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what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - Printable Version

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Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]The sound of Delilah's voice didn't put her at ease, but it didn't worsen the situation, either. She knew she could help. She just... worried. What if the stranger came back? Pushing the thought down, she swallowed. No. If she came back, Ophelia could still fight. It wouldn't be pleasant, but she could. She just really hoped it wouldn't come to that, hope that they were really gone and weren't just waiting in the shadows.

"I didn't get her n-name. Smelled like... somewhere. Hard to tell. I was... a little busy." she forced out, not able to fully process things like she normally could through the swimming pain in her skull. Still, she refused to lay down, standing as still as she could, given her situation, for Delilah to be able to inspect her. Resolve hardening, she sucked in a breath. "It's broken. I... I know it's broken. Heard the c-crack. Felt it. Just... We need to... to not be here, to be back near the others. I don't know if she'll come back, if she's... still near. I can walk. It'll be difficult, but... I'll manage."

//it's a bad break with a good chunk of flesh missing around where it broke, and bite marks

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - toboggan - 08-30-2018

As callous as he was, there were still things he held dear to him, those being freedom, the drink, and those he could call family. If Morgan or Vigenere was the clan father, then consider Leroy the clan uncle, the uncle who got sent to jail but still cares for his brood. No matter how wretched some of his actions were, the thought that Tanglewood and it’s folks were there for him at the end of the day was a comforting one. The canine may not like to admit it, but he loved the band of misfits he was caught up in, and preferred them over himself.

If anyone got hurt, the bushwhacker better sleep with an eye open.

Despite what she had intructed him him, Leroy resumed staggering throughout the swamp, this time to the aid of Ophelia. He could’ve sworn that his folded ears caught the sound of a rhubarb transpiring nearby, though on arrival to the gritty locale, all to be seen was Ophelia. A roughed-up Ophelia who has seen better days. An Ophelia who has seen better days when perilously required medical aid. The scent of blood, and flowers completely blocked all hope of finding the interloper who had done this, thus all the efforts he could assist with must be directed toward the feline.

The mutt hobbled anxiously en route to his comrade, careful to not injure himself whilst doing so. It all felt like a bad dream. First Arrow gets napped, and now Ophelia is looking more bruised than a banana, and it was his job to make sure everyone woke up. Lucky for her, it appeared Delilah already arrived.

”Socks, you better get your ass over here!" he’d cry before shifting his glare towards the feline. He hated swearing around her; she seemed like the kind of broad that didn’t curse, so he decided he’d sort of do the same, though it was justified in the current situation. ”Jus’ hang tight, you’ll get sorted out soon. Don’t die, okay?”

//ninja’d + broken buddies :’)

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
"Don't talk about dying, Leroy!" Delilah accidentally snapped, flinching at her own tone of voice. Death was something that Delilah wanted to avoid, she didn't want to have to suffer through things like death, she didn't want to just.. Have someone die on her, especially when she was trying to work. A soft, exhausted sigh left the pastel felidae as she glanced over her shoulder to Leroy, an apologetic look on her face.

With a soft nuzzle under Ophelia's chin, Delilah attempted to help the girl onto her feet, using her own body as a means for Ophelia to lean her good side on. "Lean on me, Ophelia. Put all your weight on me, if need be. I'll get us closer to the town." Delilah muttered softly, her tail reaching out for her satchel and lifting it up. Her x-ray vision had been deactivated after she had figured out which bones were broke, but telekinesis still held up the basket of herbs. She had to get her back to camp.

"Fuck it," Delilah cussed under her breath, mangled leg touching the ground finally for the first time in forever. "Leroy, take my satchel and basket. I'm going to carry her." She meowed, setting the bags down in front of the hound. While he was injured, she was sure he could still make himself useful. Everyone could be useful in some ways."Try not to touch her injured wing. With my added height, it should be a bit more levitated from the ground. I don't want the bones to shift anymore." She meowed, attempting to slide her body down onto the ground to allow Ophelia to slide on top of her.

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - toboggan - 08-30-2018

Granted the words that flew out of his mouth were in humour, the pink puss likely had a point about jokes regarding jokes in this situation, even if she wanted to retract what she said. Though Ophelia wasn’t nearing the loss of her life, it was a serious ordeal ensuing on their hands at the moment, in such a degree that he immediately obeyed Delilah’s commands, no questions asked. The satchel was obviously meant for someone of a smaller caliber, and the basket’s flavour wasn’t the best, this was all for the a good cause. Hell, Leroy was so focused that not a single inquiry about why his own height wasn’t being used currently escaped his maw - that being said, his maw was full of basket at the moment.

"Sorry," the hound attempted to apologize about his earlier utterance, despite the object muffling his tone, ”worried ‘bout her safety, thought humour might lighten stuff up. I’ll do my bes’ ta cook with gas.”

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - HAMMOND - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]You promised to help us. The voice rang through his ears as a bloodied scent entered his nostrils, like a kid searching for their parent in a mall Axle was looking around hopelessly. You let us die! he caught his breath in his lungs, eyes widening as the smells got too much. There was that metallic stench that he'd grown oh so used to and... Ophelia. Blind to his surroundings as he searched for the ones yelling at him, he thought he was the one screaming such truths at him, but she faded away as soon as eye contact was made. In the girl's stead was a feline, blooded and bruised with a mauled wing, the one he recognised from the time she had given him a blanket to help him fight the colds he wasn't used to. The Heeler wanted to teach himself to stay, he pictured his masters telling them to heel whilst the professionals sorted it out, but he'd never been the type to sit around hopelessly. His heart beat faster and faster, and when the discussions came he found himself unable to sit still any longer. Up the male rushed, ears pinned back as adrenaline coursed through his body. You let me die! A desperate wheeze escaped the blue merle, under his breath out of stubbornness. You let me die! It wasn't his precious girl anymore ringing in his ears, it was Ophelia. One act of kindness went a long way, even towards one who tried to be distant.

"No," he growled to Delilah's proposition of carrying Ophelia, arriving just in time to hear the tail end of the conversation loud and clear. A storm was cast over his face, troubled eyes hardening as whispers started to fade into obscurity. He gestured to his own back, figuring it would make sense for the dog to carry the cat over the cat carrying the cat. He even bent his legs, the weakness of making himself seem smaller be damned as a sense of urgency overcame him. Axle needed to do this, as a favour or otherwise, he needed to pay back the one who had been nothing short of decent. That green blanket was with him now, tucked between his collar and blanket and without so much of a second thought he tugged it from between the two. "Pressure on wound," he threw it to the ground hastily, hoping they'd get the idea.

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]It took her a moment to catch up to all the movement and noise around her now, struggling as she was to remain as composed as she could. She could feel the blood running through her feathers, dripping down and soaking into the dirt. It itched, burned, ached, and she was so distracted by the unnatural, thick warmth trailing down her wing that she almost didn't hear what was being said to her. Her ears remained perked up despite the overwhelming amount of information prestented for her to process, trying hard to make sure she didn't hear the sounds of an attacker approaching. At least she wasn't alone anymore.

"What's funniest is that she told me I'd die from a b-broken wing. It's a silly thought, isn't it? I'll be... I'll be fine. Just a little off-balance for a b-bit." she assured, trying to keep conversation light, to reassure Leroy that he hadn't offended her. It would take more than that to put her off.

As Delilah offered to carry her, she immediately shook her head, though she regretted the movement almost instantly when sparks of pain shot through her wing. "No, no. I'm... I don't-" I don't want to hurt you. Her gaze flicked to Axle as he approached, then, as he approached just in time for her to not have to finish her thought, and she hesitated at the look in his eyes. He looked... haunted. It wasn't like she hadn't seen him looking at someone strangely before, but this time it seemed different. She couldn't place the emotions there, couldn't think through her own enough to even attempt to understand someone else's, but...

He leaned down to offer his own back, and she only hesitated for a second before nodding. It didn't matter if her dignity said she should just walk herself. He seemed like he needed to help more than she needed to prove something. "Okay... O-Okay." she half-mumbled as she lurched forward. Pain sparked through her, harsh enough to make her shake, as she pulled herself onto his back, but she pushed it down, tried to ignore it.

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
A soft sigh left her maw when Axle arrived, unbothered by the tone of his voice despite her usual antsy attitude towards such blunt, harsh voices. Maybe it was because she knew Axle would carry Ophelia without hurting her. She knew that Leroy was large enough to carry her, but he was a bit too large. She could easily slide off and hurt herself more easily than she could on Axle's back.

When Axle offered her the fabric, Delilah merely shook her head in response. "Not with this. Something more sterile.. Leroy, I'm gonna get something from my bag." She meowed, trying to make herself seem a little useful in moments like these. She rushed over to her bag, holding the blanket in her jaws as she used telekinesis to lift some sterile cotton-based bandages out of her satchel, moving the fabric back over to the merle-colored canine. "Thank you, Axle, Leroy." She thanked the two males gratefully, before gently getting to work on stopping the bleeding. From her calculations, she had figured out the source of the bleeding, and figured quickly stopping it would limit the work.

Telekinesis lifted the blanket out of her jaws, folding it neatly and placing it on Leroy's back. She lifted her mangled leg up against her side once more, beginning her three-legged walk back to camp.