Beasts of Beyond
DEATH IS THE MESSAGE, NOT THE BEGINNING // returning ardent - Printable Version

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Re: DEATH IS THE MESSAGE, NOT THE BEGINNING // returning ardent - VALE - 03-28-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead hyena
After Olalla pushed ver off, Vale stood on all four paws. And, politely, refrained from shaking verself off. All the goop clinging to vis fur was uncomfortable, after all, but even Vale understood raining droplets of black biomass on a business associate wasn’t polite.

Instead, Vale padded over to Renlys and attempted to headbutt the dragon’s jaw as ve waited for Olalla’s final answer. In the desert, ve’d forgotten Renlys—the guilt gnawed in vis stomach—how vis loyal companion surely missed Brymstone as much as ve did.

Vale cared little about abandoning the Pitt. But abandoning Renlys? The skullface’s teeth clicked together from the force of vis shame.

“Good to see you too, Renlys.” Vale attempted to scritch the dragon’s horns. Behind Renlys, Vale glanced at Jor, Aegon, and Kold. Ve was certain those three are only supporting vis claim to the throne because ve’s entertaining, a grisly performance where Vale wields vis heart on vis sleeve with a literal interpretation.

Or was Vale overthinking this? Hadn’t Brymstone been the only one…?

But Vale didn't allow verself to think long on him, least ve fly out to the desert again. Regardless of Olalla’s decision, ve couldn't abandon The Pitt right now without risking further sanity deterioration. Ve’ll drown in catnip and blood to forget Brymstone’s face as thoroughly as ve’d forgotten vis own brother’s.

A mind is a tome, but you forget what you want to remember and remember what you want to forget.

When Olalla spoke, the bonehead’s neck swiveled—two vertebrae pop, nicely, the pressure release was fantastic—and those pesky thoughts evaporated. “Lovely,” Vale replied. For once, short and to the point without a trace of sarcasm. No point in running vis mouth and risking it all after ve got what ve wanted, hm?

“Let’s discuss the particulars tomorrow morning, eh? I need a good night’s sleep after wandering back from the dead.” Vale glanced for Jor, but can’t shake the buzzing in vis head.

How long can you remember your name until it's nevermore?

Re: DEATH IS THE MESSAGE, NOT THE BEGINNING // returning ardent - Kold - 03-28-2022

Her eye twitched - dante let the bird lead?? She had some catching up to do. The dragons arrival meant little to Kold - she was interested in what Olalla had to say. Well, she got her wish.

An snort of approval left her maw, smile evident on one side of her face. Good, good. Well. No.

She was not happy with this outcome. But she supposed that no one, especially not Vale, the fucked up thing that paraded vemself as a crow or some other strange animal,  would give her the throne willingly. Oh, well.