him say that he was fine so that Snowbound wouldn't have any reason to be suspicious of them anymore? Possibly. There were too many factors to take into consideration in a short time but he was starting to manage. Jacob mentioned someone that was named Pincher, and considering that he didn't know anyone else here, he guessed it was the red-hued domestic cat that was standing on the border. His sapphire blue eyes looked toward the Typhoon leader for a split second. That made no sense. If the other had been able to help Jacob, then why hadn't he returned him sooner and instead had waited this long? Unless he had wanted Jacob to be on his side, which would be easy in a one on one interaction in the middle of enemy territory. They were manipulating the canine. It was clear as day and it made Killua wanted to explode, but the emotions weren't evident on his face like usual. Killua had an understanding look in his eyes as he turned to look toward Pincher instead, the other seemed to be charge of whatever was going on here, and that didn't make Killua feel any better. "So riddle me this, considering the amount of time has passed since Jacob was captured, how come it took so damn long for you to decide to deliver him back? Considering the lack of injuries that are on his body, it seems like that your friend over there didn't exactly hurt him all that badly to be able to return home. Someone could have just easily flown him over here." Killua was onto their game, and he was going to make sure that everyone else in Snowbound was onto the same thing as well.

More and more animals began to make their way onto the scene, and his ears angled themselves again as he stared at Pincher as he heard heavy footfalls begin to make their way over. Leigh. There was only one large animal like that in the clan right now, and it wasn't hard to hear a horse galloping through the snow. At least Leigh was here to be able to hear whatever the hell was going on in this shit show. Killua listened to the leader's voice crack when he spoke, and he couldn't help but make himself grimace. An emotional leader was someone that was easy to manipulate. Someone that could be made into an emotional mess and someone that could easily broken. The creatures in front of him were more than willing to manipulate those under their will, or at least probably had the tools to do so considering the type of creatures that they had their group from all of it. Killua didn't comment on what Leigh said though, as there was no reason for him as his deputy to break into what was going on. Then the caracal had the audacity to speak again. His sapphire blue eyes seemed to darken significantly as he turned to look toward the female that he wanted to slit her throat. Which were probably not his emotions, but he didn't take kindly to be looked down out. One would think that they would have the same fighting potential. They were basically the same size right now, although when he was full grown he could throw her around like a rag doll, and she was older than him. Yet, Killua would have far more experience in battle than someone like her could ever be. The attitude that she was giving off pissed him off. Everything pissed him off, and there was a possibility that his anger was getting out of control. At the other's answer, Killua eyes seemed to have immediately changed color, no emotion spread across his facial features. His now being a mixture between black and blue. The bastard. "Kimi wa.." Killua seemed to growl after she was finally done speaking. As the conversations continued between the creatures, the weather around them seemed to change more for the worst than for the better. The sky above them seemed to slowly start changing to a darker shade before what seemed like snow started to fall. But, instead it wasn't snow, and instead, it was hail. The hail itself wasn't that big and not capable of doing any injuries, but it was big enough that it could be somewhat annoying, like a prick. All of this was thanks to Killua's air elementals, which were really the only power that was tied to his emotions, and right now he was absolutely livid. His eyes did not return to their usual color even when Argus decided to speak up. He didn't know the female's name, and he certainly didn't feel comfortable around the female. He noticed the way that the canine had snapped at Guru, not like it really mattered to him. He wanted to kill Guru, and yet there was no bloodlust that was coming from him just yet. His eyes narrowed, his pupils almost looking like it would belong to a reptile instead of that of a feline. Hail dropped onto his body, but it didn't seem at all to phase him. "Talk huh? Then why haven't you allowed him to cross the border? You're going to use him as a bargaining chip and I don't think the likes of the Typhoon is in the right position to do so right now. You're making sure that he's staying close to you guys so that when something doesn't go your way you can take him back, not like we'll let you considering your near our lands and you'll be outnumbered anyway. I doubt your precious clanmates would be quick enough to come to any of your aids." Killua would spit out the words toward the white canine. He wasn't an idiot. He saw the way practically all of them were surrounding him. They could have simply dropped him off and that would be the end of that. Unless there was something else that he wasn't thinking of.

(Translation: You..)
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - jacob w.c. - 04-16-2018

Jacob's eyes moved to Leigh and his eyes widened slightly. Why was he apologizing? He hadn't done anything wrong. He didn't want anyone to think they owed him anything. He'd seen his father work in that sort of business and he wanted to stay far away from it. No, no one owed Jacob Wickliff Corleone any favors. "Ya' don' need ta' do nothin', Leigh..." he mumbled, his ears pressed against his head. His eyes then flicked back to Guru and he clenched his jaw, though this time he managed to hold back whatever comment he wanted to fling her way. He listened as Argus also added his thoughts to the conversation and, finally, his eyes would return to Killua. "Tha' don' mean nothin'-" Even as he said it, his voice seemed to ache at the very idea that this had all been some kind of trick. He had considered it, of course, but he also couldn't forget the way Pincher had looked at him. Even with his scars visible, the doberman never looked at him like he was less of a person or like he as frightened or disgusted. The idea that their conversations, that their friendship, could be a part of some elaborate trick to get Snowbound to side with them hurt him too much to fully consider. So, he ignored it as his eyes drifted to Pincher, observing the man for several moments before snapping back to his clanmates.

"Killua, there ain't just physical things ta' consider." It wasn't a lie. Jacob had been in an... unsteady state to say the least the following days after he'd run into Guru. He'd barely left Pinch's room our of sheer terror that he'd have to face her again. He'd had terrible nightmares and his eating had been erratic. He still wasn't better but he was certainly in better health than he was a few days ago. He'd at least been able to make this journey without looking at Guru, panicking, and then passing out. "Besides, they've got herbs. In case ya' 'aven't noticed, we don' got a lotta' things growin' at the surface 'ere n' until I can find a way ta' set up a steady supply of herbs n' the like, I was set ta' run outta' supplies in, at the most, a couple ah' weeks. I was able ta' restock while I was there. We need these supplies n' I can't make a trip ta' a warmer place than the Typhoon by myself easily." He briefly nodded to his legs while he spoke. All of this was true, though he hadn't consciously decided to stay for any of these reasons. He supposed he just hadn't really thought to leave until he was already several days into the ordeal. 

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - PINCHER - 04-17-2018

the devil's backbone
Pincher was a strategist. Ever since his father had stripped him away from his family and forced him into training, all that Pincher could ever concentrate on was work and his ambitious. He was a chip of the old block except he didn't want to be. His father had taught him how to lead with brute strength while his sly honey tongued uncle had taught him the sneakier the ways to get what he wanted. So how was Pincher going to play with this conflict that he had to settle to get what he had planned for? In reality, he was not sure. His mind had been cramped with other clan politics and such but he knew better than to allow himself to fall back with tense situations like the ones that were unfolding right in front of him. The icy tension cracked and sparked as his members faced the opposite group that was quite the opposite of what the Typhoon represented. Snowbound was a place that focused on thriving in peace, in blossoming in the gentleness yet hardiness of the snow. From the information that his resources had given him, they were also a tribe and in a way, Pincher could understand their ways. The Vodou Tribe that his mother had lead were one for peace and prosperity while the dangerous crew of his father sought out the destruction of their enemies with only rage and hunger. How his soft-hearted mother could have fallen for such a monstrosity still shocked Pincher when he allowed his mind to linger, to trace back to ever shredded memory that would float in his mind. The doberman usually was one to be quite talkative with a suave charismatic charm to his movements but that form of Pincher had shapeshifted into one of approach, laced with rough drafts of what to say. While his father had been a gruff realist that held little to no faith with anything, Pincher believed in the butterfly effect. He knew that one slip up, one stupidly unplaced word or action would lead to his downfall in the future. But he also knew how to take risks, to allow the roll of the dice to take control of what sort of procedure he should go with if things went south.

When Jacob offered to collect sweaters for them, a faint ghost of a smirk almost traced his lips. Even after Guru had put him through, it seemed Jacob had enough heart to see the crew in a different light. However, before he reply to the healer, Guru appeared to immediatly jump into the conversation, slipping in like a snake. He liked Guru in the sense that she was not fearful of consequences but there was a difference between consequences of others and the ones that Pincher enforced. His lower jaw tightened and his deep oceanic blue eyes narrowed but remained silent. Not yet. She would recieve what he had been planning for her after he had found out about her sneaky little capture of Jacob. His paws were growing slightly numb to the sudden exposure of the freezing snow beneath his caramel paws and when he felt the temperature drop so slightly, a small spark of electricity came out of his jaws as he softly cursed under his breath. Fucking Agwe, he hated this sort of weather. He had grown up in the beach humid areas and had never once been anywhere cold until now. For a first experience, he didn't find it exactly whimsical as one normally would with snow. Then arrived Killua and Pincher felt a small wave of relief wash over them that finally someone had come. He didn't care what ranking or entitlement the stranger had, he just wanted to get his plan spread out. While tiny sharp shivers marched down his spine, the short-haired male answered "I'm here to speak with Leigh and the rest of the Snowbounders." His voice was even and steady, not a trace of hesitation lingered in his rumbling voice. He ignored the statement of Jerseyboy coming to the Typhoon to burn them down since that would have been a foolish strategy in his opinion. Trying to burn down an entire island that was surrounded by the expansive ocean? Not the finest idea but he knew it wasn't a threat, more of an exaggeration.

Then arrived another, a victim of Guru. Good. He wanted her to see what he was planning. Steady satisfaction poured inside his chest but felt a prick of puzzled confusion to the apology that London had made. It seemed that the gal was innocent, pure-hearted. She wouldn't have lasted in the Typhoon for a minute with all the sinister pirates that had their own intentions even if they were a "group". Pincher wasn't stupid nor was he a complete and utterly perfect genius. Yet, it seemed things were slowly inclining to his favor when the steady footsteps of the unicorn leader joined into the symphony of sounds. His lowered head towards the two albinos tilted upwards to lock steady blue eyes onto another white form. White. So much white. It was bright and pure, something he wasn't used to even with the rich sun rays that poured down on Paradis Island. He rolled his broad shoulders in silence as he heard the pain that emitted from the leader's voice upon seeing Jacob. Though he had not been harmed physically, the mental state of the canine had been tested by Guru. Luckily, Pincher had been able to stop it before things had gotten out of hand. He heard the inquiry from Leigh to Guru with her response only thinning the patience he had for her. He waited. Not yet. Not yet. Besides his other striker appeared to have snapped at Guru, warning her and Pincher was pleased with Argus's actions so he didn't move yet as he parted his jaws to greet Leigh but it seemed that Jacob and Killua had things to say.

In a sense, Pincher was able to relate to Killua, his "enemy" due to the attack on Guru. He could understand the frustration and seething enragment of wanting to protect those who had been harmed. He could connect to the resentment that the serval now held towards the Typhoon so he simply watched with cool unfazed eyes to the male that allowed his emotions to pull out the inquiries about Jacob. The obsidian doberman tipped his head ever so slightly to the side before answering "Jacob didn't seem too well mentally after what Guru had done. Even if he was physically fine, I wasn't going to let him come home with a state of mind like the one he had. I granted him freedom to roam Paradis Island to let his mind settle. And for the flying option, I wasn't going to allow any of my winged members to carry weight for that kind of distance especially with the kind of weather that spring has at the moment." April showers weren't just soft drizzle. The earth desired rainstorms and with the ocean, the Typhoon wasn't exactly the most kindest of climates when storms rolled in. Besides, he had wanted to come along for the trip because he was indeed in a way using Jacob as a bargaining chip even though in truth, he had never planned to use anyone from the Snowbound as a hostage. That was foolish especially if one was trying to get on one's good side.

At the next acusation that Killua had decided to throw at him, his youthful features turned to one of puzzlement. "When did I ever say that he couldn't cross the border? He's free to go, I have never once ordered my Strikers to keep him with us. Nor am I using him as a bargaining chip because I have never stated what I want from Snowbound in the first place so drop the accusations before you lose your head to paranoia. I am not here to hold Jacob as a hostage but as a way to show that the Typhoon does not intend to harm your tribemates any longer though Snowbound was never a target except to Guru. And do you really think I would be stupid enough to not bring enough members if shit hit the fan? I'm not here for a fight, kid. I'm here to talk...and demonstrate what happens to what I do to my crew if they don't listen." Now it was time.

Suddenly, Pincher lowered his head to sink his teeth into the steel hande of his switchblade that was strapped onto his front leg, the razor sharp blade flipping open. He then aimed to slam his paw down on Guru's neck, pushing her down to the ground. In a fluid motion, he sliced Guru's ear with the blade while making sure she was unable to move due to having most of his weight down on her. Pincher's expression remained unfazed as he spat out the switchblade, ignoring the crimson blood that now splattered his muzzle and around his piercing stoic blue eyes that were locked on the torn off ear of Guru now laying on the snow, the blood being absorbed by it. Focusing back onto Guru, he muttered flatly "Seems ironic that a Striker is getting their first strike. Now Guru, unless you want your second strike, I want you to apologize to Jacob and London. And mean it." In the last sentence, he pressed his paw a little harder down on Guru's neck but not enough for her to choke. He wanted her to swallow her pride and say it.


Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

oho, what was this?

Seemed some drama had gone down whilst silentgrave had been busy digging himself a home in snowbound, sequestered away in his new tomb as he was, no one had seen hide nor hair of him in awhile since he'd joined - though likely they had either been trying to, whether to keep an eye on him or to avoid him altogether, perhaps, perhaps.

So it was the shambling horror made his way over slowly, six legs eating into the snowy flesh of the tundra landscape snowbound was so infamous for - the nine foot creature walked or shambled leisurely, head down in a slight stalking motion even if the strange jutted spin along his neck and back looked anything like comfortable to move said head around.

The eyeless face of the creature turned in interest to watch as the other clan leader manhandled one of their own - for punishment it seemed, Hm, give it to us, the flesh would have better use in our retribution - alas that wouldn't be on the table they already knew.

Their red tipped tendrils curled and wiggled in the air, stopping beside London and killua to watch silently - so this one was a sadist it seemed, simply hurting those they could and starting tensions with other clans randomly, Hm, an agent of chaos it seemed.

Silent's jaws clicked as their teeth idly moved together, the fleshy gapped membranes of their cheeks stretching at the movement as the double jaws closed back together.

Well, this would be some entertainment.

code by spacexual

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - melantha - 04-17-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]people are like vultures. their only purpose in life is to feed off what other people have left them. when boredom befalls them, it is all they can do it settle around the freshest drama and squawk and hiss until something becomes of it. melantha does not care much for drama. some part of her enjoys the thrill she gets when enhancing in a combat of wit, but not once has the girl derived any sort of pleasure over hissing and arguing like a pack of feral beasts. then again, melantha is young. she is separated from the warmth of her family home and trapped in the snowy purgatory of snowbound until she can somehow find her way back to the place of her birth. it is lonely here, which makes the tundra landscape cold in more ways than one. with few responsibilities befitting a young huntress nearing the age of adulthood and no friends to entertain her, eventually her curiosity guides her to the nearest source of entertainment that she can find. her approach is slow, silent. the mountain lionnes picks her way through isolated troupes of barren trees and boulders jutting up from the snow, preferring the stealthy approach over the fast one despite the fact that the aforementioned method is much slower. she would rather not draw attention to herself if she can somehow avoid it.

for the first several minutes, luminous olive eyes gleam within the comfort of the shadows, her lithe figure balancing atop a rock nestled beneath the thick boughs of an evergreen and its neighboring elm. her attention is first drawn to jacob, assessing the status of his health to ensure that he truly was being returned without harm. it does not take long, thankfully, for the moment guru opens her mouth, mel’s attention is immediately redirected. melantha likes to think of herself as an accepting person who is willing to take the time to know people before passing hard judgements. but she immediately decides that she hates guru. the malicious gleam in the woman’s eyes paired with the taunting tone trigger every single one of her alarms as a person to avoid at all costs. her morals certainly skewed, but mel has to draw a line somewhere. harm with purpose is acceptable, but harm for the sake of fun? especially kind, loving people like jacob who is a genuinely good person.

melantha emerges from the cover of the tress when she senses that killua is beginning to lose his cool. as much as she dislikes guru, she recognizes that the confrontation will escalate if he does not calm down. but as mel steps up beside the albino serval, jacob and typhoon leader start speaking before she even has a chance. her gaze now finds pincher, taking the time to observe his features with guarded interest. admittedly, melantha’s attention had been elsewhere in the moments prior so she barely even noticed him. pincher is smaller than her by several inches, but he possesses an imposing aura in spite of it all. he is handsome in that dangerous way that makes melantha suspicious of his intentions. pretty people tend to play their cards close to their chest. she likes the way he talks, how he sounds so self-assured and confident like a true politician. pincher is not a vulture. he is a master of the political hunting ground. she doesn’t trust him, but she respects him, which is saying a lot for the young predator. the first impression is only enhanced when pincher’s body coils, suddenly pouncing on guru and directing her to apologize in a delicious show of force. melantha’s eyes shine with an emotion reminiscent of pleasure or satisfaction. it is always nice when justice is served. even if it’s a show for political gain.

tearing her gaze away from pincher and guru, melantha acknowledges killua with a faint nod in greeting. ”he makes a fair point,” she says softly in an octave that only killua can hear from his proximity, intending to soothe her (not exactly) friend’s rage with a bit of reason. emotion has no place in politics. ”it’s best to trust jacob on this, even if you do not entirely agree with the situation.” just as pincher needs to show control over his members, it is a bad look for snowbound if alliance talks are thrown off course by the emotions of a single member, even if killua is the snowseeker. ”typhoon has resources that we need. some sacrifices must be made in order to come to a more advantageous agreement.” this concludes her aside, as she figures that if those words cannot get to killua, then nothing can. her desire to help a (potential) friend only extends so far. melantha tunes out most of the arguing, focusing only on the advantages of coming to an agreement. she quite likes the feeling of this—debating and discussing in order to form a compromise. the only downside is that she does not actually possess any power in regards to rank or influence. “i sincerely hope that you will do well to keep her behavior in check in the future?” queries the stoic wildcat, peering intensely into pincher’s lapis eyes. as satisfying as it is to see a knife in guru’s face, it might as well just be a slap on the wrist. melantha—and she is sure many others share her sentiments—wants to be positive that guru no longer poses any threat to snowbound and their potential alliance to the typhoon.

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - london r. - 04-17-2018

London always apologized when she had done something wrong, it was just her nature, no matter how little of an error she made, the words just popped out. But in this situation, I appeared as though she really had not done anything wrong. She had been targeted for no particular reason, it could have been anyone. But somehow she still felt the need to take it upon herself and say those words. She was not even completely sure why herself, it just felt like something needed to be said. Although perhaps that apology should have come from the caracal instead, but somehow the clouded leopard got the feeling that that would never have happened. The Typhoon female hadn't come all this way to apologize for a little scratch that she didn't feel sorry for inflicting, she'd come here because of Jacob's situation.

It was rather unfortunate that Jacob of all people had gotten taken away. Their sole healer had been missing for a week, and in that time quite a lot happened. Three deaths, as far as she was aware, and Ivylee was scarred for life. "I'm not really sure, it's been interesting to say the least. You should probably check up on Ivylee if you get the chance. She's not hurt physically, but she did have quite a big shock." the girl remarked, another apology almost slipping from her lips. She had had no idea how to calm a Ivylee down after seeing those corpses, the only injuries she had been aware of were fatalities besides Killua's, but the albino serval had treated himself. London was not even sure if he would even let Jacob look at his injuries, so Ivy would be the best place to start once he was up to it. Jacob's next words were quite a surprise though, she hadn't though him to be so bitter. But it made sense, seeing as Guru had layed her paws on him as well.

The albino clouded leopard found herself almost holding her breath as the caracal responded, though it seemed she had not needed to worry. Her apology had been accepted, even if something in the Typhoon member's voice made the young girl uneasy. Though what came after was likely the part that should have made her more nervous, Guru's explanation for attacking her. London had figured I would have been something like that, random. Though that did not explain Jacob's capture, surely he wasn't just selected without thought as she was, unless of course she was overthinking things. There was a possibility she could be wrong, but Jacob seemed to be just too perfect of a catch. Now that I'm mattered anyway, what's done is done. The smile the caracal showed when she had finished her little quip was also unnerving, once again forcing the young albino to forcefully relieve the tension that wished too pull at her joints.

Then the other foreign lady offered some advice that London supposed she should try to remember. It reminded her of what her mother had once said around the time she had started climbing trees. The girl had once believed herself to be careful, she did have a couple or clumsy moments, but usually there was some care within her movements and decisions. Now if only she could find a way to apply that to herself just the right amount, even within familiar territory. Just like that fairy tale she'd read, Goldilocks. The clouded leopard needed to be prepared to protect herself from possibly violent strangers, more than she currently was, but not to the point where she came to be paranoid. "Thank you for the advice, miss. I'll try to keep that in mind." the soft spoken girl would state, her accent notably present.

Then came another unexpected outburst from right next to her. The young girl would flinch, unaccustomed to having someone raise their voice at her like this, especially when she had no idea what she had done wrong. She had half the mind to raise her voice back at Killua, but what purpose would that have? It would be best not to mess around in front of another clan, especially a violent clan. "I'm sorry...?" she would state, unsure of if those were the right words to use. The Snowseeker seemed to believe she should not have apologized, so was she apologizing for her apology now? Well that was sort of confusing now, wasn't it? A giggle would bubble from the girl, and a bright smile spread across her features. It seemed that Argus' advice had already left her mind, she was already demonstrating behavior that was too carefree for the likes of this situation.

But it seemed the serval had bigger fish to fry. She watched Killua and Jacob's exchange, growing a little bored of all the politics. It seemed as though her friend was a little too convinced that these Typhoon guys were despicable people. Sure, Guru might be, according to most everyone in the Snowbound, but that did not mean that they all were. They may have some tricks up their sleeve, but the young girl didn't see what the Snowbound could gain from this by being so suspicious. Though perhaps she was wrong, she had never had any experience in this sort of thing. An occasion like this was the supposedly best place to try and understand though, see political strategies in action. Maybe she would not catch anything, but there was a slight chance that she may come to understand even just a piece of thought behind madness. Or, once she knew a little more, she could look back on this interaction and notice the patterns.

Then Pincher finally spoke, a voice filled with confidence and conviction. London somehow sensed that the time for their idle chit chat was over, but nothing reflected within her brilliant blue gaze. He seemed to be a good leader in her eyes, caring for outsiders as well as his clan, but his next action was truly a surprise. London could not believe her eyes as he drew blood from his own people, it almost made her reconsider her earlier thoughts. It took her just a moment too long to realize that this seemed staged, a ploy, but a rather believable one in her eyes, though others may disagree. Guru had acted out of line, and this was how Pincher would show his strength over his comrades. Still, the albino clouded leopard was not able to view this without mumbling a minuscule apology, after all it was partially her fault that the caracal was in this situation. She had been victimized, but there were no hurt feelings, in fact, her gaze seemed to be so focused on the other, sending pleading thoughts that she came to no harm, she barely took note of the arrival of her own comrades.

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Guru - 04-19-2018

The female gave a huff at Argus' words. Ignorant brat. She didn't have to take orders from that dickhead anytime soon, especially when she was having her own stare-off with Killua at the border. It was only hypocritical. Instead, Guru just stood there with a smug grin and acted like the words phased past her, only to acknowledge it with a small flick of her ear.

Look who was talking now! The bigshot, the one and only, Pirate Pincher! Guru only kept smiling. She was oblivious to what was bound to happen, but she only nodded along with her words, not caring if his words were tainted in distaste. Her actions had definitely mentally-bothered Jacob. Hell, that was an achievement! He seemed like an ass-kisser and a suck up anyways, so she was doing him a favor. Eventually, he'd get over it anyways. After all, didn't they all need to 'man up'? Though, that was not true, despite her thoughts, as the memories would probably stay with Jacob for the rest of his life.

As Pincher continued, her ears perked upwards. A demonstration? Oh boy, now this was going to be exciting. "Why thank you for the sh-" Her words were rudely interrupted by a rush of pain to the head. A scream of agony left her as she watched her ear topple to the floor before her eyes. As she struggled under her leaders grip in a spite of fury, she attempted to escape, but nevertheless was held down. Momentarily, she thrashed, but eventually settled. Her green gaze stared downwards at the ear and then moved up towards her leader with a mischievous gaze. "-shoutout," she finished in a growl as her fur stood on their ends.

Pincher spoke of an apology. An apology that she really meant, but that would not happen. Guru did regret her actions because it lost her an ear... but the moments of satisfaction that it brought her was not forgotten. So, a little wardrobe update wasn't going to her. It'd only boost her ego. The ear now stood as a medal for her first place prize in her book instead of a punishment. If it did not warrant the loss of her ear, then she would not regret her actions entirely. So when being asked to apologize, the caracal offered a snort. "But sweetie, that would not be the truth if I told them I was sorry," came her lowly coo. Her words were obviously distorted and being cut off profusely by Pincher's hold on her throat.


Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - jacob w.c. - 04-19-2018

His gaze first fixed on London and he nodded as she answered, taking note of all she said. After a moment of hesitation and a glance towards Pincher, he moved towards the other Snowbounders to be closer to the young lady. "I dunno' wha's happened but I promise I'll set it right. I'll catch up on everythin' I missed in the next couple days. Not tonight, though." He didn't bother explaining that. His limp was more prominent than usual and his eyes seemed ready to close at any moment. He was clearly exhausted, both from the lack of sleep from the last several days and from the journey to Snowbound from the Typhoon.The first time he'd taken it, he'd been passed out and he hadn't quite realized the extent of the journey. When he heard Pincher start speaking once again, Jacob would turn to look towards the captain.

When he spoke, Jacob's eyes remained steadily on Pincher. Even as he spoke with such harsh words, all he could see was the man that'd practically nursed him back to health and saved him from seeing his worst memories all over again. To say that he owed him a debt was too little of a statement. Jacob didn't like owing people. He had seen terrible things happen because of favors in his Babbo's house and he didn't ever want to be in a situation like that. He didn't want to feel like he ever had to compromise his own beliefs because of someone else. Not only that, but Pincher knew almost every intimate detail about him now. He knew about his history, about the fire, about his Pa being sick, about the hallucinations that plagued him, about the night terrors that stole his sleep. He knew all of it and he'd help lead Jacob back from all of it. He even knew about his stupid binge eating habits. In a way, though, the captain reminded him of his own family. He was dangerous, yes, that much was evident and, despite his great admiration of Captain Roux, Jacob wasn't ignorant of that fact.

Yet he was also like his family in that he didn't act without purpose. So long as his purposes were in favor of Snowbound and Jacob, he assumed both his secrets and Snowbound would be safe. Not only that, but Pincher had given him no real reason not to trust him and Jacob didn't like assuming the worst of people or situations before it proved to at least be possible or likely. There was even something comforting about him knowing nearly every detail of Jacob, all the terrible things the husky did his best to hide. At this point, Pincher could only expect the worst from him and there was comfort in that. He didn't have to pretend to be happy or even healthy when he was with the doberman. Still, he couldn't let his thoughts linger on that for too long. It was unlikely they'd even see each other very often apart from the occasional event, should all go well. If it didn't... well, he'd probably never see him again. Jacob felt his chest ache at that thought. They'd only known each other but he already knew he wanted to see him again.

Then Pincher lurched forward and Guru was on the ground. Jacob's better half told him he should intervene, that he should insist such violence wasn't necessary. But then there was the other part of him, the part that his family had raised. The doberman was being merciful compared to what happened to those that crossed the Wickliffs or Corleones. Then there was a darker part, a part that he was sure no conscious being could raise. The part of him that enjoyed seeing her in pain, that thought she deserved it. An eye for an eye. Jacob didn't consider himself to be vengeful but he felt the same feeling rising in his chest as he had on the night when he had the man who started the fire beneath his claws. That man was lucky. Jacob had been merciful and he'd let him go but he still remembered the rage that blinded him and consumed all his thoughts and feelings. This moment was nearly just like this except this time it wasn't up to him what would happen.

He was confident Pincher wouldn't kill off his own crewmate, especially one that seemed to hold some sort of position within the clan. This was just meant to be a show of power and Jacob would be surprised if Guru got any worse injuries than her missing ear. His new sides warring against each other, the wolfdog remained completely silent. He would neither encourage what was happening or make Pincher stop. When she refused to apologize, his jaw tightened and he let his gaze wander back to Pinch's face. How would he handle such disobedience? How much did he really care about what'd been done to Jacob? Even as he thought it, he knew that couldn't be why Pincher was doing all of this. It was unlikely he even thought of them as friends in the same way Jacob did. Yet his heart wanted desperately to cling to this possible friendship, to the possibility of someone seeing him without his bandages and just looking at him. Even in his desperation though, he knew the correct question was how much Pinch valued the possible alliance to Snowbound.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━