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NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - Printable Version

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Re: NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Yuuri's first question came as a surprise to Atbash, though her second question... not so much. In fact, the question about the takeover almost hurt emotionally, as Atbash blamed herself for it. Hell, what wasn't her fault in all of this? Stryker was easily able to beat her in a fight due to her lack of experience and of course he knew Snowbound wouldn't fight back in general, having lived here long enough to know the secrets of his former tribe. Atbash was too pacifist for her own good, but she'd have to learn to be more assertive and that's what she planed to do... once she recovered. If she recovered from this. Losing an eye after being born with two was going to be a rough recovery, if not only because Atbash would have to learn how to do practically everything again.

"I'd rather not say," Atbash finally replied to Yuuri's second question, refusing to meet the other's sightless gaze. She knew why. They all knew why, Atbash just didn't want to admit it. Which showed she hadn't grown much, in all honesty, but she just wasn't ready to accept why. Stryker had been a tribemate for a long time and his betrayal in attacking Izuku still shocked her, hence why she so readily exiled him. Which ended up with this.

Luckily Nui spoke again, distracting Atbash from her thoughts and hopefully changing the subject. Hopefully. Atbash supposed that she had no choice but to eat now, though if she heard Nui's thoughts about why The Pitt likely wouldn't starve her death, she'd probably agree with that. The Pitt needed her, as she and Izuku were the only ones who really meant something here. Her especially, due to her position as leader, but with Izuku's promotion to Snowseeker, he was likely the next target. Fuck, she probably just endangered her own friend without meaning to. "Uh... f-fish, if there is any?" Atbash replied to Nui, now deciding to look up at her tribemates. Nui was the only one she directly looked at, though, mostly because she couldn't sense any hostility or judging gazes from her. Gwen didn't hold those gazes either, but she hadn't really spoken to Atbash directly.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - Ikanaide - 08-27-2018

Try, try, try again.

If there was anything that young kitsune could do, beside randomly show up and have an interest in the converstation.  Well that was exactly Ikanaide was doing, they had nothing to do expect wait and see what the hell was going to become of their home. "Don't mind me in saying this but prehaps changing the way of the tribe from pacifists to into a tribe that could actually raise up to any oppressors, such in this situation that we are in right now?" the young fox spoke up clearly standing beside Atbash.

" If anything those brutes are looking to see if we are going to do something about it? Or roll over and die to be controlled and force to bend to their morals."  To be quiet honest, they weren't around for the entire takeover but it didn't really take much time to put two and two together, they were hoping for something, possibly a reaction even if it was slow low simmering, it was a movement to get the Pitian's out of their home.

/ um hi i suppose lmao. 
code by spacexual

Re: NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash blinked at her adopted child, frowning at them as they came over. It was a shame that they had come during all of this - hell, Yuuri had joined during this whole shitshow, but Atbash especially felt bad considering she had adopted Ikanaide. The Hailcaller frowned at their words, shuffling her paws. "Be careful saying that out loud," She warned. They didn't deserve to be in this mess, and if Stryker overheard them, shit would be going down quickly. "That's... what this is all about." She finally admitted, finally looking over at Yuuri, even if the she-cat couldn't tell that she was. "We're pacfists and Stryker had once lived here. He... knew we wouldn't try to fight back." But we need to, She admitted to herself silently. Ikanaide had a point, though Atbash wasn't sure if she wanted to trust him with things right now. Snowbound needed somebody who could actually fight. Dimitri had an alter called Delta, but who the hell knew where she was at? There was only one other person Atbash knew could get a rebellion started and her gaze once again flickered to Nui. "We need to talk later." She tried to speak to the Polarheart telepathically, hoping the other female heard her. Ikanaide's words were true; something had to be done, or else they would be stuck like this forever. Or until they killed her. "But we... can't talk about that now." She couldn't talk about that in general, considering she would be heavily guarded soon. But Nui could catch her up on things later, if she accepted the role Atbash was planning on giving her.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - NUI HARIME - 08-28-2018

Well hadn't this little group grown to be the center of attention? It was a wonder they didn't attract so many Pitt members, clotting together like a wad of paper and speaking in barely hushed tones. Then again, Nui wouldn't be surprised if subtlety was not their strong suit.

To go about and fetch something for Atbash was an unorthodox notion. She seldom rarely did things for others, having only been born as a tool to serve only the one who mattered. She always felt so strange whether she lent her assistance to those who were not mother; like a deft pocket knife in the hands of the wrong man. Within her mind, to be actively utilized, even for the most basic things, warped itself as a basic exploitation of her abilities, especially without anything equivalent exchange involved.

Then again, her sense of self independency was so warped she wasn't even sure who she was willing to go the extra mile for of her own volition and why. All she knew was that Atbash needed to eat. She had volunteered for this anyways, and little bit of energy would go a long way. She hoped that the offering of food would eventually rejuvinate the fallen leader enough to make her want to light the spark under the asses of the subjugated Snowbounders that would urge them into a beautiful, beautiful revolution. A revolution, hopefully, with no small amount of gore and white hot upcomence. She was waiting to see it all.

Atbash's reached out to her mentally, and the words sent a lashing whip through the Polarheart's body. Mostly of shock. Though she had heard Atbash speak telepathically many times before, to be so suddenly contacted was almost unexpected. She was good enough to mantain her idle facade, shoving down the unnatural, uncomfortable sensation of the traces of a voice wriggling through her mind. Only have a barely perceivable nod and began trotting off.

"Alright then! I'll get you lots of fishie fish, Atbash, to keep you strong!" Came her feminine coo. "And i'll be back later." she would make her departure with that last line, tone casual enough not to be littered with too much naked intention that anyone else other than Atbash could gather. Perhaps she really would come back; around an ideal time where everyone had dispersed, and Atbash was ready to spill her mind. For what, Nui did not know. She could only have a vague guess, despite it's lack of supporting evidence for the inferred implications of the words, she had a fine feeling that she would be anticipating their meet up if it was what she thought it was.

Re: NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - rushy - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Either Cosette's IQ had shot up a million points, or her sibling and tribemates were absolute idiots. It honestly seemed like a toss-up at this point. Either were applicable. First Yuuri's backhanded comment about Atbash's attempts at boosting morale, then Ikanaide's biting words about their traditionally pacifistic attitude.

A clearly irritated Cosette appeared, rolling her flaxen eyes at the comments that seemed to be missing the entire point. Maybe she would go join The Pitt- just kidding. "You always run your mouth at inappropriate times," the sphynx snapped at her sibling "Do you lack a personal filter...?"

Re: NOBODY’S LISTENING // trying to walk - Ikanaide - 08-28-2018

Try, try, try again.
Ikanaide's left ear twitched in regards to what their sister had gracefully spoken or insulted. They weren't sure but they took it as an insult. "This is the first time I've spoken up about this. I don't know where you are getting the speaking up at inappropriate times from." they snapped back to the Sphinx."Where you even listening to the conversation or just following what you wanted to hear cotton ears?" ah now wasn't the time for childish bickering but Cosette really started it.
code by spacexual