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all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Printable Version

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Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - aine. - 04-02-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The druid bit back a growl.  AlwaysAlways.  She could stand to pay attention.  To the frustration and anger and exhaustion in the majority of the Pitt.  The unknowing stares.  But no one ever did.  No one ever cared.  You have no authority here, bitch, she mused silently, teeth sinking into her cheek.  How about you actually tell us what happened?  Refused to cause more drama but stars, did she hate the majority of Tanglewood Luminaries she had met.  It was as though all the swamp wanted in a leader was rage.

She listened as the Wanderer spoke.  Found Romulus a better and more direct informant than Elsweyr.  No surprise.  Her ears flattened.  The fury in her hazel hues no longer hidden.  Jormungand?  Really?  He had been the only one gone recently, which made sense, but she couldn't believe it.  The reckless inconsiderate bastard.

They hadn't thrown Dante to the wolves but... Jormungand.  He had been around during Dante's punishment.  He should have known better.  And to break Coalition rules while he was their guest?  She hated the Coalition almost as much as she didn't trust Tanglewood, but he had been their guest.  What had he been thinking?

Clearly not of us. Cold.  The fleshweaver glanced at her father.  It was clear he was done.  So was she.  She had half a mind to pay Jormungand back in full herself.  He maimed the Tangler and took their wings... Why not take one of his limbs in turn?  A leg.  Let him know what it was like to just take.  She knew just how she'd do it too.  Knew where to tear the muscles apart.

Aine seethed.  Digging her hooves into the sand.  Partially frightened by her own violent thoughts but mostly... Angry.

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - rhosmari - 04-02-2021

Mercy? The word was there in the back of her head. It was like a twitter ignored for the mere fact that the Pittians didn't deserve any semblance of mercy. They were liars in her mind. They couldn't seem to control their own people and they let them continue to torment and harm Tanglers. Her anger was valid, she and the rest of her group would not sit idle and let this stand much longer. She knew they were upset when Merlin had ended up with her wings torn from her back. Injured and left to have to recover in the Coalition of all places. The woman wanted to sneer but she was quiet as she listened to Romulus speak. Her respect and trust for the Pitt clearly diminished. The name of the one that had done this lit a fire deep in her stomach and she narrowed her eyes a bit. The prospect that Gael gave not enough. It would never be enough. Merlin would never regrow her wings and she will have to live with it.

That Jormungand could get out as free as a bird. No. No. He would not and she would make sure of that. Each and every one of those that lived in Tanglewood would get a shot at him. Their turn. Their turn to hurt at Pittian. Their turn to make them feel some kind of pain. And perhaps it wouldn't stop here. "Give him to her and she will leave the Pitt in peace. For now." Was all the lioness said as she watched them. Suddenly cold and unfeeling towards them. She remembered when she had first visited and how they had treated her then. Her warmth toward the group over time fading till she felt nothing

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - gael - 04-02-2021

Gael regarded Romulus thoughtfully as he spoke, nodding in acknowledgement as his suspicions were confirmed.  He appreciated the wanderer's straightforwardness and direct specification, even though Gael had had his guess, he had wanted to be certain.  After all, the only other Pittian who might cause trouble had been present and accounted for the past moon -- Jormungand had been the only obvious possibility.

His eyes are ice as he returned his gaze to Elsweyr -- offering her the same lack of trust she possessed for them.  Tanglewood so often displayed nothing short of viciousness in their attitude and the vulpine would be direct to point it out.  "You will not kill him." Or you will be paid back thus. 

The vulpine did not desire war but he would not tolerate Tanglewood overstepping in their 'righteous' fury. Personal anger or vendettas should have no place in justice -- it should be dealt to fit the crime.

Jormungand deserved the consequences; harsh consequences, as far as the Ardent felt.  He did not however, deserve death, which he felt Tanglewood just might inflict. "An eye for an eye, Elsweyr."  Maiming should be met with maiming, but the panther had not killed a Tangler -- nor had Dante, who the lioness obviously and understandably still felt wrath towards.  "You must understand that I do not trust you to reign in your anger.  Just as you do not trust us in general."

"I do however, trust your healer, Moth.  I want your word she will be observing whatever 'justice' you decide to enforce.  Pay him back in full for the injuries he inflicted, but no more.  The punishment should fit his crime."

"Kold," Gael directed, turning to the Marauder.  "If you will, find Jormungand and bring him here.  If he's smart, he'll know what this is about.  If he tries to run, you have permission to attack him -- I will not tolerate cowardice."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Kold - 04-03-2021

Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HOLDS HER!
Wordless the nod she gave, white fur shuddering with anger toward Elsweyr. Black eyes looked at the lioness before she turned to walk away. Stopped, then sighed gently. She shook herself and trotted away, picking up speed into a run. The boys wouldn't be fatherless for long, hopefully. Hopefully they didn't kill Jormungand in this righteous fury they had. If they did.. oh, if they did.

//out, will return when [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] replies //

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - rhosmari - 04-06-2021

The woman couldn't help her snort of annoyance. In light of everything that was happening they had broken her trust more than once. And her eyes looked upon the leader with uncaring eyes. She was not here to negotiate. There was little reason for it. They should just do what she told them to so that they can leave. They didn't want a war then they needed to hand over the perpetrator. "She said nothing about killing him. That is not her plan." Just to clear that up and she allowed her tail to curl around her paws. A light tapping of the tip against the ground that scorched and burned the sands into blackend ash. As he moved on so did she and she tilted her head a bit. An eye for an eye. This was beyond that ridiculous saying. After an eye for an eye helped no one in the end.

"He has given her no reason to trust them. He tells her one thing but then everyone else does something different. A leader keeps his people in check. He can't seem to do that." Her words were bitter and jagged as she looked down at Gael. To her this was just the fact of life, the fact of what was happening. Not insults, just simply what she had observed what was happening. "He wants her word but can not trust her. Conflicting." The tribal woman flexed her claws against the sands, fire still crackling about her figure. "He can have her word that she will be observing the punishment just as everyone else in Tanglewood will be observing the punishment." Now what she wanted to know was the culprit going to show up or would he be a coward and run from the very thing he had caused.

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - aine. - 04-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Tired.  The fleshweaver was growing more and more tired by the second.  Eyes narrowing.  Frustrated.  She knew her father didn't give a shit about anyone's opinions about him.  She knew that.  But she was done.  And since they were waiting... She was gonna speak her mind.  Before she completely lost it.

"N- no offense," she began sharply, ears flat.  "But you haven't exactly given us reason to suspect you might not." Capable of murder.  Just like Aurum.  Fire and rage.  "You- you start by yelling.  You threaten.  Before even offering details." Let the wanderer provide.  "... You seem more than ready to kill."

In check.  In check? Everyone else?  Honestly.  Was she completely ignorant?  Or was it a conscious decision to look past everyone expect the few who did wrong?  "... Two.  Two Pittians.  Break the rules, and get punished.  It certainly didn't take Aurum to tell him to discipline Dante, he did.  We didn't- we didn't even know about Jormungand until you showed up.  It's not- it's not like we even knew why he left in the first place.  Are you blind to the rest of us- following our Ardent's rules?" Everyone.  Everyone else. Blind.

She was sick of it.  Wings shuffling harshly against her sides.  Tired of everyone who only saw the Pitt for the worst when they had been trying.  So many Pittians didn't cause trouble.  Tired of everyone outside only seeing what they wanted instead of the change and tired of everyone inside ruining it for the majority of the group.  Dante.  Jormungand.

All the druid saw was fire.  Fire and anger.  "So no, we don't trust you.  But we do trust Moth, so we'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  Because she'll be there." And that's all it was.  That's all her word was worth.  To Aine.  To her father, more than like.  Benefit of the doubt.  Her eyes full of bitterness on the flames.  Sick of the damage fire had done to her life.  Sick of Tanglers wielding it around her home.  The sand raising around her hooves defensively.

"I'll kill him myself if he runs," she muttered under her breath, furious.

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - rhosmari - 04-06-2021

Her luminous yet heated blue eyes turned to look at the next Pittian that decided to speak up on the matter. The wait was getting much too long and now she had to defend herself from lies. Her tail lashed against the sands as she narrowed her gaze upon the small creature. She was spewing tall tells about how she had come here. The predator curled her claws against the ground as she listened and she couldn't help the disdain that left her muzzle. "She did not start off by yelling. She did not start off by threatening. She gave as much details as she knew. Did she not say that someone from here attacked a Tanglewood member. If she would have remembered his name she would have said it." She spoke just as flatly as she looked at the other. But she had calmed down since she had gotten here despite how upset she was. Though there was still a hint of irritation.

"She has given more than enough reason to have trust in her. She has come here twice under the wish to have peace and friendship and both times it was shoved back into her face. She has never held any ill towards the Pitt but she can not say the same for them." Her eyes narrowed slightly as Aurum was brought up, the punishment of the other that she hadn't been a part of. She wanted to scoff but of course it wouldn't take the former Luminary to have someone do what was right. "Ah, so he left and no one thought to keep up with where he had gone off to. He left...." A thoughtful tone had entered her voice then, debating on this circumstance. They could have thought he had left under the pretense of not wanting to be a Pitt member anymore. A small sigh left her before she tilted her head a bit. "She doesn't need their benefit of the doubt. She knows who she is. She has never harmed the Pitt but all she has seen is the Pitt harm Tanglewood." The pale Luminary spoke the words calmly. She was not born here. She had come here. Their history was their own and not hers.

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Alright, things were getting tense now. Dante rose to his paws and got closer to the group, though still kept his distance away from Elsweyr and Romulus - he was sure the Luminary might see him as a threat if he came too close."Leaders can't always keep their own in check." The hybrid responded, proof himself that Gael didn't have complete control over his members. "Especially if they disagree with their leader's beliefs." He side-eyed his Ardent here before he looked back at Elsweyr. "Nor are we required to keep track of where any of our members go. It's not unusual for one to disappear."

Dante was not finished yet, however. "You claim you did not start by threatening us, and yet the first words out of your mouth was that The Pitt would have no more warnings, as well as the comment of 'it is always The Pitt'. They are not direct threats, but your tone speaks otherwise." Alright now, now he was done. But he didn't go back to where he sat before. No, he was here in case things got even worse.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - gael - 04-06-2021

The vulpine found his brow quirking.  As his daughter suspected, Gael could care less about anyone's opinions of him.  He tilted his head, impassive to the luminary's accusations against his leadership; he had more members than Dante and Jormungand who followed his commands without requiring disciplinary action.

He could understand Aine's frustration -- Elsweyr had been somewhat snappy upon arrival, even if she never directly yelled.  Always the Pitt, she said in the beginning -- yet Aine is correct, you are baselessly accusing the rest for actions they did not commit.  To a youth who suffered losses brought by angry Luminaries, he found it more than expected that she put it in those words and feel threatened.

The faerie was too old to trust so easily.  He had appreciated the lioness' openness to them before, but it did not dismiss the words spoken now -- no more warnings.  "You do not give me every reason to trust you, Elsweyr," he corrected tonelessly  "Aine is correct."

He had no reason to trust someone who would make presumptions.  "You say 'everyone else' does something different than my words?  Yet my members number more than the mere two who decided to act out." He met Dante's gaze with his own hard stare as he spoke -- one of those two in question.

His ear twitched, nodding at the discussion of the nature of Jormungand's departure.  "I do not recall him explaining his absence publicly," he affirmed after a moment of consideration -- running through the past moon in his mind.  "I only had my assumptions, primarily when I saw him at the monthly meeting, accompanying a wanderer."  The Ardent could not keep an omnipresent eye on those who decided to leave the desert.

"I am not without sympathy for the situation; I do not condone Northwest's earlier attack on you, and I am personally furious that Jormungand decided to risk my clan's safety while he was away, but I know Moth better than I know you.  She has been a guest here in the past. She is a healer and a mother."

Elsweyr may not have seen Tanglewood harm the Pitt, but the vulpine would not forget it had been a luminary who set their jungle ablaze -- directly endangering the children present, nor Kydobi's unnecessary death at Aurum's paws.  "She knows the losses felt on both sides of our clans' previous conflicts."

"Regardless if you believe you need the benefit of the doubt, that is what we have to offer." The vulpine held the words in finality.  It was hardly up to her, how they felt -- trust was not just given without care.  Gael glanced at Aine, gaze briefly softening in concern; watching the way the sand reacted to her energy.  Whether she was just frustrated with the situation in general, or tense about Elsweyr's fire, he could not be certain of, though he possessed his suspicions that it was likely both.

Ideally, Kold would return with Jormungand soon, and they would settle this business.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-07-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Kold hadn't threatened him, that was good, so he simply followed her along to where everyone was gathering.