Beasts of Beyond
Chasing the Sun - Joining - Printable Version

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Re: Chasing the Sun - Joining - michael t. - 02-26-2021

In a show of stark contrast to Vayne, Michael didn't feel much remorse over the brief flash of hurt that passed over Hermes's face. After all, his comment had only been a one-off thing, and it wasn't as if he had meant to hurt feelings. However, one did have to admit that Hermes was dressed up rather odd, and it didn't feel weird to point that out. Hell, if someone had pointed out the bobcat's very own dazzling assortment of shining jewelry, he wouldn't have been insulted by it. After all, there was a reason why he wore them. He wanted to stand out from the crowd, and he liked the look of something shiny while doing it. If Hermes couldn't take an offhand comment like that... well, it was probably best that he hadn't met some of the more abrasive personalities throughout The Typhoon.

Instead of an apology, Michael instead chose to offer an introduction, his tail twitching behind him as be spoke, "Ah, well... welcome then, Hermes. My name's Michael Townley-Phillips, and I'm a dealer around here. So, if you've got any questions and Rox isn't around, you can feel free to come ask me." He then glanced in the direction of Harland, smiling briefly at the other's curt offer of a tour. He commented with a flick of his paw, a chuckle leaving him, "And you should definitely take Har up on that offer of a tour. There are quite a few nice views around The Typhoon's territory, besides just Harland himself." Could that comment be taken as some form of flirting with Diya's quiet sibling? Perhaps, but Michael chose not to look into it too hard. He liked feeling loose and playful at the moment, considering how down in the dumps he had been as of late.

Re: Chasing the Sun - Joining - Grimm - 02-28-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Bolstered their numbers once more, his intrusion, once thought late for how the conversation seemed stilled and his remark meant only as a way to fill the space left, felt less so. Slow the turn of vision, though the halt was one paired with a slight widening. Another sight, in manner quite different for it seemed natural, varying hues that seemed genuine rather than chosen adornment. Miniscule the tilt of head, the other studied as he spoke, addressal towards the newcomer among them.


The thought settled naturally, arose without protest and passed in such, his confusion over the occurrence evident in the sudden lurch of his body, rigid grown each muscle for a brief moment. Back he turned, awaited a response to his offer, unsure now as time stretched on. Of course for only so long may it be allowed to stand, prior comments an unknown simply viewed as routine the introduction Michael offered. The next that which caused pause, his eyes a weight upon him, expected for always preferred the backdrop to the spotlight, contrary to the rather decked out bobcat. Almost pleasant was it this time, however, enjoyed in a way unexpected, his own shifting to meet the dual hued blues.

They're like the ocean. A quiet comment of appreciation arose to his lips, short the time Harland had been among these people and yet all had been welcoming in their own ways, the comment soothing prior nerves he may have overstepped with the offer. All would have been fine had he stopped there, but, of course, that simply would be too easy. It took a bit of time for his words to settle in, further to register the full context, his jaw tightening, eyes averted as he turned them over.

Indeed the implication was the remark was made to be flirtatious, but only a short time prior he has lost his husband, something Harland had only learnt of after the fact even though he was present for the aftermath. To think of such in that light felt wrong, may reflect rather poorly upon him should his response be in kind. Yet how else might he take it, the remark did not come across as banter between acquaintances. It was rather difficult to wave off his own thoughts, the other a sight that caught his eye many times during simple walks to acclimate himself, always it chalked up to the adornment Michael wore.

His tail picked up a quick tempoed flick as he realised too much time had passed without response, words simply beyond him in that moment, however. It almost felt his heart had lodged within his throaty, sat there with the intent to choke any remark he tried to make. All the same he tried, poor the results, as was expected. His mouth opened and out came only a poor murmur, more sound than word, drawn out as teeth closed and he swallowed heavily. Finally retreat was chosen, too much going on in his mind, thoughts bouncing back and forth as he hurried into the dense vegetation of the jungle. Short the distance before he would stop, enough Hermes may locate him is he so desired the tour still, for now he merely pressed his forehead against a tree and allowed his regret to eat him.

He should have said something, anything, caution and audience be damned. But, as always, Harland was a coward and chose the easy way out.