Beasts of Beyond
CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Printable Version

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Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Keona. - 06-05-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona settled in towards the edges of the crowd as typical.  The blind betta thought something didn't really sound right about Pincher.  Not to mention, the meeting hadn't been called the usual way... Had it?  The kitten had never heard the conch before.

She frowned and shuffled her paws, ears perked as she listened, almost too preoccupied by wondering what was up that she almost missed her name.  Striker? She was promoted to Striker?  The fae blinked then squared her shoulders a little, hoping there weren't too many eyes on her.
code by spacexual

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - jacob w.c. - 06-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't used to sitting in meetings anymore. Just a few months ago, he'd have never imagined himself as someone to get in front of anyone and taking charge of any situation, really, but now he had to do it all the time. He still wasn't used to it and, to be honest, it was nice not having to get in front of anyone. He did notice his friend's lack of note cards and felt his face heat up in embarrassment. Did everyone not do that? He knew Leigh hadn't but he'd thought... well, he wasn't sure what he thought. Maybe he should try to do his without any notes. He was just so worried about forgetting someone or something important. Then, as he continued to listen, his mind went past what Pincher was doing and focused in on his appearance and presentation. A light frown came to his maw and he moved closer to the captain with hardly a thought. He needed to get a closer look at the doberman. He may have been chief officially but Jacob was a doctor and he wouldn't stand to see his... friend in pain. As he moved forward, he heard Georgie's voice and his frown deepened briefly. How could she think he looked fine? And what was with that one statement? "We like our boys rough and tumble." What did that even mean? Whatever it meant, it certainly left an unpleasant feeling in his chest and made his head ache a bit. He wasn't sure why, it's not like he was jealous, there was nothing for him to be jealous of. Georgie had probably only meant it as a general statement and, even if she hadn't, it wasn't like there was anything between him and the captain.

"Lemme' take a look at ya', Pinch. 'S probably nothin' but I wanna' make sure you're okay. Where's Lily at? She should take a look at ya' too," he stated as he finally came to the point where he was standing right near the doberman. As he looked at him, even in his current state, and at their surroundings, he thought of the night when Pincher had brought him down here alone. He'd said it was something for only Typhoon members to see but it was his favorite place. Jacob had agreed it was absolutely beautiful, of course, but there'd been more attractive things for him to see that night than even the brilliant colors of the ocean and the creatures that inhabited it. It was silly to think of such a moment when he needed to probably treat Pincher for whatever had happened but he couldn't help it. There was a part of him that wished that night had lasted forever.

In the moment, he'd been unsure of his own actions, and maybe he still was, but he didn't regret what he'd done. He would do it again if he felt like he could. He'd thought a lot about what he wanted to do as a followup to that night but then the humans had come and the bigger concerns had swept everything else away. Still, Rosie, the sugar glider that now seemed to latch onto Jacob's shoulder wherever he went, was a reminder of all that'd occurred and now he was reminded of it more than ever, being in both the same place and with the same person. The circumstances now were very different, obviously, but that didn't stop his mind from lingering on it even while he looked over Pinch, trying to identify the problem.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - bubblegum - 06-05-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
to be honest, the only reason goldie showed up at first was because everyone else was here too. she was still getting settled back into the clan life she was born into and had forgotten that meetings were even a thing that happened. certainly, when she was younger and active around here, she knew about them but got too bored to sit through them. but, she was bigger now and she knew that news were probably pretty important! she could learn some more names while she was at it. and, maybe it'd make papa happy to see she was listening to him. so, the growing kitten casually strolled in with her ears perked as the meeting began.

papa did seem kind, though. was he sick? tired? he should get some rest like she did when she got sick. just don't run away by accident like she did. but surely he wouldn't do that - he was smart enough not to do that. she just didn't know any better at the time. but, she took this off of her thoughts for right now because he started to announce things and she wanted to listen. she honestly couldn't force herself to care more than the names, though, and specifically listened for words that sounded like names so she could know who all was here with her. this part went by fast enough so that she could at least force herself to listen long enough to pick up what she wanted. but, when papa brought up snowbound, she did genuinely listen since she was curious about the whole thing. some mean humans took over their home? well, that was no good. why didn't they just beat them up? she was actually about to ask this, but then everyone started to comment on papa's state.

she stayed quiet as everyone spoke, her tail twitching up and down as they repeated their concerns. even the snowbound's leader, jacob, agreed. he seemed quite concerned about something, probably papa, actually. the kitten looked to her papa, giving a small smile. "maybe you should get some more rest! naps always make me feel better." the young girl offered gently.

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - lilyspoise - 06-05-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Damn, what had she missed? Lilyspoise hadn't been around in the past bit because her rper was dying thanks to school due to getting sucked into research, studies. She spent most of her time in the Jungle Temple, and if anyone needed her they would either go there themselves or send someone to fetch her. It seemed like that wasn't enough, though, and she decided that coming outside again was something she had to do whether she liked it or not.
"Pincher, let Jacob or myself treat you." The tabby called, sighing. She knew Pincher probably wouldn't trust her, but he did happen to promote her after her royal screw-up, so maybe there was still a chance he'd trust her enough to let her treat him. "You appointed me as Witch Doctor, so you know I have the qualifications to make this call: you look ill."

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - PINCHER - 06-07-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pain. That's all he was feeling as the meeting seemed to descend to some crewmates questioning his health. The rich ruby red blood that had begun to drip from his nose continued to flow and he felt another pressure coming from his ears and Pincher’s left eye twitched as he gritted his teeth, trying to suppress the desire to yell out in pain. He felt irritation seethe beneath his skin, small sparks of electricity rolling off his light coffee brown paws as his dull ghostly blue eyes sharpened as Argus spoke up. Of course, she had been the one to inquire his condition and Pincher knew that she would be the ripple that would create the wave. And he was correct. More voices began to speak out, their congratulations now shifting to mention his appearance which was beginning to cut through his patience, his lower jaw locking tighter and tighter as his crewmates chimed in. Behind him, the bulletproof glass was beginning to groan as long jagged fingers of ice began to freeze against it as Pincher’s water elemental power was instinctively revealing itself. He wrinkled his nose, dagger-like gaze snapping away as he didn't want to look at any of them even though now he could feel a new wave of pain, causing him to wince with his vision blurring and slowly fading in and out of ink black darkness.

”Fuck off, I'm fine. I don't need you to worry about me.” He muttered flatly, the sharp tone slowly becoming dull at the end of his reply. Why...why was it sounding like he was underwater? He understood that they were in an underwater dome but Pincher had never had this sensation until now. Little did the captain know was that now dripping out of his velvety ears was blood until he could feel the thin lines of crimson roll down from his ears to his neck, blending with his charcoal black fur. He closed his eyes, wanting to be left alone. He wanted to be alone...with Bonnie. Why did she have to go? Why did she have to die? The accident was still fresh in his mind and no matter how hard he tried to push it down, it seemed to reappear with each stroke of pain that overtook his aching body. The muscular male exhaled a shaky breath as he stood awkwardly in front of the throne and his crew. Embarrassment was the new emotion that boiled within him, feeling like heavy lava rocks choking his throat and chest. He felt so lost and for a moment, he heard a chuckle rumble inside his head, ringing with wild vigor. It wasn't his laugh but a mixture of his creators, the ones that made him so stubborn to seek help.

Seems you ain't strong enough for the job, Deniz

He bit back the urge to scream when he noticed a looming figure behind the crowd, a quick flash of rich space black fur mingling with dark brown fur. Before he was able to associate it to anyone he was familiar to, it disappeared as he blinked, a horrid shiver rolling down his spine. His bleeding ears pinned themselves against his sleek onyx head as he heard what Iosef join in as well as others like Georgie, Wade, Jacob, and his own daughter. He wrinkled his pepper black nose towards the others, taking a slight step back when Jacob grew closer, his vision sharpening and causing him to be slightly startled, his eyes fluttering towards the sugar glider that Pincher had given to the husky hybrid. Then the murky voice of Lilyspoise chimed in, causing Pincher to slowly realize that perhaps he couldn't do this by himself. Medical aid was perhaps better than taking cocaine for the pain. He glanced away as he desired not to be seen this way but after a decent moment of silence, Pincher allowed his broad shoulders to sag with a dry sigh slipping through his bloodstained lips. "A-Alright. L...Let me just fini-" before he could end his reply, Pincher's body stiffen and jerk forward. His legs had given out and the leader was now losing consciousness, his body striking the ground. The ice that had begun to lace the glass suddenly stopped growing and Pincher trembled, gritted teeth as he let out a loud groan of agony rip through his throat, pawing furiously at his head. "IT FUCKING HURTS! I-IT HURTS!" He shouted, eyes screwed shut as his paws were now flicking bright blood everywhere from his ears but only for a single lingering moment as Pincher's movements became slow until he stopped moving. The captain was unconscious, wrapped in the darkness within his injured skull.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Verdigris - 06-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]In all his time spent in the Typhoon, Paper didn't think he'd ever heard the conch blown to signal that there was a meeting. It was almost always Bonnie's shrieking that had alerted him. While he had never particularly liked being woken up by her screeching, it felt lonely, almost, to not hear it this time. (Though the impact that it had had on Pincher definitely wasn't helping.)

  As Paper arrived on the scene- he was late again, unfortunately, but that didn't seem to matter much- he winced at the sight of Pincher, soaked and groggy. To think that the captain had been so attached to a pet bird, non-sentient and lacking in intelligence... it was just barely believable. Paper was temporarily distracted by the introduction of new people, all of whom he gave a nod to; even Georgie, as strange as she had been, was a welcome sight at this juncture. Pincher's bleeding nose, however, genuinely unsettled the jackal. Something was terribly, terribly wrong, he could sense it in the air; and he wasn't the only one, as the others were voicing their concerns too.

  The rest of the announcements seemed to fade into a blur, as Paper slowly approached the throne, weaving between the others to try and get closer. Every one of his instincts were screaming at him to pay attention, to not ignore these signs; he didn't need any more dead squad members on his paws. The blood now dripping from Pincher's ears, the ice seeming to grow on the outside of the glass, Pincher's eyes flitting about- what could it all mean? This was like nothing Paper had ever seen before. Dehydration, malaria, starvation, none of those causes had this set of symptoms. Was this some sort of jungle disease?

  He was too far away when Pincher fell, too late to catch the falling captain.

  With a loud yelp, Paper bolted over to Pincher's side, and pressed a paw against his neck to check for his pulse. "It's still beating!" he barked, whipping his head around to face the others. "Lily, what do you need for this?" He would have thought that this, so soon after his visit to Haven Island and his memories of his former squadmates, would have sent him into a panic- but his mind had instead entered a battle trance of sorts, focusing only on what he needed to do to save Pincher. He just... didn't know what he needed to do yet.

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - ARGUS - 06-08-2018

Argus was letting out a low growl at the sound of gorgie's rebuttal, and the rest of her clanmates settled into discussing it without actually doing anything. She felt anger, true bleeding rage at everyone's stillness. Felt protective defensive- aggressive all at once. She knew what it was like to sit there and be watched bleeding out. Remembers the fresh smell of ash even now- Argus remembers and looks back on it as an act of betrayal.

But the question was why. Beside's bonnie's disappearance- she assumed death with out put off Pincher seemed at the start of the meeting. Red ringed eyes (but that could be another symptom, couldn't it?) was not enough to trigger something physical, even if he didn't take care of himself while mourning it wouldn't result in bleeding from the nose. It wouldn't result in wavering voice as if- as if-

brain damage.

It was very possible that he may have hit his head a little to harshly while drunk and mourning, it was possible that it would only show sings after sobering up- enough for it to effect him. She cursed lowly under her breath and made a note to watch the captain a bit more closely from then on- he couldn't be allowed to be left alone when he mourned if he did something like this. Worrying her, worrying the clan. Gods damn it all.

But she came to the conclusion too late, blood dribbling out of the captain's ears she was walking forward- but no where in range to catch him when he fell. She was seconds away, and the long set off prowl that Argus has begun to take before now tripled. The Officer leaping into the air. Wings fanning out as she jumped closer to the captain and Papercutter both. The jackal looking towards lilypoise, but Argus looking towards Pincher. Brain damage, there wasn't much that could be done. Was there?

"He needs to be watched is what. There ain't nothing that can really be done to massive brain damage beside heavy painkillers. " Argus' voice was low and dangerous, dripping venom as she glared outwards at the est of the clan. "It's the Job of the captain to care for the clan, but it is also the clan's job to lookout for the captain." Argus let her voice raise at the end, feeling some of the anger dissipate with the words. Good, it would not do any of them good if she was angry. She did not want to be angry.

She let a breath escape her slowly. Trying to ease the hunch in her shoulders the panic that now frazzled her nerves. " I know what it is I just don't know how bad it is. I haven't had to deal with something like this before beside..." Her first test subject was smashed over the head, and he died of brain swelling. Admitting hallucinations, and showing the same symptoms. They needed to stop the swelling, anti-inflammatory? She shook her head softly.

This was a mess.

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