Beasts of Beyond
CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - Printable Version

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Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - Luca - 07-16-2018

It appeared that he was being welcomed with open arms. The older among the group seemed to catch on to his intentions, but luckily it flew right over the child's head. Luca had always had a soft spot for children, so he couldn't help but break his mischievous mask to flash goldenluxury a quick grin. But then he returned his gaze to Rochelle. So they weren't going to do anything to him? "What a shame," he said, his hips shifting subtly from side to side. "I wouldn't mind a violent cult initiation, as long as it's tasteful." That was a joke. Mostly. Luca made it hard to tell, expression unchanging as he regarded the wolf. "It's a pleasure to meet you, though."

His attention was shifted to Pincher as he began to respond, a light blush dusting his cheeks at the initial response. His blush only deepened as another form came out of the blue to kiss his person of interest, lashes lowering over rose eyes as he took in the scene. He wasn't expecting a show, but that didn't mean he'd complain. "Oh... am I really that hard to miss?" He responded to Jacob once the pair were done with their public display of affection, his innocent smile juxtaposed to the lascivious look in his eyes. "I'll be sure to make myself a little more obvious next time we meet." He said nothing in response to Pinch's next words, just giggled and offered him a wink.

Oh, but then someone interesting came over. Flirting was all fun and games until people began flirting back, and Luca tried his best to hide the sudden quickening of his heartbeat. "I'll hold you to that," the demon shot back, trying to play it cool. "B-but thanks for the warm welcome... you're all making this feel like home already." Was that a fucking stutter? Whatever, hopefully it would go ignored if he pretended like it never happened. He shook the water from his pelt before making his way across the border, eager to get somewhere a tad more dry. "Y'all got any towels?"

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - ARGUS - 07-16-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] ayyY welcome to the typhoon! Nice to see luca again c://

Argus didn't tend to walk around the railroad entrance to the clan often. Though there should be a matter of them being over the similarities- in that there shouldn't be enough similarities for them to drawl for her memories to fester like this. The only similarities- the only ones were the rail-carts. There was no abandoned subway- no Caern. Really should be over it, but they weren't. Out of all places it was the entrance to camp- it was easy enough to avoid some times- but they was the deputy- they couldn't just leave the rest of their clanmates to greet newcomers, could they?

Of course, there would always be those special cases, times where they would find a ghost waiting for them- although most of them were actual ghosts. Just figments of their imagination to remember why they were who they were. They should have expected some of them to come to life- but of all of them- luca wasn't one they would have expected.

For a moment there was calm, the white lupine coming to stand with the rest of their clanmates to greet a newcommer. For moments- Argus didn't think much about him and instead offered a smile at the jealous behavior of Jacob to pincer. The leader was off limits from the competition, and honestly Argus prefered it that way- the two were cute together. They were dragged from their own mirth when they went to welcome the stranger at the border--

Except it wasn't a stranger.

it was a ghost.

" Welcome to our little home, luca" Argus words were meant to be warm- but the ice edging into their voice was as sudden as the blue that flickered into their crimson eyes. The exclusion of the demon was intentional on their part, meant to a subtle jab turning into a closely veiled threat. "I hear the tavern offers free drinks to newcomers. We could consider that an initiation, hmm?"

Re: CHOKING ON THEIR HALOS / open + joining - jacob w.c. - 07-16-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob wasn't sure he'd ever wanted to punch someone in the face more than he did in this moment, except maybe Caesar. He'd actually followed through with that, though, so he didn't think it really counted. As Luca kept talking and winking at Pinch, Jacob looked more and more angry. His smile dropped and he seemed moments from either springing at Luca or turning and just walking away.  "Yes, actually, ya' are," he answered, the false kindness of his tone gone. He just wanted to be away from here. "Unless there's somethin' ya' don' understand about the word fiance, I don' really think there'll be a next time." His words were unusually cold as he turned, brushing again Pincher as he left and hoping his fiance would follow, though he wasn't so sure he would now. How could he say that? Anger and worry dug at his chest as he left, tears already building in his eyes. How could he be this stupid?

//out oof
the heavy weight of stone