Beasts of Beyond
I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - Printable Version

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Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - rhosmari - 08-29-2018

His muzzle curled slightly, eyes narrowing a bit as his pupils pulled into slits as he regarded the Pitt member. There was just something about him that he didn't like and he couldn't place his paw on it. The way in which he answered that she wasn't there made his skin prickle with unease and he glanced at Quantum only to stiffen when some weird creature came forward in an attempt to attack a Sunhaven. What monstrosity was that? His tail lifted up and his muzzled curled more to reveal his rows of serrated teeth and he narrowed his gaze but it seemed that one of them had stopped the attack. This visit made him feel even less comfortable with the group as a whole and he dug his claws into the ground, taking a deep breath. He just wished Stella's safety and that was all and if she was taken by this awful creatures he would be sure that they wouldn't be forgiven. Striking a deal with them had been the wrong idea to begin with in his mind, especially after the practices he had heard that they did and he looked forward to severing the ties. Sunhaven upheld certain values and being business partners to slavery was not one of them or at least he hoped it wasn't one of them.

Shifting he looked to the Helion as she spoke about the reason why they were here. Refuting that Stella wasn't here because of the fact that there was Pitt stench all over the scene. His thick tail lashed through the air and the mutant stood up more firmly, eyes focused on all of them as he debated over the odds that they might be hiding something from them. "There was also blood at the scene. If she's hurt ya better not have done it." That was all he was going to say on the topic and he remained rigid, gaze sharp and calculative as he waited to see what they would say on the circumstances. Because like it or not there was no refuting that the Pitt was involved and he hoped they got to the bottom of this.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - CHERRYWINE - 08-30-2018

Damn, someone had their panties in a twist.

Cherrywine didn’t care much about her new little clan’s politics. She had no idea how they were aligned with any of the other groups, if at all, honestly, which, in her experience, never ended well. She supposed crime families and clans weren’t exactly, you know, the same, though.  Regardless, politics were politics, and you needed a strict, unbending set of boundaries and laws to keep a group running. If your people were  running around befriending and attacking just anybody, you’d fall apart. Now, Cherry had no idea if this had been a rule break or not, but either way, it didn’t look good, and if the Pitt wanted things ending well for themselves, there better be a punishment.

The cream tabby, however, had no reason to worry about that. She had no responsibilities here, for the time being, so she was just gonna come watch the show. With a small smile adorning striking features, the blue-eyed beauty came to stand near Esklav, piercing gaze settled upon Quantum as she spoke. Cherry didn’t pay much attention, but the older femme was clearly pissed. Jesus, was it really that big of a deal? One little girl - or, Cherrywine assumed it was a little girl, since no grown person called themself “Stella” - could not be worth that much. She was tempted to make a comment, perhaps one completely unrelated, but she kept her mouth shut for the time being, waiting to see how this played out.



Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - GRIMNYTE - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:GAINSBORO; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The Sunhaveners took no measures in treating the group on the other side of the border with respect ― they reeked of mistrust. Perhaps it was because they did not see it to be "morally correct" to dally in the trade of slavery; and, in addition, did not look kindly upon him. He could almost perfectly simulate how it must look to them, to gaze upon the eyes of someone who did not display a twitch of familiar mundane mannerisms. He had no quirks, or defining personality traits. He was a finely pressed white sheet, whereas they were torn and worn. Loved. At his side, a small scuffle seemed to be happening. His ears rotated, but he kept his eyes trained on the new Sunhaven leader. For a moment, they flickered at the sparks at her paws. She was agitated.

That was good to know.

His movements were smooth, and not as jerky as they had once been ― felt ― when he had awoken for the first time. Even so, he remained perfectly still as the authority figure opposite him finally came clean with her intentions. She spoke unnecessarily long, but even so, he waited until she was finished before replying in turn. "You asked a question, I answered in kind. As one of the highest ranking figures in this group, I have not caught wind of her being here. I do not find that funny in the slightest." although his words were blunt, he did not seem mean. Just detached. He could not find it necessary to smile in the given situation to lighten the mood, either. "You found the scent of The Pitt because I was there a few days ago. We're trading partners, and I was interested in collecting books that we did not have here. As befitting of her rank, she welcomed me and then sent me back."

A familiar figure (he did not catch wind of his name, so he did not have anything to identify him with other than 'the strange shark-hybrid') who seemed to be emitting just as much disgust as the others ― if not more ― made it his intention to speak next. As the words poured from his mouth, stiff and unwelcoming, Esklav felt his face voluntarily tighten at the "news"; the tell-tale signs of confusion wrinkled his normally relaxed features, brows furrowing and mouth down turning. He remembered seeing Father address him the same way when he disappointed him, and he could only imagine that since then he'd perfected the expression perfectly. "Blood? I thought she was just missing." he made his voice raise slightly in distress.

In some way, he seemed truly sorry. The warpriest stepped forward in earnest. "I'll organize a patrol immediately to find her."

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - TSUYU. - 08-30-2018

"Blacktide? Did you run into food again?" Tsuyu's voice seemed too hushed, but as the frog-like feline hopped forward, she managed to stop at a tree, sticky paws carrying her up the stump easily so she could lounge on a branch. Sunhaven, it seemed. Tsuyu narrowed charcoal eyes at the tiger, bobbed tail flicking slightly. "Can you smell this Stella on any of us right now?" Asked Tsu aloud, tilting her head to the side. If it was recent, it would take a hell of a lot of bathing or mud to get rid of the smell of blood. Hah, it was like a mystery series.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - pallid-i - 08-31-2018

One Chance
Yes Man let loose a shrill noise at Blacktide, something akin to a hiss and a shriek mixing together. It was a warning noise, really, nothing more. He wanted the strange creature to know these people were not up for attacking. The ardent then turned to the sunhaveners, whiskers twitching. "One of yours is missing? And you say our scent was there?" The male's eyes narrowed and his smile was small, almost a sneer. He turned to look at his own, and though Esklav explained the possibility of the scent, that still didn't seem to calm the male down. "If I find out one of you.. Hurt one of them, when I explicitly said not to, there will be hell to pay." He sounded eerily happy, but if anyone knew him, they would know he was always cheery sounding. Always smiling.
code by spacexual

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Wow, these Sunhaven people were very demanding and persistent. There was something admirable to be said about that. However, it was perhaps less than wise to keep pushing at a group like The Pitt, especially when you seemed to have an entourage that was much smaller than Yes Man's. Though it seemed apparent that he'd given an order for Pittians not to hurt Sunhaveners.

Gabriel hadn't expected that, but he could try to offer an explanation in a feeble attempt to ease up the tension. "I don't mean to butt in, but can't you plant scents sometimes?" the serval interjected, his eyes skimming slowly between Yes Man and their apparent opposition. "Someone could be trying to frame us to break down our alliances," Gabriel added after a long pause, shrugging casually as if it meant nothing.