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MONTHLY MEETING [ MARCH 2021 ] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MARCH 2021 ] - michael t. - 03-08-2021

Michael had never really a big fan of the monthly meetings, if he was being honest. There was a reason why he avoided them for the most part, and it wasn't just because he worried about being spotted by an old enemy. Rather, he found them to be rather dull. And when they weren't dull... well, to call them dramatic then would be an understatement.

It certainly didn't help that the Coalition was allowed to attend, for some reason. It seemed ridiculous to the dealer that they were even allowed, considering the rest of the groups could easily gang up on them and force them out. After all, they had harmed nearly every other group, and tried to take everything over. Still, he supposed that the meeting was meant to be a peaceful event, so that wasn't exactly an option. However, that wouldn't stop him from shooting little disgusted glares at the members of the Coalition that he did pass. It really wasn't his fault – their rotting scent was nowhere near pleasant to take in.

Regardless of his personal feelings about the meeting, Michael figured that it would be a good idea to attend anyways. He did have a bit of information that he wanted, too. It was because of this that he took a similar position to Keona – right near the leaders, but not beside them. He glanced over at Gael, hesitating momentarily before he spoke up, "Hello there, Gael..." He wasn't really sure how the vulpine felt about him, but the other's stony disposition was always daunting. However, he pushed through to question, "I was... wondering if you could tell me how Ry has been doing? He hasn't visited at all and... well, I hardly know if the kid is alive." Despite their rocky past, the thief still cared deeply for his nephew, like a son.

He just wanted to know that the other was safe, and properly recovering. He certainly wouldn't have put it past Trygve to push himself too hard, and end up even more thoroughly injured. Hell, what if the other had pushed himself so hard that he...? No. Michael was quick to shove that thought away, his expression temporarily darkening. He couldn't think like that. Ry was probably fine, and he had just forgotten to visit, that's all.


[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

He looked at Aphra, noting how she claimed drama was bound to happen, so he shrugged and returned his half-attention back to the leaders. "Well I'll take your word for it then."

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MARCH 2021 ] - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-08-2021


He knew that he was immediately going to get crowded for being the newest person there and especially when he was sitting in the spot that normally belonged to the leaders of the groups. His ears twitched slightly as he kept himself calm and composed as a vulpine approached only to introduce himself. Ah, a Gaelic name. He was familiar with those seeing as he had someone of that heritage in his life in the past... Not now and he was grateful for it. A polite smile found itself present on Winnie's maw as he gave a polite incline of his cranium deciding to introduce himself in return "It is a pleasure to meet you, Gael. I am Winterhymns Pendragon. Although, feel free to call me Win or Winnie." At his inquiry, Win could feel himself inwardly wincing but he shook his head slightly before continuing to speak "I suppose you could say that... I am the new legate of Palm Glades." He said with a slow nod though his attention shifted when a horned lioness butted in and introduced herself to him.

Sojourn Malus. A name he would remember, she was the current Kingpin of the Condemned from what he could collect. He cleared his throat slightly as he nodded a bit "I see... Well, it is nice to meet you, Sojourn." It wasn't but he would not stop being polite though the fur along his spine prickled upwards slightly at what she said next. How dare she call his friend a traitor.... His pupils narrowed but he continued to keep a calm demeanor and not show that he was bothered by the lioness in the slightest. "She is absent and during her absence, I am currently the leader of my group." It was the best to say it like that then to just spit it out and say that the leader was missing, Winnie worried but he supposed that there wasn't much he could do but hope that she was safe and well. He would hate if someone dear to him like Rhinestonestar ended up... No, he mustn't think that way.

His gaze shifted over to Keona offering a gentle smile despite her being unable to see said friendly grin, he would say in response "Charmed to meet you, Keona." He let his tail curl around his forepaws unsure of what else to say since he had already introduced himself. He noticed a lioness who seemed uneasy but Win decided to stay where he was listening and watching as more people arrived at the meeting place. It made him anxious in a way but it was comforting in a sense as well... It reminded him of all the people that went through the town square and castle of his former home. His gaze turning sad for a moment. Ah, he missed it dearly... And it was his fault that it no longer stood. Shoving those memories away, he turned back to the rest of the leaders still offering them all a smile.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MARCH 2021 ] - gael - 03-08-2021

A trend of change appeared to grow present as more arrived -- the most obvious Winterhymns' presence and Aurum's distinct absence.  The vulpine noticed Elsweyr within the crowd, but did not beckon the lioness; it did present the question however, of Aurum's status.

"I wish you the best then, Winterhymns," the Ardent offered, inclining his head once more.  The new legate appeared to possess a level-head and overall courteous demeanor; an attitude Gael could respect.

As his cousin greeted him, the faerie offered her his attention, head moving in a slow nod as she inquired on the weather.  "Dia dhuit, Keona.  We have seen some recent rainfall -- instead of snow.  It is my belief we will see a thaw by the end of this month."  After which he suspected the desert would grow warm once again.

Smoothly, his gaze shifted to the Typhoon's second dealer, recognizing Michael -- the Ry's uncle, if he recalled correctly.  "Trygve has been staying in the temple, where Aine can tend to him.  She has not come to me with anything new, but I am certain it is only a matter of time before he'll be causing trouble once more." Or finding trouble; it felt difficult to discern the difference, at times.

"I can encourage him to visit, if you would like," he added with creased brows.  The Ardent did not breach the topic of family with Trygve often -- since the youth was adamantly against keeping his own last name.  It would be worth an attempt, at the very least.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MARCH 2021 ] - michael t. - 03-09-2021

Staying in the temple. That was a good sign, at the very least. Obviously it wasn't great that Trygve had been injured, but at least he was getting the care he needed. As uneasy as Michael usually felt about The Pitt – through no fault of Gael's, to be fair – he trusted that Aine was a good medic. Not only that, but he knew that she cared deeply about Ry, just as he and Roxie did – although in a different way, obviously. She'd do her dammedest to make sure that he remained alright, and that was enough to make the dealer's dark fur settle, at least for the moment. He nodded to Gael as the other spoke, muttering in response as his tail twitched behind him, "Yeah... I'm sure you're right about that. No matter how old that kid gets, he's always gotta be causing some kind of problems." Despite his words, Michael's tone was one of fondness, even as he scrubbed at his face with a paw. He just really hoped that Trygve wouldn't go rushing out to get himself hurt once again.

When the vulpine mentioned talking to Trygve about visiting, Michael found himself hesitating. On one hand, he really did want Ry to visit. He wanted to be able to see the other again, and know with complete certainty that he was safe. On the other hand, there was a chance that Gael encouraging him to visit would only have the opposite effect. Ry had always had a bit of a contrarian streak, and the dealer wouldn't put it past his nephew to reject Gael's advice as well. However... he wanted to take that chance. Both for his own selfish reasons, and also so Trygve would come and see Roxie. Hell, did the other even know that his mom was captain at this point? With a bit of a sigh, Michael found himself muttering, "Actually... if you could, that'd be great. I'm sure you've got plenty to worry about, but... his family worries, you know? Myself, and Rox, and everybody else. I swear, the kid has just forgotten about us." He chuckled a bit humorlessly, his tail twitching behind him. He knew deep down that Trygve really hadn't forgotten, but it still sometimes felt that way.

Although his main focus was on Gael and The Pitt's business, Michael couldn't help but take notice when Winterhymns spoke up. Rhinestonestar was missing? That wasn't... great, especially considering the Glades' and the Typhoon's status as allies. That status was something that Roxie and Rhine had fostered together, and Michael didn't want that to change. Still... this Win guy seemed reasonable. He didn't seem like the type to just toss alliances aside on a whim. Turning slightly on the spot, the darkly colored bobcat smiled up at Winterhymns, muttering as he did so, "Ah... well, I wish you luck in your new leadership, whether it's temporary or not. I'm Michael, and I'm one of the dealers of The Typhoon, alongside Keona." He gestured one paw towards Keona, shooting her a smile even though he knew she couldn't see it.