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so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Printable Version

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Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
"I have every damn right to defend our border." Dante shot back, glaring over at Gael with his tail flicking. He felt the Ardent's manipulation of air around him, taking it as a warning. "I ain't gonna do shit to them." He defended himself, even if he was in a drunken state right now and thus it could make him predictable, the hybrid had way too many people outnumbering him here. He was drunk, not an idiot (in his eyes, at least). His sharp gaze went away from Gael as Fragglerock came exploding out and ran to his clanmates, though as he stated, he made no movement to do anything.

Mostly because he'd get his ass kicked if so, but things were too fucking blurry to be able to see anyone properly. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - aine. - 05-09-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Thank goodness.  It seemed Fragglerock's family had come for him.  The petite druid trotted after the cub quietly, watching him with creased brows as he bolted.  Not the... Best course of action with a recent injury on his leg, but his eagerness was understandable.

She halted besides her father, dipping her head to the gathered strangers.  Unfamiliar scent.  New group.  Reasonable though, it seemed.  At least, it seemed they were talking it out as she arrived.  Even if Dante remained a complete idiot.  She breathed deeply, hazel hues resting on Arlo and the others.  He's not worth it.

"The- the cuts weren't deep.  Keep an eye- keep an eye on him for a little while.  If the wound re-reopens, apply some mari-marigold."

She offered Fragglerock a soft smile, nodding.  She hardly faulted him for trespassing.  An innocent mistake.  He did no harm.  Offered to leave, for stars sake.  "It's- it's not your fault he doesn't know how to listen," she murmured.  "Please wa-watch out more in the future.  An-and don't run too much okay?  At least- at least until your leg is better."

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DAMION MAVERICK - 05-09-2021



normally the hellhound would've been all for breaking and entering but not this time. since they were coming to rescue a carnivore from a (probably) highly hostile warbound group, trespassing their territory and immediately accusing the pitt of stealing fraggle when they didn't even know how many members were going to show up and maybe attack them. the male halted next to arlo's side with a frown creasing his brow and a grimace on his lips. "your decision was very unwise, arlo. you entered potentially hostile territory and threw around accusations."  a tilt of his head as he watched members of the pitt approach. the hellhound wasn't scared should a fight break out, per se, he had enough anger in him to want a fight, but he sure wasn't a fucking idiot and picked fights randomly on purpose.
more dialogue, somebody even introduced themselves as valhalla, and damion snorted. they weren't having a tea party where introductions were necessary, nobody cared about names here. it was a hostage retrieval.
with a huge cry of "dads!" that made  the beast wince, fraggle exploded through the other members and latched himself onto aesior's leg. damion padded over and stepped in front of the two, turning his body to protect them. "fraggle," his voice was really quiet. "stop talking. the main thing is you're safe." then faced the crowd, optics narrowing onto dante as the drunk stumbled into view, saying he wouldn't start anything. a rumble left the hellhound's throat closely following his statement, clearly audible and meant for dante to hear: a warning. a young female spoke up and mentioned some herbs that sounded familiar to the hound's ears, and he shot her a small smile. "marigold, understood. thank you, מוֹתֶק."


מוֹתֶק | Hebrew - 'darling' (term of endearment)


Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 05-09-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── a roar entered the cubs' ears and his head spun in that direction. approaching with all the fuss about someone named fragglerock being captured by dante although the lion cub offering to leave. asmodeus let his gaze linger on the hellhound, a curious tilt to his head. "..arlo, is it? arlo, the hellhound's right. you shouldn't have barged into our territory like that. we outnumber you two to one easily."


Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - ARLO M. - 05-09-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #9ADBD2; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #39888C;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo's wings flapped none-too-gently at Damion's words. His eyes shifted towards the hellhound. He didn't have a choice. Had they waltzed onto another territory and they were attacked without regard, would Arlo's words been out of turn? It wasn't like Arlo had sent a RSVP ahead, let them knew he was coming. Had they been attacked, it was better to be on the defensive side. His eyebrows drew together, however. This was no place to discuss what they should and shouldn't have done.

He looked back towards those had approached. He ignored Valhalla's words flat out, he had no rent-free space in his head to give to someone who continued to complain about Arlo. But this.. Arlo's eyes narrowed, his ears laying back and his teeth baring gently. This drunk was lucky that they were outnumbered, else Arlo would have found time later to pick him out of his teeth. However, instead of speaking to someone belligerent and uncaring (especially it sounded like towards children), he looked towards Aesior. "Contain yourself." His words dropped to a soft whisper, meant for and heard by Aesior alone. "This is no place to start a war."

But who came next was deemed one of the most important people in Arlo's mind. Gael. Arlo picked his head up, evening his face out from the anger that had started to bubble over at the child-napper himself. "My name is Arlo. We come from The Golden Eye." He stated. His eyes shifted towards the kidnapper, before back towards Gael, giving a small nod. "Like I had stated, we appreciate you looking after our member. I'm relieved to hear his wounds weren't serious." Arlo finally dipped his head towards Gael. He felt respectful enough towards him, so.. he would give it back.

His head perked back up suddenly as Fraggle's voice rang out. Finally the tension eased off of his shoulders as the child bouldered through the Pittians, hopping up to Aesior, Arlo's head turning. He couldn't stop himself from moving, turning his head and quickly pressing his nose to Fraggle's head. A soft exhale came from him, almost a shudder of his wings. His eyebrows drew gently, picking his head back up, ignoring how close that put Arlo to Aesior. He still had yet to have a conversation with Aesior yet, in which that small thought crossing his mind made his stomach flutter. Not the time, Maximus.

He looked towards Aine as she spoke, but Damion had spoken for him. He kept his lip tight, once again ignoring any other members. He wasn't going to let a child tell him what he could and couldn't do, anyways. Arlo exhaled through his nose, the last bit of smoke curling from his muzzle. "It's time for us to leave. I'm afraid we overstayed what little welcome we would have received either way, but again. Thank you for tending to his wounds." Arlo hesitated a moment. "I expect he will be punished, but again, that's up to you and less us." Arlo gestured towards Dante, his red eyes narrowing for a moment.

Arlo would wait for his companions to depart before he would turn his back.


Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DAMION MAVERICK - 05-10-2021



arlo and aesior seemed to need a chat and damion took the sentences asmodeus said with a small nod, gently nudging arlo with his hip. "you go first. i'll go behind." he was a guard, after all.



Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - teef - 05-10-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The other remained silent through the approach of others, his body tense. The others didn't matter to him, not the ones that came forward to tell their group of manners. He would have come alone to find Fraggle had he known any earlier. He could have moved alone and taken Fraggle back. So what if he was outnumbered? The grim was used to being outnumbered in everything he did. His ears swiveled as Arlo spoke, telling him that he would listen. His gaze was locked onto Dante with a faint growl at the scent of the drunk, eyes narrowing with fury. He was only here for Fraggle, niceness and etiquette be damned. He'd go to hell and back for the child. For his son.

Inhaling as he caught sight of Fraggle appearing, happily taking the boy's embrace of his leg, lowering his head to bury his nose in Fraggle's head fur, attempting to nuzzle the boy in relief, a throbbed purr escaping him. "All that matters is that you are safe now, Fragglerock. We will talk more once we go home.", he would rumble gently, blinking as Arlo approached to put his nose on Fraggle's head. He knew that they were both relieved. He couldn't hold back the soft rumbles as Fraggle pressed into his side, keeping his foreleg close to Fraggle, ready to launch himself if Dante should make an unwise choice. He doubted that the others would attack but he'd already struck the child. It wouldn't surprise him.

Gaze turning to Aine, "Marigold, got it. Thank you for looking after my son. I'll make sure his injury doesn't turn sour.", he would murmur with a bow of his head and shoulders. He was the closest thing to a medic they had. He was unaware of the blooms of allium and pink camelia growing upon his shoulders, his usual mechanism for conversation revealing itself. He would turn at Arlo's words, a gentle shepherd for Fraggle, "Can you walk well or would you like a ride home?", he asked him gently, legs shivering. He was happy, his son was back, more or less in one piece. He turned to take leave with Damion, keeping his pace slow enough for Fraggle until he gave an answer.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - trojan g. - 05-10-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]Eyes flicked to each animal as they spoke, ears pricked as she listened, choosing to stay silent now that Gael was there. That was until Fragglerock had mentioned saying he would leave on the border when Dante had first encountered him. That hadn't been information that was shared earlier. It wasn't information Sweeney remembered at the least. Head snapped over to the older male, eyes squinting before the kitsune pad over to where Dante now was, paws catching on fire quickly as she attempted to swat him across the face, a growl coming from her throat. "He said he'd leave and you still decided it'd be a good idea to capture him? Not only that but harm him in the process?" The vixen would speak, ears pinning to her head. "You're a pathetic waste of space. Defending the fucking territory and border is making them run off and if they don't leave then other shit you dumb fuck."

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aw wasn't that reunion so sweet? Dante let out a disgusted, annoyed snort as Fragglerock was reunited with his group, whining about what happened - of course including the fact that he offered to just leave. Dante didn't notice Sweeney move so her flaming-paw-slap seemed to come out of the blue, with the hybrid growling and shaking his face.

"Defendin' the border is doin' what needs to be done." Dante shot back, glaring down at the vixen, ignoring the small burn on his face. "Dumb fuck shouldn't 'ave been over the border in the first place. [b]"Bitch is lucky I didn't kill him." The hybrid decided to add, his gaze looking back over at Fragglerock and glaring at the cub.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Kold - 05-11-2021

Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HOLDS HER!
Kold was quiet, unnervingly so, as the boy was reunited and Sweeney swatted at Dante. "Dante, shut the fuck up already, please?" She spoke casually, not even bothering to look at him. "What is done is done. Besides, shouldn't you be watching your friend Jormungand?" She rolled a shrug, wings twitching. Then again, Dante stepped over too many times for the Marauder. If he was aiming to annoy (or anger, in her opinion) the fuck out of Kold, he was succeeding.