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BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Printable Version

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Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-24-2018

Caesar let out a snort in response to both The Emperor's and Sekai's comments, tail flicking in irritation. Although, ironically, Nero would have been a fitting name for Caesar; after all, he was the one who burned his Dimension. His snort was out of amusement towards Kraata, but his snort towards Sekai was more of disdain. But at least she acknowledged how esteemed he was.

"The leopard's Kingdom?" Caesar echoed, looking back towards The Emperor. "I would've thought the trees belonged to the birds." He mused. As Séamus came over and introduced himself, Caesar briefly cast him a glance.

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - ARGUS - 05-25-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Whisper managed to get away from her mother for the morning as well. A nice day to explore the odd little island that she had... 'found' and stumbled upon. In all honnestey the jungle kind of scared her. She has seen trees before- thank you. But she was born in a place were they were seldom bunched together like that. And so large too...

No, Whisper had spotted the group not far into the jungle, and she thought it better to pass around when there was someone around. The black little wolfling came closer, light blue eyes settleing onto the growing group as she caught on to the conversation. "Every climate has it's predators." The pup responded solemnly.

But wow it was the first time she had been in such an active group. Since.... well. Since the last family meeting she attended. And jeez, did it hurt to think about that. To realize that Argus was probably the last one left alive to her that was blood related. Jasper, spoock... Jace and cainsmark. It just meant she would have to rebuild again here. And while- the cover was Argus as her mother. She could... have more moms. She could have siblings. She wondered, how opposed to the idea these people were, a good place to start at least, right?

There was no real hostility, not yet at least. Even from the larger cloaked panther, that seemed to be the most threatening. She knew all of their names, even before they spoke them. But they didn't know hers. They deserved at least that, didn't they? "Name's Whisper!" The little pup said, bright blue eyes zeroeing onto the emperor and not allowing him even an inch closer towards her.

"I used to live in a desert, the typhoon is so different than my old home though..." she let out a little confused huff. Letting amusement flash across her face as she slinked closer towards Ceasar. The only one she really 'knew'. Though she seemed to know better than to actually brush up against the demon. (still unsure she would get set on fire for the action alone...) Eyeing the two other children in the group and offering a dazzling smile towards the other two. Sekai and keona. Whisper wondered at the prospects of if they would be open to playing...

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Keona. - 05-25-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The child frowned, a little uncertain how to take the old leopard's statement; their kingdom?  She was fairly certain others could climb too; other cats especially.  What made them the leopards' kingdom specifically? Didn't they share?  "Trees don belong to an one," she finally mustered, rather matter-of-factly, tilting her head towards her uncle as he made his presence known, wondering if he agreed.  Trees were trees.  They were used as homes, and convenient for travel, but they were, as far as Keona was concerned, their own, just as any other living creature.

Whatever the case, Keona was certain they did not belong to the leopards, or any other cat, no matter the climbing skill.  And the birds were simply temporary residents more often than not.  Perhaps, she fretted, that she was over-thinking the matter. Flicking her tail, she kept close to her uncle now that he was here, comforted by his more familiar presence.

She tried her best angling her head towards each crewmate as their voice joined the conversation, but was quickly growing tired of the effort.  How many were here right now?  The newly announced Whisper made... Six? Five, other than herself. That was... Three too many, if she was being honest with her willingness and capability to make an effort of attention and attempted "eye contact". It was, as she'd heard, more polite to look at someone when they were speaking to you... Even if, she supposed, she could not actually look at them.
code by spacexual

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - PINCHER - 05-26-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
"I'm sure that's not what he meant, Keo. It's more of an expression of where someone's home is." the low rumbling voice of Pincher crackled in the air, his lean build figure suddenly flickering into appearance as he stepped out of the lush vegetation nearby and allowed his invisibility to turn off. The broad-shouldered doberman had been hunting, his tongue craving something more meatier than fish. He was used to eating a raw sea based diet due to his past but now that he was able to finally settle down in a place, the captain was particularly content with the prey that thrived on the island. Due to the fertile volcanic earth, the food and plant population was large and diverse, competing for room and making the jungle be more clumped than one usually expected. He was used to a certain environment, one that was the opposite of the vast island territory. Pincher was used to constant traveling, living in a nomad gang that was always on the move. He remembered the constant ache in his body, the continous movement of living and though it had been a difficulty to ever settle down, he found some comfort in it. It meant adventure, it meant figuring out how massive the world was.

His chilling arctic blue eyes fluttered towards every other crewmate that was currently here, surprised on how some he did not instantly recognize. He knew Caesar and his confident behavior, Sekai's polite and steady way of speaking, Séamus/ and Keona's interaction. He didn't know Krataa too well nor did he recognize Whisper, his cool gaze locking on the two new members, giving a light tip of the head towards them as the sable colored canine leaned back onto his haunches in a relaxed sitting position. "Name's Pincher, captain around here. If the subject's still on where the hell we all came from, I was born here but was taken by my father to join his nomad group. I came back a few months ago. Still haven't got used to the whole staying in one place though." He admitted with slight hesitation, not entirely enjoying revealing some of his past but knew well enough that he had to at least give some background about who he was before he had murdered his father and became the new captain of the group.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Owlie - 05-27-2018

Expression or not we’d better damned well be his territory, unofficial or not. He liked them. Being above the others gave him a sense of control. Which was batter than nothing. To have nothing was the only real low he could meet.

“Leopards drag our kill into the trees to keep the other predators from it...” He mused, explaining how he would classify the trees as a leopard’s kingdom. “Jaguars are similar.... and much more ruthless... they amubich prey and always strike for the kill.”

He gave all the others a once over until he settled in Pincher, and gave the create a nod. ”Oh Captain, my captain. How good to see you. If I may, when should I start the entrance ritual? I felt it best to... respect your customs. If I am to live here.”

“Anyways..... I was born on the African plain. I had a sister.” Lie. He was born in Naboo with a silver spoon in his mouth and he used the postition of power even from a young age. He knew of his invincibility even then.