Beasts of Beyond
DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - Printable Version

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Re: DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - Grey - 09-18-2018

Bakugou has a good list in his head, a list of weekly tasks he is willing to give out for everyone because he's never been the kind to improvise creative ideas. Well, this is outside the heat of battle, of course. The male had a knack for adapting into a situation, ensuring he knew exactly how to proceed and move on. That being said, the reaver simply can't resist the temptation to give Caesar such a shitty task. To be honest, he was waiting for the savannah to snarl at him, demand for a different task as his superior. He wouldn't have minded. His mind is too frazzled, boiling beneath the surges of pain which rise and fall from his stomach to oesophagus. And yet, to his surprise, the male replies: 'fine'. Bakugou watches the Officer turn around, walk off to do the task he had given him. Interesting. Maybe he now feels a little bad for tasking the savannah cat with a compliments booth but the ragdoll continues to remind himself of how amusing it will be in future. Besides, it might help for the other's reputation. He's disliked, considered a nuisance, always saying some kind of nasty comment to purposely ruin the days of others... a cue asking for compliments from the male would be more than amusing to watch, it could possibly be redeeming or bring about personal development.

These thoughts, however, are rudely interrupted by Owen. Flareon? Smoke rushes out of his nostrils, sanguine eyes ablaze when he looks towards the prehistoric beast. He's been aware of this male's...body change. Truthfully, he hates it. He hates all the feral creatures that inhabited the island. All he wants is for them to be caged, released should they be needed but otherwise pushed away from the chance of disrupting his day-to-day routine. He may hate Sunhaven but he hates it even more when things go out of control. He doesn't know why on earth Owen is blending in with the feral wildlife of The Typhoon but he has a job to do. All this extra stress isn't helping the fact this his cells and atoms have gone spastic, buzzing and unable to keep still. " [member=1310]OWEN.[/member] ," he says, doing nothing to sugarcoat his growl. The embers can be seen upon his tongue, fire-coated tail burning hot enough to injure and spread. Bakugou, quickly recognising this, takes a deep breath. His bristled fur subsides and, although still rather tense and rigid, looks far more relaxed than before. "Go host a 'Would You Rather' session." He is sure by the glare of daggers that Owen can deduce that he isn't fond of Owen's form.

Junji. The angel. The angel that seems to have something for Luca. He honestly can't see why but Bakugou cares very little for the romantic affairs of others. He's not old enough to bother on such tangents. The reaver thinks it's too rosey, too pink and colourful for him to step foot into just yet. A smile. Funny how it's the small things that catch him off guard. No one, no one other than Kirishima, ever gives him a polite gleam. Usually it's a smirk or a growl, something to condescend or express an irritation towards him. Well, he reminds himself, Junji hardly knows him. He hasn't interacted much with the winged male so time will teach the soothsayer that Bakugou is not a feline you act nice to. " [member=1660]JUNJI[/member] , you can, uh -" his mind wanders, going down his mental list for a task. Something not too hard, something a little relaxing. He knows the black mambas of their island have been busy. There's been far too many injuries and sicknesses, they are overworked. "- paint or create some murals to decorate the beach. Maybe put out some tanning chairs and umbrella to lighten the mood of it." The ocean. The subject of beauty but also gloom in many cases.

Re: DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - calliope - 09-19-2018

♥♡ She'd always been one to keep busy. It was exhausting, but the days went by fast if she always had something to do. Adding a weekly task to her schedule would be fully welcomed. Nervously approaching the group, Mira stayed a distance away from the majority of the members. She felt weirdly uncomfortable standing next to a bunch of people. "Uhm- could I have one? Please." Hopefully, she'd get something enjoyable and not something stressful. Mira wouldn't know how to cope with something hard for her to do. It'd be really embarrassing if she got worked up over a tiny little task.

Re: DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - FELIKS - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"Hit me up," the male stated in a tracking post.

Re: DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - Keona. - 09-19-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The petite kittten quickly trotted over, tail flicking to and fro.  Her pale hues flickered until they landed on where she assumed he was, ears perked attentively.  She offered a small, tentive smile, paws itching to be on the move again.  "Me too please."
code by spacexual

Re: DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

//Can I have an OOC prompt for Caesar, please? His Task was completed here!

Re: DANGEROUS | weekly tasks 9/16 - 9/22 - Grey - 09-20-2018

The new one, all he can think is that she is the new one - the one who has trespassed upon their borders, begged to join when Bakugou had told her to leave, turn and face the other way. His opinions stop there, eyes reflecting the cold coals left behind a fire when he sees her - sanguine, luminous but dull. Unpolished stones. She seems like the type to be easily stressed. He's tempted to be horrible, just like he had been to Caesar. He doesn't know her well enough to tailor a task specific to her however, heaving a sigh when his head turns towards her. His lips are pressed together, his fire-coated tail flickering dimly. A calm blur of red, orange and gold. "Ya know how ta cook?" the reaver begins, but he makes it clear that this is no simple question when he looks at [member=2347]mirabella[/member] properly in the eyes, "Well too bad. I want ya to hold a cooking class. Can be simple like makin' a milkshake or, I don't know, a cake?" He doesn't really care. He has no real responsibility over the girl and there is no personal attachment for her. Bakugou was simply a figure of tough love, treating everyone the same until they deserved otherwise. It was more or less the mantra that chanted within the chasms of his mind.

He hasn't heard of Feliks in a while. On the topic of those who deserved a different treatment, the griffon was one he respected. He likes the other's attitude because not only did he have a tongue similar to Bakugou's, speaking out on things many failed to be honest with, he was also smart. He liked the way he was able to maneuver a situation into his favour. It was admirable. " [member=1654]FELIKS[/member] I want ya to take a group with you and explore the crystal cave mines," Bakugou says, twitching an ear, "See if you can find any treasures or somethin' interestin'." He offers the male a twinkling but toothy grin. There is nothing else for him to say other than that he was willing to join the expedition. He'd never gone down the caves and was curious to see what kind of minerals and twinkles would be found within the rocky walls and caverns. An adventure it'd be. It was strange to him because some places in The Typhoon were just rarely explored, left to the imaginations of those who dared to remember the rocky circumstances.

'Me too please.' His attention snaps back to reality. It is the pitched voice of a child, more timid than the last who had appeared before him. Not Linux, he tells himself in relief. As he turns around, he sees it is the blind one, the child who had climbed to the top of the tree. " [member=265]Keona.[/member] ," he reminds himself aloud, blinking his eyes towards her small, frail form. "I want you to hold a class." This decision is on impulse but he is sure the girl will be fine. She's braver than she looks, having scaled that tree without the stability and familiarity of the ground. Blind but brave, she was capable of so much despite her sightless nature. "A class on blindness. Have others learn how to move about without using their eyes. Give tips? I'm sure you'll figure it out." He tries sounded as soft as possible, yet there is still a roughness about his voice.

[ ooc ] [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] sorry this is super quick since i need to rehearse so your prompt: caesar finds something floating about the water, it looks dangerous. how does caesar deal with it?