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SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Printable Version

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middle child track + she cant wait to explore w/ them and potentially get them in dangerous situations :’)

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - axiom - 08-11-2018

bisexy aunt track !!!

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - guppy - 08-11-2018

track bc i am a fool for these gays and their fam
and also for future big brute brother @ boy

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - peach - 08-13-2018

tRACK and applying as soon as I get time
I have a quick question about mutations, dogs normally have a nictitating membrane so is the mutation to make it more reptilian-like so it can move on its own?

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - CLEO R. C. - 08-13-2018

tracking with cleo omg!!!

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Cheeters - 08-13-2018

[member=1856]peach[/member] yeah it's to make it more reptilian like!! ^^

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Dragon- - 08-13-2018


FULL NAME: rocky roux-wickliff-corleone
NICKNAMES: rock, roxy, murdoch, detective
NAME ORIGIN: the sylvester stallone movie about the italian boxer 'rocky'
AGE: unborn
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: undecided

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ALLIANCE & LOYALTY DETAILS:
GROUPS: ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅚ ⅐ ⅛ ⅑ ⅒ nothing currently

PHYSICAL ADJECTIVES: tall, scruffy, gangly

  rocky is not a unique looking kid, no, not yet. He is a near replica of his father jacob, minus the scars of course. he shares the grey husky colouration, the build, the fur, he shares most all of his appearance with his father save for one thing.

his eyes.

this was a rather unexpected thing for rocky. he had been born with blue eyes, as most dogs are, and it was expected that they would stay blue, it just made sense! but oh, how happy he had felt when somebody had noticed what colour his eyes had turned. rocky has brown eyes that, if you look close enough, have an almost silver ring around them. it may be something little but it was something that made him happy and it was something that finally gave him a sense of individualism, something that many young children struggled to find.

rocky is a rather lanky child. his height strikes a rather sharp contrast with his siblings and his long legs don't make it terribly easy to learn to walk, but there is a certain beauty to it. a beauty to the oversized paws, almost comically large on his young body, a beauty to the rather large but oh so soft grey ears that make themselves known upon his head, pricking up at every sound and every opportunity to explore. there is a guarantee that he will likely grow a fair amount more, that he will fill out more, that he will someday fit those oversized paws. he will soon fill the skin that's stretched tightly but snugly over his bones and you will one day be unable to count his ribs. there's beauty in the guaranteed.

despite his height, despite the skin reminiscent of a tarp pulled taunt, you have to admit that rocky is scruffy as they come. it is one of the first things that you notice about the child. the numerous grey and white cowlicks that could never be brushed flat, the immediate knowledge that you'd gain upon looking at him, the knowledge that he had never once cared enough to pick up a comb.
there was information in the things that his fur would pick up while he explored. you could know if he went to the nursery or if he had snuck out by the burrs tangled up in his two-toned pelt. you could figure out if he had once again tried to swim by the matted fur, well, everywhere. he wasn't really that great at swimming. his coat was nearly charming, in a quirky sort of way. you wouldn't be able to say that you didn't remember the scruffy pup if you had laid eyes on him but a single time.

TRAITS: adventurous, stubborn, sneaky, loyal, loud, inviting

most young children don't quite know how to act in accordance to the standards that society has set. they don't know that they shouldn't lie, they don't know that they shouldn't be loud and they definitely don't know that they can't run off and do whatever they want.

rocky has learned none of this. in some ways it makes him different, in some ways it makes him ignorant, it can go so many different ways but you have to simply accept that the way it's going is for rocky to choose. he is only a kid and he doesn't understand the restraints put on him, especially when he sees so many other people doing whatever they want. he doesn't know what's happening when he's told 'no' and, although it would be a valuable thing to learn, it's simply a natural stage of his development.

it's natural for him to be adventurous. it's natural for him to put on a comically serious face as he tries to sneak out of his home and it's natural for him to be cackling excitedly and running headfirst into a tree when he finally manages to pull it off. It's a natural thing for him to pretend to be a swashbuckling pirate, especially in a heavily water based clan, and it's natural for him to do stupid stuff like trying to climb a tree. he is a dog..they don't usually do terribly well in trees.

it's a great thing when he invites others to join him, even if they are his siblings and even if its in not-so-hushed whispers when he thinks that their parents are asleep. it's great that he shows his ability to lead and it's definitely great that he shows concern when his siblings get hurt. that, although he too may be hurt, he kisses their scraped knees like he's seen his fathers do so many times, that he gently wipes away their tears and that he, although not much bigger than them, carries them back home and honestly confesses what happened.

he confesses that he and his sibling had gone out, he confesses that they had gotten scared and run yelling and screaming through the bush. he confesses that he accidentally tripped them and that is why they are all scraped up.

he will be loyal to those he holds close, regardless of injury or punishment.

rocky might not understand what society wants him to be but he sure as hell knows what he wants to be.

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]OTHER: I totally forgot to mention the third eyelid but he has that, undilated pupils and extra toes! sorry for forgetting that. I also haven't written up applications in a while so I'm not quite sure if this one is acceptable but it's here! He'd be the oldest child if that's alright!

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Cheeters - 08-15-2018

looking great everyone!! also I added that another mutation that your character can have is gills due to pinch having some! this is not a requirement but an option


Witch sister track

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - pallid-i - 08-19-2018

— general
NAME. Candia
SEX. Female
GENDER. Female
AGE. Four months
GROUP. Typhoon
RANK. Minnow
PARENTS. Pincher Roux x Jacob Wickliff Corleone
OTHER RELATIONS. Her family is big
— important notes
Name means "She glows white"
Has glowing red eyes and nictitating membranes
Runt of the litter
Can't be outside for too long because of skin issues
Wants to be big and well known
Likes to use science to explain things
Loves standing out in the rain, or dark, as its the only time when she can be out of her cloak and not worry about the sun burning her skin
Likes to eat salmon and flying fish
She doesn't like it when you scare her, so if you do manage to spook her, she'll get snappy at you.
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. Husky/Italian wolf/doberman mix
CURRENT SIZE. 11 inches
AILMENTS. Albinism
ACCESSORIES. Purple blanket
DESCRIPTION. Candia is a small poofy wolfdog mix. Her fur has no pigmentation leaving her completely white with a pink nose and red eyes. Her ears are upright and her tail is long. She possesses nictitating membranes and at night (or when she's angry), her eyes glow red. Most of the time you can find her wearing a purple cloak so that she may protect her skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
— personality
BEHAVIORS. Candia wants to keep herself safe, so she comes off as cold upon first interaction. If you keep trying to interact with her, however, it's soon revealed she's a kind person that really cares about her friends and family. She's just scared she'll get used and doesn't want to risk bringing toxic people into her life. She's also quick to defend herself, which can lead to mistakes and misplaced hostility. Candia will eventually mellow out and realize nobody's inherently bad, and that there's a time and place for everything
FAVORITES. She likes the color purple. The color of royalty
Flying fish is her favorite meal
Her favorite pass time is collecting bugs
Her favorite flower is a noche buena
She adores cold or rainy weather
— other
FIGHTING. She might be snappy, but that doesn't mean Candia will fight. However if she is pushed and/or hurt, do expect her to lash out.
INVENTORY. Purple blanket, purple fanny pack
ALIGNMENT. Neutral good
— history
She has yet to be born.
code by spacexual