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little game / open - Printable Version

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Re: little game / open - NUI HARIME - 08-01-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
here she came. sliding through the snow on graceful, nimble paws, muscles rippling underneath her pelt with smooth, fluid movement.

"you're quite the celebrity, aren't you, izuku?" nui asked. voice, soft and sweet. velvety like honey and yet containing a hidden purr full of perked amusement. she was undeniably jealous. izuku midoriya. so lucky, so lucky. it wasn't everyday that someone showed up on the border (two, in his case), vouching for his blood. to have someone so passionate about her... someone who hated her so much-- loved her enough to put in the effort to viciously pursue and end her life, to wipe her off the face of this planet with such vehemenance... the thought was incomprehensible, and it sent a shudder singing through her body. she'll be tingling thinking about it for the rest of the day.

the fight was over pathetically fast-- one well placed blow, and shigaraki was gagging for further consciousness. how disappointing. he was so pitifully vulnerable it was almost alluring.

"what do we do with him now?" she asked, hidden impishness lurking within that deep blue iris of hers. oh, he looked so helpless she could just reach out and pluck one of his cute little eyeballs right out of his sockets. if the members of snowbound decided he was better being offed right then and there, she would make sure his corpse went to good use, indeed.

Re: little game / open - TSUYU. - 08-01-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

"I'm here, Kirishima-san. What is i-" Tsuyu came to an abrupt stop, charcoal eyes widening in shock at what she saw. God damn, even they are in this world now? She recalled Midoriya saying everyone died, but.. Why did the villains have to come to this world too? Now they had to deal with even more. They had to deal with so much, especially Midoriya did.

Outstretching her tongue, the frog-manx hybrid reached out for Shigaraki, aiming to wrap her tongue around his body and paws, hoping to restrain him.

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Scarlet-eyes would narrow in anger as Nui approached. He was clearly enraged, but he couldn't attack anyone else, as he was heavily outnumbered now. Shigaraki would grab the hand and he would put it back over his own face before he began to scratch at the both sides of his neck in annoyance. Things weren't going as he had planned. The former UA students were supposed to be afraid of him. But- it seemed they had grown more cautious and more confident. As for the other ones here, he didn't know what they were capable of.

As Tsuyu outstretched her tongue and attempted to restrain him, he would attempt to grab a hold of her tongue with one of his front paws and hold onto it very tightly, though the rest of his body had been restrained by her sudden attack.

Re: little game / open - TSUYU. - 08-02-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu let out a choked croak in surprise, eyes narrowing slightly. "Let go of my tongue, ribbit." Tsuyu snapped out, unexpectedly. This was unusual for her, she never really showed much anger, especially in times like this, but it annoyed her when people touched her tongue.

Charcoal eyes glared down at the villain, before she unsheathed her claws and attempted to step on the male's paws, tightening her tongue's grip on the male's body. 

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Crimson-hues would stare angrily towards Tsuyu as she tightened her tongue's grip around his body and he would attempt to pull down her tongue, though her restraint around him was beginning to hurt his body. He would smirk before he would attempt to stare at the hermaphrodite between the fingers of the hand.

"You know- it's your fault that your classmate died. What was his name? Oh- the one with the face of a bird. You let him down and he ended up dying because of you. You're not that good of a Hero as you think you are." Shigaraki would say, his tone dangerous.

Re: little game / open - TSUYU. - 08-03-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Everything was fine. It was quiet, she was stable and okay. Then, her body was tugged down by her tongue, and her eyes widened at his harsh voice. His breath, hot on her ear, frightened her. But she wasn't ready to hear what he had said. She caused Tokoyami to die? It was her fault? He drowned because of her.. "You're lying, ribbit. I don't remember us dying!" Tsuyu raised her voice, the pupils of her eyes shaking for a moment before she tightened her tongue's grip more, attempting to constrict all of Shigaraki's oxygen out of him to hopefully knock him out. If this was successful, Tsuyu would then release him and back up, eyes widened in fear as she closed in on herself, her paws over her head.

Re: little game / open - dead chars - 08-04-2018

All Might had died. Toshinori still lived, though he was a serval now, but... no, All Might had died by Shigaraki's hands, and there was no changing it. It didn't mean that he didn't want to save people, no. That drive would always be with him, it was just that he couldn't be the man he'd been before.

The serval hadn't been doing much when he'd spotted Kirishima darting around, calling for his clanmates, but it had certainly gotten him to his feet. What was going on? Toshinori's shadowed gaze followed the maned wolf for a moment before breaking away towards the direction he'd come. He needed to go after... whatever was happening. He didn't do much else now, anyways. This was really the least he could do, try to make a potentially dangerous situation... less dangerous.

He bounded towards the scene, blue sweater flopping around his lithe form as he did, worry clear in his face. Toshinori was really expecting the worst- if Kirishima had run away, it must mean it was bad, right? -but when he finally did arrive, things seemed to be handled, for the most part. He heaved a breath. He wasn't sure he'd really exercised properly since he'd gotten here, maybe other than his little fight with Aizawa, but... geez. He was a bit out of shape. Cerulean orbs scanned each of his clanmates until it landed on the hand, and he froze.

Five fingers around his neck. The sudden burning, the knowledge that he was quite literally fading away. His heart was racing and Toshinori's nostrils flared, shadowed eyes wide with surprise and fear and absolute loathing all at once. He wasn't sure whether to run back the way he'd come or to attack this man with all he had, and yet, he knew he couldn't. This was his mentor's grandson, and hurting him would do her a disservice, as much as the serval wanted to. And yet, his claws itched. The urge to lunge was getting stronger by the second. Perhaps it was his mentor's grandson, but he had also killed so many people, so many of his students.... Was that really forgivable?

"Why are you here?"
His tone was ferocious. There was an anger unlike any he'd heard, even from himself, dripping off of each consonant. His face had distorted into an incredible animosity without his consent. Every hair on his body was still, though. He didn't move an inch other than the constant rise and fall of his ribcage, in sync with his breath. If there was one thing he didn't want to be right now, it was violent, but well... we'll see how long that one lasts.
code by spacexual

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Maroon hues would dart around, clearly looking for a way he could force the female to loosen her tongue's grip around his body. He quickly noticed that the young female was distracted for a moment because of what he had said to her, so he would attempt to bring one of his front paws down onto her tongue, hoping she wouldn't be able to move. Then he would turn, as he had heard more approaching pawsteps.

A grim-look had formed in his eyes as his gaze landed on Toshinori- though he would curl his lip and allow a manic smile to form on his maw. The one he was really after. The students were on his list, but All Might was his main target. "Everything is because of you." Shigaraki would say, before he would erupt into quiet snickering. "Despite knowing you could save them, you let all of your students die because Izuku Midoriya was the first to die. It's your own fault that all of them ended up like this."

Re: little game / open - dead chars - 08-05-2018

He watched the attempted attack, knowing he couldn't do anything about it in that moment. He couldn't shift into his hero form anymore, not with One for All completely gone from him. Still, his claws unsheathed. Every muscle in his body ached to attack, and he eventually buckled under the pressure.

The serval darted forward in an attempt to tear his claws through Shigaraki's side, hoping to startle him enough to release Tsuyu. If it succeeded, then Toshinori would attempt to pin him down himself. His lithe frame wasn't exactly great for combat, though, and not to mention he hadn't practiced in this form. Still, he knew at least the basics from his days as a pro hero, so he wasn't completely useless. Rancor blazed through his very veins, adrenaline pumped through each muscle. He could feel his strength returning, even if for a moment.

The words hit him but bounced off. He attempted to press his clawed paw into Shigaraki's throat, not enough to do harm, but hopefully enough to scare or silence him.
"You think I don't know that," he whispered. Enmity coated his sentence. The hair on his neck had risen. He was angry, angry to the point of acting in this way, angry to the point of harm. Would he have been this way before? Would he have been this way if he hadn't given up, if he had saved the day like he'd done before? His head bowed low to Shigaraki's level, burning cerulean gaze settling into his maroon one. "I'm not making that mistake again. Now answer me. Why are you here?"

He waited for an answer.
code by spacexual

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]He would continue to glance in Toshinori's direction, his pupils growing smaller as he grew angrier and impatient. He would lift a paw and scratch at the side of his neck, then his maroon-eyes would slightly widen as the former Hero darted forward. Of course, he wasn't frightened. Just mildly surprised. In the previous world, All Might would probably not attempt anything like this, as one of the former UA students was near him.

He would blink in his own rage as the serval's sudden attack had knocked the slowly-decaying hand off his face. His pupils would become smaller as he would peer into the other male's cerulean gaze as he felt the sudden force of the other's paw landing on his throat. Though the manic grin on his mouth remained there, he was clearly getting frustrated. "Isn't it obvious why I'm here? I'm here to kill you, before I kill your 'beloved' students." Shigaraki would say, before he attempted to kick Toshinori away from him with his hind legs.