Beasts of Beyond
Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Printable Version

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Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Scyllios - 05-09-2021

The child looked to Maude with wonder in her eyes. Finally, someone who spoke her language! She nodded, "ecce ego ad domum suam."

The girl sat down, gaze hardening to the war goddess' words. If she was weak, she would die? The spirit she didn't know what beside her shifted in its slumber. "Ego sum fortis! Ego superesse."

Coalition of the condemned. Despite the name the child didn't falter. "Scylla est nomen meum."

/// translation 1: I want a home.

Translation 2: I am strong! I will survive.

Translation 3: My name is Scylla//
Vivere in Oceani, luxuriat in mare

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-09-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Scylla gave her a blank stare, something that was obviously conveying that she had zero idea what Aphra had said at all, though did seem excited when she answered at Arvid's drawn-question. Arvid confirmed that the language was Latin, a dead language, only for Maude to come up and speak it fluently. Aphra blinked in surprise at the strange girl, watching the interaction between Maude and Scylla with great interest.

"... Scylla?" Aphra pointed to the strange hybrid pup in front of her, titling her head as if trying to confirm that was her name. Not waiting for a response though, the she-cat pointed back at her and spoke her name, "Aphra." God, she had a headache from speaking in such a simple way. For fucks sake, if Scylla was going to stay here, she needed to learn to speak an actual language and not a dead one.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - ARVID R. - 05-10-2021

Maude spoke Latin. Well, that certainly was a... new development. It honestly only added more intrigue to the girl, and where the hell she had even come from. Arvid knew that Saturn had taken her in, but he had never really heard from where. Nor did he know who or what she had been before coming to the Coalition. He couldn't help the way that his gaze briefly narrowed at her in thought, before he simply shook his head and looked away. No reason to dwell on it now, he supposed. Besides, he'd never actually be able to get any decent answers out of her. This was the first time he had really seen her speak more than two words, and he could only actually understand about two of them. He was sure that if he tried to ask her any questions, she'd either just ignore him, or snort dismissively in his direction.

Instead, he refocused his attention on Scylla, seemingly glad that things had been worked out. She obviously seemed interested and joining, and if Maude had been able to communicate things clear to her, they were as good as golden. With a casual smile on his muzzle, the young scientist pointed at his own chest before spouting an introduction, "Arvid. I'm Arvid." He then found himself subconsciously glancing at Sojourn, wondering how she would react to the girl being let into the group. No doubt she would want some part in Scylla's life. It practically seemed as if the kingpin was collecting an entire set of children at this point. Not that Arvid really cared – Sojourn certainly seemed to spoil the hell out of Ruven, so being a kid of hers couldn't be that bad.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass