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Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Tex - 07-23-2018

the agent had heard the call of a familiar voice erupting throughout the clan - she eventually found out that this was the proper noun to refer this large group of creatures. the call of the clan meeting together was another tradition she was informed about that happens within clans of any size apparently as well. despite the fact that there are many more cultural things this new world partakes in that she has yet understood, tex figures that she would be fine for now understanding the basics like a clan meeting and who's in charge of the place. preferably, she wouldn't wholeheartedly follow the leadership of another individual after the mother of invention incident; the lioness would simply have to compromise and adapt so that it won't be too much against her.

walking in as it began, the large lioness heard the mention of her name when the leader creature was introducing newcomers. that was a mighty long list of other beings if she had anything to say about it; was it too much? regardless, she decided to keep up with whatever else announcements had to be made. thus far, nothing was really out-of-the-blue regarding her or the others. speaking of them, she has yet noticed where they are since she hasn't seen any of them for several days. how troublesome.

Template by Quill

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - imperia - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She is excited. Anyone with eyes can see how Imperia simply radiates energy. The poor girl can hardly sit still as she quietly tries to combat her emotions, attempting to mute them into something a bit more respectable. Silver eyes sweep over the crowd, now much larger than when she first arrived, and tries to pick out either Agent Washington or Moonmade from the myriad of faces. Towards the back, she spots Moon and is about to call out to him to join her when Warringkingdoms steps forward. Her attention is immediately ripped from her friends and to the speaker. This is it! This is the moment she has been waiting for!

Her excitement dwindles when Rin announces that she will be stepping down. It is mildly disappointing, especially given that Imperia was looking forward to learning from someone so experienced. Not to say that Peri doesn't know her stuff, she just doesn't have much field experience. She feels better seeing how someone practiced handles situations before tackling them on her own. But Rin is only stepping down, not leaving. Perhaps there will be more occasions in which Peri can gather some knowledge from the masters, so to speak. Anxiety builds within her chest like a volcano preparing to explode, and the she-wolf is unsure if it is out of anticipation or fear. But she steps forward when instructed to do so, hardly able to contain her nervous energy in the process.

"Imperia, Shininglight, I would like you two to step up to Cleric in my place."

The biggest, brightest smile ever to smile spreads across her features. Peri can barely contain herself, she might even cry because she is so happy. "T-thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down," the girl says, stumbling over her words. She dips her head in a nonverbal display of thanks, having to bite her lip to keep from grinning like an idiot. She turns to look at Shininglight and the others. ""Félicitations!"

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - lessa - 07-23-2018

✯ — The petite marten found a place besides Shininglight, her visible eye staring off somewhere far away. Her lips quirked up into an almost sad smile at the welcome.  Lessa was glad they had taken her in, as unintentional as her arrival was. Still.  She'd just be bad luck in the end, she always was, and any joy she might have for befriending a new group was void.

When Warringkingdoms began however, her attention sharpened, moreso at hearing her name - and Shine's - yet again.  Quietly, she rose up to her paws, metal claws absently scrapping into the ground.  At Shininglight's promotion her face began to light up more.  Her friend had been her mentor as a shaman, however briefly before, and she was glad he could step back into this field.


Hopefully it did him some good.

At the choice presented to her, it was not a question.  Lessa was a healer.  "H-halo, thank you."

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Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Cosmic - 07-23-2018

I was... more than disappointed with this. I looked down, shuffling my paws around in disbelief and discontent. Had I done something wrong? I looked at the new Halos, the majority newcomers. I... what? Was I not doing enough?

A heavy sigh was audible from my lips. I was a sore person when it came to medical stuff, especially as a past paramedic. I took this as a heavy failure. I wasn't doing my job. I didn't deserve to be here.

I shook my head multiple times, struggling with myself to stay put and hear everything out.

[ic opinions!]


[size=9pt]Moon won't deny it-- Warringkindoms stepping down disrupts the... Good vibes or whatever. He really, really liked her. She was so composed, she so clearly knew her shit. He'd kind of idolized her, and now she was stepping down. The lion frowned, taken off guard by the announcement. His gaze flikered throughout the crowd, wondering how the rest of those gathered, who had known her longer, would react, before the femme continued speaking and his attention was grabbed yet again.

His name was called, alongside the rest that competed, but a part of him felt it was just highlighting the contestants. He had little hope; it was clear to him that there was no chance he'd get the position. He wasn't bothered much. He'd given it a try mostly to get back into his old hobbies, the thing he genuinely loved to do. Not to climb the ranks. He had borderline accepted the reality by the time Imperia and Shininglight's names were called, for Cleric, no less, and at that point his composure was gone to the wind.

Instantly perking up, his messy mane rose above the crowd to get a look out for Imperia, and upon finding her, he let out a long whistle of congratulations. A smile so clearly portrayed on his bizarre features, he was so distracted by the sense of pride that ran hot and frantic in his chest that he almost missed the next announcements. "What, what?" He'd gotten in. Damn. Granted, so had everyone else, but it was a really good fucking feeling, and once he recovered from the surprise, his smile returned. It was slightly bashful, slightly sheepish. Now all he had to do was chose between the ranks.  "I, uh, I think I'll go for Halo." He swears it's an educated decision, just, in the moment, he's kind of disoriented. "Thanks, Doc." He says to Warringkingdoms, voice lacking his typical brashness. "Hope retirement treats you well."

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Roy Mustang - 07-23-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was the next one to pad in, the melanistic bobcat making his way over to his usual spot. He sat down on the ground, ears pricking up as he looked up towards Bastilleprisoner. He listened closely to what he had to say, and there was a lot of info this week. First, a buddy system was being set in place- which could be seen as a good idea with all of the new members they've received lately. Changes were made with Cosmic Generals, making them specialized into certain categories. There was even a category for clan wellfare, that can be offered to Clerics- so they can climb higher in the ranks. Roy remembered going to Tanglewood with Bastilleprisoner regarding the Meta incident, Roy had been the one more pissed about it. As much as Roy dislikes Tanglewood, he felt some relief that the clan wasn't responsible for the attack- he just hopes Beck will be in more control of his members for the future. And regarding the alliance with Snowbound, he was expecting it to be accepted, they already acted like allies anyway.

Roy's head snapped towards Warringkingdoms, as the Cleric began to speak up after Bastilleprisoner. Oh that's right- she set up a huge halo tryouts, as their medic team seemed to be pretty empty. Roy never had any intetest in medicine, there was a reason he wasn't a doctor. He's an alchemist, the field of medicine isn't his forte- especially in the way the clan's handle medicine. Never once in his human life did Roy see a doctor use herbs to treat a patient. The Flame Alchemist was used to modern medicine, but with this new life meant new adjustments. They don't use modern medicine here, it seems like herbs are the norm here. As he listened to Rin speak, he was surprised to hear she was stepping down. He listened to her reasoning why, instead of speaking up and questioning, an ear flicking. Her reason made sense, Rin wasn't around as often, and the clan keeps growing and growing with each passing day. It was good that the Halo tryouts grabbed a lot of attention, as in the end- the Cleric position wasn't left empty. Rin must trust it's in good hands with Imperia and Shininglight, and that Moonmade, Lessa, and Roman will learn well under their guidance. Roy gave a firm nod of his head, in thanks to Warringkingdom's work and to congratulations of the promoted members.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - adomania - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]
// wheezes just gonna track this because I cant for the life of me figure out why the hell Myliu would be here

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Shininglight - 07-23-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Someone new started speaking beside Bast- Shine recognized them. Rin, the group's Cleric. Healer. Shaman. The feline had heard numerous names referring to the same position, the same job. The one responsible for the wellness and safety of the clan. The caretaker, looking after the fighters after receiving an injury. The counselor, helping to ease the stress and anxiety in others. Shine knew what it was all about. Although he would struggle to prove his prowess if he were ever put back into such a position.

Speaking of which... Shine heard his name being called. And Lessa's. And a few others. He saw each of them stand up and walk to the front of the group. The feline somewhat scrambled to his paws, being noticeably late to join them. Something important was happening, so he had to pay attention. He looked to Rin as she made the announcement. "Imperia, Shininglight, I would like you two to step up to Cleric in my place." Shining blinked, processing this surprising news.

He had only arrived a few days ago, and was now responsible for helping to take care of the entire clan. This would be... interesting, considering his current position. "Try... to do my best..." Shine muttered, kneading the ground with his front paws. He could feel Lessa's happiness, and could hear the congratulations in the voice of others. It made him smile, if just for a moment.


It was gone shortly after.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - tori - 07-23-2018

Alex practically tripped over his own legs scurrying over to get to the meeting, mumbling out a small "Congrats." And a cough.

// track post aaa

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— ALEX

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - emil - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]/ just tracking !! don't wanna doublepost w crown & bubs but congrats yall :3