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BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - Printable Version

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Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - no more - 07-22-2018

the lamb with hidden fangs
A fighter, all brawl with little thought behind swift action, it was what they were even in those early days.

Small paws reached, finding warmth in sticky fur, in bodies as small as their own, pushing and prodding while soft sounds rose. It seemed soft grumbles of annoyance, even now expressing displeasure at being pushed aside, of being left in the dust behind those about them. Wiggling closer they cared not that it was their own blood they tried to push aside, using all they had to move them aside, drawn closer to the warmth their mother gave off.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - rochelle - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer always wanted to be a mother. No matter what name she bared, the feeling of ... compensating for a dark childhood was always within her. To bring life into the world with someone else, to forge life and to embrace and strengthen life no matter what form it took. To look upon the face of a child and just nearly see your own, but see a completely new face in itself, a new individual. She often dreamed of the day, sometimes when she really felt alone, she would pray to the goddess Nidea, pray for just the sliver of a hope to have a family one day. It was childish, she often thought, but there was always the yearn within her.

So the smell of nursery warmth, milk and suckling newborns washed upon her, shocking the wolf. She followed the scent, standing a little straighter when happened upon Aphra and her litter, as well as the growing crowd. Rochelle ... no, Fischer watched from a distance, similar to Lucifer. She knew the protective nature of a new mother, and she didn’t want to trigger any aggression from her, a stranger to Aphra, getting too close to her children.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-22-2018

contrary to popular belief, aphra did not feel any rush of love for these kittens. they were already a bother to her, squirming and moving around, and it honestly showed in her face and in the way she flicked her ears. however, she did like the attention the kids brought her and decided that perhaps they weren't going to be too much of a bother, if they got people to pay attention to her. "actually some water would be great~" the white she-cat purred in a tired tone at marcellus's question. she could honestly use some, now he brought it up. aphra watched as the others - roxanne, cronas, lucifier, fischer, vandal, merihem - came over. "isn't it obvious?" the she-cat snorted, a small smirk forming on her face as she stared up, though her gaze mostly focused on roxanne. "the one and only captain here."
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - ANDRAS - 07-23-2018

rinto, deciding to be actually useful, brought over water at the lady's request. rinto wasn't sure how he fell about children- he didn't like thinking of his own childhood. "here, i-it's water, i was listening in earlier," he said, bringing her a little dish filled with fresh water.

as she spoke, he blinked. "o-oh, pincher right? isn't he... engaged, right?" he asked, confused. was pincher having kids out of the lock of engagement? or was there something else? he didn't really care, but pincher was still his leader and he was curious. 

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - coldblue - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]The next voice is not at all appropriate for the occasion of a birthing. But Coldblue is young and he feels a lot of things that he cannot quite explain, so words tend to spill from his lips before he even has time to think about them. And they usually are not very kind. And they usually get him into all sorts of trouble. There is a reason he is the least liked Roux, although that could possibly just be all in his head. Who knows? Blue sure doesn't.

"Are you fucking serious?" the words are spit like venom, hissing and bubbling with undertones of contempt and malice. Not at the children, no. Not the innocents. But that smirking, haughty bitch he barely even met once before who is claiming that the infants are even more Roux spawn. "You've got to be joking." She's not. Coldblue knows this, but he wants her to say it. He wants Aphra to give him one more reason why Pincher is undeserving of his love. It's a shame that Blue has to find out this way. Normally he would not be anywhere near a birthing, but he is growing lonelier by the day and, though he won't ever admit it, he has a soft spot for babies. Pincher probably should have been the one to tell him. The relationship between father and son is shaky at best, with Blue still wounded from his father's absence in those early days. He is not the sort who easily forgives and forgets, if he ever does at all. Instead, he has to hear the news from Guru 2.0. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

The young tomcat does not even seem to care that he is causing a scene. Although he kept his voice low so not to disturb the kits (see? he's not heartless), Blue very clearly displays his rage for all to see. Rinto says exactly what the boy was thinking. Normally, Blue would have been reasonably upset but not enough to burst. But he actually likes Jacob, another fact he would sooner die than admit, and it pisses him off that Pinch is still busting out babies with random people who might as well mean nothing. Furthermore, the captain failed at raising Blue and Goldie when they were the same age as Aphra's spawn, so who's to say he'll do any better this time around?

/ this sucks & ic opinions

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-23-2018

aphra watched as rinto came in and gave her a bowl of water, and she quickly leaned over as much as she could to get a drink from it before turning to the crowd again. "oh, that's right, he is engaged, isn't he?" she asked in an innocent tone, tilting her head as her gaze slowly traveled to coldblue. aphra was completely unaware of the kid's relation to pincher but of course, it wasn't exactly that hard to guess. "of course i'm serious, dear." she replied. did she wish she wasn't? absolutely not. she was glad that she had slept with pincher and had to deal with his kits for a couple of months. this was going to be great. "do i have a reason to lie about the father?" at least, she couldn't think of one. fame? yeah, but it was the truth.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - jacob w.c. - 07-23-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob adored Pincher. It was obvious with every loving word and gesture. It was obvious in the way he looked at him, in the way he followed him, in the way he shared in the children that weren't even his, but were in act products of a woman who had captured and tortured him. He didn't know Coldblue very well but he knew Goldie extremely well and he adored the little girl, all but referring to her as his own daughter. Jacob was able to accept that Pincher had lived a life much more plentiful with lovers than he had. it was silly to expect everyone to choose the same things he had. When he approached the group, Jacob knew he should be checking Aphra for any complications and be making sure she was alright but he seemed frozen by her words. They were Pincher's? His mind scrambled for a moment and he looked at down them, his emotions varying. These would be his children. He knew what he was going to do. He was going to make them little stuffed animals and give them tender nicknames and kisses on their cheeks. He would love them, just as he did with Goldie. But Aphra? He wasn't sure how he felt about the situation itself. Still, his mind seemed to eventually catch up with reality.

"Th-The gestation period, though- it... I mean, they should've been conceived 'bout two months ago, yeah? S-So tha' would... I mean tha' was well before Pinch n' I were ever together. We only really started datin' 'bout a month ago," he said. But they'd kissed before that. They'd all but told each other they loved on another and this... hurt. Very much. But he knew he couldn't be angry at Deniz. It wasn't as though they'd been exclusive and he knew Pincher had never been with a man before him so he may not even had seen it as a romantic interest. He turned his gaze from the woman to the children and allowed a light smile to flicker across his maw. He would take care of them. There was no doubt, no question in his mind. He would be part of this family officially soon enough and he wanted nothing more than to love and accept every single person in it. This was fine. In fact, this was wonderful. He'd always wanted as many children as possible and this was a step towards that. "They're beautiful," came his quiet words as he looked down on them.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - PINCHER - 07-23-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
"I wouldn't cheat..."

The usual strong voice of Pincher was faint but not weak. It was cold and low, steady but with an edge. The male had stepped up behind after hearing the news about Aphra having his kids. It would have been a joyous moment if he loved her but frankly, all he felt was the anxious ridden worry of losing them. With the raw flashes of seeing his first children murdered and him unable to do anything, Pincher's throat tightened and made it difficult to breathe. His eyes were glazed at the thought, the trauma that was a pestering ghost that demanded that he ran from all the pain. All the reminders of how shit of a person he was. His father was right. He was just like him...maybe even worse. A cold shiver had decided to roll down his spine at the thought, his dark lined fur bristling ever so slightly before calming down against his sleek form. He heard everyone appear shocked about him being the father due to the engagement that Jacob and him had but this had been before everything. He hadn't even remembered being with Aphra, his memory somehow broken and shattered. Had something happened? The tightening around his throat grew stronger as he heard Coldblue's bewilderment as well as Jacob's. He knew them both well enough to notice what was embedded within their words and the male refused to take a step further, remaining distant from the group with his gaze suddenly apathetic and neutral.

He wasn't going to show the pain. He didn't give a fuck how much shit they gave him, Pincher wasn't going to allow himself to becoming distracted with foolish insecure thoughts despite having them already. His icy glacier blue eyes refused to glance towards anyone except Aphra and his daughters. He had heard what their names are and was happy that they had decided to push through the risk of death and conquer the day. Pincher had learned his lesson about how to properly take care of a child so he would hopefully show the skills he had learned. For now, the broad-shouldered storm gray jaguar muttered "Aphra, you can leave the children in my submarine quarters. I'll take it from there." It was an order, one that clearly showed room for questioning. He simply glared at the ground before turning around and stalking away with dark clouds beginning to suddenly form above in the sky, mainly over Pincher. He sucked in a small shaky breath as he stepped into the submarine to prepare the new home for his daughters.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-23-2018

aphra was practically waiting for pincher to show up and as soon as she heard the captain's voice she perked up. she couldn't tell that the guy was anxious over this, but it did amuse her how he had to defend himself to his son and what was it - fiance? what an embarrassment... for him.

"oh, hell no." aphra's ears flattened as she heard pincher's demand, narrowing her icy gaze. she needed these kids. they needed her, mostly for milk and all that, but no she needed them. they brought her attention. they made people look and care for her. they were objects to be used so she could keep this attention. so did she truly love them? no. but did that mean she was going to let pincher take them away from her? no. "they're my kids too." her words were cold, almost like she was demanding pincher to take them away from her.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - PINCHER - 07-23-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher halted after hearing Aphra's protest, his facial features still refusing to show an ounce of emotion but around him, the wind was growing harder and tugging against his pelt as a low rumbling thunder began to form. He raised an ivory white paw to rub the side of his temple because he was aware of Aphra's desire to have the children around. After getting to know her and seeing her enjoyment of having the spotlight focus on her, the demigod was certain that the children offered her this one opportunity to be surrounded. He was a single father at the moment, Guru had left the face of the earth after birthing Goldie and Blue and he had been left to take care of them. He didn't mind the responsibility but he had been unprepared for it, coming in a bit late when he should have been there for them sooner if he had known of their isolation.

"I'm not snatching the fucking kids away from you. If you want them too then fine." Pincher replied flatly, his pitch black ears pinning against his skull as he turned towards the ivory figure of Aphra. He locked his gaze onto hers as he glanced down at the children, a loud crackle of thunder erupting from above him but he didn't flinch. Afterall, he was the one causing this. "If you really do care about these children, be around for them. Don't just disappear. But if you aren't interested in the future, tell me so I can be prepared to fully take responsibility of them. I don't want them to be alone." There was bitterness in his voice when he spoke those sentences. Was he talking about Guru? Was he talking about himself? In a way, he was but no one needed to know that. His tail twitched as the male forced himself to remain calm and just try not to let his emotions get the best of him. Recently, it had been rather difficult for some unknown reason, as if there was something inside him that demanded freedom from whatever he kept it contained inside. It was dangerous and horrid, ready to tear through the flesh of innocents but Pincher was in control. For the moment.