Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - Printable Version

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Ah shit, she was a bit late, wasn't she? The legate of the Palm Glades had honestly intended to show up on time, but she was still getting used to being allowed at the monthly meetings in the first place. When her group had initially begun going, she was worried that they would be shunned and run out of the place. Thankfully, that hadn't been the case, and now it just seemed natural for them to go – still, it would take a little while before that truly sunk in. Not only that, but she was still trying to get used to her new form, considering there were quite a few differences between it and her old body. Not only the gender change, but also the fact that her sight had righted itself, and her legs were much shorter. Still, the tasmanian tiger liked to think that she was adapting fairly well, even if it would be a while before she wholly got used to the new cadence of her voice. Not that she... entirely minded it, which was something that had caught her off guard when she had realized it. There would be time for wondering about that later, though.

For now, Rhine just made her way into the meeting with quick strides, nodding in the direction of Medusa as she passed by. At least it seemed as though her primus had arrived slightly early, which meant they looked at least slightly professional. After that, the legate heaved herself up to where Gael and Aurum already were, as well as Moth. It took a couple of extra seconds of struggling, considering she was used to the lithe and flexible form of a serval. Thankfully, it only took another second or so before she was up on her own little area, smiling crookedly at the other leaders before she spoke, "Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm a little late..." At least it didn't seem as though she was the only one that had gone through a form change, considering Aurum's swap over to a tigress. Vaguely, she wondered if she should tell the others to swap pronouns for her. She had mostly just been doing it for the convenience of others, though, and they already knew her, so there was no need... right? Ultimately, she decided to just let them do as they wished, figuring that would be the more simple option.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - rhosmari - 02-05-2021

He was nervous as hell given the circumstances.
This was his first monthly meeting thing and he had only heard about it thanks to Rhine. It was a new experience and he wanted a partner to stick close by. But as it turned out there were little from the Glades here. His mother was here and talking to someone and Rhine was making strikes to the tree where he guessed other leaders went and talked. Sighing softly the maned wolf would sit down in a space that was not overcrowded. He wasn't fond of many crowds but he knew that there would be some here that might know more herbal knowledge. He was learning a lot from Rosemary but there of course had to be more that he could devle into. Licking his jaws as gold teeth peek out he pressed his snow grey paw against his face.
code by Reggan

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - aine. - 02-05-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Reluctance always brought the petite deer-fox to the monthly meetings.  Reluctance for her father to be surrounded by members of the other groups.  Reluctance for him to be away without someone at his side.  Even if he could handle himself.  She knew he could handle himself.  He could handle himself much better than she ever could.  Still.  These gatherings had so many more present now.

Feathers shifted at her sides.  Hazel hues ever on the move.  Silent shadow to her father, nearly flinching when her name was spoken.  Moth.  Not as frightening as other Tanglers.  Nor as vindictive.  Her ears flicked back.  Mute.  Her father knew her well.  Knew she wouldn't want to go to Tanglewood.  Even for books.  Not without him at least.  Maybe Ry too.

Though books sounded nice.  She shuffled her hooves.  Uneasy.  Words hidden in the depths of her mind. Trapped and unwilling to leave regardless.  Unwilling to place herself within the conversation.  Her father was better at talking anyway.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBURARY 2021 ] - Simon F.M. - 02-08-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
Large paws thudded against the ground as Diya approached, head low as her eyes scanned those gathered. She'd assumed her soon-to-be wife would be here already, but it seems she was mistaken. The captain would arrive soon, she was sure of it. Not many typhoon had arrived yet, Keona being the only other. The privateer would approach the dealer, giving a low hum of greeting. She was a touch surprised at the coalitioner's audacity in showing up, considering the hatred for her group shared by the others. She would lift a paw in greeting towards Rhinestone, only recognizing the scent the leader carried. She wondered if the other was a shapeshifter or a werebeast like herself. She ran through the list of leaders in her head, identifying each. Rhinestone was here, sporting a new colorful body, Aurum was here and, he was looking rounder than normal. Perhaps there would be some new members for Tanglewood soon. Her fiancee was missing but would hopefully arrive soon. The Coalition's leader hadn't shown her maw and frankly, Diya hoped it stayed that way. The pitt's fox leader had arrived much before her it seemed,  speaking to one of tanglewoods members, the medic perhaps. Hopefully they could have an actually productive meeting today.