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open [★] POW POW - Printable Version

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Re: open [★] POW POW - Kian. - 06-03-2018

ϟ "Hey," the pirate barely kept the growl out of his voice, eyes narrowing darkly. "What sort of pathetic shit argues with a kid?" Especially on whether or not to name a toy? Kian was about ready to hit something.  Or someone.  The former captain slipped beside his twin, scowling.  "It's oh so very impressive you know a little astronmy.  Dunno why you argue with her when you know she's right, though, and if you'd like more astronomy; a planet ain't living, much less the ones without life on 'em but they 'ave names too."

"Yer so desperate to be 'right' you fight with a kid about naming her toy? I ain't surprised yer too daft to get it." The fae sighed, taking a deep breath.  He was not exactly happy to have all this cursing around Keona, from himself included.  "It's special 'cause someone she cares about gave it to her, not that an egotistic pox like you'd get that.

Re: open [★] POW POW - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

Caesar should know more about how planets and stars worked, considering he practically lived out in space in Dimension FiveX, but of course he would find any reason to seem 'right' like Kian pointed out. At Kian's growl, Caesar looked over at the other pirate, a scowl forming on his face, clearly not happy about being confronted. "It's fucking idiotic!" The demon shot back, tail lashing. "There's no fucking reason she should be naming the damn thing, anyway. It's not special at all. So what her family gave it to her? It's just a toy that can easily destroyed." Hell, he was tempted to tear into the thing to be honest. It was irritating to see how attached Keona was to the damn thing. But Kian was right, of course he wouldn't understand why she was so into the plush. He was never given anything like that as a child, mostly because his family was so poor they couldn't afford it. it wasn't that they didn't love him, they just couldn't afford to him or his siblings anything. Not that this fact excuses Caesar; of course he subconsiously knew it was wrong to be arguing with a child, especially if she loved and enjoyed something.

Re: open [★] POW POW - Keona. - 06-03-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona felt her ears flatten sharply against her skull.  She hadn't heard her father snap at someone in a while, much less someone shout back.  Antsy, she held onto Manu a little tighter.  "… Never 'ad one before," she muttered.  Would they stop yelling?  She bit her lip, tilting her head towards her uncle's last known direction, wondering if he'd maybe step in.

"Da?" Keona was not about to cry, but her voice did tremor.  "Do you think ma'd like the name?  I don really care if Caesar don't like it; it's not his an'way, so what's he got to do with it?" As far as topics went, she knew bringing up her mother would shut her father up; it always worked, even though she really did wonder.
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] POW POW - Kian. - 06-03-2018

ϟ Now he was really grating on his nerves.  Kian let out a low growl, tail slashing to-and-fro.  Before he could snarl back, Keona's voice stopped him in his tracks, chasing away every word.  Damn it.  The pirate opened his mouth, then slammed it shut, claws digging into the ground.  Haliaka wouldn't have let anyone pick on their daughter; she was too fierce for that.  But she's dead.

As far as he could tell, Keona had no concrete memory of her mother, but she still brought her up every once and a while. Just in time, too, to silence him.  Haliaka wouldn't want him yelling at someone near their daughter... No, she'd claw his eyes out if she was here.  "Yeah, I think she would, Sib... Manu is a name in her language, isn't it?  I think she'd like that." The kid had the right of it, he noted, breathing in quietly.  "Yer right; it's yours, so the only one whose opinion really matters here, is yours." Though he didn't say it, he hoped she heard the apology in his tone; he hadn't met to start a yelling match near her.

"I'm not gonna waste my breath arguing with you, mate," he decided, ears still flicked back. Especially since you're to thick headed anyway. "So thanks for your opinion, but we don't care." And why should we?  Kian couldn't pretend he was not still pissed, but he could take a step back if it was making Keona upset.

Re: open [★] POW POW - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Approaching this scene had pissed the female off. Caesar was upsetting a young child and others were trying to calm the bastard down. Malice could be heard dripping from Nessa's voice as she spoke. "She's just a child. There's no reason to act like the way you are right now."

"I think it's a lovely name." She would offer a smile in Keona's direction, hoping to distract the child from Caesar's and Kian's bickering. "Birds are interesting creatures. If you'd like, I can probably teach you something about them." She offered, glancing at Kian as she did, because she had guessed he was the young feline's father.
© madi

Re: open [★] POW POW - The Tombs - 06-03-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]"Ach, why do you all make such a fuss? All I'm hearing is the buzzing of a desperate, insignificant, annoying little fly!" Iosef remarked as he strode to the group, extending a paw to almost forcefully push the serval aside as he made his way over in a clear attempt to frustrate Caesar even more. The conversation was quite amusing to hear, but he found Caesar's attempts to rile an argument even more entertaining. And with a child, no less! Hah! In all honesty he didn't like or even tried to respect the striker at all, but then again, he figured that practically no one did unless they were obvious ass-kissers.

The tiger flicked an ear at the group as his eyes landed upon Keona. Ah, the little newcomer with her father! And another relative, it seemed. He could recall the child and her father making their way to the Typhoon's island domain via boat, a little craft designed to hit land at some point and likely never be used to sail beyond that. It was...adorable. A strange sight, to cart a child to a land of pirates, but he tolerated and welcomed the presence of youngsters.

"I think that Manu is a great name for your animal, дитя," the crewmate commented, offering the youngster a soft smile, despite the fact that her eyes bore little to no vision. It was the sheer warmth that radiated from the massive feline that counted. "You know, I have one of my own. A rabbit with no name, if you've any suggestions." What else was he gonna call the damn thing? Iosef was an unimaginative person when it came to aliases of stuffed toys, mainly because he carried them as trophies. The one he had was a trophy of slaughter, anyway. But it'd be nice to give it a name for any kid that asked about it. Children were the only people he'd permit to inquire about the toy. He didn't care about what his crewmates thought.
[glow=#0097a3,2,300]LOSERS WEEPERS[/glow] —

Re: open [★] POW POW - purgatory - 06-03-2018