Beasts of Beyond
WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Thank fuck somebody could see that she couldn't carry a child almost half the size of her. Ravenwood grabbed Asmodeus and her eyes flashed crimson at Aphra's direction before bounding after Raven, a snarl on her lips and her paws thudding in the dirt.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - angelembrace - 03-18-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Oh, thank fuck. It was instinctual, curling up as the Guru lifted him off the shaky ground, feeling a sort of familiarity that would be lost among the intensity of all his senses going haywire. He just looked at Infero as she passed by, blinking with no discernible emotion. That exchange would be something to ponder at a later date, when the overwhelming threat of being buried alive wasn’t so prevalent.

As soon as he touched dry, solid ground, Angelembrace began to shake uncontrollably, almost as if the boy was in shock. The only presence that he could make out was Byriath, having just rescued him from any of the fatal possibilities that came with a mudslide, and immediately scooted closer, [i]attempting to lightly cling on to one of his legs. Could have sworn he saw his life flash before his eyes, not that there was a whole lot there to recall.

Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - rhosmari - 03-18-2021

She was trying her best. Doing everything she could and for what? Did she really care about anyone in the Coalition beyond them being necessary for the group's survival? If someone asked her she would probably laugh, shrug, give them an off handed answer. It was just what she would do. It was her personality to not give straight answers to how she was feeling. Why bother? No one would fix it. No one could fix it. She was trying her best just to have the Coalition name still be alive. When Brutei came forth she forced herself not to look away from the deluge of slug, mud, trees, rocks. Blood began to leak from her clenched teeth and she was almost standing on subconscious alone. At least she would have been till Jor grabbed her. The sudden movement was enough. Everything was enough.

Her body spasmed in pain for a moment and then a void came up. Sucking her down with it. Sucking her down into the the darkness. She became limp as she lost consciousness, head slumping as her own blood dripped and dropped onto the ground. She just hung there in the male's jaws, barely breathing and the mud, well, it was only being held back by Brutei now. Parts of it sliding and pushing against buildings to cave them in.

Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - SirDio - 03-19-2021

A mask of my own face?
I'd wear that!
The stress was getting to him - deep blue/purple blood had begun to drip from his nose, the world had begun to turn around while he still stood. Suddenly Sojourn was snapped up, the force of the mudslide was close to becoming too much. Shit. His jaws unhinged and he screamed, one final push to keep the deluge of mud and debris at bay.

He knew he needed the strength to fly or he would get lost in the mud. Finally, with one last push to keep the majority of it at bay, he took to the sky, body struggling to bring him up. 'Byriath, prepare a headcount for me - Jormungand has Sojourn.' He called out and turned to fly to the safe spot. If only he could see straight, without the growing black spots in his vision.

//I'll be making an aftermath/headcount thread after this ^^//

Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - Romulus - 03-25-2021

The soft rumbles beneath his feet signaled something was wrong. Terribly. Periwinkle hues lifted up and out of his caves, watching as the earth began to slowly shift. Only moments later did it begin to tumble down, screams following it's downfall. His sister's yell, clear as day, rushed through the territory to alert them... but he had already began to run. The lion darted forward through the rubble and out of his cave. His earth elementals pushed the mudslide back as much as he could, but the contents of the water broke free and began to spray outwards.

He tumbled backwards. A growl reverberated out from his throat and with a thump, it came to a stop. The mudslide began to swallow him whole, but he persisted. With what strength he could muster, he manipulated the earth away from him and the ground underneath him upwards, only to jump off and head towards his sister.

The echo of tumbling debris filled his senses as he grew closer to the rest of the group, only for his gaze to catch on the blood. Romulus didn't focus on the surrounding animals, but instead zoned in on his sister who was being held by Jormungand. His teeth began to grit together. Despite their quarrels, he wanted her safe. With narrowed hues, he looked back up at Jormungand and pointed a paw at Sojourn. "Keep her safe," he demanded. Or else.

Was this a sick metaphor for their relationship? Water and earth colliding in fury. Unable to be soothed because the two battling elements wouldn't come together... as family... as to fight for their home... and as a result, everyone suffered.