Beasts of Beyond
one break - open; branding - Printable Version

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Re: one break - open; branding - trojan g. - 04-18-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]Sweeney hadn't been around to see the beginning of this mess, hadn't been there to see Jormungand take Merlin or come back and be clawed in the meeting. She knew of what he had done - it was hard not to when living in the swamps, especially with who she lived with - but she had decided to keep to herself, to make sure that she didn't come over to kill the other. Oh how she wanted to kill him.

Sweeney didn't care that he was a Pittian as well as her, she didn't care that he had kids and begging for them. She simply cared that there were more who were once again raking the name of the Pitt through the mud. They had been killers in the past, merciless and without reason, led by a vixen that thought nothing of others and simply of himself, Sweeney had once wanted to be like him, like her father, but she knew now that the Pitt had more to offer. Much more. And that it was simply a matter of time before idiots such as Jormungand and Dante ruined the chances that the Pitt had been given, and it pissed her off.

Words wrapped around her ears as she listened to those spoken, head turning towards Ares as a scoff left the kitsune's maw. "When they're older if they choose to fight with Tanglewood - or any group for that matter - then it'll be their fault. She's not going to hurt them now they're fucking children." Tanglewood - no, Elsweyr - actually cared about children, cared that they didn't have a choice in where they grew up at that young of an age, that they simply had no choice most of the time. When they were older though? That's when they were able to make decisions for themselves. That's when they were able to decide if they would fuck shit up or help their group to glory. And Sweeney could only hope she was making the right steps for the latter of the two.

Re: one break - open; branding - rhosmari - 04-18-2021

Was she supposed to be scared? Terrified of his actions? She was above fear. The woman had lived through many things, saw friends and families be slaughtered from enemy tribes. And he thought his threats, his pointless actions would cause her to falter and stumble? He didn't know who he was dealing with. The woman did not walk these lands like most did, she had come from a much different land that had been savage. One that not most survived through their younger months. Her claws stretched his skin, curling underneath to saw and make the patterns that she saw fight to burn into his flesh. She didn't look away from him as he stared back at her. The flames of her mane slowly flowing down her spine. If she could she would kill him now. She would kill him and be done with him but she promised Gael and she intended to keep that promise. When his teeth snapped in her face she didn't flinch. Her muzzle curled as she attempted to press harder into his chest, forcing his wound deeper and deeper still. When he shout she said nothing because she doubted he could. She doubted someone so weak to attack someone much smaller than he was could do anything.

But her eyes cut to the side as her daughter suddenly spoke out. Claiming she couldn't attack children. She never said she would attack a child. She had said that once they were older and were actually abled fighters. Well beyond the age of a child unless abled fighters meant something different here. Despite that her attention was grabbed when the Pittian decided it was a smart idea to grab her paw. Her head turned to focus on him once more, suddenly devoid of emotion. "She is sad for him. She now sees why he is an embarrassment to the Pitt. He doesn't even deserve to call that place a home." As Sweeney spoke up, understanding her words, the woman's paw would suddenly burst into flames and most likely it could potentially burn the panthers paw quite badly if he didn't let go quick enough and then if he did let go she would swing her paw aiming to dig her burning claws against the back of his head and force his skull to rebound off the ground in an attempt to knock him out. If that happened then everything was completed. The branding was done and she would drag the panther back to the Pitt.

Re: one break - open; branding - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-18-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Everything happened so quickly and Atbash barely had any time to call out her concerns before Elsweyr started branding Jormungand, followed by the panther's yelling and attempts to attack Elsweyr in retaliation. The savannah grit her teeth and flattened her ears, wanting to call out to the flaming lioness, but not finding the words to do so. Her throat was tight, unable to form any words, and with that, Atbash got up and left - no doubt to get away from the torture in front of her. This is too much.

//Atbash is out unless stopped!
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: one break - open; branding - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-18-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
A coyote came over, sitting nearby, something Vigenere was a little surprised about. The former leader raised an invisible eyebrow at Kiara, but he was friendly when he spoke. "Hello." He returned his gaze to Jormungand and Elsweyr as Kiara asked a question. "I'm not sure what Elsweyr has planned. I'd imagine she's going to mark him." If not outright killing the male, though Vigenere wasn't too sure how he felt about killing Jormungand, Merlin was still alive as far as he knew, albeit maimed. The least Jormungand deserved is the same pain he made her feel.

Of course it wasn't soon after the soldier spoke that Elsweyr started branding Jormungand, with the panther making an unexpected outburst. He tried to fight back against Elsweyr, Vigenere watched, but he did not move to get in between. Jormungand couldn't do too much harm being chained up and he didn't want to interfere with what Elsweyr had planned. It would be dangerous, especially with the rage dancing in the woman's words. Vigenere felt his sister tense up next to him, but she left before he could say anything to her. She's not used to this. He told himself, frowning as Atbash walked off, but he soon returned his attention back to the prisoner and Tanglewood's leader. She will learn this was a good thing.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: one break - open; branding - Ares - 04-18-2021

Ares shrugged away Kiaras paw and watched, another wave of anger rushing in her at Sweeneys words. But it did somewhat make sense... somewhat. Still, the girl huffed, set her jaw tightly, and turned to leave after Atbash. It wasn't that she didn't want to see it, she just didn't care. He was getting what he deserves. She just didn't care to see it.
