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BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Printable Version

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Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-05-2023

Cory barred his teeth, trying hard to bite his tongue until the former screamed in his face. Then he let out a deep snarl. “You don’t have any idea what I’ve went through these past few months! I couldn’t come back here, and your father knew why I left!” he screamed, digging his claws into the ground and lashing his head back in a repulsed manner. Tears threatened his eyes but he held them back as he choked in his own breath. “You’d probably be my adoptive child if I wouldn’t have had to leave. Let me put it that way,” he finished, flinching away as Seven’s words caught his ears. Not her, Jesus Christ, couldn’t he catch a break?

Again. NONE of you know why I left. None of you understand a fucking thing about what I’ve been through and what I’ve been trying to accomplish. You think it was easy for me to leave him here? You think it’s easy for me to have no idea what’s happening back at home while my child and him are here without me? You think it’s easy for me to come back here and hear the only fucking person I care about is laying unconscious somewhere?!

Corrupttimelines breathing began to deepen as he huffed air through his nose, pinning his wings together in a defensive stance as he tried to calm down. However, it wasn’t working. The anger was brimming over the edge at Seven’s words, and a seething hiss burnt his lips.

Believe me or don’t, I don’t fucking care. I know how I feel about Aesior and I don’t need your goddamn permission to have feelings-” he growled, only pausing at the voice of someone he didn’t know making themselves known. Her voice was soft, subdued. It reminded him of someone he once knew.

He eased up a bit, nodding his head at her and offering her a smile. “I’m sorry. I’ve been all over every fucking where trying to…find someone important. I haven’t slept in god knows how long and I just want to see him-” he froze, his eyes widening as a little turtle crept under him and sat down. Immediately, a grin spread across Cory’s face.

Vintara? My boy!

A soft rumble passed his lips as he swept down, nudging him closer softly as he smiled. His heart spread with warmth as he glanced upon his adoptive child. He had certainly grown, and to see him still come straight over to his legs as he always had brought an overwhelming feeling of joy across him. He stood there in silence, pressing his nose against Vintara’s shell and enjoying his presence.
code by spacexual

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Casphian - 03-05-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken had been about to respond to Seven, he had been so close to standing down. But then Cory ruined that by speaking up, he just had to speak up. “I don’t understand..?”He Voice spoke lowkey, head tilted to the ground and the skull that rested atop his head covering his gaze. “You don’t know shit that I’ve been through so don’t go saying i wouldn’t understand!” He snarled out, head lifting to lock a singular glare onto the dragon.

With that Solsken stepped up, turning away and heading off in the direction towards main camp. “Next time you accuse someone of not understanding, maybe ask them who the skull they wear belongs to,” he snarled before stepping away from the scene.

//out unless stopped! 

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Seven - 03-05-2023

Her face remained stern as the two argued, and even when Corrupttimelines addressed her there was hardly any emotion in those blind eyes. She knew what she wanted to say, but waited for Pere to speak. And after that, she steeled herself and stood a little taller. "My best friend lays in a coma in a Patient Bed. I have no time for your feelings." she was loud, yes, but not angry.

Turning away, ignoring everyone else as she slowly approached her stairs, she halted. "When he awakens you will be among the first to know. But you will not be entering my house with that form." it was an annoyed command, and she ascended her stairs and entered her house, gently closing the door behind her.

// out unless stopped
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Atticus Roux - 03-05-2023

Everything had devolved into yelling and Atticus felt his blood starting to boil. He had to 'find someone' but wouldn't specify who. Apparently they were not important enough to mention. The feline could only stare with a narrowing gaze as Corruptedtimelines began to dig themselves into a deeper hole the more they talked. The others, sadly, also did the same. The only voice advocating for lowered tones between them seemed to Pere.

At the adoptive child comment, a snarl ripped out from between Atticus' gritted teeth. "Do not hold your status above him." A paw whipped out from underneath him and pointed out towards Aesior's child. "You are no father and you will not be." The feline's gaze temporarily moved over towards Solsken. They appeared to be getting agitated to no fault of their own. Atticus could only feel sympathy for their situation, especially after being told by their pseudo-father that they don't understand why he left. Rounding back on Corruptedtimelines, the feline mentioned one more fact. "After all, you said it yourself. The only person you care about lies unconscious on a table." So, why would they care about Aesior's own?

Atticus, continuing on his spiel, let out a hiss. "You say you don't care, but you came back. You say your feelings and are valid, but that doesn't remove the pain they caused. You say you have a right to see Aesior... but you don't." Despite Atticus' qualms with Aesior's recent decisions, he was still protective of the leader. The luminary had been wronged. There was no need to subject him to further harm, even if he was unconscious.

With claws starting to unsheathe, he let out a huff. "If Aesior awakes-" Atticus could only think of the other's nasty infection which probably lingered near the brain. "-it'll be his choice to see you." The feline squinted at the former Tanglewood leader. "If he does not want to see you, you have to accept that." He craned his head. Hopefully, they would understand. "You have caused him- no, all of US- harm when you abandoned us." The long-time Tanglewood member could only remember the agony they go through when one of their own left, especially a leader. It left the group in disarray. Only recently did they get back onto their feet.

"Now fucking shut up and accept our terms." The domestic cat bluntly stated. "Or leave."

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-05-2023

Cory lifted his head as Solsken turned to leave. His eyes softened, and he scrunched his nose bitterly at himself. He was just a kid, what was he doing? He nudged Vintara a bit, and then glanced at Solsken with softened eyes. “’re right. I shouldn’t have assumed. I don’t even know your name,” he called out to them, in an attempt to stop them from wandering off any further. He didn’t want to move because Vintara was still by his legs, and right now he was all that mattered. Cory had thought Vintara would’ve moved on by now and left, so the turtle’s presence was an unexpected surprise.

When Seven spoke, he steeled himself. She had always been a strong voice, and he knew she cared for Aesior just as much as he did. His anger was not directed at her, but a byproduct of how he felt with himself. Acknowledging this for perhaps the first time ever, he nodded his head. “I have another. Don’t worry,” he told her, not bothering to stop her.

He looked to Atticus with narrowed slits in his eyes. “I never placed myself above him. I am a father. Maybe not theirs,” he said motioning to Solsken. “I didn’t know Vintara was still or around or if he still wanted me to be here. Evidently, he does. So, just leave me be about my capabilities as a dad,” he snapped, just before recoiling around Vintara defensively and listening to Atticus.

I’ll respect your wishes. Im not a fool, but I did not abandon you. Yes, I do care. Of course I care. But you can not and you will not understand the full story until I have told it. Im not telling it all here and now,” he replied.
code by spacexual

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Casphian - 03-05-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken stopped in bis tracks, body rigid where he stood. An ear twisted back towards Cory, listening as the other spoke. He coukd head the Change in tone but the damage had already been done. ”The name’s Corrupted Flower,” He rumbled softly. After That He changed his direction and headed into Seven’s house, following after the tigress. He had a father to check on.


Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Atticus Roux - 03-09-2023

Atticus shook his head. He cared? Did he really? Leaving without a word to the rest of them was not caring. Whether Corruptedtimelines liked it or not, he did abandon them. The ignorant could fend for himself, could he? But not for the others apparently. Whoever they went to find, he did not care. It did not matter. The story was bullshit. Whatever it may be, there was no hope for Atticus' belief in it. The truth was in front of him. "Without a full story, then you appear to be an ignorant, uncaring cunt," he bluntly replied. "Even so, you left. That's it. You cannot deny that."

The domestic feline could feel the anger rise in the back of his throat, ready to snap as the other started to leave. Rather than fueling the fire, he turned back towards Solsken's home. He debated on whether or not he should enter, but ultimately decided on following the rest. With that, he walked past the crowd that had gathered and entered Solsken's house, following with a door slam.